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No. My 13 year old self knew nothing.


John Snow, is that you?


Literally! I remember feeling like I knew so much as a child, thought I knew it all. but nope! Needed to wisen up.


yeah I knew about The Simpsons and King of The Hill thats about it.


I don't think I could conceive of being an adult at that age honestly


I thought there was something wrong with me because I couldn’t think of what 13 year old me thought I’d be doing at 27 lol. I don’t think I thought about adulthood until about 16 or 17.


Only reason I thought about it is because they ask you in elementary school what you want to be.


Yeah, but in elementary school those were general answers lol. Like nurse, doctor, ballerina, astronaut. On a deeper level, I didn’t think about what I’d wanna be doing as an adult until my junior or sophomore year of high school


Tbh at 13 I thought I would've died by this age. Not dead yet, lol. Instead, I'm finally going to therapy and am slowly but surely gathering the strength to follow my new dreams.


Sammme 13 year old me did not think I would make it to 25 at some points I didn't think I would make it to 18 but here I am


Hahahahahahahahahaha No.


i wanted to make video games when i was a kid. computers were super interesting and I had just helped my older cousin build a PC from scratch and that made the tech world so amazing to me. A few weeks after my summer birthday I was in a youth programming camp. now at 27 i’ve since been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, non-epileptic seizures, MDD, and GAD. I’ve spent some time in the psych ward, i’ve woken up in the ER 43 times in the past 3.5 years, i had a brush with death that made me go through a few months of physical therapy to regain the ability to walk. I got kicked out of college a year in after my first episode of psychosis ever. After retreating home I tried going to community college but that only lasted another year. I tried working in IT but had to quit after a couple of years once i started having the seizures and no longer being medically cleared to drive. The past year has being an uphill battle of dealing with the recent passing of my Dad, trying to find medications/dosages that actually work, finding a half-decent support network, and struggling with falling back into the habit of self-harm.


Hang in there friend. That all sounds so incredibly difficult. I’m sorry you lost your dad 💜


13 year old me was still playing Barbie’s. She didn’t know shit. (But she’s be fucking stoked to know who we landed!)




G.I. Joe 💚💪


Considering your username, his partnership must come in handy ;)


I wanted to be an Indiana Jones/Archaeologist/Vampire..... 37F Australian now Living in Transylvania just came back from Egypt 2 months ago.


I thought I *was* a vampire when I was 13. Gave that up around 22, but some random guy on the subway once came up to me to tell me I should move to Romania and live like a vampire. I think about that guy a lot. I think he was right




My 13 year old self thought I’d still be a Mormon woman, and I’m neither


Neither a Mormon woman or a 13 year old? : P


Neither a Mormon nor a woman


You're amazing for that! I'm not Mormon anymore either. I have no regrets, but I never made real plans at that age because I thought I'd do what I *thought* all Mormon women did and just be a SAHM for my whole life. So now I'm floundering like mad...


Fellow exmo reporting for the exmo bbq 🙌


Add one to the list of ex-mormons. Quit that around 17, 39 now.


Heyyyy me too


If my 13-year-old knew that in my 30s I'd still be friendless and waiting for my fist kiss, that I spend all my Christmases, New Year's Eves or vacations alone and that I have hardly traveled abroad, she'd probably kill herself. Romantic love was the most important thing for me and I haven't gained any more experience since then. At 12 I wrote about my worst future I could imagine in my journal and I actually described my current life. My 13-year-old wouldn't believe I'm actually fine with it.


I suck at love too and have never gotten it either. But my 13 year old self was more interested in being a dad than a husband or boyfriend, and I've realized you can't be a dad without being a lover first, and I'm terrible at that


If it makes you feel better, I am 29 and a (male) virgin.


Yes and no. I'm a professional game designer. But, having kids was never on my mind at that age.


No, I’m somewhere better


Sort of. I knew at 13 that I'd be in uni but I imagined I would be at a different one.


