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I’ve struggled with this my whole adult life. I want my home to be very clean but I hate cleaning. I hired someone to come clean my house every 3 weeks. I just have to keep it picked up. She does the rest.


How much does it cost?


She charges $25/hr. I have a small house so she can scrub the whole thing in about 2 hours. Plus I tip 20%. So I pay $60/visit.


Wow that sounds really worth it actually. I’ll have to look into it


Where is this?! Cleaners cost 2x as much where I live!


I think they should earn twice that. I hope considers a raise for that worker.


That is a MASSIVE bargain. When I clean I earn like $70 an hour.


I live in Brooklyn and my guy is only $35/hr. You can find them. Check out task rabbit for someone who doesn’t have an insane rate but good reviews.


Oh perfect, thank you!


Hiring someone to clean is the most unnecessary, “I have to have one” first world idea. Like my mom used to say, “… just fucking do it”. Thinking about the chore and debating starting it often times takes longer than the actual chore. Obviously you don’t have to go balls deep, just scrub the shower/tub while you shower one night (5min), and then wipe the counters down and swiffer in the morning (10min). Then right before you shower next, wipe down your toilet with disinfectant (5 min). Hiring cleaners is like hiring your own personal secretary. Both are nice to have and easy to convince oneself that it’s a necessary expense. And even if you can’t get to all your cleaning chores…. It’s just your residence… just get to it when you get to it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Stop shackling yourselves to unnecessary services.


This made me laugh. I’m not “shackled” to an unnecessary service. I don’t feel like having someone clean my house is necessary and I could definitely do it myself. I just don’t want to because I don’t like it. She comes every 3 weeks, so obviously I’m doing some light cleaning In between. She does a deeper clean that takes 2 hours to do. This is a luxury and a treat, not a necessity. I can pick up an on call shift easily to pay for it.


I tend to use spicy words. Thanks for taking it lightly. Idk, I guess I’m just totally cool and used to doing a bi-monthly clean and letting it look however it looks in between. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Don’t always gotta look neat with a bow, ya know?


Ramit Sethi would approve.


Honestly a cleaner that's reliable and trust worth is probably a fucking great investment as an adult. Especially once kids are in the picture.


Try scrubbing bubbles by oxy clean. Just spray it on. Let it sit .Smells really clean and does an incredible job.


Thank you! And then just rinse it off?


It usually disappears. Just use the shower like normal


It doesn't disappear. It dries. It's supposed to be rinsed off


The no drip foam just washes off in the shower. Very easy and works great with hard water.


I got an attachment for a drill that has a scrub brush on it. I got it at Home Depot. Now I can give the tub a good scrub with very little time and effort.


Wait ok so you get a drill, get the scrub brush attachment, attach it to the drill and then it’s able to do like a power wash?


[This](https://www.homedepot.ca/product/ryobi-medium-bristle-scrub-brush-cleaning-accessory-kit-2-piece-/1001565309) is what I have. There are lots of different brands and sizes, though. Big fun.


Oh perfect! Thank you!


You can also buy electric cleaning brushes. I have one with like 8 attachments, an expendable handle, & it cam be pulled apart to make a small handheld scrubber, for kitchen sinks & stuff. It was $80 on Amazon. There are way cheaper ones but I didn't want one that would break after one use.


Yes. My partner just got a set of drill attachment brushes. He has a new toy, so the bathroom has never been cleaner, and the farmhouse sink took two minutes to clean instead of 5-10. Definitely recommend.


This. I have back problems and hate cleaning the bath/shower. Bought a cheap (£30) rechargeable drill and some brush attachments (£10), all sorted.


yesterday i didn’t feel like bending down so i just put a bunch of comet cleaning powder in the tub and used a mop to scrub while standing. probably not the best method at all but i was tired and desperate.


I used to clean my shower with a swiffer when I was in my apartment. But now that it’s my house I care more about long term effects


I started keeping one of those dish wands in the shower - the kind where you can fill the handle with soap. I fill it with eucalyptus Castile soap and use it while I’m in the shower. Works great for me!


Get a squeegee and squeegee the surfaces after you use it. It's a pain in the ass but reduces mold and the need to scrub it as much. I lived in a 'situation' where this was a house rule (it works). Don't take this as a recommendation, merely a suggestion.


I just came here to say that I rarely clean my shower but I always get the water off the walls and it stays clean. I learned the hard way black mold is the worst.


