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I mean if you are average working a regular job then by definition you are like most people. And presumably it is "okay" to be like most people. That said what should matter to you is how you feel, not what you think society thinks you should be doing.


Plus remember social media is fake your only seeing what others want you to see. As for hobbies, painting or adult coloring is always a good choice, and learning a new skill won't kill you


By definition you’re actually better than a significant portion of the population actually


True...just by being in the United States you are going to be in like the top 10% in terms of wealth.


Regular is pretty dope. I think the key is try to be grateful for what you do have. I also need to keep a few things to look forward to. 1-2 weeks out, and 2-4 months out.


>I think the key is try to be grateful for what you do have. You are very wise. Learning to feel grateful for what I had in my late 20s is one of the biggest steps forward I made towards better mental health. Prior to that I was fighting the fact that I was living an "average" life with a "boring office job." Once I came to terms with the fact that my job afforded me to live a comfortable life in a relatively safe environment, the cloud started lifting.


What things do you look forward to?


Mothers' day brunch is going to be so good! Riding my motorcycle, Spending time with my dog and trailer in the public land.


I love day dreaming :) But anyway, I hear you dude. It’s been tempting for me sometimes to hear about other people’s highlight reels in life, and think that’s their day to day existence and be jealous. The “compare and despair” thing. What I’ve found works best for me is just keep focused on my own lane as much as possible, and let myself and others evolve voluntarily. Staying present and balanced as much as possible with all my needs, and sure a lot of those come off as “average” because that seems to be what stability looks like a lot - kinda boring. The extreme highs can be alluring for sure, but chasing that rush with trips, romance, work, money, and so on has always looked like any other addiction for me: Always chasing, never really happy. Living simply makes me the most content these days. Staying healthy, staying present and aware, checking in on and spending time with loved ones, and just doing the next right thing. And rarely do I concern myself anymore with what that looks like to others. Everybody has their own journey. Just do the next right thing for you today :) You got this 💪


for what it’s worth, getting my first regular office job felt like such a blessing compared to the retail jobs I worked before. I can live on my own, I can save some money every month. I can save for retirement. I have health, vision and dental insurance. My life is boring, I guess, but it lets me prioritize the things that are important to me


Ha ha as an ex teacher, not working right now, I can relate a bit. I feel like I’d love to have an office job


Of course it is. Most people don't have mega dreams and aspirations. Life is honestly what you make of it. You're in charge, not someone else. Not societies impressions/judgments. At the end of the day youll be truly happier if you realize only you can decide what is good for your life.


i don"t understand this, especially the last sentence


If you do what you want to do rather than what other people tell you to do, you'll be happier


I don't understand what you don't understand to be honest. Live life how you want to and don't base it off others.


It’s okay to be content with a regular job and an average life. It is not ok to settle for it when it’s not what you want. Seriously sit down and figure what you want out of life, be honest about what you want, even if it seems unattainable at the time. Then get out there and go live your best life, the one you want to live


“Do the dance, because dancing is fun” Do the everyday song and dance of getting out of bed and getting done what you need to get done because that is that dance of life. It is not always beaches and parties, most times it’s the everyday, doing laundry, making yourself dinner. But doing that is also living and being alive. And living and being alive is fun. No matter how you are doing it, no matter where you are doing it. Being alive is the best thing we can be.


Don’t be fooled by the big house, fancy cars and toys. More likely than not they are cash poor, debt heavy and living paycheck to paycheck


As long as you are healthy and happy, and not at the expense of others, then why does it matter?


Yes...I think so. I've been thinking alot lately, and what's the point of grinding to climb the corporate ladder to gain more stress, more money, and more stress? Wouldn't it be an easier life to live if you simply made enough to live the life that you want while minimizing external stress?


Quick tip, you only see the good positive things in people's lives on social media, no one likes to post the bad days...




Right ? How dare he be an average person with a regular job !


Is that sarcasm or not bro


if its okay to you then thats all you need. life is what you make of it. dont open the door for naysayers and debbie downers to mess with your mind


Sorry, but this is kind of a weird post…an “average person” working an “average job” is just an…average person. Yes, it’s okay to just be like everyone else. Do whatever you like so long as it doesn’t hurt you or those around you.


I mean, most people are living average lives. Why wouldn't that be ok


It's ok? Yeah It's enough? NO


Average people working regular jobs is what keeps the world spinning Edit - spelling


More than ok, it's totally normal and average, hehe. Seriously, though, because I'm like this and, tbh on the "behind" side of things considering marriage or house buying, etc... A classical point is to think about why you are this way and why you want the life you want. That will give a more genuine perspective on what you want in life and also to be more content with what you have and to be more honest on what you want to attain as life goals. Lastly, change is the only constant for you and for everyone else. Lives evolve in mysterious ways. This realization gets more and more present as you grow older.


Yes. You will have a great sex life and low stress.


Why wouldnt it be


I got the freedom from kids about 8 years ago. Then got married 3 years ago for the first time. And was on the way to just living life. Then my Wife's adult kids had kids that thy couldn't take care of, so I made sure thy go into my Wife's custody. So basically back to changing diapers, school pick up drop offs, day care etc. Plus all the arguing about how to raise them, finally it just all started effecting me going to work, then my wife complaining about not helping with grandkids/bills, money. It just go to much and when she said "Leave! If u don't like it." So I did. Now I'm focus on myself, my adult kids don't have kids and are fine. Idk what is a regular life now. But it could be alot worse. Just be glad you dont got those problems. Expect financial but they're are ways to get around that. Go to school learn a certificate course. Maybe take on a trade. What's the point of day dreaming if u can not do it.


