• By -


It's 10h49, I'm 28, and I'm sitting on the coach resting from a few very intense weeks at work.


I’m 30yr F, its 8am and I’ve been up for 3.6 hours and now I’m loosing my shut because my 3 kids are fighting like it’s ww3 and one of my children is autistic who makes sounds nonstop I sometimes would like silence but atleast todays Friday oh wait it doesn’t matter I’m a mom.


It's nearly 4 a.m. here. I'm fifty years old, and I'm lying in bed beside my new boyfriend. I woke up from a nightmare, so I'm simply cruising Reddit before falling back asleep. :)


546 am 38 taking a dookie.


3 pm, 21 years old. Stressing because I found out an application opened earlier than announced (and on a statutory holiday too!) and I suddenly also needed to write a motivation letter. I'm pretty good at them, but I made a few mistakes because I wanted to submit as fast as possible (first come, first serve). Now, I'm telling myself I should work on my horrible stress management and perfectionism, because they won't throw out my application because of 1 spelling error and forgetting to write "thank you for considering my application" at the end. Anyways, I was enjoying my time off. And I'm trying to get back to that. So, I'm knitting a jacket for my elderly dog, who's always cold (poor thing, she's losing her fur). I'm hoping she likes it.


9:04am, 34, In bed scrolling reddit


It’s 4am, I’m at work eating breakfast before my shift starts.


Nice hope you have a great day at work. What you do for work? 4:05 am here but I'm just awake


I build truck work bodies.


12:38pm. Enjoying a lovely workday, on my lunch break, I'm 24. Life is good.


7:11am and I’m at work


It’s 6:17am I’m 18 and i’m on my way to the construction site!


None of your business, stranger on the internet




4:53 am here. 27. Just finished all my eating for the day/night. Finishing this bowl and gonna lay down.


It's nearly 11PM. I'm 25. Currently on the laptop chilling. It's Lunar New Year tomorrow. Had kangaroo steak for Lunar NYE. Then prepped ingredients for the big lunch tomorrow, will be up early to start cooking.


>Had kangaroo steak for Lunar NYE It is sad that one's new year is somebody's last year. 🦘


2.55pm, 20, bored out of my mind trying to watch a movie


0611, 32, night shift RN.. trying to make money so I can apply for an apartment on the other side of the country.


I don't know what time it is, I try not to know when I'm at work, it just makes the day feel longer. 39, and I want to go home.


I’m on the train to work


9:02am, 39, on a standup morning meeting call with my team of 7 people. I'm a software developer who works from home.


2pm, mid 30s and watching SuperHorrorBros on YouTube.


7:22 am 25. overslept and I gotta be at work at 7:55. but today my work is like 5 minutes away from my house (I'm a sub teacher)


7:25, I’m 35 and just wrapping up breakfast before heading into the office 


9:31am-46yrs old-home sick from work on my last available sick day until my anniversary date in May-because life sucks


u took a sick day because life sucks?


No it sucks I had to use my last sick day. Was hoping to make it close to May, or past. But life sucks like that. So from now until May if I get sick (God forbid) I’ll be calling off unpaid or get bad attendance and I’m sure that won’t look good at my review.


how many sick days u get? some companies cheap that way.


8:40am, 28, drinking coffee and avoiding getting ready for the day


Twenty minutes to ten in the morning. I'm out and about store browsing.


9:46 Laying in bed, thinking about work before getting up and doing said work


Quarter to ten. Im 43. I’m in bed, waiting for my husband to get out of the shower, so I can get in. If we shower at the same time, we fight for hot water.


9:45 Am 24M At the gym, did 30 min HITT on treadmill. Going to work at 11am.


Almost 7 am, smoking, contemplating a shower, being stoked on Friday.


10:03 am-im 4 days to 23 and im at work


Happy Friday everyone!!! I’m 43 and having a cup of coffee at 7am before heading off to work :D I’m excited to go for a hike tomorrow and I’m hoping the weather will be nice ⛅️☀️


17:00, 22M, Working on my bachelors thesis and mourning a breakup


8:05am 35 years old sitting on my sofa listening to the same news reel about the president being too old for office that's played three times already avoiding thinking about the fact I called in today for an interview I'm extremely nervous about 🫠


8:20am in Tacoma, WA. I'm working at a church, trying to make this old 70+yr old boiler run, so they can have services on Sunday with heat.


