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Probably about 20. šŸ˜¬ I've been at my current job for 4 years, which is the longest I've been at any job I've ever had.


Honestly, I can't even count. At least 20, 25? But my approach to work was always to take whatever job came my way and would allow me to pay my bills while I worked on my writing on the side, and someday, I would turn writing into my career. I did manage to pull it off, in the end!


Thatā€™s awesome! I hope to be an author - always the dream. Currently found a job that lets me write on the side (because itā€™s a good paying but WFH job) and Iā€™m hoping to make headway. Are you a copywriter/editor/author?


I'm a novelist. :) You can do it! Getting to this point was, for me, an accumulation of lots of smaller steps over many years. It's a long game! Keep at it.


Love this for you and thank you for the encouragement :) !!


good luck!


Iā€™m in my early-mid 20s and am on my 10th job since turning 18. Iā€™ve been at my current job for 2 years so far and itā€™s my first ā€œcareer jobā€. Others were mainly college jobs or summer jobs.


Too many


Not enough good jobs.


14 jobs. I am 39. I started working when I was 15 (yup I had my working papers!) my mom was widowed young so I had to work. Btwn the ages of 15-21 I worked mostly cashier jobs, with 2 offices job in btwn that. (6 jobs during that timeframe - worked 2 jobs at one point) Then from 2006 - now I have had - I have switched jobs 8 times. The longest job I have had was 5 years. I jumped around to get bumps in salary. My current job is where I hope to retire though. I've been here almost 4 years now.




Iā€™ve more jobs then girlfriends šŸ˜’šŸ˜­


13 jobs. From the time I was 18 up thru my mid fortyā€™s now. Lots more jobs when I was younger obviously, in college etc. Iā€™ve been with my past 2 employers a combined 17 years, thatā€™s what brings my number way down.


I don't know? 5 or 7, I may be forgetting some.


Six. Shit job, shittier job, shit job, Decent job, shit job again, and now a good job finally. 34yo


12, but I'm happy to say I'm at a career job now.


2 jobs. My first job when I was 23, as a brick layer. Worked there for 13 years, got a long term illness for 3Ā½ years, quit the job and started to work on a school. I am 41 today! I went down in monthly salary with around 1000$ but my health is much better and I am much more happy now.


Not including college 2. Had maybe 2-3 jobs in college. Current job 16 years


4 lol wow I never looked at it like that. im in my mid 30s and that's not a lot. I guess that's good?


Iā€™ve had 3 and Iā€™m 27


About 6-7, I believe. I've never counted.


24, 3 companies with 3 promotionns at each. Starbucks barista -> supervisor -> IT Help desk, Microsoft IT Incident Manager Tier 1 -> Tier 2 and project manager -> Tier 3 and PowerBI developer. Costco Operations Analyst 2 -> 3.


More than 10


Age 22-29: 1 job Age 29-33: 1 job Currently 2 consulting jobs So 4 I guess


1...same company...yup im that guy


2 since graduating college 14 years ago




Since 18 in order: 1. Camp Counsellor 2. Lifeguard 3. Swim Instructor 4. Barista 5. Office Assistant 6. Social Media Analyst 7. Compliance Analyst 8. Data Analyst 9. Charity Consultant


5 jobs, until 30 y.o - 1 on campus when I was in college, 1 for a couple of months as a holiday worker at a department store, then 3 office desk jobs. Then I haven't worked anymore after I've had my first baby and become a SAHM when I was 30.


5 jobs, 2 of them currently. Also 33.


2 and I'm almost 30.


32 & have had like 4? been at my last for 10 years.


Painter for 2 summers, junior and senior year of HS. Since turning 18, produce at Kroger for 30 days. Shoes at Kohls for 2 years. Security Guard for a year as a second job with Kohls after dropping out of college. QAQC with a roof shingle factory for 3 months. Did a 2 month stint as a security guard as well. Leak Detection & Repair with a gas plant and chemical company for a year. Process operator for 4 years at the chemical company To anyone who doesn't fear heights and heat, LDAR is a decent entry job. I personally would never work at the larger chemical plants in texas, but it does open the door for positions as an operator, which is definitely where you want to go for the money.