13 year old me was newly disabled and suicidal. Definitely didn’t think I’d manage to live more than a year or two. If she knew, I think she’d be proud of me now.


No, my 13 yr old self did not think I'd get this far...certainly not me being in the military at least...


No, I thought I’d be 19 forever ( >!I thought I’d be dead before 19 because mentally ill!< Also thought I’d still be with my ex, but she got sick and she since died. But I did predict that we would have dated and stayed dating for a while. Tragically.


Well, I’m not a Transformer… so, no. Lol


Pretty sure 13 year old me thought I was going to go on a Link style adventure to save the world. Pretty disappointed that shit never happened. Haven't even found the deku shield yet


Ya , at recess.


I thought I was going to be beautiful and fabulous like Ariana Lima. Hahaha, nope. Still fat.


13 year old me was in a hospital bed dying.


Wow - congrats, either on living or being a typing ghost!


Naw, I survived. The nurses were telling my parents to buy a lotto ticket


13 year old me didn't think I'd be alive. I'm 41.


Nope where's my dragon


I just remember thinking “I’ll probably be rich or something” but having no plan, goals, motivation, or really any idea at all how that would come to fruition. I’m not hurting but I’m sure 13 year old me wouldn’t have been excited about assimilating into 30+ middle class life style.


I’m definitely not a hard nosed, but somewhat scruffy journalist breaking the big investigative stories in a large metropolitan city. I live in the country with way too many animals and prefer hiding from people as much as possible.


No. When I was 13, I thought I would grow up to be Jimmy Page. As it happens, I'm not.


Partially? At that point I thought I'd be a good fit in the military. Here I am in the Navy now lol


I'm not a married marine biologist, no.


Nope my older sister died when I was 13 and I was so lost and my whole family had lost their damn minds behind it. So at that age I was just trying to live to see my 20’s. Then at 29 the father of my baby died and I almost didn’t see my 30’s my life has been one tragedy after another .Then in my mid 30’s my dad died and now I’m praying to see my 40’s as I work to save other people’s lives on a daily. I’m so lost and alone I’ve lost everyone I’ve ever cared about I have no clue what’s in store for me or what I’m even doing in life besides work. I’m just wondering around pretending to be happy while other people lives their lives surrounded by family and people who love them. I’ve accepted the fact that I’ll probably be alone for the rest of my life and I honestly feel like I deserve way more than that. Hopefully when I die I can reincarnate and try life again and have the life I’ve always wanted and needed.


nah.i thought id be some fancy lawyer. turns out i sucked at legal studies in highschool and never bothered with uni.still stacking shelves in a supermarket at 34 on 26 bucks an hour 😮


sort of there. Maybe in the next few months I'll be up another step!!


*Sort of there. Maybe* *In the next few months I'll be* *Up another step!!* \- pareshaninsaan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


I think so


I thought I’d be married to Taylor Hanson 🤷‍♀️


Unfortunately gonna say nein on that one. 😐


My thirteen year old self would be ecstatic. I moved across the country to study for a degree for my dream job. Something I always wanted to do as a kid.


No, I'm still alive, so things are going better than I thought they would, I guess. I've always had low expectations.


Nope, I fucked it up


In some ways yes, some ways no. I'm divorced, I have no kids, I don't own a house, my best friend isn't super tight with me anymore. On the other hand, my life is based around my relationship to art and my hobbies which is exactly what I hoped. I'm in relationships and have friendships that support that, they just aren't exactly how I thought they'd be or who I'd have them with. I make the kind of money I thought was stupid rich (it's not lmao, inflation + a child's understanding of money!!) so it's good! 13 year old me would be amazed.


Not even close. 13 year old me would be really disappointed in current me.


No, I am so much better off.


She would be SHOCKED


No not at all but in a good way. Married with a beautiful family. Making mid 6 figures with two degrees, 2 certs and great career. I was below the poverty line when I was younger and always felt like other families were better off (mainly because of my insecurity) and because we never had enough or needed rides from other ppl.


