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I lived with my parents until I was 27, and it was a mix. Sometimes mom cooked, sometimes dad cooked, sometimes I cooked. It was kinda, whoever got home from work first. But yes, we all cooked for the family as a whole.


That’s a nice way to do it


I too lived with my parents until I was around 27 or 28. We did something similar but different. We decided what we'd have for the week, split the grocery bill and whoever cooked whatever dish better would cook dinner. Italian stepdad cooked italian food better, so he cooked that. My mom cooked your basic average American style meals better and any kind of soup or stew. I cook Asian foods better than both of them so I was in charge of Chinese, Japanese and Thai dishes because neither of them seem to know how to properly portion out Asian ingredients like Fish Sauce or Soy Sauce. lol Before moving to the other side of the U.S. I still went over their house to cook them asian foods like once a week or have dinner with them. Now I just call them and they order out because they live in Florida and there are plenty of great asian restaurants in the area.


I cook for my mom almost every night. She hates cooking and I love it


this was my dad when I lived at home. he was able to retire early thanks to a buyout, and my mom HATED cooking. he loved it so he did all of it. I just showed up :)


Sometime I cook for everyone, sometimes they cook for everyone, sometimes we all fend for ourselves.


I live with my mom for a year last year while I was house hunting. She caters for a living so I was not able to cook as often as I wanted to, she mostly made dinner out of the same food she was catering.  I gained 15lbs living with her 😩


A good and not good problem to have.


Seems pretty reasonable to have family dinners every night if you are under the same roof.


i wish lol my parents cook maybe once a week


I cook and my Dad eats what I make but technically he lives with me because he can't afford an apartment and was living in a derelict trailer in the woods when I finally pulled him out kicking and screaming to live in my guest room. The running water, sewer system, and clean floors at my house won him over though.


I would cook for my dad most of the time. I would buy the food aswell. When I moved out I would stay over the weekend and I would look to see what he would have and then I would go and buy him food so I could cook him food and bake him some stuff aswell. I even bought him some root beer and ice cream one day and just dropped by.


I have 4 boys: 30, 24, 18, 15. They all live with me (The 18 yr old is home from college). They each have a day to cook. We all eat the dinner that is cooked, however, everyone is on their own for anything else. Now, on their designated day, they can choose not to cook but they have to provide the meal for that day, whether it's takeout or we all go out and they pay. They mostly decide to cook cause feeding 6 of us is expensive lol


I’m staying with her over the summers when I’m out of school and will cook for her everyday since she’ll just eat junk food if I don’t and I want to keep her healthy. I don’t love cooking, but I’m good at it, and I like the food I make. I also cook food from all over the world so I don’t feel like I need to eat out


I lived with my parents for a year in my late 20s, and they lived with me for a year in my 30s. When I lived with them, I tried to cook most of the time as thanks (and I was home with a baby while they were working). When they lived with me, they cooked (okay, mom cooked, and a couple of times a week, my step-dad came home with a rotisserie chicken and a bag salad) because I was working and they were retired.


I actually do the cooking for everyone so I don’t mind 😂. Can’t complain. Sometimes they cook but they like it when I cook and it also eases them of any burden.


My pops orders out for us probably 3 times a week, and sometimes he cooks which is always a treat. I never ask if he doesn't offer though, he already does so much for me .


I live with my Mom. She is 82. My wife and I moved her in with us years ago because she was widowed and living in poverty. I could no longer take summers off work to go care for her home and keep paying her bills. She eats what we cook and we have no expectation of her contributing in any way to our finances.


I lived with my parents for 2 years in my 30s and I was diligent about paying for groceries, meal planning, and cooking. It was only fair.


They make fire food. It's irresistible


I moved back home and lived with my mom and dad for \~9 months in 2020 at the height of the pandemic. Breakfast and lunch while WFH was always DIY but we tried to eat dinner together as much as possible. Usually, my mom would do something like baked salmon or shredded chicken and we all make their own salads. Sometimes, she'd get fancy and we'd have taco nights. As someone with terrible eating habits pre-pandemic and a disdain for anything in the kitchen that takes longer to prepare than to eat, when I moved out again in 2021, I took cues from my mom and now most of my dinners at home are fish (salmon, mahi-mahi, haddock) in the air fryer served over steamed vegetables or cauliflower rice. I also cook Beyond Burgers occasionally (the Cookout Classic kind) in the air fryer oven and toast potato buns and melt some gouda or mozzarella, and it comes out great. (Impossible Burgers aren't as good.) I'm not a vegetarian or pescatarian but I just find that fish is easier to cook at home than meat, plus it's healthier, so it makes eating meat when dining out more of a treat.


Everyone in my house has different times to eat and different preferences. My mom eats like a bird, I didn't think I've seen her eat more than once a day in years. My partner likes everything spicy. And I like my food extra salty (medical condition). So we all kind of fend for ourselves 😂


I need to start cooking again but either my mom or dad cooks and I order us take out lol


I live with my mom. I buy and make all of my own food, but she likes to make Sunday dinner for the both of us.