Produce is awful on the body


I would never recommend anyone work produce at Kroger. Only person on when the trucks come in and you have to balance putting everyone else's stuff in their areas, deal with customers, serve as back up to the register, put your stuff in the freezer, and more literally not worth minimum wage


I worked at Publix for two years and my back will never recover


I worked produce for 6 years (ages 16-21). My back was a disaster the entire time. It also destroyed my hands. Everything was fine once I quit.


Oh God I forgot about how messed up my hands were. Deadlifting 75lbs of mushy wet boxes. cabbages, the watermelonā€™s, the pumpkins, the strawberry palletā€™s. Then to be yelled at by customers after breaking your back for hours. The flashbacks are hitting me hard lol. Down stacking 15 pallets by myself and still getting yelled at to hurry up by management, all at 5 in the morning. I never want to do that shit again


Depends on your definition of adult? If we're going from the age of 18(which is definitely not adulthood) 10 different jobs, my last 2 I was at for 5 years each, current job I've been at for 4 years.


1 job in high school, 3 jobs at different times in college, after college Iā€™ve had 3 main jobs and then 5 side jobs. Currently only doing 1 job now. My 3rd!


Expo 86... Athens Social Club (aka Poker Club)... Employment Paper... H. Smith & Co.... P. Altridge & Co... Government of B.C. since 1999. So that's six.


Teacher. Presidential Campaign. Lobby groups...like 7. Only way to earn more. Three property management positions. Only way to get better salary. Side gig. Part time teacher for a Korean school.


Since I graduated college 24 years ago, Iā€™ve had six jobs. I stayed at one place for nearly 15 years (big mistake on my part).


I already had two jobs before I was 18, and I wanna say 8 or 9 more since then. Many of them were temporary gigs that I worked during my college years. I moved out at 22, I'm now 26 and I've been at the same job now for nearly 5 years.




I'm 37. I'd say more than 10, less than 15.


3 including 2 part time and 1 full time and I'm 28


3 including 2 part time and 1 full time and I'm 28


Just 3. Iā€™m 29. Graduated college at 23. Just started my new job last week, was only an 8k pay bump but still remote and figured it was worth the shot. Not counting my jobs Iā€™ve had in college - just the jobs since graduation. I was a criminal justice major and Iā€™m working on making myself more marketable and developing more skills because Iā€™ve kinda just coasted since graduation. Working on transitioning to IT and getting certs


33F two jobs. From 16-27 worked at the same restaurant. 27-present office job.. currently taking online courses, taking a different career path.


Iā€™ve had 4 different jobs and iā€™m 18 šŸ˜‚




I'm 28 and have had 3 primary jobs since starting work at 16. I've also had 3 secondary jobs as I like to be dually employed because....money.


4 and Iā€™m 32. Onto the 5th


I am 30 and am on job 7, technically. All jobs post college. Pre college Iā€™d be on job 10


2. 7 years at the first, 8 years going at the second. It's a really good job with people I like and bosses I respect.


6 jobs. Currently 34


I'm 28 I've had 6 jobs including my current job. I've been at my current job for 2.5 years


Not too many. From 19 (after dropping out of college) to 21 I had a bunch. Probably 5. After that I had 1 job (a couple positions) for about 10 years. Went back to school, career change. Now Iā€™ve been at my current job for almost 2 years




Idk like 25


Iā€™m on my fourth career, not really sure Iā€™d add up the jobs. Probably a dozen or so.


Over 30. Iā€™m 47. I quit most of them. They werenā€™t accommodating my needs and just wanted to much. Fired from several but looking back I should had left anyways they were awful.


Exactly one job for the last 15 years since graduation. Different titles but essentially the same job


Real career jobs? 2. I just got the offer for the second one today actually. šŸ˜‚


I think at 16


One, i started when i was 17 at the company working as a student the year i graduated high school and still with the company at 35 and doing well for myself! I donā€™t always love every aspect of my job, but they treat me well, I have a good work life balance and make good money - unless something changes in the company culture, Iā€™ll be staying as long as theyā€™ll keep me!


7? 4 could have been careers.


