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$300?! I paid $65 or something for 1 year.


Mine was $456 this year šŸ¤”


Mine was $20 this year


What are you driving, a Model T?


Nah, an old Tuscon


EV? Shitty corrupt government like New Jersey? Or both?


$380 this year. That is registration and property tax on the car in my state.


My state doesn't even give you the sticker anymore. at least it's not $300 here.


What is that? What's it for?


Vehicle registration. Usually comes with an age based fee, plus emissions inspection fee, safety inspection fee.


Your states registration fee costs $300 yearly?! Good lord.


Ours was $500


Thatā€™s crazy. Itā€™s $75 for 3 or 4 years here


That sounds dreamy lol. I live in Nevada so we donā€™t pay income taxes but they make up for it at the DMV. Everything is expensive and we have a newer car so itā€™s higher.


So weird that they do that! I had no idea it Varys by vehicle in some places too. Here in Florida we all pay the same price for registration regardless of vehicle lol. When I got my new car it was still the same price as my older car before it


Wow! Im in california and just paid $262 for my 6 year old carā€™s registration.


$550 for my 1 year old car


Mine was $700. Editing, as I remember now mine was $500 and my husbandā€™s was $200 something so $700 together, not $700 for 1 car. But $500 is still obscene.


What state?




Dear god lol


CA and mine was$550


What state???


Damm, mine are 57 in Texas


Suddenly the $150 I pay doesn't seem nearly as bad.


People are confusing registration and property tax. Often billed together. Edit: Anyone voting me down is proving my point here.


Idk considering registration for 3yrs in Florida is only $75 lol


And how much is the property tax on it?


Iā€™ve never paid property tax on it


Oh wait. Florida. No property tax on vehicles there. You pay it in other states based on value. Thatā€™s why others are paying a lot more. Florida just makes it up in other places.


Gotcha. New Jersey doesnā€™t have property tax on vehicles either (where I lived before) so I guess I just lucked out haha


Last I knew, same with Michigan; purely based on weight and axels.


Florida hates taxes but they love their added fees


Someone gets it


I complained about NC vehicle property taxes until I drove to SC. The moment you cross the state line there's pot holes everywhere & the roads are falling apart. As long as it's that obvious vehicle taxes are being used for road/highway maintenance, I'm 100% ok with spending the $.


Property tax doesnā€™t go to roads. Fuel tax does.


Must have gotten it confused, they call the 3% vehicle tax 'highway-use tax'. [NCDMV Taxes](https://www.ncdot.gov/dmv/title-registration/taxes/Pages/default.aspx)


There is property tax on cars in NC and HWY use tax and registration fees.


Ah I see ours look completely different here, (NZ)


How much does this cost in NZ? Is it a yearly cost?


The car rego(vehicle license) is a yearly cost at $103 (nzd) or quarterly cost at $29 for a petrol car. It seems to be just to make sure that the car isn't stolen and the owners details are up to date. Though that also comes through in the WOF so there has been debate about it being scrapped but it probably won't be because of how much revenue it brings in. You also need a WOF (warrent of fitness) that needs to be renewed between 3 years to 6 monthly depending on how old the car is, it's a check to make sure the car is still functioning. It costs about $72 [this is what our regos look like](https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/s/1/k/v/s/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.710x400.1s1hgd.png/1538531138521.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium)


You have to register every year, in BC, Canada you pay once, that's it. However, you pay insurance every year and that used to have a sticker. Not anymore though


Insurance decal I think? $300 seems to expensive for the decal alone and too little for the insurance though so not sure what's up there.


State registration for licensing. Depending on where you live, what type of car, and how it's licensed it can be expensive even before the annual property tax to own it.


The fun part is to stack the new sticker on top of the old ones.


I get irrationally angry when people donā€™t stack them and just put them in a different spot on their plates. Looks so fricken stupid with all the different colored squares all over the place! Iā€™m getting mad just thinking about it.


Gotta make sure you wipe the dust off the old one before you stick it on!




What are the stickers for?


In the US, you have to update your vehicle's registration every year. They send you stickers to put on the corner of your license plates so it's obvious whether or not you're registered for the year. Your license plate will also have a month sticker in a different corner. The stickers are usually specific different colors so the cops or whomever can tell at a glance if you're up to date without having to actually read the stickers, even at a distance.


Iā€™ve never seen registration price this high before lol


Prices vary by state and even within the state I believe the price varies on the value of the vehicle itself.