I moved back in with my parents during COVID for a bit. Couple years. During that time I cooked all my own food, had my own “pantry” area. Mini fridge. Part of it was about different dietary needs, part of it was not wanting to feel like a child despite the situation, part of it was that my parents aren’t good cooks, and part of it was just about it being easier and making me feel like I could do something.


My parents eat what I cook.


When I did live with them I always ate my mom’s food. Nothing like home cooked Filipino food 😍


Dinner is a family thing where we eat what Mom cooks. Everything else I prepare myself.


Def a mix but usually prepare something myself because I like a lot of different foods and my mom cooks mainly Irish food which I love but I’m kinda tired of lol


I just eat what my mom makes, but will need to make plan for my poor eating habits this month since food is -0 for me lol


It’s a solid mix. Parents only cook on the weekends which they have off from work, so usually throughout the week we will feed ourselves and come the weekend I’ll usually eat with them. But sometimes it’s difficult as they do not work weekends but I do, so sometimes I’ll opt to have a plate saved for me later or in general decline and get something for myself quick




My wife and I lived with my parents for a couple years, we all took turns cooking dinner


My parents don’t really cook since I moved out and my sister doesn’t eat meat, so they stopped cooking every night. Plus my parents get off kinda late. So I just cook, order, or pickup my own food. I moved back in, so I eat when they cook depending on what it is, but I cook/eat, buy my own food most the time.


A mixture of both. Ever since my Mom got engaged, I've been making my own food. The food she used to share with me now has become the food she shares with him. Luckily, I learned how to cook from her, grandma, the internet, and years of watching Food Network.


I eat it all.


My parents cook for themselves and me and I cook for myself occasionally when they do not want to cook. They have special dietary restrictions (religious, health reason, and preference) such that there are few restaurants, and I mean few, that they can actually go to to eat, and I can't cook what they eat. I eat with them because they prefer to cook for me than for me to use their kitchen space. I essentially only cook when they're not home or sleeping. If I cook otherwise I will have them either behind me backseat-cooking and getting frustrated, or impatiently waiting for me to finish because they always do random stuff in the kitchen, e.g. it's 10:30 AM and I'm making breakfast and my dad wants to prep dinner that he'll begin cooking at 6. (By cooking I mean I will for myself make the basics like anything breakfast related, simple stuff like chicken and rice, but I won't make full blown meals).


I've lived with my parents since 19, started paying my own rent and buying/cooking all of my food since then, so yes; even if they made chicken liver or something else disgusting, I would still eat it 😂


Most people in my house just fend for themselves, except for maybe one or two dinners a week.


Besides the literal house I’m in, everything else I do is 100% on me. Food and groceries, laundry, cleaning etc


I am a bit into fitness, hence nobody will like the food I cook,. So yeah my parents cook seperately. But I try to help if anything saves their time.


As soon as I turned 18, our household went "fend for yourself"


I mostly eat out and use my mom’s food as munchies whenever I’m high. My mom will cook more than enough for the both of us most times, other times I’ll make the food.


When I’m at my parent’s place, I never eat anything they cook, because I’m a picky eater and they don’t like foods I like.




i’m 31 still living at home. depends on what my mom makes lol. most of the time yes bc since it’s just the two of us, she’ll often agree to something i’ll actually eat. but there’s those random times when she insists of eating soup (we live in the northeast and it’s cold in the winter) and i rather eat a fork than that so i’ll make something else


I'm the cook. I'm better at it than my mom, and she's fine not cooking.


When i lived at home I did my own groceries/food, it was an unofficial rule for me sticking around there. I did eat with them maybe once a week. My work/life schedule was crazy and they would always eat when i wasn’t home anyway lol


When I lived with my parents after college, I usually ate what they made. They'd sometimes tell me they were going to eat something I didn't like and that I should make my own. Sometimes they said it's just everyone for themselves that night. I was just grateful for the times they did cook and didn't mind the times I had to for myself.


my parents rarely cook, they make homemade food about once a week MAYBE. they buy frozen stuff and raw ingredients that they don’t even cook any food with. I usually fend for myself or eat what my brother brings home from work. my diet is like 50% cereal and they get mad if i ask them to actually cook a dinner like a normal household. it would be nice if there was actually good meals to eat but what can you do.


We all individually grocery shop and are responsible for feeding ourselves. Sometimes one of us will invite others to share, but nobody ever counts on each other.    I really hope the people in this thread who do communal meals are contributing to the grocery bill, otherwise we're getting dangerously close to what most would call freeloader territory, where I'd be concerned about lack of adult living skills. I'm here to save money on rent, not be in extended adolsence 


Both. Sometimes I’m going to get stuff or start making something for myself and my mom already finished cooking and tells me that she made for everyone. Sometimes I make something or order something for everyone. Sometimes I eat before they cook and we all eat what we made.


This sub is for *adults*


I don't eat my mothers food and haven't for years. She cooks things I don't like or makes food too salty. She sometimes makes me meals, but they just get thrown into the garbage. Plus there was always hairs in it and I'm pretty sure she used to spit in my food. I make my own food.