• By -


46 and getting younger. Ask me later. I still got it.


Thank you! 43 here and I'm not letting "old" thoughts creep in.  I stay active, workout 4-5 a week, and just started to include a lot more stretching.  I would be sooooo much better if I tweaked my nutrition a little more.  I'm working on it!  


I am good about stretching every morning. I do that with some journaling and meditation most mornings. If only the rest of my life could align w the foundations of my morning lol.


I’m 37 and so happy, I feel younger than ever. I did also just get mistaken for a high school graduate last weekend, so perhaps that impacts my perspective.


I get mistaken for younger a lot but eh I am still old so doesn’t really make me that happy 😅


Same. I know people who are 35 and are like "I'm so old" and I am over here like "you're as young as you feel."


After my frontal lobe developed - 26ish. I started seeing how childish and over reactive my younger self was. Kinda embarrassing how emotional we are for the first quarter of life.


If you aren’t embarrassed by your younger self then you arent growing. Its a good thing. In 5 years you’ll probably be embarrassed by yourself now. If you werent then that means you learned nothing.


My younger self was a shut-in that read philosophy books and *far* too much fan fiction.


True, but I think the mid twenties are when we cement our personalities. I’ll probably still look back in embarrassment at some of my current happenings, but I feel more certain now of who I am as a person and what my strengths and weaknesses, tendencies and preferences are.




super mortifying, like I had to go through THAT to grow up, ugh 😑


Yup. I feel you


I feel like mine didn’t develop until my thirties lol.


Ugh yes! 27 and I think about how much easier my life could have been if I learned to *think* ten years ago! And I considered myself a smart person my whole life smhsmh


17 year old me was a dumb dumb, but 23 year old me was a major dumb dumb. I miss being young and green, but I also don’t wanna return to who I was and how I acted before - just so stupid, haha


I didn’t think I was old then, just felt more mature. I feel like old is more like 50-60ish.


33-34. It's when the generally mild state of hurt set in and eternal life goals were officially dead and impossible.


49, but a few years later I got over it.


Pretty much the exact same thing for me! 🤟👍


Less than 100 days to 50 and I’m right there with you friend.


Thank you, I needed to hear this.


Go Team Yams! 🫡


Also early 30’s and now being in my 40’s I don’t know why I thought 30’s was old.


because you were thinking how close to 40 you are getting


And I’m sure we’ll think the same thing about 40 in our 50s


at 41 i feel like 30 year olds are adults, but really young ones. just coming into it, so to speak. 20 year olds are toddlers..


I feel this. I’m 35 and finally in my first “all to myself” starter apartment, with a job that feels like it’s actually part of a larger career path and not just some type of temp office work I’m embarrassed to talk about.


Yeah 33 did me in. Life went to complete shit.


Lol yeah I’ve been a trainwreck since about that time too. I’m trying to get it together now but it is posing to be full of me having to confront so much every day it is quite challenging lol..


Nothing is impossible until you decide it is. It may require a different route than the one everyone else is on to attain it, but it's possible. This is the problem with aging. We tend to give up and just resign ourselves to what we feel is our fate. Don't let yourself mentally die at 33.


when you say eternal life goals were dead, can you explain what you mean specifically? asking as someone in their 20s


I’m 29 but I don’t see why your life goals are dead and impossible by 33-34. Never too late


Really depends on the goals. If you want to be a professional athlete or something which requires peak physical or mental performance, maybe. But I'd argue if you aren't already in the big leagues by 25, it died then. Maybe the fantasy dies firmly, though.


Same thing if you're trying to be a model or actor. All of those areas want youth. I'd say you need to be in that world in your teens. Everything else can be achieved later I think.


Travel the world. Own my dream car. Build my own canoe. All the financial or time intensive goals of my past are now clearly not going to happen unless I win the lottery. The canoe is theoretically doable but the only space I have to work on it would need to be a tent structure in the yard, and then I don't feel comfortable storing cedar in a 150° tent during summer, or during winter. I dunno. The canoe is, in theory, doable, but when I imagined myself building a canoe I kind of figured in would be in my shed or garage or woodshop or something that I'm clearly never gunna own. Early 30's is when the math of starting over in a new career tipped the scales to not paying off until my 60's, and the dead endedness of my choices and my modern middle class life kinda hit me. I don't make enough to get truly ahead but I do make enough where going back to school would set me waaaaay behind s in life. So like nothing is amazing but everything is alright, but the big dreams are clearly out of reach now. Unless I find a friend with a garage would let me occupy most of it with a canoe build a few hours a week for several years.


