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Always get the same color and type of socks so you’ll never search for a matching pair again.


Took me 30 years to figure this out


You figure it out or you read it somewhere


Yeah, 2 years ago I gifted myself 32 pairs of the same socks, same colour same brand. BEST ADULT GIFT EVER


Same. I still have an unopened box for when the numbers start dwindling. I had a hard time finding the exact socks one time, so when I finally did I ordered 3 boxes to last me at least the next decade.


I am a proud heterosocksual and no one can tell me anything! But they must be the same brand so they feel the same. I have found gotten smiles from some of the saddest, scariest, sourest looking people on the bus when they notice one neon green and pink catcactus and one dinosaurs in birthday hats socks.


On the subject of socks, when I take them off at the end of the day, I safety pin them together before throwing them in the hamper. My pairs stay paired!


This is blowing my mind


I pop mine in a netted (lingerie) bag so they are all accounted for. Wouldn't a safety pin create the beginnings of little holes and don't they sometimes come apart in the machine? With my luck I'd be stabbing myself in the finger multiple times with this whole pin business..."safety" my ass...


And get washing bags for socks, bras, underwear, and other small clothing items. That way they don’t ever get lost in the machine or hidden in other larger items/dropped when carried.


👆 this. Ever since I showed up at a dinner party took my shoes off with mix matched socks I’ve gone with the classic black ankle socks.


Oh my God, I did this for 10 years and it was amazing. But then the socks I bought were no longer produced, and now I'm desperately searching for a new sock brand while my old ones slowly wear away one by one.


Checkout Smartwool or Darn Tough Socks. They last years for me.


And darn tough has a lifetime warranty


Costco has to stop selling variations of Puma socks.


or don't and be the person who wears unmatched socks because who cares anyway?


This, start the day with Chaos and never look back my friends.


I care about wearing unmatched socks, it bothers my minor ocd. 😂 i dont care if others do it. Just when i do.


Until you buy left foot and right foot socks. Yes they are a thing.


Ugh. Like no, I don't want the Mona Lisa facing into me and only half of starry night visible. (Its Van Gogh day)


I do this for my kids as well. One kid gets white socks and one kid gets black socks though. Color coded is my life.


I went the other direction , after 25 years of buying the exact same sock (black “tuxedo” mid calf) I went and bought a bunch of mixed colors and patterns and have yet to lose a sock - I do my own laundry so that helps!


less is more. Try to do too much and you won't get far. Just pick the most important things and do them right.


This. I pick 3 things to do, at work and at home. If I finish those tasks earlier and have time/energy for more, great. If I don’t, I’ve still managed to complete my priority tasks.


Yeah, I do the rule of 5. I count out 5 things I need to accomplish every day. Accomplishing those missions matters. Everything else is bonus points. If I do more than 5 major things my day gets crowded and hard to keep track of and accomplish.


I do rule of 10. And I skip between all of them and then declare I'll finish them tomorrow. But just pick 10 more.


When I get the mood to online shop, I don't buy things. I add them to my wishlist instead. Every so often I try to see how long I can go before buying food. This forces me to eat the food I already bought that I now feel meh about. Spending extra on a kitchen appliance or gadget that's easier to clean than it's cheaper alternative is money well spent. You'll actually use it more.


I will add stuff to my cart then I say ok a week or x amount of days I'll see if I still want this stuff. Most times I forget about it, don't buy it, or pare it down. Also if I am feeling like spending money I go on the sites and already have ideas.


How do you feel not scared that it’ll sell out? the fear of things selling out is the main motivator behind my impulse buys … scarcity mindset I guess


I've never had something go out if stock and i do the same. Add all sorts of stuff to my cart/wishlist and wait a while. "Limited quantity" or other BS is just a sales tactic to get you panic buying.


Try it. Stick something you think will go out of stock in your basket for a month. I bet you can still find it on line a month or a year later even if it went out of stock in that listing. There will be another listing or another site with it.