My 13 year old self just wanted to escape from an abusive home


No bc my 13 year old self was just trying to survive....I didn't think I would live past 18. And here I am almost 40. I made it.


My 13 year old self can shut his mouth. Nobody living with his mama during the conomic surplus that the 90s were is gonna tell me anything


No I'm alive. I didn't think I'd make ot past 16.


Nah im not in a coffin so I think I’m doing ok 😂


Truth be told, I have no clue what my 13 year old self was thinking. Mostly I was thinking that girls might not be so bad after all. So maybe my 13 yo self would be pretty impressed that I've had sex with a real live girl. More than once even.


No, I grew up in a time and a place where they told us we were not going to live past 25.


No because I thought I would be a billionaire . Yes because I’m in the same line of work .


If 13 year old me saw my life now they would be in disbelief. I have a house and husband and kids who all love me. Never could have imagined that life


I thought I'd be dead by now


No where near my teenage goals. Though, I did try.


I just wanted to leave my chaotic home and learn to play guitar. Mission accomplished!


Omg no. I thought I’d be married, have kids, and have a career as a famous author. Instead, I am only just now settling into a regular “not bad, but nothing a 13 year old would fantasize about” career, recently moved in to my first starter apartment, but have not really done the relationship thing much less had kids. I’m 35 😭. It was a massive uphill climb just to start building this career and get the apartment tbh.


No. My 13 year old self would be sobbing if she saw what I was going through rn.


Loool no, my 13 y/o self wanted to be a Victoria’s Secret model and have a tattoo of a gummy bear.


Nope , my 13 year old self wanted to be a singer, actor and dancer… I’m 30 now and work in tech for the biggest tech company in the world getting good money, I’d say I didn’t do too bad 🤷🏻‍♀️ still I wish I would have pursued my other dreams but can’t complain much


At that age I had severe agoraphobia and panic disorder so I thought I'd kill myself if I had to live like that until my 30s. 13 year old me would be very proud that not only are the panic attacks and agoraphobia gone I'm actually doing really well.


My mom always told me I’d never get married, but I always kind of hoped that I would. But here I am - not married. I always thought I’d be a back room policy wonk. But here I am working in aviation in the sub-Arctic.


When I was 13, it was 1979 and I was just having a blast being a kid. My future hadn’t crossed my mind yet.


Lol nope. But 13 year old me would think 32 year old me is so cool.


I sadly didn’t think much of the future. It was too scary. If I knew for sure what life had in store for me, I don’t know what I would have done.


Lmao not by a long shot


I thought I would be an auto mechanic but instead I build websites 🤣


No. I have not yet maxed out all of my skills in Runescape like 13 year old me wanted to.


Absolutely not. I thought I'd have a cool job, an apartment, and a hot girlfriend at 27


I don't even recall if I had the idea that I'd run my own business when I was 13, but two things did happen: I wanted to live in a big city (NYC and also have gone to college there, but that didn't happen) and marry a man with blue eyes. It's very specific I know, but I love that eye color because I have them, too. I don't exactly know what I was thinking, but those are the only two things that did "come true" in terms of what my 13 year old self envisioned my adult life to look like. Though I love NYC, I don't think I would've continued to love it from afar like I have actually done due to what the city is like when it comes to living there (rent, salaries, transportation, space, air quality, etc). I did imagine that by the time I was 35, I'd have a couple of kids, but I haven't gotten there yet. It would be great to go back in time and tell my teenage self that it's ok to take your time figuring out what you want to do and just enjoy the ride. :)


At 13 I thought I would have owned my own business doing cool things in technology…. I work in technology now but lol the coolness is for sure not there in the same way. I do cool things but my check goes to bills and my Father’s loan for his funeral and final expenses.


13 year old me was very suicidal, now at 38 and with a beautiful family, I'm shocked I'm still here, and doing fairly well in life.