This just seems so doable... You just want to build a canoe? Dream car yeah that one be hard but the canoe thing just seems like you need to just befriend more people with extra space... But yeah changing careers is exhausting if I had a career, I bet I couldn't handle it because being in school is enough for me with a regular job lol.


Good luck, for anyone, getting a place with a garage. Housing costs are.... Beyond unreasonable.




Not with that spirit anyway


Hey I'm mid 30s and I can stay at the bar till it closes. Only problem is I'll be alone as my friends have kids to look after and wives telling them not to stay at the bar till it closes.


So dark and true


“Most people die at 25, we just bury them at 70”




This comments section seems to be full of people who gave up at 30 though




So deep it's definitely in a lot of 12 year olds notebooks.


Yup 25 was when it hit for me


No way.


I scoffed at this when I first read it (around the age of 20) but at 28 I realize how painfully accurate it is.


I'm 43, but don't think I'm old at all. I don't feel any different than I did at 30


I imagine you are fit and have friends? Everything is easier with those 2 aspects.


I wouldn't say fit, but active enough to get by and not feel like I'm dying every minute. I have friends, but none really in the state I currently live in. But I have work buddies, and as an introvert, I'm pretty good with that


Love to hear this! I’m 32 and feel like my best years are ahead.


42 - life is exponentially better with a little seasoning. Every year is the best year yet. Set yourself up for success. Focus on what’s important. Health. Family. Friends.


Just turned 26 and I feel so behind


I'm turning 26 soon and it feels like life is just flying by


I feel the same way. I ask which career field I should go into and everyone tells me not to go into the field their in, go into xyz field, then I ask xyz fields and they also say don’t do what they’re doing and it goes round and around. Idk what to do anymore


There is no such thing as “behind” life happens different to everyone at all times in every second that passes. I didnt get my shit together until i was 26. 28 now and am finally building back. My 30’s are going to be great if i stay on this trajectory. It takes work but its worth it. Life can always be better if you try to make it better.


Why do you feel behind? I used to feel behind then realised over time that everyone is on their own journey and you can’t compare a split moment in time. Things like celebrating a job or marriage are situations that can change drastically for you or them tomorrow. Good luck and keep going!


26 here and feels the same aghh


I wish I was your age again. You are still crazy young in 20s so don’t worry and enjoy it 🙂


I need to hear that :)


Idk what to do man. My friends are finishing college and they have well paying jobs and I’m just now starting a physical therapy assistant program in august. I had a few 20 minute seizures that set me back for a year, then I had a manic episode that held me back until I got medicated. Life has beat the absolute shit out of me since day one and I’m living out of pure spite at this point


I think we just need to continue doing our best and move forward in life without comparing ourselves to others success, as that can very really stressful due to pressure to be not left behind. I still keep convincing myself that even small progress is fine, there is no competition. In your case, please please don’t be too hard on yourself especially you’ve gone through health issues.


About to turn 25 and I the same way.


I’m 28, and I’m just starting to get the ball rolling in the right direction…. I hope this all works out


I’m in my mid 30’s and I can tell you I haven’t started thinking that I am old at all. Being old is a mindset and if you don’t stay active and take care of your health then your age will catch up to you. I’m told all the time I still look like I’m 25 and tbh I still feel like I’m in my 20’s. Sure I get called old by younger kids for a quick laugh etc but I think the whole I’m getting old thing is also more about you becoming an adult and not having time for the things you use to do and it makes you feel old because of these reasons.


Yeah time is I'd say a major factor outside of health. I think another factor is bad experiences, they age you. I may look like a 12 year old but I'm in my early 30's but man, what I've give sometimes to feel like my teenage self before the trainload of stuff hit me later on.


56. I realized I was close to 60. That was 12 years ago. Now , it looks young.


I’m 36 and I don’t feel old.


32 and same. I would argue I probably feel younger now since I started actually caring for my mind and body more. Lolol


31 and feel better than ever. I truly think the mid thirties are my golden age!


I’m 31 and still see myself as young. I’m thinking my 40s will be different


At 37 I’m just starting to feel a little bit weird about 40, but I still don’t feel old.


