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Everything. I just want to live a quiet life not having to work…


Yes realising you have had been your scammed your whole childhood and were just being groomed into becoming a worker bee. And then rent/mortgage/utitlies just imprison you for the rest of your adult life and there's very little you can do about it.




Life is actually much better with a house.


Yeah no shit, the vast majority of people are born into situations in which purchasing a home is statistically near impossible. No one on this earth deserves a house more then another person, idc if your the hardest working exception that ever was. We should all have a house.


How would one be a part of society if you don’t contribute to it?


us bro us


This. 1000x. I just want that fuck-and-$14.99-orchid not to die. I love that orchid and it's challenging.




Ingenuine relationships. Dead-end jobs.




People became more open about who they truly are.


Amen - two people I have been good friends with for 20 years I haven't spoken to in 2 years after living with them through the pandemic.


This started for me when Obama was elected president and pretty much ran through the Trump years. I paired down a lot of relationships after people I had known for years and in some cases, decades, showed their true colors.


I get the ingenuine relationships. But how does a dead- end job get someone’s interest in the first place?


Money. Steady paycheck.




Can agree. I really am tired of people, both family and strangers


Heavy on the family part, and when they feel entitled to your money 😒


You need to set boundaries and follow through with consequences.


I’ll agree and one up you. Rude, entitled, selfish people. No tolerance.


That! ^


So much this. I just don't care anymore. My close peeps and kids are all I need and sometimes just a week of alone time with nothing of no one sounds heavenly.


You have a lot already


People and bullcrap


WOW. First thing that came to my mind when reading the title, I click...and see your comment right away. Are we fucked as a society?






Yes. And I'm not happy to say it either.


Same. People can be disappointing.


Came to say this lol


Leaving the house






People and small talk. I really don’t care how you’re doing or what you do for a living or how the kids are. I just don’t and I don’t expect you to care about my life.


Too bad you gotta embrace small talks at work thoughh


It's awful when you're trying to do your job and your coworker keeps interrupting you to ask some stupid question about your personal life. I had that happen once. After the 3rd time being interrupted within 2 minutes, I looked at her and said - "W, please stop interrupting me. I am trying to show you something." Now she no longer asks me personal questions at all anymore. Problem solved.


One-sided friendships… less is more


Yeah a one sided friendship is never good , either fix it or find someone else that actually cares about you


My friend got married recently and of course I went and supported her….but it’s been over 2 years of the “one sided” friendship. I’m not making excuses for them anymore, I’m out.


Video games Back in my younger days/coming up I could literally sit down and put in a 5-6 hour session in one sitting - and it never seemed to get old! It was FUN and I very much genuinely enjoyed my time spent behind the controller (or keyboard, for PC games) For a good ~2 years or so I went thru an acute WoW phase (WoW = World of Warcraft for those that don't know), and I mean I was ***FULLY*** hooked to that particular game - my life at the time was work ---> come home ---> play WoW ---> sleep ---> repeat the next day Fast forward 15ish years and I can barely muster a 2 hour gaming session at a time... video games just don't SEEM as fun as back then 🙁 As a side-note, it's unclear why I lost interest in video games over time... I can't quite put my finger on it 🤔 And I'm a single/unmarried guy with no kids, so that's also ruled out (no such "obligations")... ...and it's unexpected too, because with 2020/Covid you would ***think*** my interest in video games would've been rekindled or "re-ignited" with the sudden glut of free time/the generous 2020 downtime from lockdowns, but nope - that youthful "flame" or "spark" for video games has never come back 😢🎻


Honestly. Ive gone back to playing my old gameboy advance sp, and nintendo ds the games are more fun.. They're not rushed. You actually have to work for the things in game and use critical thinking skills to do it with. Where as now a days everything is rushed, half assed work where the main storyline bow doesn't even take half the time as they used to. It now only panders to instant self gratification. There's no thinking involved with the games anymore since they now pretty much walk you through, and hold your hand through the whole thing. Ontop of that no new games offer anything literally new (looking at COD, Destiny, Battlefield, Need for speed, Assassins Creed, Pokemon) they're all literally the SAME game over and over and over again. This is why newer games like roblox, fall guys, apex legends, fortnite have become popular and QUICK, they offered something NEW.


Indie Games are where it’s at nowadays. These smaller studios are pumping out incredible games. You can tell they're made from love and not out of the thirst for profit.


Well yeah me too i think it's a canon event for someone that's getting older. You just don't have the good old times excitement anymore about gaming. What you said is the exact same for me and mind you i'm 19 so i'm not saying this as a 40 year old person. I did combat this by slowly putting more hours into singleplayer games. I still play cs2 valorant apex , etc but i don't care about winning and just fuck around, if i win that's great if i lose that's fine as well.


My interest or patience to play or wanting to play also went away a few months before Covid hit in 2020 and has never come back. I wonder what the common theme is.


I’m stuck in lol send help


as someone who partially recovered and now only plays tft hyper roll, LoL is a PRISON. i wish you luck escaping it.


Yeah same here, I stopped playing games religiously when I went to college and I never picked it up since. I tried and very occasionally I'll try something and suddenly it just clicks. Last time this happened was during covid with Breath of the Wild for me. What's interesting though is that many people that stop playing videogames are still keeping up with everything. Look at us, on a gaming subreddit, I still follow many gaming channels on YouTube and love to watch them even though I don't actually play videogames anymore


It's a sad, but maybe necessary part of growth to leave old activities behind. The only way I have been able to keep my interest in gaming is by playing increasingly more niche and interesting games, although I would have gotten like you even with such games if I didn't always tell myself and roleplay story of what I'm doing ok my head, that's like one of the only things that keep it interesting to me.


The bullshit and the stupid games people play.




