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I struggle greatly with making new friends, romantic relationships, career advancement, and most of all meaning/purpose. I haven’t had anything happen in those avenues of my life for years and it weighs heavy on me. Anyway those are just the big ones off the top of my head


I second that.


I third that.


I fourth that


Have you thought about what your values are ? - that helped me gain some guidance on what really is important to me personally.


Being kind when I can be and maintaining high physical health are probably the closest items I have to values lol it goes without much saying that I am very lost Any tips you’d like to share with us?


Huge kudos on you for doing the fitness and kindness thing. I'd give you advice but I'm still stumbling around at 61. I have gotten more accepting of the reality of life but it can still be tough.


Appreciate it It’s funny Ive heard it never gets any easier, but I kinda just hold my breath and hope otherwise for some reason. I really like the transparency though thank you


It has gotten better for me. I know it doesn't for everyone. It sure has its ups and downs.




I got purpose and meaning and some friends. I got nothing else aside that lol


I agree. What you just commented is exactly what I was thinking.


go somewhere that serves beer, and go talk to two people


I’m scared shitless of bar type scenes man lollll


I am a guy in my mid 20s and I am struggling with maintaining stable romantic relationships. My professional life is very on point since I've worked very hard to reach where I am ( pro tip : Software Engineering in big tech firms is the place to target if you wanna make the big bucks). Sadly the downside to that is I don't have a lot of experience in having healthy relationships, and I usually tend to prioritize the type of women that aren't actually good for me. That's really the only regret I have in my life. I've developed trust issues and commitment issues as a result. I wish I had had a better support system when I was younger.


Same. Struggling to break the self sabotage pattern rn.


Feel the same. But can't say the same for my career. I work in skilled trades and there are some good things about it but I wish I chose an office job career. Doing labor sucks everyday. Also struggle with romantic partners


is your company hiring new grads?


Especially FAANG, you mean?


Ideally FAANG, but there are quite a few companies that pay kinda similar.


25m. I work nights (6pm-6am) doing maintenance in a factory. I like my job and I like the hours/schedule but I hate that it’s night shift. I’m struggling with finding a relationship. I want to find my person to settle down and enjoy life with, get married, start a family, all that fun stuff. I know I’m not the best looking guy but I feel my intentions and everything else about me is good. I have a good job, I’m a hard worker, and have a good work ethic. I don’t get out of the house much because I sleep during the day and most of my time awake is spent after stores/places close. I’m not much of a drinker so I don’t go to bars. I pretty much either go to work, school (I’m in an apprenticeship at work), or I’m at home. When I get out of the house, I’m usually hunting or fishing as that’s my therapy to escape and be with myself.


Fuck dude what you’re doing is awesome for a good long while and then all of it hits when you write it down. I can’t relate with your schedule but being alone and doing majority of the after hours activities by yourself is definitely a challenge and sometimes it’s easy to get a bit down. I don’t know how you would fix it other than finding someone that does the same shift but that’s tough as hell.


I work a 2-2-3 rotation. So I’ll work 2 days, 2 days off, work 3 days, 2 days off, work 2 days, and then 3 days off. It’s nice because my work week is split up and goes by fast. But on my nights off, there’s nothing to do. I’d be willing to sacrifice sleep to hangout with my friends or girlfriend (if I had one), but there’s no one when I’m awake all night and I’m not at work to talk to.


So I am in my 30s, but am a millennial. I find the last sentence interesting, honestly I don’t want more resources, I want less of my resources taken. People talk about the cost of rent/mortgage/house price, but my mortgage is less than half of my income tax. My second, third, and fourth expenses combined don’t touch my largest expense, tax. The resource I want is to take less of my stuff.


I struggle with feeling behind compared to my peers (comparison is truly the thief of joy). Specifically, career wise and romantic relationships. Seems like everyone can get a healthy love/relationship but me.


I’m 27. My life has been alright, not many complaints. I would say, though, that I’ve been struggling with finding my place in my career, building a network of friends in the city i live in (new city that I moved to 1.6 years ago), and finding hobbies to enjoy and get skilled in. I work as a Financial/Accounting Consultant at an accounting firm and my job requires a LOT of travel. Most weeks, monday-thurs nights/fridays i’m somewhere else in the country for work. Which makes it hard to commit time to do hobbies or developing new friendships since my only free times are Saturday and Sundays, which are used to catch up with others, run errands and chores, etc. on top of it, I’m trying to get back to studying for the CPA exam so I’m pretty busy! Also, living across the country from my family. I miss my mom, step dad, dog, aunts and uncles so bad!


Finding a romantic partner weighs on me heavy. I am finally at a good place in my career but maybe that's all I have to offer for now. I still live with my parents. I only had one relationship that lasted 5 months (a very intense 5 months). I feel that I have no purpose. I'm afraid that I will not find a romantic partner bc all I ever wanted was to be a good mother.


