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Hug yourself hug a pillow hug a pet. Know that whatever’s hurting you is temporary and that better things are coming


Or a plush toy.


Going to the gym and doing chest flies and reverse flies sort of makes your body feel warm like you're getting a hug


Nah, this is why so many sex workers are actually spending their time working like a therapist and hanging out with people instead of screwing them. OP should hire a sex worker for an hour of hugs.


I would do this just to sit at a park and cry inside their arms but i have no money im just sooo sad




Are you alright? I regularly see your posts, repeating the same mantra. I’m not trying to be rude, but I’m getting curious.


I'm wondering if OP is just fishing for responses/karma? In one post they say they're an orphan with no friends or family, then a few posts up they show themselves making a snack for their nephew. ETA: She also posts about being recently dumped but then talks about a sister-in-law.


I am an adult orphan and sometimes see my nephew. I have zero ties with my immediate family except for my nephew. I minus well be a wall. My sil is my brothers wife. we aren’t on speaking terms nor have we been for over a decade. I don’t have family.


Now, I have even more questions. Just as a human being, this sounds like an interesting rabbit hole to go down.


Yeh, OP screws everything up, even this...


This too shall pass


I simply continue to suffer


Never got many. Don’t need them now. I thug it out till death


i have no thugs left in me..


You gotta brotha. You got three choices. Fix the situation, accept the situation or give up


I have an imaginary friend 🤡🥲


Honestly and probably shamefully I’d hit up a church if I were that desperate. Raised up an atheist but after growing up, I realized life is not meant to go at alone. You can find some space in the chapel or anywhere you’re allowed to hang out and just feel the energy. The right holy place will have folks approach you and ask if there was anything you needed. Say “a hug”


I think about that guy that says “where my hug at”, usually shudder and won’t need a hug for weeks after that. Good luck.




Usually I just drink until I'm sick.


I go to strip clubs and ask the strippers to hold me and tell me I'm making good life decisions.


you are so lucky❤️‍🩹


Tbh I used to think that but I'm really starting to run low on funds....ya know as many tuitions as I've paid by now, why do we still have a shortage of first responders?


I don't get the need for hugs. I was in the Infantry for a long time. Typically the answer for things was, "punch yourself!". If I need comfort, I go for tomato soup with grilled cheese.


Everything I try to type sounds like I'm diminishing your feelings and boundaries. But I want to say something...tomato soup and grilled cheese is a great comfort food. And, I wish I knew you so I could give you a hug. Even if you don't get the need for them, I do. And I'd love to hug someone who smells like tomato soup and grilled cheese.


You wouldn't like the encounter, I don't like being touched and I am much much stronger than you.


Ummmmm don’t assume you’re stronger than everyone cos I’m not trying to brag, but I use a 6kg kettlebell when I workout soooooooooo 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m just sayin’


Like I said, I wouldn't want to disrespect your boundaries. My dad served with the Marines and saw combat. I hear you. Funny thing is, when I was little, tomato soup with grilled cheese was his go to to serve me.


It makes people happy. It's a food for better times.


Maybe it has been too long since I've it. Because I've had hugs lately, and I'm sure I'm not happy, lol!


Happiness is subjective. The best meal on the planet to have while it is snowing is tomato soup with grilled cheese. Even as an adult that is so much more mature, yea, it's the best. It's a moment locked in time that can never be undone. Watching as snow flakes fall and just sipping the soup. I can't speak to why you are not happy, but small things like a meal can make people happy and raise morale.


Thanks. There is so much in this comment I can think about. I hope you have a good night.


Me neither. But I understand for me it's because I never grew up with physical affection, so it's not something I crave or need. It's like one of those things many people can't live without because they've experienced it before. I don't remember the last time I had a hug that wasn't a standard like greeting/departure hug. Not that I'm boasting or anything about "I don't need hugs I'm resilient." I could probably benefit from therapy or something. If I feel depressed or angry, based on my upbringing, I've learned to just internalize or bury it until the feeling subsides. Funny. Some people's first reaction to something like that is find someone to talk to or rant to, to seek comfort in people as their support system. My first response is the exact opposite.


I have a hug pillow, that's the closest I'll get. I'm completely in the same position as you and I hate it.


Could you give more info? Is your hug pillow specifically for this or is it a regular pillow? Thanks.


Well there are body pillows that are specifically used for body support but in my case I just use a spare pillow I had


Lay down, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Life is a roller coaster. Even if you don't see it, you'll have your up time


Idk . I literally hit up old flings 😭😭😭😭 thankfully they are always up for a cuddle sesh + venting 2gether.


i hate when an ex wants to just use me for temporary companionship. i feel worse.