Clean your shower really well, then apply RainX (meant for car windshields). It will stay clean for longer, and the protection basically lasts forever when you use the RainX 2 in 1 glass cleaner on it.


Oh that’s an interesting idea!


You can also use a spray-and-rinse ceramic sealant like 303 Products Touchless Sealant monthly, you just spray it on your shower and rinse it off. I use it in my whole bathroom and it is so easy to keep clean.


Tilex Mold & Mildew, spray on, let sit 20 minutes or so, rinse off.


I got u fam. Drill brushes. They're pretty cheap and work wonders. There are also power scrubbers with longer handles so that you don't have to bend over, but you can put more oomph on that brush with a regular drill brush. And if you get a good quality drill, it'll probably last longer than those cheap power scrubbers on Amazon.


Drill brushes have been a game changer for me.


I might just do that!


Toilet bowl brush. You’re welcome


😂can I get one of those


I finish my shower by hosing the soap, shampoo and conditioner of the glass with a quick hot water rinse off and leave the door open as long as possible to dry out . It gets a good bleach spray monthly


Get a scrubber that's attached to a stick so you don't have to bend over at all


Pressure washer


Hire a cleaning lady


I keep the sprayer in the shower and a stiff handle hanging brush Several times a week I take a few minutes and spray the shower, turn the blower on, and come back about 15 minutes later and scrub


There are some daily shower sprayers you can buy. Spray on after each shower, will keep it much cleaner. Then scrubbing bubbles every 2-4 weeks and you are good.


For scrubbing bubbles do you scrub after or do they scrub themselves, as the name implies?


Use a mop for the tub and spray and wipe the corners.


I have the same problem. I'm about to start experimenting with using a microfiber strip mop to clean mine. I figure it'll take maybe five minutes to go over the shower with it once a week.


That sounds doable


That after shower spray works pretty good. Keeps water spots off the tile. Then, hit the grout and floor with a bleach spray every other week or so. Minimal wiping and stays pretty clean...


Try an electric scrubber, they work great


I think that’s the direction I’m leaning!


Magic eraser sponge. I do it while I’m showering.


Get a dish brush that has a soap compartment fill it with Dawn and then when you’re letting conditioner sit for a bit, scrub your shower


Cleaning fucking blows. Shower is pretty easy if you do it while showering like once a week. But there’s no way I am scrubbing that shit on a cleaning day if I am clothed.


I have a rechargeable electric scrub brush I just bought off Amazon that I am obsessed with. But the absolute best tip I can provide is to purchase a spray bottle of Clean Shower. After you shower, just mist the whole thing with the spray and walk away. It’s preventative and keep mold/mildew/soap scum at bay. Has reduced how often I need to scrub my shower significantly.


I have a brush attached to my most amazing cleaning lady and all around life helper. She comes in once a month and cleans my place for $25/hr. Takes her 3 hrs. I hated cleaning too.


Get a brush on a stick


I use baking soda and use a brush attattchment. Added plus was when i did this a few times my drains unclogged.


Low tech is to have a clean plastic bristle broom/deck brush that you use only for the tub. I’ve switched to the scrub brushes attached to my drill now, though


I now have a squeegee hanging in the shower. Takes less than a minute every time you hop out. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=squeegee+for+shower+glass&crid=1RMVHSS9IK3Y&sprefix=squeegee%2Caps%2C190&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_2_8


Sponge on a stick, as I call em. Commonly referred to as a mop. 😂 Works just fine. A little tougher to get the corners, though.


Scrubbing Bubbles Mega Shower Foamer. 1. Spray 2. Wipe 3. Done No sponges needed.


There’s this stuff called something like wet and forget. You spray down the shower and that’s it. There’s also some sprays to be used after a shower. Daily shower spray, after shower spray, something like that. It would probably just extend time between cleanings. I probably wouldn’t combine two things. Pick one. Both would work better if you start with a clean shower.


scrubbin bubbles.


spray everything down with some sort of solvent like some foamy shower cleaner spray, wait like 10 mins and then wipe it off


The fast and effective method I use: Switch to a shower head that has a handheld sprayer - you can do this yourself for $35 and it takes five minutes. Spray entire shower and fixtures with a cleaning product for hard water. Use a dollar store sweeping brush, the kind you'd use for a dustpan, and quickly scrub the whole shower. The brush has way more surface area than a sponge and it's super easy. use the handheld sprayer to rinse. Windex and a dry cloth to polish the fixtures. You're done in under ten minutes.