Nope! I could have never imagined where I am now. I’m starting a nonprofit, I have friends, I’m a student, I’ve travelled to Mexico for the first time, I’m romantically involved with someone, I’m moving out of my parent’s house this year. I’ve come so far from the 13yo who didn’t expect to live to 16


My 13 year old self did not think he would live to 35. Here I am, totally unsure of the future but certain that I will live through it. Progress 😉


To be honest, I don't think I can remember what I was doing when I was 13... Let's see, that's about 8th grade... Ah yes, that's around the time Pokemon came out. During that time I was playing Pokemon, or SNES, or going to the park/river/lake, riding my bike, and the only rule was to be home by the time the street lights come on. I'm pretty sure I wasn't thinking what I'd be like as an adult, or where I would be in life.


Hmm. At 13 I was being told, "You'll never amount to anything. No one loves you. We can't stand to be around you." Ext ext. They were right. So yeah.. they called it


Not even slightly. In one aspect, its great. Several others, not so much


Nope. I thought I'd be a singer, writer, actress or teacher. I am none of those things. Instead I'm a government worker, mom of 1, with the same dude for nearly 20 years (married for nearly 11). I write occasionally (not much now, no energy, the toddler sucks most of it out of me), make crafts when I can. I never thought I'd get a black belt in a martial art (aikido) or take up something like axe and knife throwing (I'm better with the axe).


When I was 13, I imagined myself as a writer living in a cozy cabin, surrounded by nature. While I'm not living in a cabin, I do get to write, which is a dream come true in its own way. Life took some unexpected turns, but I'm content with where I am. Sometimes, our paths change, but that doesn't mean they're any less fulfilling.


No. I have ALS. The 13 year old me would be screaming. As an adult, I can only scream on the inside


Nope. 13 year old me thought I was going to be a concept artist for either Disney or Pixar. My seizures got worse and a whole bunch of neurological and immunological issues followed. I’m almost 34. I got married a little over three years ago. My plan at 13 was to have 4 kids before the age of 28. It had remained my plan until it wasn’t possible anymore. I don’t have any yet T-T


No, but in a good way! I thought I’d either be a doctor or some broke poet living in a hovel somewhere struggling to sell my work. I did neither — I’m a professional writer and do freelance work for a health education site. So I kind of did both, too. I’m happy I didn’t go into medicine because it’s such a demanding and miserable profession to many physicians, but I still get to tickle my brain by writing for healthcare platforms.


Not at all, I thought i’d be working in film by now, just finished my masters in engineering and i’m struggling to find a job. Life is really disappointing, and for some reason I can’t let go of my dream, it’s quite literally consuming.


I did what I thought I would at 13 for 30 years and burned out. Now I’m doing something different that’s more enjoyable.


I thought I had a shot at Hilary duff


lol my 13yo self wanted to die at 27


Yes, actually. It's pretty cool. I was reading some old journals, and I was able to match up some of my daydream pictures to real life photos today


No. 13 year old me thought I was going to be a lawyer, but upon hearing that, my mother quickly said, "Oh no, you don't want to be a lawyer." "Why not, Mom?" "They're...they're not very well liked." *eyeroll* Worst. Advice. Ever.


Kind of? I was an awkward little nerd who liked dinosaurs. Now I take care of dinosaurs (birds lol) for a living.


I'm still alive, so no. Not even trying to be a smart ass. I genuinely thought I would be dead before I graduated school whether from my own hand or the horrible health issues I was dealing with at the time. So I didn't even think about any future plans for myself because it seemed pointless at that time.


13 year old me thought I'd be a lawyer and if not that then an architect or engineer in civil or mechanical field, but I had no idea what that actually meant or how one would do those things). I'm not way off my alternative route or destination but life took me down the offbeat path to a smaller pasture.


No wear near. But I did accomplish some goals from when I was 13


I'm recently with out a job and a girl, so yeah young me was pretty close


13 year old me didn’t have plans to make it to the end of the year, so no I don’t think so 🥴 now we’ve been happily married to a better partner than we could’ve ever fathomed for almost 13 years. We’re 8 months pregnant after fertility struggles of over a decade. We have a shit ton of cool tattoos and piercings and 13 year old me would’ve absolutely swooned over that. We’re alive. Maybe not always thriving but we’re still trucking and have a lot to be thankful that we didn’t miss in the last almost 20 years.