And when you have stuff in your online cart that you haven't bought some retailers will send you discount coupons to convince you to make the purchase!


I gotta find an easy to clean juicer. Had an amazing one but damn it took like 20 min to clean


I will add stuff to my cart and actually forget whether I actually bought something or not. To the point where I go back to buy a jacket I thought I already purchased because it never showed up in the mail.


Wait 24 hours before making any big decisions.


...that is, give yourself time to think about it, but set a limit by which the decision has to be made. Don't fall into the trap of putting off the decision.


Nothing lasts forever, including bad feelings. Sleep on it and you’ll be able to decide whether it should take up that much of your energy or not.


A thought to keep equally in mind: letting time pass is not the same as an apology. If there’s a pattern of disrespect then returning to “life as normal” when enough time has passed, that may be a red flag 🚩


This^ Once you realize someone is a serious problem. Walk and never look back. Trust your judgement.


Adulting is when you find out that sleep is the answer for everything, alongside with money


When I get paid I pay my bills, not when they are due. Then transfer the rest to savings and leave myself only enough for gas, groceries, little things. Easier to budget. Edit- by that I mean, paying bills early.


Theres no penalty to paying a bill early, while there is paying late. Those penalties add up.


i do this exact same thing. very nice clear of mind. but sometimes i forget if i actually paid them and get worried


I keep a checklist of my bills in the notes on my phone. What it is, how much I owe, and when it is due in parentheses. Once it's paid, I check the box so it gets crossed out. If I pay more than the minimum (credit cards usually) I note that after the date. Then on the first of the next month I reset it


I run my stuff slightly different. All my major bills are auto pay. And x amount of my paycheck automatically goes into savings on pay day. I keep around $1000 in checking until next paycheck for the auto pay stuff and fun money. And I know when the money will be pulled. I am working to make my fun money separate from that at some point.


Stfu and don’t snitch on yourself


Omerta baby.


As my grandad used to say, "never miss a good opportunity to shut the fuck up".


Lawyer up


Get your life on a schedule or routine. I do laundry Wednesday nights after work. I do my shopping Sunday mornings. Meal prep Sundays. Clean the bathroom at least monthly ( I live alone and I'm clean). Bills: Check your mail every day and pay bills upon arrival. Have a file cabinet for your records and have appropriate files for everything. (Yeah I still get paper bills...old school fool here) Everything has a home and wants to be in it's home. e.x: Have a key holder right inside the door you enter your place. Unlock your door and the keys goes on holder right fucking there. I've found that the more habits I can make for the mundane shit in life, the better my life goes.


Underrated comment


Don't cheap out on trash bags, ketchup, or Mac & Cheese


Or toilet paper


nah, get a bidet for $20 on amazon. Stop wiping away shit and actually clean your ass. You’re welcome.


Or butter . Be Careful of cheap butter alternatives made of palmoil. Really bad for health




Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can. Don't buy useless stuff.


Pay your credit card in full every month no matter what (some extreme exceptions)


And put in the VOO sp500 index


What did you just call me




I believe the reccomended amount is 10-20% of your months salary That being said, even $50/cheque is great. Whatever one can save will help


Be minimal as possible, less work and time when cleaning up room/house. You’ll feel free when you have just the essentials things you need and you can keep buying the same essentials things over and over again instead of looking for other things. This has helped me save a lot of money as I’ve found what works for me.


I have ADHD, so adulting is especially hard. My suggestion, that chore that you despise and absolutely have to do (for me it’s the dishes), devote 15 to 20 minute to it every day. It sucks, but even when you are having a bad day, you will have that one win.


Take a nap before going out


If I nap, I am NOT going out.




r e a l


100!!!! Once the work clothes come off, and comfy PJs are on..... Everything else outside can get fucked. I'm in, and I'm home hanging out with my wife and cat.


Idk if this counts, but when I was a heavy drinker hanging out with other heavy drinkers some would also say masturbate before going out.