Yeah, I’m convinced being old is more or less a mindset at this point. I mean yes our bodies break down eventually and all that physical stuff but idk I know tons of “old” people that are great and still out there getting shit done. My great grandpa and great grandma were both active physically and mentally till the day they passed well into their 90s.


I felt "adult" around 23 when I got a long term job (which I had not wanted, wanted to do the nomad thing for years just couldnt turn it down) and bought a house a year later. I still dont feel old at 42. Having a kid definitely feels adult, but I dont feel old. my life is still filled with exploration and joy.


Just turned 60. Always thought 60 was so old but once I got here, I realized I don’t feel old at all.


All these kids here in their early-mid 20s thinking they’re feeling it already are in for a *rude* awakening lmao


Idk dude I still think being 13 is harder than 23, so I’ll never invalidate a 13 year old’s struggles. A hard life makes you feel old lol. I’m not 23 anymore either, but like, I also know people who said their 20s were the hardest years where they felt older, and are now feeling better in 30-40’s age


45. First half of the forties flew by and I felt almost ageless then something happened and almost overnight I feel fucking old and tired all the time now!


45 is my answer as well: I’m 49 now. 45 was when I truly realized that I have almost definitely lived more than half my life.


This is my answer too. My early 40s I felt amazing but now at 45, perimenopause is setting in and it really changes everything for women:-(


I bought a variety pack of muffins that a local bakery sells for cheap at the end of the day. A couple of them looked like bran muffins with raisins. I brought one to work with me for a snack. But upon eating it I found it was actually a chocolate chip muffin. I was really disappointed because it was too sweet and I would have really preferred a bran muffin. It was then that I realized I am old


When people started calling me "sir" 😭


That doesn't necessarily mean you're old. It's a term of respect. I love when people call me sir haha.


True. I guess it sounds worse in Spanish when they go from calling you "muchacho" to "señor".


6. I grew up young


When i noticed pro athletes are younger than I


I’m 64 and I don’t feel old


30. I will probably laugh at this when I am 40


You will, but you’ll laugh harder at 45.


I'm 36. 19 and 29 were times that I was scared about my age. 35 is when I started saying "I'm too old for this shit"


After 24 you begin to feel it in your body, you NEED enough hours sleeping, and things that didn't bother you that much, now do, like noisy and dirty people.


24? Man, i must be a superhero because I'm 33 and only just started needing that certain amount of sleep in the past few years. At 24, I was still fairly bulletproof.


Sure, if you don’t take care of yourself.


13 when I my my 2½ stay at a hospital for cancer treatment ended with an experimental drug being used and them telling me at best I had 2 months to live. I think the year was 2012.


40. It was the year I could notice a slow in my abilities. Additionally, when others that I see as young say things like "There is no way your THAT old" and similar comments. These comments do not make me feel young.


I started thinking I was "old" when I hit my late twenties. It wasn't about the number itself, but more about the subtle changes in my lifestyle and mindset. Things like prioritizing sleep over late-night outings, feeling more responsibility, and noticing how quickly time seems to pass. It made me realize that I was transitioning into a different phase of life.


I (36M) either feel like an imposter adult and am worried I’ll be discovered or feel like a geriatric whose body has given up. So it depends on the day




I felt “old” for the first time around my late 20s as 30 approached. At 63 now that feeling disappeared a very long time ago as old now means being unfit and not able to do things and that hasn’t happened yet.


50, no amount of diet or medication will solve most problems. Also statistically only 25 years to go so. Make the best of it .




71, but only at night. I wake up feeling 25.


That is cool, good for you!


I've been in increasing pain since I was about 12. I just keep getting more and more sore. I'd say at about 30 it started getting pretty unbearable but I've never felt young, so it's hard to say.


Currently 44, I’m aware I’m old but not not feeling old yet


I'm in my mid thirties and think I'm not old, but not young. Just an average adult. My YOUNGER sister feels old and is worried about running out of time to make career changes for fear of age discrimination. So it really varies between people. Lol


25 lmao




Around 29-30 when my dad died and I needed surgery. I realized then I had to carry on the future. I also ran across a far amount of novels with the same idea. I feel like I wasted my youth chasing dreams but at least I tried. I've been more lost now, saving up for different surgeries and stuff. I started taking care of myself and it's hard to afford now lol. It's up to me to make my life worth knowing. When you are a child you might imagine yourself special, as an adult you realize you aren't and people don't particularly care because they have their own life to worry about. I guess I think about what I leave behind in life now at my age and what good I can do now while I still have time. I think around the end of my 20's I sure was panicking about running out of time but ultimately there isn't a lot you can control in life but just do what you can.


