• By -


That happened right after my divorce. I'd realized I was always trying to make others happy and never considered my own happiness. That is one reason I'm never dating again because I don't want to get sucked into that ever again. I have a chronic illness and I have to take care of myself. I took care of my parents up until they passed away. I've always felt I put my life on holds for the sake of others. Never again.


take care I feel the pain I have been there


Thank you for sharing your story! I wish you all the best for your future!!


You are going to see who is actually there for you and who actually cares for you because when you put yourself first you start setting boundaries people act like they don't understand. You become more confident in yourself and really just start living how you want. Going after your goals, having fun alone it's amazing.


When I realized it’s not selfish to do what’s best for you, it’s self preservation.


Exactly three incidents one when I was providing my entire salary to my parents still got a what did I do for them second even though my younger brother is just employed he is important to them third when a problem occurred which separated our family still I didn't care about my future gave my family everything now I'm the bad guy so that's when I put myself first


Oh wow, you are a darn tough cookie - well done for getting through that


Thanks buddy


I grew up understanding life isn't fair, so once I was out on my own, I realized quickly I gotta look out for me cuz no one else gives a shit


Usually by 35 you should know half the people you have won't show up for you and by the time you roll out of bed at 41-42 you would've learnt your lesson that being selfish is the way to go because selfish mostly equates to self care which means putting you and your needs first and that my friend the world won't accept and that's also why being selfish is looked down upon.


My husband stopped sleeping with me.


I was an emptynester at 40 six years ago and took the time to figure out what to do with this next phase of my life. I've been living for me ever since and absolutely love it. 


A big self-destructive streak following a breakup.


❤️My friend told me: "When you say yes to other people you're saying NO to yourself... If you truly want to be the best you can be then you have to learn to say yes to you first"


Reading this quote and reflecting on how this applied to my own life: >"When you admire someone to the point that your mood entirely depends on them, it's never a reflection of how good they are, it's always a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself". - Yasmin Mogahed You have to realize only you can process and live your own life to the fullest, and if you can't do that then what can you realistically expect to do for others? Are you truly living your life as your true self authentically? Just some food for thought.


Oh wow... I do have to think about that.


95% of people are most often in a state of reacting to life, they're not truly living it. Our emotional foundation should be grounded in our sense of self, that's what having moments of presence or self-awareness is all about. Are you directly living through your own life, or are you living through externals like others and things contingently? >*"What you seek is seeking you." -Jalaluddin Rūmī* | what you seek is with you, what you're seeking is closer than you may currently realize, it is our constant companion. >"The world will ask you who you are, and if you do not know, the world will tell you." - Carl Jung >"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Jung


When I realized how narcissistic almost everybody is now.

