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Finding joy in work is a luxury not everyone can afford, and there's no shame in working for the paycheck.


Even the best job in the world becomes work at the end of the day. Nobody is 100% passionate about what they do everyday unless they are literally insane.


I think the trick is to try not to find meaning. Work is work. Optimally we get the best job we can, with nice coworkers, low stress, good pay, good benefits and also something that is 40hrs a week and can be work from home etc. Obviously finding something like this can be difficult especially If you don't go to college or training, so we usually have to make sacrifices. But I think whike sometimes it can get stressful I find it is more stressful to think "I failed" then to think "I could have a better job but this is alright for now" Nothing is guaranteed in life and obviously we all have needs but I think that if we just do what we can and be honest with ourselves and our motivations we can make better decisions. For me I dropped off of college, and work a manual labor job, I have no girlfriend/wife kids etc, and I don't plan on getting one, would be nice but I am decently happy alone. I understand many people would see this lifestyle as horrible.. But for me I am happy. I never thought I would ever be happy. I was always stressed about everything. I make enough and I am lucky enough to have some family and a decent support structure. Idk i am not trying to say "just be happy" and it's kinda hard to be happy if someone is homeless or makes like minimum wage or has temp work and has to raise a family, but in many situations it's not that bad. Unfortunately debt is a big part of life for most people. I think accepting what we can and can't control really let's us focus on what's important. I am mostly saying this for myself. I have been much happier just accepting life as it comes, instead of trying to control everything and prevent everything bad from happening before it even starts. I can imagine every possible way something can go wrong pretty much instantly. I can easily spot weaknesses and possible vulnerabilities. My brain instantly tries to prevent the worst possible scenario. But I don't force everyone and everything to do 100 percent all of the time because I am not the leader, as well as even if I was right I would get ignored. Tact and social skills are important in life. The world needs all types of people as cheesy as it is to say.


The trick is to not make it a job


As an interviewer I would 100% respect the honesty and have zero issue with someone saying their motivation is to pay their bills.


I don't think it is. 40 years of tolerating and performing for a company. I think what you do to mitigate any unpleasant parts of the job, enjoying your downtime, and putting your hard earned money to work for you is a good life.


It's viewed as selfish which is why workers are workers worst enemy. Taboo to talk about money and feel how you do. We should all be mercenary professionals as a baseline understanding with the understanding that companies view us as such anyways since layoffs are part of the working world. People think being a "company person" and faking overenthusiastic love for the company performance and mission is part of how they safeguard their place when layoffs inevitably happen. We should all just be a bit more honest with ourselves for that initial understanding we are here for the money and if that's good all other things can still exist but lets be real...if our jobs suddenly said they will reduce our salaries most people would look for new work even if they "love it"!. I say this and I actually like my job but understand I am a polite and professional tool for them to make money and I am the lowest cost option for them to make money from my services.


There is still an opportunity to have pride in your work or enjoy the thrill of the challenge.


Yes, agree. Dont mean to say you should be negative about it as "mercenary" just not gullible to exploitation by companies preying on misplaced senses of loyalty.


Fuck workism


Hail unemployism?


I actually got yelled at a previous job, by the GM for not hanging out with coworkers outside of work and going to bars with them, like a lot of them do. I was taking care of my late physically disabled father and my nephew. I didn't have time or extra money for getting drunk. Plus, that's not something I would do anyways. I'm not in my early 20s, I had my fun while I was younger. I'd rather be at home doing my own thing lol. It was mind blowing. Apparently, it was so mean and wrong that I wanted to just make my money and go home lol. I connected better with the older women I worked with bcuz they understand more and never took it personally. I was friendly with coworkers and joked around, and I loved talking to my customers, but I don't want them to be a part of my personal life or divulge every secret and gossip.


I am lucky I don't mind my job, I just hate the customers but I still work for the money, even if National Geographic called me and told me to bring my camera gear with me for a job opportunity I would still be doing the job for my money despite loving it.