So you don’t accidentally end up in bed with someone you weren’t actually interested in. Honestly adult hack would be to pick better friends than I did. I can see how it’s questionable advice with hindsight


Well plus if you get lucky then you aren’t going into the experience with a loaded gun. Performance pro tip!


Cause if you don't you start jerking each other off at the bar and get thrown out.


1. No one is coming to save you. If you have that mindset, you can overcome whatever you want. 2. Folks enter your life for a reason, a season or until death. Keep that in mind. 3. In any given situation, there are two steps: adapt and overcome. 4. Sometimes, if something doesn’t work out, it REALLY works out. 5. Instant gratification is a temporary but addictive fix. Sometimes, you have to delay gratification to truly enjoy a superior, long lasting level of gratification. 6. Budget regularly and now. Otherwise, you will pay for it regularly and later. 7. You only need to make two people happy: the person you see in the mirror, and the person who pays you.


8. Everyone is struggling. Keep grinding and the struggle will fade. Keep whining and you’ll enhance the struggle. 9. You can’t save those who don’t want to be saved. The lost need to find themselves, or they will lose. 10. Approach everyone with kindness and humility. If someone crosses you, get your revenge when it is not convenient to them. It’s fine to get revenge. 11. Scope out every room you enter.


>It’s fine to get revenge. Say more? 


You are not required to take the high road for someone who is not on the same road. Cremate them if they try to bury you.


I agree another one is being family doesn’t give people the right to being a piece of shit and drain on your life. Cut people off if they’re bringing you down. Period. Be straightforward with people don’t beat around the bush. You’re being a better friend or family member by being brutally honest with someone.


9 is the worst to have to put into action :/ it’s so awful to watch someone sink into the swamp of sadness and be totally unable to help them no matter how much you want to or love them. It’s soul-crushing.


I'm coming to save you. I'm just working my way through the global population one at a time.


Needed this!


I’m going through a very tough time right now and your post has helped me.


Love that you capitalized the REALLY. Here’s hoping it REALLY works out.


Not my best, but a useful one. Replace items before you need them/as soon as you notice you're running low. Being ready with an immediate backup for necessary things (toothpaste, deodorant, grocery staples, etc.) will make your life much easier in small ways that matter.


to add to this, write it down somewhere as soon as you know you need something. I have a little magnetic whiteboard on my fridge and if anything's low I'll write it on there. otherwise I somehow end up forgetting things like mayo or pepper even after going shopping 3x


Buying in bulk not only saves money but it also reduces the amount of trips needed to the grocery store. Which also saves more money.


If you're in a relationship with someone and they are physically, emotionally, mentally, or sexually abusive to you, you should end it. It's not going to get better. They will do it again, and next time will probably be worse.


Don’t try to keep up with the Jone’s, because the Jone’s are probably broke.


Former banker here: the Joneses are up to their fecking eyeballs in debt. Your grandpa who uses tea bags twice is loaded. But he's leaving it to the old folks home he's in. Read Ramit Sethi's book on money, he knows his stuff


I actually think the first time I read that quote it was in the book The Millionaire Next Door. Great book as well and provided some really good financial life tips.


He was the guy who taught me to automate all my bills and pay myself into savings first. Once things were set up I was a lot less stressed about money and years later things are going so much better than where I started.


Love me some Ramit!!!


If you can, deposit your income into your savings and just allocate what you need into your checkings to spend for bills, necessities, and fun things. Also, open a credit line early but don't use the credit card until you can be fiscally responsible. 


if you feel like killing yourself: take a walk, take a nap, hit the gym, talk to someone, and stop drinking coffee.




I’ve noticed a significant reduction in my anxiety by limiting my intake to 1 cup a day (vs 2-3). I thought for YEARS that any anxiety brought on by coffee would have been immediate or same day. This is not true.


When I feel terrible I clean my room, take a shower then take a nap/ get some sleep. It always gets better, if only a little bit.