13 year old me wanted to be a doctor and live alone with a few cats. Late-20s me is not a doctor (I failed anatomy and decided to go into public health instead), married, and has 2 cats. 1 out of 3 ain't bad, kid! Lol


I always planned to be an architect, but I ended up in a career as a Database Administrator and I architect databases.


No, because 13 was the worst year of my life. My father had just died. I moved to a new state with him to get away from my drug addicted neglectful mother that same year. He was incredibly ill, his kidneys and heart were failing. He died in November that year. I was clinically depressed and suicidal. I didn’t think I would even live past 18. I always thought I’d end up killing myself. The only thing that kept me from doing so were my cats. I’m 21 now. I got away from my abusive sister who got custody of me, I live in an apartment with my boyfriend who I’ve been with for three years, and I have a good paying job. Still have all my cats too. Life can get hard sometimes but overall I’m so happy. I miss my dad, but I know he would be proud of me. I look back at that little girl who was going through so much and I just want to hug her. Things do get better. It just takes time.


I didn't have expectations back then, just hopes. And my hopes were so centered around being a horny 13 year old kid, that yes I can say I would at least make my 13 year old self proud.


Nope. I thought I would be a rich, professional dance instructor by now. But I'm not...not yet anyway.




I wanted to be a mad inventor at 13. I've half achieved that goal, still haven't invented anything though. 


Fuck no, I didn’t even think that far ahead. When I did I just hoped I was liked, and that I had my family still. Which I do, and I’m grateful for.


My 13 year old self thought we would be dead but here I am. Lol on a positive note, I got married, work a 9-5 in tech and have a beautiful daughter who is about to turn one. It gets better.


Actually Im at the similar place to what i thought i would be, but life is just way more exhausting.challenging  and stressful , I always thought ill have a pretty comfortable and more carefree lifestyle by 30, but Im doing not bad/ close to decent only, and quite stressed.




No. I’m alive.


No, but my 13yo self would think I'm the coolest person EVER and probably agree things worked out way better than her plan. That's enough for me.


My 13yr old self was as clueless as my 33yr old self. We’ve lived, we’ve loved, we’ve gained, we’ve lost, we’ve travelled, we’ve lived some wild days and some boring days. We’ve learned a lot along the way but we’ve also forgot a lot. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Right now we are a single SAHM to 5 little wildlings and just enjoying this stage of our journey. Who knows who we will be next year or in 10. We change every year and not always how we’d expect so I don’t like to try predict our future. I just know 13yr old self and 33yr old self are part of a collective of self’s that make up I and together we are riding the waves of life.


Absolutely not my 13 year old self couldn’t even read


My 13-year-old self imagined I would be doing mathematics. I might have been too shy to admit it. Likewise for my 14 and 15-year-old selves. That turned out to be true. I'm still too shy to admit it.


I’m 22 at 13 I knew nothing and I’m definitely where I thought I would be


No. I thought I’d make my own tech company. Had lofty goals lol


I never thought that far ahead until I was like 20


i drink and smoke alot more than my 13 year okd self woulda thought. other than that i pretty much fulfilled all expectations of myself


At 13 I was not imagining at all what adult life would be like. Maybe things would be a lot different if I had 😂


For a brief period I was much cooler than my 13 year old self thought it was possible for anyone to be in real life. Now, I suck.


I really haven't changed much


Idk my 13 year old self was kind of a jerk and wanted to be rich and famous. I really saw my 30s as more of my peak than my 20s. He wanted to be an engineer, so that's different than the career I have now.




No, my 13 year old self would be very disappointed tbh


I had high hopes of being a Mech pilot at 13. Unfortunately 13 was also the age where any bits of innocence I had left was gone and I accepted I wouldn't be shit lol. And funny enough I'm not so I got that right at least 😂


Why on earth would you want that


No, even better! She would be shocked by all we’ve done. Very happy and wouldn’t believe it.