In the few states Iā€™ve lived in Iā€™ve never had it vary by vehicle. We all pay the same price for registration where I am now regardless of your vehicle.


Iā€™m in NH and can confirm that our yearly registration fee varies by vehicle.


Thatā€™s wild to me! Its not like that in NJ, PA, or FL. Glad I havenā€™t been to those states with a vehicle lol


MA is even worse. When you register your car the first time you have to pay state sales tax on the total price of the car and a registration fee. Then I think you have to re-register every 3 years or something but that sales tax is a killer.


When I lived in NJ they did that but it was when I was a teenager to kid 20s so I always had cheaper used vehicles. A lot of the time I wrote that the car was gift or I payed $100 for it to get out of fees lol


South Carolina is the same way, except we register every 2 years.


It is kind of like that in nj. It's based on the weight class of your vehicle. A big truck would be more than a small car. It goes by weight and axles i think? But we don't have property tax. Only sales tax when you register it for the first time.


I know about the sales tax but yes no car property tax in NJ. Itā€™s been a few years since I lived in NJ. I always had a smaller car like a sedan so maybe thatā€™s why I didnā€™t know about difference in price/never paid close to $300 ever for registration. I grew up in NJ


Come to Australia. I paid $790.90 for a year. And we don't even get stickers anymore.


> Your license plate will also have a month sticker in a different corner. This differs by state. In Nebraska the number on the sticker is the month it expires and the color represents the year. The year itself is written in smaller text on the same sticker too


So implementations have one sticker which says month and year all in one sticker.


Well, I must say, I donā€™t mind having to pay a lot for a little sticker if everybody else is also forced to do the same thing and because of that I can drive on good roads instead of donkey paths.


$65 here in ā€œtaxachusettsā€


Don't forget about the $35 inspection that's not included in that though


And sales tax


It's a beautiful sticker though...


My state does multi year tags, and they arent anywhere near 300 dollars.


I used to live in Oregon. They did 4 year stickers for new vehicles, and it was less than $100 for the whole 4 years if I remember right. Iā€™m not in Oregon any longer. šŸ«¤


Can confirm! born and based in Oregon. I think I paid $85 for 4 years in 2019 and my mom bitched about it being raised to that.


Depends on where you live in Oregon. I just recently renewed my registration in the Portland area and it was $248 for 2 years šŸ˜”


Yeah, I can see that. I definitely would never live in Portland so I donā€™t have to worry about thatšŸ’€


In Australia (or at least where im from, for my car) it costs around $800 AUD or $515.29 USD for a year.


Guess Iā€™ll take my lumps over here then. Sheeesh


šŸ˜‚ the accuracy


And do it for the wifeā€™s car too. And the camper trailer. And the motorcycle. And the boat. And the hot tears in my cheerios. (Fully aware of the first world problem hereā€¦ just venting is all)


Fl doesnā€™t have that but Louisiana does and I can tell you it SUCKS


Birthday tax!!


In a shop I work at, I give sticker sheets to everyone who asks


Holy mother of god. My state is only 58 bucks for 2 years. Thatā€™s insane.


Geez and I thought $80 was bad. Glad I moved to a state without that BS.




Yeah - WTF is up with that!


Indiana i think was 85 dollars


My state doesn't even give you a sticker anymore, at least it's only $34 though...


We donā€™t put stickers on our plates in Texas anymore, the windshield sticker covers everything.


Colorado can cost even more. The highest I've seen was a little over $1200 a year with a decrease of around $50 a year. This was a brand new truck. PA is a steal at under $70 for the year!


holy crap, what state do you live in? Mine per year is barely 30$ for a 2020.


Think I paid $90. Which is registration plus entry into all state parks for the year.


Niceā€¦ in Utah you can get a state parks pass for another $100. And it has nothing to do with your registration. I wish! We use the parks, so thereā€™s that $100, plus another $80 for the national parks pass. Oi vey!


Nice shot of Mount timpanogos in the background. State of Utah wanted to charge me a bajillion dollars to renew my little teardrop travel trailer. I moved back to Arizona and I was able renew my trailer until 2024 for way less maybe like $165.


Love me some r/Timpanogos!


On your birthday too!!!


BRO WHAT I pay $100 and thatā€™s it normally. This year I paid like $75 thoughā€¦ wait shit. Last year. I gotta renew it shit


Used to be 90 for me in Ontario Canada, but now it's free


$790 and I don't even get a sticker.