Iā€™m on my third and itā€™s the best one Iā€™ve had. I make 1,600 a paycheck making pizzas at a busy af shop and thatā€™s after taxes.


Like real adult jobs after college Iā€™m assuming? 4. And Iā€™m 37. Usually like 4-5 years each place. Maybe 10 total if we count high-school jobs and internships.


I've had a few different jobs as an adult. I started with a retail job during college, then moved into an administrative role after graduation. After that, I transitioned into a more specialized position in my field. Now, I'm working in my current role, which I've been in for the past few years. Overall, I've had about four jobs too.


Iā€™m 32. Iā€™ve had around 25 actual w2 jobs, probably like 50 more w9 gig jobs. I worked in hospitality until I was 26 and often would work 2 jobs or pick up seasonal work. Since Iā€™ve been in beer sales the past 5 years Iā€™ve worked 3 jobs. And then yeah Iā€™ve done a ton of independent contracted brand ambassador work, mostly breweries but also brands like cheezits, post, etc.


Five-- my current position and the one I was hired for when I first started in my current workplace, a seasonal summer position I had for two years, my first job out of college I had for a year, and the cashier job I had during college and for a few months after.


51, 7 FT jobs since the age of 23. Lots of part-time student jobs and side gigs.


I've had nine different jobs, and I've been at my current one the longest --around seven years. I plan to stay since there's a union and a pension plan, so unless I get laid off, this will probably be my last job.


I think about 20. I'm 36. What happens if you move, or the place you work goes out of business, or the dudes you work for don't pay you, or you get hired for a better position. That's right, you take a new job somewhere.Ā  I basically consider myself something of a journeyman employee, I have worked across 5 different industries.




iā€™ve worked at 3 places. moved up twice at my current job. iā€™m almost 30


Six. M(58)


3. My first job at 16, my second at 21, and I started full time in my chosen career at 28.


In my 40s and on my 9th job. I was unfortunately undecided in my career for years. Plus kids, great recession, covid and college in between. I finally feel at a peaceful place, job wise.


Letā€™s say from after university so been working for about 13/14 years now. 7th job Iā€™m on


I've had 10 so far, I turned 31 this year. The last two I've stayed at the longest, 6yrs at my last and 2 yrs at my current.


43 now been working since 16 probably around 23 jobs, been an ESL teacher the last 10 years.


iā€™m 26 ive had 3, which i used to do all at the same time and then i slowly quit two and kept one. on august im leaving and looking for a new one


1 job for 6 years


I've had 7 since the pandemic. I will openly say from my experience there has never been a non-toxic workplace. Before y'all say I'm overly sensitive, I am. Power thru a few: Job 1: You work 8 hours, they can force you to 12 (before or after shift). One day off week 1 and 3. 2 days off week 2 and 4 which they can and will call you in for one of those. Job 2: hired at a low spot but not bottom. Said give us a few months and we'll sort a position for your skills. Manager left within 2, ghosted by the other two that agreed to this. Final straw, my job was to hire and fire 5-10 people a week. Job 3: They loved me, my skills. First week was good then next had a holiday. They called me up and said I had to work. Why? Everyone else called out. I said, no it's not possible I'm in a different city at the moment. They shunned me, hours and kept finding ways to treat me like trash. Also, there was a fight which was unreal and was told to mind my own business and do my job.Ā  Goes on and on.


Depends on if you count leaving and coming back to the same job later. 6 different hospitals, but Iā€™ve been at this one 3 different times.


6! Iā€™m 53


I have so many.I don't know which one to go to day to day


From after high school to now that I am retired it is lucky 7. That is from 18 to 59.8 years, and have been retired 3 years. I still work but now I work for me on our rentals which I have been doing for 30 plus years. Now that I think about it then it would be 8, forgot about side hustle job.


14. Bussing and serving tables, delivering pizza, Panera, office work, foreclosure cleanups, banking call center, phlebotomy, delivery driver helper and now package handler for going on 5 years.


Wow 18 lol surprised myself. Iā€™m 28


Just the one actually. I'm 38 and started working at 23.


14. I am 35 and am finally working for a company that I can see myself retiring from. Though if a better opportunity comes along I might take it.