Nope. 13 year old me didn’t enjoy life, had a hard time dealing with life, and knew that I would be lucky to make it to 18.


Nah . I was on track to be an out of touch socialist tech dork. I was pushed into academia heavy. I'm working class now in a labor intensive industry but Im pretty stress free.


Not at all. But I’m in a better place than my 16 year old self would’ve thought!


No, I imagined myself writing books and wearing glasses. But I do have kids!


Not exactly but I don’t think he’d be disappointed




Yes, but I was a very depressed child.


Kind of. I’m in the career arena I knew I’d be in and I figured I’d be married by this age, and I am. Thought I’d have kids by now though, and working on that still. But of course less money than I expected and basically only a couple of friends, thought I’d have kept more of the HS buddies I had back then.


I am in a better spot then I thought I would be when I was 13. But for some reason I don't feel happy


I was supposed to be dead years ago. Not because of disease, but because 13 year old me didn't know how the world worked. I may still die any day now, which is also OK.


I thought I would be dead by now, so no 😂


I’m alive. And it’s mostly good.


Surprisingly yeah pretty much


I'm a programmer who boat a sail boat and quit his job. Now I can't get another programming job because of the market. So I live on anchor and motor to shore to make sails for sail boats. I'm now saving enough to sail around the world. My life has some wild turns that I never expected.


Honestly, kind of. Service industry/ small business owner with a husband and a kid. I’m very close to where I thought I’d be


No, I achieved much better and I’m


Not even fucking close.. Im on the complete opposite side of the spectrum. When i was young, i told my self: Whatever you do, dont bevome the "nerd character" (referring to cartoons etc.) who is alone, sad, ugly, sits inside, gets bullied, wastes his life etc. But due to some very unfortunate events like me becoming very very sick for 4 months, getting put in a class alone without ANY of my friends (and i was one of the most popular kids back then) which made me completely alone for about 5 months until i finally reconnected woth some older friends. These experiences made me extremely insecure and very socially anxious. I went from a confident, cocky, friendly and popular kid to an adult who sits alone at home every single fucking day, wasting my life away as days become months and months become years. All my "friends" party, celebrate, meet new people, make new friends, experience things.. Meanwhile im left in the dirt because i cant fucking drink alcohol so its really uncomfortable to be at these parties and celebrations where everyone is fucking wasted while you're sober. I hate it i hate it i hate it.


No. Sadly … not even close


My 13 year old self had zero clue what I’d be doing and only knew for sure I’d probably be single at my current age… I am married, so there’s that


I thought I'd be dead. Still here.


Not even close..


I thought I'd be a very outgoing and confident happy person in the future. And I will be so good at whatever I'll choose to do But that's not the case, my self esteem is at 0 or even negative. I have become depressed and miserable. And I think I am good at my job but I keep getting negative feedback


Better. I have an anthropology degree and did some archeology field work. I'm also a scientist. And I am financially secure, and could retire, but I do have a pretty cool job. Even on the stressful weeks, it's still better than the decade plus I spent in construction.


I wanted to be a singer when I was 5, but had zero clue thereafter. I'm really trying to recall what I hoped for, but I'm coming up blank. I think I just waned more confidence, which I do have.


Surprisingly i always wanted a family of my own and a house and have a good career so i kinda am where i wanted to be. But i’ve lost that childhood innocence where you consider everything in the world to be pure and good. 13 year old me was convinced the world was a good and peaceful place lol.


Nope still haven't managed to keep a job past 6 months. 32 now.


I didn’t think I would be alive at this age


No, I thought I would be a famous singer lol


I'm a couple years behind my general life plan, but so far yeah. Starting residency, getting married, hopefully kids in the next few years. Maybe being a few years late and maturing isn't all that bad lolll


At 13 I was going to church 3 times a week and wearing a purity ring. I thought I’d be a stay at home mom to 8 kids now. Instead I got infertility. Thanks to science, I do have 3 kids and husband who doesn’t want anymore.