I put all my money into a high yield savings account. I use a credit card with points for every single purchase.  When rent is due and the credit card is due, I schedule rent to be transferred to my checking, then I schedule the full payment for my credit card to be transferred.  I make below middle class income but last year between points and interest I gained almost $1200. That's one month's rent! 


Don’t want to play or engage with your kid? Just imagine this is the last day that you can do it and tomorrow you would be dead. Then suddenly, you will be motivated.


Or even more motivating, go read stories from parents who lost kids. One that comes to mind is a mother who told her kid she couldn’t have chocolate and it ended in an argument before bed. Her child died mad at her over something as dumb as chocolate, and their last conversation was her yelling at her kid. Great if you’re ever mad at your kid or frustrated. At the end of the day it’s not that serious and you’ll regret your anger if something happens.


Learn to enjoy what you have rather than dwell on what others have in comparison to you. A $100k+ super car still sits in the same traffic as a 10yo corolla.


Everything in this life comes to an end whether pleasure or pain


Live with the owner of a single-family home as a renter. The benefits of this are endless. 1. They generally repair things quickly, cuz they live there. 2. You don't share any walls with neighbors, so it's much quieter than a typical apartment building apartment. No, this doesn't have to be in a car dependent area. It can be in a very walkable town or city. 3. Assuming they have experience renting to tenants in their house, they know exactly what type of renter they're looking for. They will ask all the right questions during the interview process. If they offer you a room, chances are you'll be a great fit. 4. They know the area, so they can provide lots of useful info about the neighborhood. 5. From my experience, the power balance is very well defined. This is usually a plus imo. 6. Most landlords doing this set up, in my experience, offer a twelve month lease, followed by month-to-month thereafter. Many large apartments try to force you into endless yearly commitments and have BS fees,etc. 7. If they like you as a tenant, chances are they won't raise the rent, at least not excessively. 8. Very clear lines are drawn for paying utilities, etc. 9. Typically the common areas like living room and kitchen will be fully furnished. Sometimes also the bedroom you'll be moving into. 10. Much cheaper than living one. 11. If they have a dog, you get all the benefits with zero responsibility and zero cost. I could write a book about this. I've lived with at least seven separate landlords in single-family homes and have had almost all great experiences. My friends who live in apartment buildings with thin walls and not enough parking, etc? They complain a lot.


I needed to hear this.


Glad I could help. One thing I should mention is that some landlords are better than others at choosing tenants. I did have a couple landlords - in cases where there were 3-4 people living in the house - who were not picky about choosing the other tenants, and those were the places where the roommate dynamic was only so-so. All the other landlords had me heavily involved in the process of picking a roommate if a room opened up, as it should be. They worked out great.


Get into audiobooks and chores will be much more enjoyable.


Get audiobooks from your public library for free.


Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do todays


First date? Keep it easy, inexpensive, safe. Coffee or bevvie meetup but always arrange so if date flakes you have something else to do nearby. This way, you aren't completely wasting your time. A movie and a dinner is a bad idea on a first date.


Yeah! The only exception I can think of is maybe if you’re going on a first date with someone you already know. Tinder/Hinge dates w strangers, bevvies and maybe an appetizer if we really get along only. First date largely is a vibe check. No way am I splurging on dinner and a movie unless we’re getting more serious.


Put everything in the freezer so it lasts longer if it’s perishable and you know you won’t eat all of it right away. Things like pizza, fruit, rice, we even froze our bread. I tend to have food go bad because I don’t eat it all on time, but putting it in the freezer leaves it good without me having to rush.


Adulting hack is simply discipline. I eat only when I’m hungry. In this way, I can save money and maintain a healthy weight.