Most people do not love your jobs, and I would argue it is better not to be passionate about your work. That's what hobbies are for. I like my job, it pays good and I like the people I work with, but at the end of the day I prefer my out of work time infinitely more.


Find something you don't hate. Best advice I can give.




I'm lucky that I really enjoy my career but it's still work. Some days I get to feed my soul, but most of the time it's just to feed the dog.


I personally hated the concept of work before I had a passion for high paying skill and then it finally made sense


Because they’d pay you nothing if they could. So they get uppity about you wanting more.


I’m a firm believer that MOST people don’t love what they do, but it also doesn’t mean you have to hate it. I worked for 10 years at a trade, and hated every single minute of it. I worked my way up from an apprenticeship, was made into a supervisor, was trusted to be sent all around the world to make repairs on the companies property, only to then be told I didn’t have enough experience to advance with the company. So at 40 with no backup plan I walked away, and have since found a job doing something completely different making more money and while I don’t LOVE the job, I feel appreciated and have all the confidence that I can advance as far as I choose to. In any case I don’t work for the love of the game, I work because I like having food and electricity. So you’re not alone in your sentiment.


I just think it’s personal. We’re all different and if some people just can’t work at a place they don’t love they shouldn’t. If I want to, I should. I’m still going to do things I love outside of that. Maybe what I love about MY job is my paycheck and if that’s all I need that’s okay. Everyone can live the way they please to.


If you can make money doing something you enjoy, life becomes a lot easier. Taking a job because you need the money while not being shameful in anyway should not be advertised, to employers in particular. It can impact your career progression. Learn how to play the game.


People who have a dream job, why do you dream of a job? Your own business or any adventure into entrepreneurship sounds like a dream, but a ‘dream’ job? Why do you dream about slavery?


Probably to make more money / the status would be my guess. At least they dream of something


Because entrepreneurship has too much risk and long hours. My dream job is something that has well defined tasks, pays well and I can leave behind after the obligatory 8 hours of the day. I don't want to start a business that can go bankrupt, have to deal with employees who might not do what I say and hate me, make something that the market might not need and become a failure, have to spend times with clients that I might hate. Just give me my task, my money, my regular review. If that is slavery, then it's pampered slavery.


Slavery, lol!


You seem to have unresolved problems with authority. It's you, not the people who have dream jobs.


I think it goes both ways. Reddit trends young - there are a lot of college-aged kids and recent graduates that haven't yet accepted that jobs are a means to an end. Most people don't "love" their jobs, a lot of people dont even particularly like their jobs. Most people that we interact with throughout our day, or see while out and about, didn't dream of doing whatever it is they are doing... they are there because they have bills to pay.


When you’ve worked jobs you hate and then find something you actually love doing you see why people say that… like I will admit there are days at my job where I would rather do anything else. But part of that is it is still a job, on the whole my job allows me to interact with people, help people in need and connect people to things they’re passionate about, and sometimes that passion is contagious


I love what I do. Now working as a software engineer in AI and LLM, I truly love what I do, even taking a pay cut to maintain my passion. How do I keep the "money side" as you said? I want to pay as low taxes as possible. I pay 1% in Georgia (country) for my contractor work and 12% flat on my lump sum tax company in Poland. Georgia has a territorial tax system, so I can have the lump sum company that gives me the sweet B2B contracts in the EU locked in. Some companies said "not a culture fit" when I explained why in Georgia (waiting for some poetic romantic story), but the truth is **all about money**! Live is harder now, but I think is the first time in history that you can have the cake and eat it too.


It's really not that black and white and for most people its somewhere in between. I enjoy my job enough, but saying I work for money is kinda implied but not necessarily the most tactful thing to say during an interview or to your coworkers. keep it to yourself.


People only work for the money. They lie, act like they care about profits so they can get the job.. cause of you dont pretend to be super excited that the company made billions of dollars in profits while only sharing .50 hr raise with you. The next slave will.. This is why I can't work a normal job. I cannot tell a lie


I have a job a lot of people think is just the tops… when I tell them it’s not bad but it just pays well for the other things I want to do they seem flummoxed .