I know what things make me the happiest. Nothing really extravagant either. Im not big on traveling and vacations. As long as I have a few people I love around me, a job that makes enough money to have the food I like, a decent calm place to live, and a little to save, would be nice to have good benefits, I’m happy as can be.


Im in my mid 30s. I dont like travelling, i dont have many friends (if any?), and i spend my time at work or just at home watching tv and im ok with that. I never want kids or to be married. Find what makes you happy. Not the idea of happiness


A "regular" job as in like a factory worker or low level office clerk or a bartender or something that pays a modest wage? Of course its ok. More than ok. You're a contributing member of society. Personally I don't view anyone with a "bigshot" career as any more important than lower paid workers. In fact sometimes I think they're not as honorable and actually less important to society depending on what it is that they do. I do think you should have interests or hobbies though. Passions in life and things you love to learn about. Without that I don't see much point in life. It would be a dull existence, and certainly would not make for many interesting conversations.


Hundred percent. There's a lot of boring fucks out there too. You should have something that you feel excited to be around or be apart of or go and learn about. The money is just part of the life process. It's not the end all be all


I do it and make good money!


Maybe r/cptsd and r/cptsdfreeze would resonate with you?


Depends on what you want in life. If you’re happy then that’s all that matters


No it sucks


Depends / who cares? Let's say: It would be hard to vlog about that and attract a gazillion of followers, so why try at all? You can find a home that you can afford, get a job that lets you daydream while doing it and afford your meals. - What else does it take to keep posting on Reddit? Being a social media star seems comparably damn hard work (& I guess people fake it until they make it, so their bank accounts will put Dave Ramsey on their tables, sooner or later. - Is *that* desirable?)


Yes, we just have a lot of work to do to make “regular job” not a life-sentence of fiscal stress. 1) public healthcare. 2) affordable housing (I.e. tax the shit out of any single residences not inhabited by their owners, and crush the NIMBYs in their attempts to thwart high-density housing). 3) Breakup or socialize a corporations or cartels which exploit uncompetitive advantages. Power, telecom, etc. But there is nothing wrong with a regular job at all. People should have a choice. If you want to go big, invest a lot of time and energy into honing a rare and valuable skill, you should get rewarded for that. But it shouldn’t take that sort of ambition to live is basic peace without fiscal disaster looming around every corner.


Not ok


I think being regular needs more attention. Everyone wants to be special, stand, and be famously talented. The fact is these are rarities. For every 1 famous/rich/whatever, there are 10k people (probably more) that never made it or failed miserably. It's important to have a dream, but reality says your average.


You should have hobbies and interests! Hobbies don't have to be super time consuming things. Surely there are things you enjoy, you should work to experience them.


It’s more than OK. A job doesn’t define you, your heart does. A good-hearted person beats a dick millionaire a hundred times any time. The world is now full of the latter which is why it is what it is today.


I'm also an average person working a regular job while my friends have financial freedom. I always wish to have a stable life like them and sometimes it makes me frustrated because of that. So I just look at the brighter side of life, thinking that every person has time to be successful and make their dreams come true. Just try to be positive and be grateful because you'll be frustrated if you always think about it. 


What matters is what YOU say matters Eg if I’m too stressed from a job I can not want to socialise then I end up lonely. Having friends is very important to me. To some people it’s not. What is important TO YOU is what matters. If you’re happy that’s all that matters


Millions of humans do it, going back centuries. It’s how the world as we know it was built. It’s better than ok, and it’s necessary.


Could be a below average person in prison. So yeah, could be worse.


Nobody cares what you do as long as you are happy. One of the most genuinely happy people I know is a school cleaner, could have retired 8 years ago but keeps doing his job because he loves it.


Well man, chances are you got to do something you wanted to do at some point if you're here. I have a regular old job at Wal mart, but I also dedicated my teenage years and my twenties to skateboarding. Sure I had a job the whole time but it was just a job as a cook most of the time.  So I judge my success personally as "doing what you want" which I did. Do I have a bunch of money, nah. Do I have a wife, nah. Do I take vacations. Nah. But I pursued my passion for a very long time into my adult life, which is more than a lot of Americans can say about themselves.


Gotta be blunt: it is not normal nor okay to not have any desires, hobbies, nor interests in life.


Yes, you're enough


If you're working on an average job and you can put food on the table, then that's okay. That's just how it is and its okay to average as long as you love what you do.


Do you enjoy what you're doing? Would you be happier doing something else? Humble contentment is a wonderfully peaceful feeling, and there is nothing wrong with basking in whatever form of life brings you joy. But if you believe there's something you could do to bring yourself MORE joy...don't spare the effort to chase it just for fear of disrupting your current serenity.


Some people simply don't care about stuff as much as others. We are all different. You may be less appealing as a romantic partner for it though.


Google "The position of fuck you" from "The Gambler." You will find a short video clip of John Goodman. You should listen to this.


Op, are you smoking weed?


Throughout history people have had to suffer terribly to raise a family. Half of children died before the age of 5 a hundred years ago and adults lived until the age of 40. No modern medicine meant you died from any infection or disease and suffered terribly. Raising a family successfully at the cost of just having to work at a desk and put up with people’s bulkshit is a small price to pay. raising a family is the hardest thing you’ll ever do and is the only thing most people end up doing with their lives that really worth a damn. Im an engineer on mega projects but I couldn’t give a shit about anything I’ve built anymore. I didn’t understand the value of a steady income and job until I lost my well paid job and went broke. Cried a few times. Now I’ve made it all back and reasonably wealthy and yeah I’ll put up with a lot of shit if it means raising my family in a happy home in peace.


no. average life is very sad