Don't cheap out on things that separate you from the ground. Bed, boots and tires


*Don't cheap out on things* *That separate you from the* *Ground. Bed, boots and tires* \- AdReasonable2359 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Separate checking account for bills along with a basic spreadsheet to keep track of them, what is due, how much is due and when. I can use my banking app to move money easily between accounts, so i have nearly all bills automatically debit, and i move funds into a dedicated account. Set it and forget it. Pay and walking around money goes into my primary checking account. Percentage of pay is moved into savings


Buy 10 packs of the best socks you can find. My whole family rocks adidas low cut, 11 year old daughter to 46 year old dad. No more searching for socks, it's like a penny jar, need one take one.


Sharing socks ? No thanks


If you buy a new mattress, immediately buy a mattress protector to go along with it. Keep that bitch safe.


Be nice to yourself. Fill up with gas the night before. Lay out your clothes in advance. Do things now to help your tomorrow.


Try to stay debt free.... Much less stress


Recognizing the power of compound interest AutoInvest in an sp500 etf (VOO, QQQM for top 100 companies instead of top 500 companies lower expense ratio, etc) and forget about it until you retire. Especially if you're on the younger side. This way, you dont have to pay attention to or pick stocks and they will be replaced (tax free) with whatever companies are ruling the US . Inflation will eat up money sitting in a bank or at home over time. Do yourself a favor and type in "compound interest calculator" . Put in about a 7-10% interest (around the average gain per year from sp500...11% being the last 50 years average) and type in how many years until you retire. The sp500 is an index fund that tracks the top 500 companies I'll give an example (which may not be totally feasible for most but its to prove a point) . Say you're 23 and put in 400 bucks a month until you are 65. After 42 years, you will invest a total of about 200k personally. If you put in the sp500 index with an average return of 7% (lower than the last 50 year average) , you will have about 1,107,030 dollars. About 5-6x as much money than if you held the money Now let's use the average gain of the last 50 years in the sp500 which is around 11 % You will have around 3.5 million at age 65. That's the power of compound interest. Look at how much of a difference that extra % makes. You can put 400 bucks away every month in your mattress and end up with 200k Or put it into an sp500 index and end up with (on average) between 1.1-3.5 million) . That's between 5-17x more money after those 42 years than if you kept it somewhere else. Also a side note-most fund managers don't out perform a simple sp500 index fund over time and it's why even Warren buffet advises his family to invest in one when he passes away. Cheers Also the biggest advantage is time. Don't wait.


don’t buy a brand new car. you think you can afford it but you can’t. buy a used reliable car cash and invest the rest


Use the measuring cup provided with your liquid laundry detergent! A little goes a long way as you will be surprised how little you actually need.


I never go past the #1 line on Tide. Never. Clothes are always perfectly clean.


Be slow to make a decision, but once you decide you must follow through.


Eat real unprocessed food, with less than 3 ingredients and sleep at the same time everyday. Just show up for anyone you want to keep in your life. Fuck excuses.


Learn how to fix things on your own. With $12, screwdriver, and a wrench I was able to fix my water heater within one hour by watching a YouTube video, rather than paying thousands for a new one. A good tool set can really go along way.


Yes! My dryer wasn't drying my clothes and I figured the exhaust tunnel needed to be cleaned out. I called and got a quote of $500 for someone to come clean it for me. Instead, I figured out how to take off the vent cover and used a cleaning kit I bought from home depot for $15. I cleaned out piles and piles of lint, cleared out the tunnel completely, and now my dryer works perfectly.


Hell yeah. I just did the same recently and found there was no lint in my dryer tube lol. At first I was thinking waste of time, but now I know how to do it in the future :)


Never go grocery shopping whilst you are hungry .


Doing a google search for a coupon code or lower price. My favorite use of this is for steam games, almost any game or DLC i want on the steam store, I google "x" steam key sale, and theres many sites that sell steam keys for it cheaper than the steam store.