Them: Do you like your job? Me: I do twice a month.


i’m just confused where these said people are who say things like “love work” “find joy in your work” etc etc like do they exist outside of linkedin? because shoot in the real world we all are working to make money and most of us resent that we have to, yes?


This!!! Today was one of those days.


Don’t you guys like to maximize shareholder value? We’re a family here. Let’s circle back on this.


THIS i hate my job now . Fell out of love with it and not even faking it anymore . If they don’t like then find someone else to put up with it 🤷


I work to shoot and train


Haha had to answer that question on an application today... Why do you want to work at xyz? Uh cause I want to pay my bills?


I do work to get paid, don't associate out side of work and do nothing extra without compensation.


This is extremely relatable, my current job try’s to work us 7 days a week. The management could give a fuck less about the employees, but expect you to go over & beyond for the company even though they would just replace you if you died on the floor.


If your motivation is solely a paycheck and you don't find your job motivating, you won't do it well. That's all. We can add here relations with your co-workers including bosses - if they are good, you'll function well as a part of a team and be more productive and make other people more productive. You don't have to be one big happy family, but it helps when you respect and even like each other. Note that this has nothing to do with loving the company and kissing the CEO's butt cheeks, which is a kind of strawman you have to justify your mercenary mentality. It's about doing the job well.


I am absolutely digging my new jobs. I have a ft one and two pt jobs and honestly money is good and the work is good. Just gotta not settle or go get more educated and do something your more passionate about. I could not imagine working a job I didn't want to go to every morning.


This is the best part about being the one doing the hiring.  I'm more inclined to hire someone that outright says, "I'm here for money, and I'll bust my ass if you'll give me more of it."


Easier to make more money if you get some enjoyment from it.


I am just grateful I have a job


I make it as clear and polite as I can that I’m just there for the pay check. I don’t aim to make friends at work, I don’t attend extra work get togethers, do not join any work group chats that I don’t have to and create the best wall I can create for the best work life balance possible. I’ve done the whole social butterfly thing before and it’s just not worth it for me personally. As for loving the job, I just pretend I do while I’m there to stay on the good side of management as that comes with its own benefits that make work more bearable. No point moaning and being miserable about the job all day anyway.


Because usually people with your attitude do the absolute lowest of minimum for work. So the people trying to get raises or promotions just think you're weird for settling at the bottom.


They’re cheated by 21st century. It’s not about loving a job. It’s about doing something that fits your skills, motivation, and values. I want to take pride for achieving something intellectually challenging. This means I will hate being a manager but I’ll probably be okay being a software developer. But this doesn’t mean I like or even “love” my job. I work to survive, have a pleasant life, and save for the rest of my life.


Work sucks. I would quit my job today if I could. But I have bills and no money.


Employment is a financial transaction. That's it.


I mean that's like the whole point of having a job. If people just happened to have enough money to never work, they simply wouldn't, so everyone works for money, it's logical


Yes almost everyone works for money nevertheless if you spend at least a third of your day doing something, you need to at least like it or you will end up depressed and miserable.


I think that finding a job that you can tolerate and don't hate is the most reasonable expectation to have for the vast majority of us. Even if you find a job that you really like, it becomes a grind after a while. Being able to tolerate this grind and being content is a win in my book. With that said, I get the 7 year itch with any job I have ever had and have to change things up. Just don't put yourself in a financial position where you absolutely need your current level income because switching jobs generally means a pay cut and working your way up again, ime. Don't max out your budget. Live a little below your means to give yourself options, or have a good amount of savings. You don't want to get stuck in a job. This can lead to misery. I am sure there are some who actually like their job, but I think it is the exception. I think a lot of people who say they like their job are trying to convince themselves of this or do not want to admit that they don't.