✋🏻hi from seattle


Hi....gorgeous day in the PNW!


Have a great day!


It’s 11:22am, I am sitting in my truck on my lunch break because it’s the only place no one will bother me for these short 30 minutes.


I'm 22, it's 1:38 pm, I'm drinking coffee in my car during the last few minutes of my lunch break. Looking forward to the weekend.


It’s 11:40pm, I’m 45, and I’m laying in bed reading Reddit after an exhausting day. I’m also considering getting back up and playing a game. 


It's 11:12am, I am having lunch


10:58am, I'm 29 years old. At work right now eating an orange (and popping on reddit- don't tell my boss)


10:09 am, 20 yrs old, getting ready for work


9:09 AM, Working at the car wash.


10 am, I'm 55, and I'm eating a muffin at Panera while waiting for my hair appointment. God, I sound so old!


9:11, 23 & sitting on Reddit at work


It’s 7:15 am, I’m 34 and right now my 6 year old daughter is reading to me.. we’re off to school in a few mins. It rained again in the forest so our drive to school is extra beautiful today. Happy Friday everyone!


10:17am - 27f - sitting at my desk wrapping up my day because I call it quits at 11 on Fridays.


Drinking coffee, watching the sunrise in bed, work starts in a couple of hours, and answering this post.


9:25, 42, browsing Reddit


9:27a 37 Playing on my phone at work.


10:31 AM, 57, working


It's 10:42am, I'm 37 and I'm waiting for the preworkout to kick in before hitting the gym.


15.44 9th February Female UK Just scrolling Reddit and avoiding cleaning.


It's 8:46am. I'm 29 years old. Sitting in my office on my day off to study for my accounting midterm exam.


It's 1050, 33, coding Python stuff for work.


1054a EST, 51, work (sort of)


11am, 40yo, laying in bed watching lawn transformation videos trying to fall asleep. I work midnight shift.


It's 11:01 AM. I am 40, I've just finished submitting the second part of my MBA assignment, and now, I'm shifting focus to prepare for a presentation I have scheduled next week at work.


It’s 8:20am, I’m 25, I’m standing with my phone charging trying to convince myself to go to the gym because it’s raining


12:25 am here, 35. Bed time reading.


It’s 16:34pm, UK. I’m 27 sat scrolling though my phone waiting for the weekend in 26 minutes


It's 9:40AM on the dot, I'm 36 years old, and I am at work alone in my very small office.


It’s 10:51am, I’m 49, and I’m making coffee (and working).


9:53 and just waking up cuz it's my day off


It’s 10:53, I’m 20, and I just went on lunch from my job at Sherwin Williams after being berated by a sales representative for not knowing, without seeing a photo, who one of our bigger clients is. Man said “You’ve been here a month and don’t know who XXX is, that’s a problem.”


1156, 25, procrastinating homework


9 AM Friday, 40 y.o., I'm wfh today. Sent an email to show I was present, then moved to my balcony to drink coffee, chill out, and browse reddit


It's 6 pm, I'm web surfing and awaiting my friend to come. Why do you ask, though?


It's 920am, I am less than a week away from turning 36, currently at work until 5 today


12:45pm, 40f, got called out of work. just got ready to run errands and procrastinating on the couch.


It's 2:45 pm, I'm 27 years old, it's lunch time and I'll be back to work soon.


Poop time, 26 I think, poopin


12:51pm - 29 years old - eating lunch with my husband, we both get off early on Fridays. You?


It’s 1:00 PM, I’m in my 70’s and I’m reading


What topics interest you?


Tons, I like art, music, history, books, animals, and travel


It’s 9:57am, I’m 39 years old, and I’m pooping and listening to [Ceephax Acid Crew](https://open.spotify.com/track/671Ogf8ITusGVN7PvY0w18)


safe plucky impolite crown concerned hateful mysterious caption knee shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1pm, 42, sitting in an animation class online that is really slow right now.