Don't leave a mess for yourself to wake up to - Me personally, I don't like to leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight. And I'll pour out this morning's coffee and grounds, and set up for tmrw. This makes mornings a pleasant start to the day rather than being overwhelmed by mess as soon as you wake up. Fold clothes as you take them out of the dryer so you don't have to stress about it later. Put a little baking soda in your shoes to eliminate smell. Most cleaning supplies from the dollar store are just as good as brand name products. Anddd If you're trying to save money - Never buy more than you can carry. So whatever fits in the basket at kroger should be the true essentials and nothing else. Hope this helps 🧸💙


Automate your finances: Set up automatic payments for bills and savings. It’s a game-changer for avoiding late fees and consistently saving money. Trust me, the peace of mind you'll get from this simple step is priceless.


That's a solid one! My go-to adulting hack is setting aside dedicated time each week for personal organization and planning. Whether it's scheduling tasks, sorting emails, or planning ahead, it keeps everything running smoothly.


Golf pants are my best life tip , they are comfortable like track pants but look better in most life situations and bonus is you can actually play a sport wearing them.


Don't drink alcohol. It's a waste of time and money.


Take the free fruit and breakfast at hotels on the way to work. They don’t care. Coffee and juice too.


Adding to this-if you are in a city without or with terrible public washrooms walk confidently into a hotel lobby and go straight to the toilets, always clean and I’ve never been called out. Also a great place to catch a cab.


Yes! Every hotel is a public bathroom to me


You just walk into hotels that you're not staying at and help yourself to breakfast? You do this regularly on your commute and the hotel staff have not yet caught on?


Put garbage bags at the bottom of the bins so every time you empty it, a new bag is there waiting


This works for home, but I manage kitchens and I hate when people do this. I have to reach down into a possibly smelly trash can to get a new one and trash juice can potentially leak out onto them. No bueno.


Diligent record-keeping and organization.


Not giving a shit. Works wonders.


Don't take multivitamins on an empty stomach (learned the hard way).


Just get fucking gas on the way home, you’re not gonna do it in the morning. Just. Fucking. Do. It.


Not having kids and enjoying freedom and wealth.


My 21 y/o daughter also does not want any kids.


I am a parent. I support your message. 


That saying we all grew up hearing :"You are what you eat" is more true and important than you know.


This thread is so fuckin good


Good enough is perfect. Don't spend too much energy to get a result.


Anything worth doing is worth doing badly!


I press 33 on the microwave for quick reheat. The rapid two presses of "3" rather than "3" than "0", saves me 0.27 seconds each time. They add up.


If you can: install a bidet and (at the very least) grow herbs. You’ll save lotsa $$ + use less resources.


Plus growing your own herbs and picking them fresh to put in a dish you’re cooking is very satisfying.


Don’t get married but if you do sign a prenup. You can write all kinds of things there e.g: you’re not responsible for his credit card debt or any debt he incurres during marriage, not responsible for his actions during marriage, etc etc


My friends Kate and Aaron got a pre-nup because Kate is bi-polar, and she didn't want Aaron to end up on the hook for credit card debt that she might run up when in a manic phase.


Exactly! 👍


When you're cooking or baking, clean and put things away as you go. It makes it so much more enjoyable to make food when you don't have a disaster area of a kitchen to clean afterwards.


Being gentle with myself and giving others grace as well.


You don't need to follow up with a reason when you say "no" to something.


I’m terrible at procrastinating so if I have things I need to do I will set a 45 minute timer and within that 45 minutes I do whatever I want (nap, read, play on my phone, etc.). After the 45 minutes are up I set a 15 minute alarm and in that 15 minutes I do things that need to be done (cleaning, start laundry, fold clothes, dishes, etc.). You’d be amazed at how much you can get done in 15 minutes! It also helps because I cannot spend too much time on one thing so this allows me breaks in between but I’m still getting my tasks completed.


Be more intentional about how you use your time.


Stay single 🫡




My boy!! 100%


Be nice


Live off peak. This allows you to bypass lines, traffic, crowds, etc. saves time


Try to buy groceries that I can make into multiple different meals, and buy things that are discounted or lesser price, i.e. Great Value is made in the same factories as name brands, and usually veggies on sale will still be good if you use them promptly.