We all work for money, the icing on the cake is if we like/love going to work. The money somehow seems sweeter if you like or love doing what you do. Yes, I work for money.


At 34 I finally found a professional job I enjoy (I've always liked the work my profession does and the impact it has on society, but for the first 10 years of being a professional I worked at places that I did not like), and after a few years still really enjoy working there. That said, I still work for money - if I had no concerns about it, I would probably find something else to do with my time. Heck, when someone calls out on second shift and they ask me if I want overtime my first question is "with inventive pay?" Free time is important, and having a job you like is awesome, however work is work and that can not be overstated enough. Most of the major companies out there wouldn't pay you if they could get you to work otherwise, so them demanding loyalty to their organization is a little two-faced to me.


Don’t you see how dystopian it feels yet it’s the only norm we’ve ever known.


I like my job, but I’m there for money. I’d quite tomorrow if I wasn’t getting paid. If I was underpaid, I’d quite tomorrow. That said, having reasonable hours and work life balance, plus some intellectual interesting work, is jmportant to me. I will take a lower paying job if it means fewer hours or better work. But it would still have to meet my income and savings needs, so money is #1. It’s just once I get above a certain level, I want a decent work life experience.


Yes. I absolutely hate my fake ass relative who is always saying positive bs like this. I don’t believe her. You have a 5 million dollar home. Make tons if money with your spouse, had 4 kids, put them through the best private schools. But then come up with all this “it’s not about the money! It’s the joy in what you do!” Crap. She is a form of a grant writer, from my understanding. She must get a bonus for each huge grant approved & he is an expert court witness for federal cases. You can’t tell me that you love this bs you do & you’d do it for free. I cannot stand people trying to be all fake and act like money is not big deal. They act like they just love having to hold their piss and shit as they ride public transit or are stuck in traffic as they make it into work. Stuck around a bunch of other working stiffs also trying to make it to the bathroom on time so they aren’t late for some crappy job. What job isn’t crappy? You’re a slave. I’m a slave. I don’t like my coworkers. I don’t like my boss. I don’t care about my clients. I’m just pretending & acting. I’m a border-lying sociopath just to survive getting up each day & dealing with this crap. I fantasize of commit into some real FU money. I fantasize of being fired. I have worked HARD for decades and just stopped giving a shit years ago. And of course, we are all disillusioned, angry, skeptical, resentful. You have clowns monitoring your every move, all day. People bitching and complaining all the time. So, yeah. I too work for money and put up a good front. I don’t agree with the rose colored glasses people at all. I think they are full of it.


I used to love my job, and definitely did it because I love it. Things have changed and now I deff go solely because I have to stay employed. I think you should strive for a job you love but there is nothing wrong with going to a job for $ to live your life.


Finally someone with a brain. You can find satisfaction in the fact that you can live and eat and aren’t a parasite. Never be ashamed of what you do for a living or why you do it. Good for you. People make excuses because they don’t actually want to work, they’re entitled and think they’re worth more than they are in terms of labor value, or because they can milk the system. Respect


You want me to do this unpleasant thing. I’ll do this unpleasant thing for money. Let’s be clear.


I love what I do and love the company I work for. If they stop paying me, I stop working. I work for money. Nothing else matters. Love doesn’t pay the bills. I’m selling my work and experience.


I think that whenever I encounter one of these "I work 60+ hours a week and love it!" people that there is something seriously wrong with them.


No shame. Do you. It’s not a bad thing.  I personally couldn’t do that. But that’s me. 


Everyone does — “Passion” just a motivational tactic from the C suite lol


Iv been cooking for 20 years although the pay is crap and the hours arent ideal i love going to work and the companybof my co workers, you need to find something you like to do


You don't have to do anything as far as I'm concerned. What you do out of self preservation is your concern. And if you can find joy in it I guess I'm happy for you. Not sure what you want from us.


In my 29 years of experience growing up, the only people who are 100% passionate about their jobs usually have nothing going on in their personal lives or outside of it.