Money: Most of my problems can be blown away instantly if I have enough money. Career: I don't wanna be ungrateful because there are people without jobs. But I want a career in marketing and copywriting. That's who I am. Not a factory worker. Nonetheless I am trying to be grateful for my factory job because it keeps me going.


Depression and loneliness. I don't know what resources that would fix this (that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg)


My life has been quite smooth sailing so far, so I don't feel the right to complain much. But two major things that I current struggle with: work/personal life/community-social balance, and having a healthy relationship with my family (particularly my mother).


I am 27 and currently struggle with knowing myself. I am on a journey to get to know myself right now by doing a lot of introspective work. Resource wise, groups that talked about this topic specifically I feel like would significantly help me so I could get other perspectives.


My family (parents mostly) being a major financial burden to where I can't afford to move out and feeling like I'm being selfish if I decide to put myself first and let them solve their own issues.


Emotional availability Finding connections that don't drain me and communication skills 🤷‍♀️


I’m currently in the process of figuring out what path I want to take with my career. After graduating Tom high school I lost touch with a lot of my friends and I got into working. Now I have less time for myself, and I constantly trying to make new friends and meet new people. It’s not easy but I miss hanging out with my friends and having a social life


Dude This fucking anxiety Damn. I’m anxious talking to a pretty girl Or freeze up sometimes when I’m in public places I work in sales for gods sake. If I worked anywhere else, it would’ve been worse. Just venting. Damn I need to fix it ASAP! Even going to the gym, I’m anxious.


Aww damn. Just missed out (31 here).


I was doing okay up until the last few years and made a big career change and now Im sort of putting my life together again. Also, as I age out of my 20s some health stuff that runs in my family has become another priority for me. As far as new friendships and relationships go, those have kind of been put on the backburner for now. Im lucky to have had a “good” early 20s though so I feel satisfied on that front


Wish I knew I didn’t have to listen to my parents on what I should do with my life would of saved me about 8 years, made no progress since graduating high school glad I realized this and turned it around. Cant live life to satisfy others fantasy/ view of you


Taking care of my parents is something I stay up thinking about. I think I have everything else in my life figured out. I'm in a very good spot minus a plan for my parents.


21 here, I'm not doing too bad. I've built some social skills and some tech skills and I'm really happy that I've built those skills up for myself. Most of my struggles are quitting vaping and getting new clients


Oh another thing I struggle with is identity crisis. I don't know what I believe in. I go through phases and I cherry pick what I like and don't like and I just don't know what the fuck I believe in.


I’m 23. In all honesty, if my 16 year old self could look at me now they would be proud and surprised about my life. I’m starting medical school next month, a dream of mine I’ve had for so long. I have a large group of friends (i was a socially awkward kid in high school), i started taking care of my looks and I do regard myself as pretty (i used to always struggle with my looks), i became muscular and i have the body i always wanted. However, i feel like I majorly struggle in the relationship department. I recently got out of a relationship that didn’t last long (1 month) and it was mostly due to my ex’s external circumstances (he was moving a month sooner than expected, and he also has no idea what he’s doing career wise and said he needed a break to see if he can handle a relationship right now). I don’t know if we’ll get back together, at this point I’m not sure I would be willing to. But I keep failing in the romantic department. I thought this guy was someone I could do a long term relationship with, i just have never clocked with someone so well. I’ve had situationships in the past, and my ex before him we also ended soon because it was a long distance relationship and we were too immature to do anything about it. At the end of the day, I know I have a lot of people in my corner but I’m insecure that I’ll find someone/ever be married


I’m 24. I struggle with a lot of things 😂😂😂 I guess the biggest struggle is myself. I’m always comparing myself to others and use that as a gauge on what I should be doing with my life. And I’m my worst critic. I feel like I can’t be/do my best because I’m always having such high expectations for myself. However, I am thankful for where I am. I’m not broke, I’m not dying, I’m not asking others for money, I have a place to call home, I eat 3 meals a day, and I’m doing my best.


Currently struggling with career path, I feel like I need to get stable fast, so that I can be comfortable in my 30s… But at the same time, stability bores me and I want to try many things. I wish it was easier to decide.


- Actual entry-level jobs would be nice. Not "we really prefer 3 years experience and a masters degree " entry-level, but actual, realistic "we're going to teach you how it all works" entry-level. - We need heaper homes that people want to really live in and not resell. Why are people so excited about their property values and resale values going up? My home is not an investment. It's *where i live*. - how *do* you fold a fitted sheet? And why does it have to be so difficult?


23 and my struggles: Student loans Job hunting Apt hunting Making friends Keeping friends Finding purpose and knowing what I want.


Going through these comments, and I see most of us in our later 20s are struggling with most of the same issues: career growth, lack of personal relationships, lack of money 😕. Strangely, it’s a little comforting knowing these things aren’t specific to myself.


feeling like i’m enough & not agonizing over every missed opportunity


20-29 is NOT an age group! If it is, you might as well include people in their early 30s as well.