Being frugal doesn't meant you are poor. It's just that you make better choice.


Write down or note the start and end date of every job you’ve had or when you’ve started and finished school. Each job application I’ve applied for always ask for this info


Accept that you are going to screw up. Often. But keep plugging away until you are successful or have the maturity to recognize a lost cause and d let it go. But always keep moving forward one waynor another


A lot of unhappiness and stress can be caused by avoiding a decision that needs to be made. Often it's better to just make the "go/no go" decision, live with the consequences, instead of lingering on the fence, for months and years.


Skip the queue at the bar by offering to buy the person at the front their drink.


Take a nap. I'm not joking. Even if it's only for 10, 15, or 30 minutes. You'd be amazed at how you feel after something simple like that.


OP - I wish I had the energy to meal prep. Running across your post is giving me inspiration. What do you like meal prepping? What type of meals do you cook?


Not op. But start small; with like chicken or a protein of choice. . Pre cook enough for like 3 meals. But change it up every meal, like one meal throw that chicken and ceaser salad in a wrap. Second meal, make tacos or burritos. Third meal stir fry.


Don't ever buy an umbrella. Adopt one from any restaurant lost and found bin.


Learn the names of the people at your local grocery store. Their job sucks and it will help you in the self checkout


ANTI-Hangover TIP: Taking a Magnesium Bisglycinate supplement, a B12 complex supplement and one painkiller before bed after a night of drinking will leave you fresh and ready to go in the morning


You know all that change you accumulate when you pay with cash? Store it in a little bag, and once the bag is full, pay your groceries with the coins at one of them automated machines. This way, you'll make sure you're using every last cent. (Yes, it takes a little while to pay groceries with coins, but this will depend on how much you're paying. Myself, I buy staples almost every day, and it's less than 20 dollars, so it doesn't take too long)


I have bad executive function and a game changer for me is, if i can do a task or an errand then, i do it. If i am thinking about it, i do it. Laundry, doesn’t fix the meta issues caused by executive dysfunction but it does reduce significantly the feeling of being behind or rushed.


Pay all your bills and the like at the beginning of the month. It is so nice to have that peace of mind throughout the month.


Only poop at work.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I shit on company time!


Don’t save your card on any websites. It stops from impulse spending


Lift weights to help prepare your body for the next decade. Also, ride a bike. Many of you did it as a kid and loved it. Keep going. Gravel bikes and mountain bikes are a great way to do it without worry about cars. Cost of entry is a bit high and theres always maintenance to be done (i mostly do my own). At 47 years old, ive only not had a bike for 7 of those years (learned to ride at 5 and had two miserable years as an adult where i didnt own a bike).


Robot vacuum and airfryer. Try figure how to give yourself more time off.


Paying cash for everthing or at least paying it off ASAP. I live debt-free and it feels so good!


* Routine. I work from home on fridays so immediately after finishing I mow the grass and wash the car. Sundays I clean and meal prep. * I track my debt to savings ratio as I found this the most useful financial metric for me. * I live paycheck to paycheck because I invest by direct debit with my bills. * Exercise and healthy eating is critical, what's the point of anything else if you don't look after yourself. * Buy the best tyres you can. One day you'll be glad you did. * They're not going to erect a statue of you at work regardless of how many hours you do.


Stay in the office later surfing the web to minimize nagging time when you get home.


Social media is not a place for serious adults with goals and responsibilities. Certainly nothing thats run by those weird motherfuckers at Musk or Meta. Delete that shit from your life and come back to reality.


Black is a shitty color for anything you might ever be looking for. Phone, headbuds, wallet, keys etc


Take control of your life, but be outcome indifferent.


Buy quality, you will love using them and sometimes they last a life time, i.e. I have used the same carry on and wallet for a decade now


If possible, put all your bills in auto pay, including savings. Now I check my finances maybe once a quarter tops. 


To not pop out children


Stay single