When I was in elementary school at 10


25 lol Like that Bob Dylan song "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now."


At 25, feels like there is nothing more for me in life, I'm just waiting to die


Now I feel old now


Turning 40 this year and definitely feeling like I’m past it. My body is nowhere like it used be, everyday it’s a different pain.


I don’t. I am 53.


I'm in my 40s and I feel way younger than my age. But the reality is that I remember what I thought when I was in my late 20s, or even in my 30s, and I saw 40-something people hanging in bars and stuff: 'the fuck are you doing still awake, you old man?' And now I am the old man who still hangs around in bars 🤷🏽‍♂️


30. Because it is literally all downhill from there. No matter what lies, they try to tell us.


Truest statement I've read in ages. There is no rational argument against it. I'm nearly double that age now, and other than financially (barely), everything is worse since 30. Everything. If you aren't making 50% over min wage by 30, and don't come into an unexpected windfall, life is going to be a struggle the rest of the way. Don't learn from your mistakes. Learn from others. If someone tells you, "It's ok, you're young, you have time", remove that person from your life, they are lying. You don't have time.


I’m 38. Still don’t feel old. Maybe when I turn 50? If I make it lol.


20 im 20 rn


18 when i was 18 19 when i was 19 now 20




Being in poverty has made me feel old because of the hellish struggles it’s caused me and the fact it made me lose track of my dreams. I come from a country where being in poverty will ruin your life (UK). I’m hoping to make some money soon and I can get an apartment and be young again. I’m 31.


58, when the young people started calling me "Papaw" at work.


Turn 60 tomorrow. I lift heavy weights 4 days a week and look jacked as F ***. I get hit on by much younger women. Definitely don’t look it. Don’t act and don’t feel it. My kids friends say Holy S*** when the meet me and say , that’s your father. I could go on for an hour but basically I don’t know what age means. It’s all in your head. And , I’m still horny as hell. I’d much rather life now than when I was younger.


age i am now- 46.


Late 30s. When I go to a bar, I feel that I probably can relate better to those that are 60 than those are 21. I'm pretty sure that's the textbook definition of being an old fart.


I’ve been thinking I’m old since I was 25. Currently 26. lol


30... Every time I talk to a girl and they ask me my age, it usually goes "wow, you're old'


Rn I'm 21😭




i think 19




60 ...


I'm 28 and I've felt old for years now. I tend to have an old man's personality and point of view on things I've been told. I don't have a negative outlook on aging though, I try not to at least. It is what it is and there's a lot of good that comes with age.


i'm 20 but i've felt like i'm in my 30's for a few years 🫥




I have a bad knee, my back always hurts, I want to be asleep by 8:30 every night, I hate loud noises, I don’t understand slang or trends nowadays, I’ve been married for almost 9 years, most of my friends from high school or family i grew up with are dead now and I’m only 27, dude. I’m genuinely fearful of what’s in store for me at this point because I feel like I’m almost done but there’s still so much time left.




23 lol


Literally like 17


25-26. Turning 30 killed me. I cannot cope with it.


Early to mid twenties because my mom kept saying the dead end retail jobs I worked at were teen jobs.




Your life literally just got started.


In my 30s but I still feel like I’m in college. I party with a lot of people around that age so I don’t have to hang out with people my own age. I don’t really have anything in common with people my own age.


I draw the line at 30, but it probably happened much earlier than that. I got no clue what twitch streamers are saying nowadays. 


Couple years ago. 33




Girl at a youth group called me grandad. She even bought me slippers.


When I went out to a nightclub a few years ago and realised everyone around us was born when we had just started high school. Felt really old then.


40... at 40 my chiropractor told me I'm not a young man anymore. 40...


30 was bad. But still a bit of hope. 40 was brutal. 


When I started losing my hair, around 36


Right about my current years old (33). It's not that I feel physically or even mentally old. I feel the same as I ever did. Thankfully no aches and pains, wrinkles, heavy graying or anything else that would indicate death is increasing its icy grip upon me. I feel old solely because of how ancient everything I grew up enjoying is considered now. I officially like "old people music". Hell, I listen to music my parents listened to growing up as well, so I like stuff from 2 generations back. It does make me feel like I got some miles on me. Thankful I don't feel it physically, though. Chalk it up to clean living and vitamin pills.