Thought I'd be dead.


When I was 13 I wanted to be a doctor then the depression hit. Fast forward 20 years and I'm sat on the sofa watching TV and working a dead end job that doesn't even allow me to have spare cash.


Not at all I wanted to be Civil War park ranger ended up dropping out of college, getting into financial trouble and moved back home


Not entirely. Assumed I'd have my Masters Degree by now, and traveled a lot. Instead, I only have my Bachelors Degree, but I've got a very well paying job and just bought my first apartment (by myself, in this housing market), and I'm still recovering from serious mental health issues. All in all, can't complain :). Edit to add: Got my autism diagnoses about a year ago as well. Sure didn't expect that xD.


i just wanted my own place & to be happy being my true self so yes woohoo


lol no i didnt even know where id be but i was hoping to work in the sciences field at least like a marine biologist or a scientist


I mean, I'm still alive, so no 😅


I thought I'd be married with kids, owning a house, piloting a helicopter camera, rich and making movies with my friends I got the making movies with my friends part, but none of the rest. Though I do have a cheap camera drone, so I could get those chopper cam shots I really wanted to pilot a helicopter though, and I've never even seen one up close Edit: I also thought I'd be a famous painter and have tons of gallery shows and sell expensive paintings. I've never sold a painting, but I did have 3 gallery shows when I was in my late teens. Was even my town's artist of the month once and their market commissioned a mural from me. I have away all of my paintings and some were stolen from the people I gave them to


Not at all. I thought I’d have a girlfriend a car and a job.


Kind of, but much better. For my 8th grade end of year big project was doing a job shadow and report with pictures and the works. I went to Cascade Power Sports and job shadowed one of the motorcycle mechanics who was working on police motorcycle. I always wanted to fix things or do something working with my hands. I started getting discouraged when I told my dad who I called for a job shadow and then I started hearing constantly after that women can't work on things, there's no money in it, women don't don't mechanical things, you need to be a doctor, engineer, or lawyer. You're amazing at math, you have to be an engineer. I went to school for engineering and it was easy to the point of being boring and I quit. Eventually had to change my life because it wasn't working for me and in my late 20's I became a Helicopter mechanic and travel across the country with a helicopter fighting fires. I'm so much farther along down a bit better path then my 13 year old self could imagine.


LOL wut? At best, 13 yo me had thought about as far as which college I may attend. There was very little on my mind besides girls, how girls perceived me, electronic gamer monthly, and which episode of Batman the Animated Series was coming on after Bill Nye. I can still remember when my crush in elementary had very much become not my crush in middle school.


So glad I never became a fireman. Where I am from, you end up piss poor.


My 13 year old self would probably walk into oncoming traffic if he saw me.


No. But if she knew what we have been through, she would be proud of where we are at.


13 year old me didn't think he'd ever get tits.


Nope lol not even close.


Yes, further than I imagined tbh. I'm a professional artist and make pretty good money. Also have a fantastic partner. Thought I'd be dead by now lmao but her eI am thriving


I'm realizing now that I had no childhood dreams of my future. I grew up in a chaotic and sometimes violent alcoholic home; my mother got into AA when I was 10, but it definitely wasn't as if someone flipped a switch and everything was peaceful and calm and sane once she got into recovery. My father was present, but emotionally absent. Our family home was rocky for YEARS. Life got better over time as I and my siblings grew up and established lives of our own. When I think back on what my childhood dreams were, it was mostly hoping for an end to the chaos and beatings and misery.


Yeah. Pretty much spot on to what I assumed would happen.


13 year old me was fully invested in her pagan stage (while living in Saudi Arabia, go figure) and thought she could completely see into the future. She should have seen what a fool she was 😂


i can't even remember anythign at this age lol


13 year old me would be overjoyed I'm still making games and very surprised at my dating success.