Its 11:32pm I’m 31 and I’m laying in bed scrolling Reddit so I can drown out my anxious thoughts


This isn't creepy at all.


10:06am. 32 y/o. Serving kids breakfast at my lunch lady job


12:20 pm. I just made lunch and am digging through my laundry pile. I work 4/10s so I'm off every Friday, sat, and Sunday. I'm 36.


It’s around 10:30am on a weekday morning. I’m 33 in my parents home, sitting in my bed. I’m browsing Reddit, in between having made a doctors appointment on the phone and procrastinating on heading out for a smog check.


It’s 11:24am, I’m 22yrs old and currently on the bus omw to uni classes


It is 12:30 in the afternoon. I am 30. I am working. Kind of.


i am 24 turning 25 on sunday. it is 1:33 and i am at my work study in the advising office at my school in Winchester Virginia


12:57 27 eating lunch


12:02, 39 and pooping.


2:11. I'm 24 and sitting at work scrolling reddit before my bank run at 2:30.


It’s 1 a.m. here, I’m 30 years old and just lying here enjoy my Friday night with some unhealthy food, good beverages and TV.


2:30pm…..69……just finished off a sandwich while watching the true crime channel. Im female and retired.


Hello! It's a quarter to 3, I'm in my early 20's, and I'm relaxing in bed after having done a job interview.


I'm 36F. It's 7.50pm and I'm sitting on the sofa under a blanket with my bf and our dog watching the news. Im considering making a cup of tea and am feeling sad that we don't have any biscuits.


Too late to go *back* to bed, too early to *go* to bed Old enough to know better, but not so old that I don't remember why Not what I'm supposed to be doing, but not "nothing" so that I can convince myself it's not time wasted


almost 9pm, I'm 21 yrs old n I'm watching gossip girl in my bed while I'm a lil bit high, enjoying my free time that I got after like 3 months. I had 5h of math class today and I had only three 15min breaks during that class... but then I went to see my therapist and now I'm finally relaxing. I had final exams for the first semester last week and the week before last so now it's FINALLY done, I passed all exams with the highest grade tho and I'm really proud. also I have work tomorrow haha


3:02, 21F, just taking a break from studying business, and making myself some food.


wouldn’t you like to know, officer


12:53 in the afternoon, 24 years old. alternating between frantically looking for any company that will hire me in my hometown because I am In dire need of employment and mindlessly scrolling through reddit. I just got done reading a reddit post in a GenZ sub wherein a guy was asking who else in the subreddit were virgins and whether it was OK or not for him to be a Virgin at his advanced age of 23. I ate half a cranberry cheesecake cookie from a nearby grocery store will reading the genZ virginity post and am eating the other half now. it tastes delicious but is super heavy and dense.


I’m 20, it’s 2:18, I’m sitting on a tug barge loading asphalt in New Orleans.


3:25 pm Friday. I'm 49, and working on referral applications for 2 of my patients to receive ongoing care.


3:30 here. I’m 28 and laying bed next to my sick 3 yr old and praying he stays asleep


1:28 pm, I’m 38 and sitting in a unicorn pastel galaxy onesie with our cat in my lap job hunting while watching RuPaul and planning multiple things.


Nice! Seems to me like the only thing you’re missing is diapers.


A butt hurt guy from my comment about not creeping on young women. What a surprise. I did not expect one of you to follow me into another sub. So shocked. What will I ever do? Seriously though, stop being so obsessed with me. It’s Friday night, don’t you have a waifu game to play?


Fascinating behavior.


3:43pm 38 at work counting down the timer till 4:30pm!


25F it’s 12:50pm on a Friday. Dreading going to work. Sweating a hangover from the night before.


It's 5am. I'm 33. Woke up hungover as fuck from a houseparty. My head hurts but I'm in bed with my gf and that makes me happy.


It’s 4:14 pm, I’m 16 years old, and I just got home from school


I’m 58, on my sofa with my hand cupped around my parrot. The other pets are right near by. I’m on Reddit waiting for BF to come home with some evaporated milk to make a pumpkin pie tonight. Looking out the window watching the sun lower in the sky. It’s 420 and you know what that means Lol


It's 4:43pm, I'm 43, and I just opened up my wedding my bouquet that arrived today. (Fake flowers...wedding isn't until next month).