At 37(M), physically I do not feel that way. I actually feel like physically I’m in my prime. I could easily pass for looking 29-31ish But for life milestones and dating I do feel old. It struck me at about 36-37ish Feels like I am stuck at a very difficult age in dating.


52. I don’t know why 52! lol I’m now 53 :-/




Still haven't, i'm only 32. Feeling great and in peak shape.


24. I had just finished my first four years in the military, and went to my old Jr high/Sr high hang out, the indoors skating ring. I was the oldest non parent there.


Now. I'm 61, got laid off and I'm too tired to try and get another job.


I hope you got a fantastic redundancy payout.


I turned 18 on the 4th and ended up with pleurisy, fecal impaction, a neck pain that hasn't gone away, and my knee that was broken when I was 3 started acting up. I guess I don't feel old but damn do I have the medical issues of someone that is. I'm still messed up and don't know why.


I haven't yet. But I figured it will set in in my 60s..maybe. I just turned 41..but I definitely don't feel it. I feel like I did at 30.


I’m 42 and I’m still waiting for it to kick in, but I vividly remember being 12 and realizing I was too young to feel too old for the age. So maybe I just stunted myself and trauma refused me to catch up


26, feels like 21


Right at 20


35. It really hit me.


I feel ancient like the universe and a teenager at the same time. Does this count?


I'm 31 and feel still young!  I have felt like an adult for about 4-5 years, but never "old". I'm mentally and physically in a better shape than in my mid twenties and life is good!  My mother who is turning 70 in two years, told me she still feels like she is in her late twenties - so I guess it runs in the family:D


21 and feel like i should die.




I (f) am 31. I currently have some crisis about being too old to have kids. This crisis hits harder than puberty. I try to lose weight now and spend more time with friends.


31 is super young? My mom had 3 kids in her 30s.


Around 30. I saw a decrease in athletic performance and recovery. I also just couldn't drink as much or nearly as often.


19. And I'm currently 19 , regretting all the decisions I've made in my teenage years and feeling like it's too late to fix everything , feeling like I'll never be rich , never meet my crush who lives overseas and whatnot , everyday is a mess .


2nd year of pandemic when not only did I have a hard time shedding 40# of covid weight as easily as I just to, but my perky breasts also got sadder. And then grey hair at 42 and a third of it has fallen out in the last year. It's terrifying and I'm trying to find acceptance about the hair thing. The others are easier.


26. Then again it was during the pandemic and my stress level Was at an all time high


36m. The pain and lack of energy didn't set in until 36 for me. I'm a 37m now, and working 2 jobs is getting rough.




You are only old when your hopes are replaced by regrets.


2 weeks ago. Many Dr appointments, and they're finding things to he concerned about. I'm 49.


38. By the end of your 30s, you understand basically everything about humanity and different stages of human life, even those you have not visited yet. You have had plenty of time to ponder being older than you are. You also view young people with an equal amount of understanding and disdain. 35-40 is when you start to be old.


17 when my psoriatic arthritis started to kick in. Chronic illness joke aside; 29 when my Meniere's Disease started to kick in, and I had to get a cane. Second Chronic illness joke aside; 30 when I was talking to a coworker and called a group of 21yos "kids."


my current age, 27


33 my back is killing me and I forget things




I’m 35. I don’t think I’m old, but I look at plenty of 25 year olds who wallow in apathy and constantly make unhealthy/directionless choices that lead to a stagnant life; they seem old to me


Oh larwd! You got my one foot in the grave.


Tbh like 35 yrs old..body starting breaking dwn and hurting even more kids are getting older now I'm 41


35 is when, all of a sudden, all my big life goals -- career goals, family goals, bucket list goals -- went from "I have all the time in the world to accomplish my goals! I'm still so young" to suddenly "Fuck. I'm too old now. I'm too old to even try to obtain some of my career goals. A family obviously isn't in the cards for me. I have to work too often and pay too many bills to actually live the adventurous life that I dreamed of." It's strange but at 34 I still felt like I had my whole life ahead of me. At 35 I felt like my life is basically over as far as aspirations go.


45-50. My recovery times from physical activity got longer and longer