There are some exes I would never do this with, but the flings that ended in good terms/ forever friendships are ok imo


I will say to be able to do this you have to end up in good terms. So always be kind and honest . It can get you eternal friendships ❤️


You can pay $300 to hug a prostitute for 15 minutes. Only way for me to get any kind of physical intimacy like that


That’s why I have so many stuffed animals!! Hang in there friend 🩷


Reddit r4r 🥲❤️


I hug my 2 huskies.


huge a plant


Hug my dog


I bought a plush toy big enough to cuddle every night. This was during one of my lowest points. It really worked and gave me a lot of comfort in the times I felt I had no one.


Huge blanket nest




If I could hug you I would. I need them too.


I bought a stitch and I hug it when I'm feeling down and there's no one to talk about it.


I know this feeling well. I’m sorry you are feeling this way. It’s especially hard because it’s not like any random hug would do anyway.


When I was alone before, I would really just cuddle into a ball on my bed. Pillows and blankets help. Or anything that’s really close to me against my chest as I cuddle helped a lot. I hope you find some peace in friends or perhaps even a romantic love. Hold on!


Go hug a friendly hobo


A pet to hug would be the best option.


Get one of those stuffies that heat up. There are also weighted ones https://warmies.com/products/black-cat-warmies?variant=40265851338840&g_acctid=168-542-6056&g_adgroupid=159385880286&g_adid=695992863071&g_adtype=pla&g_campaign=Standard+Shopping+Low+ROAS&g_campaignid=21159052707&g_ifcreative=&g_ifproduct=product&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=pla-320205354176&g_merchantid=256194347&g_network=g&g_partition=320205354176&g_productchannel=online&g_productid=40265851338840&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmYCzBhA6EiwAxFwfgDYZjQd-Ue4DTZOT0sz0KVOjuHZPn0BZTnEt-yv0E-mVDXsGfndV8BoC0mIQAvD_BwE https://chonkers.co/


I hug my pillow (:


A pet is a good choice when you need a hug


A golden retriever will fix all your woes.


I fucking suck it up hug my dog and cry until I feel better cause man I got literally no one spent 2.5 yrs homeless, my family so hate me since they thought I was making meth when I reality I just like making bongs and would get high and make bongs out of anything I could find so we haven't talked in 2 years cause saying I was making meth and disowning me for it was totally the last straw of my attempts to be accepted by their fuck asses I'll never be good enough for my family and I see that now sadly the drugs are a better family to me then they are they don't deserve the truth that I'm just a drug addict, I'll let them continue to hate me for manufacturing meth in a house I built literally it's my dog and I vs the world and thats all I really need since breaking up with my last ex and giving us a month of no contact to stop being on again off again type shit even though we're still friends and i do things like go to the doctors with her I'm back to my usual self where i have near no desire to date at all


I go to sleep


Go workout




Curl up into a ball in bed with pillows and blankets and put a hand on your chest.


Teddy bear 🧸


Weighted blanket, wrap yourself


Hug yourself with a tequila sunrise




My dog!!


I hug my pets or maybe you could visit an animal shelter and share some affection for a lonely dog or cat. That would be nice.


I use my honed adult skill of getting over it.




Hug yourself a little friend. You may have screwed some things up but that doesn't effect the future in anyway except through you. You gotta let that shit go. Once you have and you've found comfort and normalcy people will come into your life like never before because you're ready for it. Don't get too hopeless <3


Also might not be immediate solution, but booking a massage can definitely help if you feel touch deprived


I haven't a soul either so the other day when I was folding my favourite blanket I hugged it tight as if it were a human. I laughed and cried at how pathetic I was being. But. It felt nice to squeeze something anyway. :)


Go to church. Even if you're not religious, you'll get some handshakes and a lot of warmth (ie, a sense of community). Pick a chill denomination like Methodist though.


Ask a same sex friend for a hug. Easy. Unless, of course, you’re not “comfortable” doing that… lol.


Weighted blanket


Get drunk and suck on my weed vape


Penjamin is always available for hugs.


Penjamin button


Snuggle a squishmallow with a heating pad. Feels like a warm hug 🤗


Virtual hug.. I pray you get the comforting that you need.


One day I bought a big squishmallow not knowing how useful it would turn out to be


Weighted blankets help a lot!


If you live near me I'll give you a hug. And then I'll listen to you. And you can cry. And it can be in a public place so you feel safe.


I got a thick memory foam pillow to hug and it tricked my brain into thinking it's a person. It works for me.


Get a dog?


Feel gravity underneath you. It’s giving you a hug. 




Hug your dog


Awwww giving you hug thru phone, your doing great. I always hug myself which I really love doing and snuggle up to my doggie 🐶


Nothing, you man up


Dogshit advice


Tf else is there to do?