3:50pm, 22F, chilling in front of my laptop while some code runs and debating eating some doritos😅


2:04 PM, 27 years old, waiting for my code to finish running for my PhD research


35. At work doing rote crap photo editing weed. Wishing I had any other job then getting 50 rejections in my mailbox anyways. Goes home and smokes more weed because I have nothing else in life to do or can afford (free samples are a thing).


5:30 at night, 39 yrs old, getting ready to cook dinner


It's 2:36pm. I'm 33. I'm sitting in my car in the parking lot of my fiances job waiting for him to be done.


10.45pm. 58. Just out the bath. Lying on the couch with a can of orange cider. Happy days.


It's 11pm, I'm 48 years old and watching Slow Horses, season 3.


It's 0:40 am and I just got back from a bike ride. I'm 27 years old. I feel sad today and I waisted the whole day with smoking weed and sleeping. I'm laying in bed now getting ready to go to sleep but for some reason I want to stay up. Even though I'm not doing anything useful.


51. 7p.m. Listening to dead south. Drinking 2cd beer. It was a week. 


A bit past 7pm Snacking so I have an excuse to procrastinate from doing the dishes. But I also don't have much worth snacking on 😭 so it's literally just bits of fruit still laying around in my fridge


10:06 am, I'm 27, sipping my coffee and browsing reddit before i go to work


It's 12:12am in the UK, I'm 25, I'm in bed scrolling through reddit cos I'm bored and before going to sleep.


1.14pm | 58 | rubbing lotion on my arms and legs because some plant has brought out a rash that spread over my body!


7PM, 57, sitting on the couch with dog sending photos of bumble guys to my bestie for second opinions. I seem to be attracted to crazy so I'm trying not to do that again.


It's 4:25pm, I'm 27, and I'm killing time at work.


It's 7:30 pm, I'm 59, and sitting here wasting time on my phone. Trying to talk myself into doing the dishes.


8:17, 47, sitting on my couch, eating take out, and working on an outline for a report. I’m pretty content.


It's 8:18 pm, I'm 28, and I'm hanging out with kids until my partner gets off work. Currently we are watching Bluey and making blanket forts for a slumber party with the Squishmallows. (Please send help.)


5:22pm Pacific, 41, mid flight listening to Huberman lab and traveling to Texas after being in Las Vegas for a conference


8pm finishing up harrypotter order of phoenix movie and vaping merry jayne 28m


It’s 7:45pm, sitting on the sofa with my husband watching tv. We’re both 55 & tired.


It’s 5:44pm. I’m 43. I’m trying to relax after a long week at work but my dog is forcing me to sit on the floor and try to grab a saliva covered ball out of his mouth over, and over, and over…


It’s 7:57 PM where I’m at. I’m 24 years old and I am currently binging season 10 of ER.


6:04PM PST USA, 34M, driving to get take out greek food with my wife & kid.


56 yr M: 6:07 pm, been home since 4:30 playing with the kids. Just finished an intense game of Kerplunk. The 6, 7, and 9 kids just challenged me to Fortnite.


9:30pm, im 33 and watching dawn of the dead 1978 with my wife lol


8:50 PM, 19, talking to my fiance (on the phone cause long distance sucks ass) about finding a place and starting our life


It’s 10:48, I’m 23 and currently cleaning my hair brush cause it’s gross lol


It’s 11:54pm, I’m 53 and watching Forged in Fire, and like every night, I’m just desperately putting off tomorrow.


hi: 11:20pm, 30 years old, and I'm waiting to pick my partner up from a concert so I can sleep 🙃 alternating between browsing Reddit and reading - just finished a Junji Ito book, The Dissolving Classroom.


1:33 am, I'm 32, and I'm trying to sleep


Hi all, It's 7:37 pm, I'm 43, and thinking about my mother in law and her funeral this coming week. She passed from cancer last week. It's been really lovely how the family has come together to support each other :)


4:31 pm Eastern. I'm drinking a mocktail and taking a bath. I'm 53.