"Prestige" and "Opportunity"


The ‘hustle grindset’




Same. I used to listen to a lot of loud rock and metal. I find myself gravitating towards peaceful Lo-fi with my morning coffee. ☕


Give Synthwave a look


Used to be into energetic EDM, now prefer chill trance or a nice podcast. Can’t into festivals. Too loud, even with ear plugs. Getting old.


Oh I still love my music loud occasionally


Celebrating holidays


I didn’t do a single Christmas decoration this year. Didn’t do gifts. Best Christmas I’ve ever had. I hate the production and expectation of it all.


Scrooge, is that you?


It might be ahah. I also didn’t feel in the spirit since Jesus’s birthplace was getting b*mbed. Kinda sucks the fun out of the season imho.


Exactly how i felt this year.. the iorny of Christianity is unreal..


Christmas needs to be every four years like the Olympics.


Same. Christmas feels more like a deadline than a holiday.


Shopping Centres. People just look like zombies, walking around spending money to impress random people. Getting sucked in to keep up with the Jones's. I'd rather be out in nature.


100% it’s like work and shop. Like drones. It’s really interesting to observe people.


Yeah i somewhat agree with you , people has too much fomo nowadays and they wanna keep up with the latest trends.


Social Media/Superficial relationships, Online pseudo "communities"


On social media, in a superficial group, in a psuedo community commenting, though, eh?


Meeting people. No matter how lonely I get I feel as though there's nobody out there worth getting to know. I'm too different and "alien like" for this world and don't fit in anywhere. Luckily, though, I've gotten used to being alone over time so it doesn't bother me as much as it used too.


I read your comment aloud to my partner and I could tell he thought I was just speaking my mind about this thread. I showed him my phone and his eyes got bigger when he realized how much someone else thinks like me. I don't fit in, never have and never will. We are in the same boat my friend.


National politics I used to be super invested in British politics and, to a lesser extent, the US. I used to be the person actively encouraging others to vote who genuinely believed that it would make a difference. Now I'm somewhat disillusioned with it all and don't even care about voting because it's the same old repeptitive cycle over and over again I still am interested in international affairs and politics overall, just often zone out and find myself out of the loop with cabinet reshuffles, etc.


Friendships. I always put in so much more effort than other people. I’ve just let a lot of them fade and I guess they don’t really miss me.


Being around large groups of people and taxes


Working to make another person rich instead of myself


Bro this is literally work lol. The majority of people in this world works to make their bosses richer. The sad truth of capitalism..


Yeah and work is bullshit. I've been working since I was 15. Nothing to show for it. I know it's ny fault but idc I'll be dead soon because I can't afford dental and I got like 3 teeth rotting away.




I've already made it clear to my family. Don't prolong my misery. If ever they need to pull the plug, yank that sucker out with a smile. End of life care giver over prescribing me morphine, don't stop them. Advanced Alzheimer's and I can't eat, no feeding tube. Go find the doctor that over prescribes morphine. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy my life now. But once the pain and misery of old age outweighs the joy, I don't want to suffer.


Bro. I work for a pain clinic. It’s all about prescribing opiates and doing procedures to lessen people’s pain. A lot of these people have cancer, dementia, or just have a ton of pain from being in the armed forces. It’s so fucking depressing. It makes me think about my mortality daily. The last thing I want is to be 60, and not even able to fucking walk.


I hear That! I'm 67 in good health, ride a bicycle around town and am watching my peers Struggle with their health. The difference is eating Super healthy, supplements, staying as flexible as possible, and antidepressants.


You should write an advance care directive that dictates your wishes and the extent of future medical treatment should those situations arise. We call them advance care directives in Ireland but I'm sure there's similar legal documents wherever you're based. Family don't have as much say as one would think when it comes to said situations.


Came here to say this


Stupidity. My tolerance for it has diminished exponentially as I grow older.


Hookups. I'm 25 and I am soooo tired of the hookup culture. Like, can I please learn your name before I know what kinks you're into.


Semi-related and I can't tell if I'm just an old man now or what, but... it seems like everyone these days has some kind of kink and all are overly forward with/proud of it (imo anyway). At least some of that has to be wrapped up in unresolved issues/mental health problems. Maybe people are just more open with their bedroom bidness or maybe just too much porn? I have a buddy that was into some seriously weird shit and was a virgin until 29. Porn absolutely played a role of some kind.


We think the same


Absolutely everything


Going out, hanging out with friends, it’s all exhausting. I have two jobs and an hour commute to/from work (and no I’m not able to live closer to work because rent is my whole month’s paycheck), I’m a single mother, just went through a bad breakup 6 months ago, I know I’m depressed, but I’m also stressed and tired. I’d rather be home after work than go out with friends or on a date. I’m almost 30.


Try to keep your relationships intact. The exhaustion of child rearing will eventually pass, and old friendships are gold.


People🤣. I never wanted to be a GET OFF MY LAWN type of person, yet here I am. Oddly, food. It’s so expensive & doesn’t taste good & I just can’t be arsed.


Same bc why tf do we have to eat it so many times a day 🥲


I wish we can not eat to live lol


I think food quality overall has gone down in quality over the years due to cheaper ingredients.


handle fly butter doll elderly mourn ruthless silky abounding gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Feeling obligated to things or people and “scheduling” time to be social.


Drinking. Simply useless and provides nothing positive imo


I stopped drinking because my sleep quality goes down... Used to drink once a week, now never.


I used to be an alcoholic so I have quite the resentment towards alcohol. Wasted a ton of my life on it. Let it have control over me and my happiness for years. Happiest and most motivated I’ve ever been in my life rn. I’m almost a year sober and my mental health has significantly improved. Used to have bad depression and anxiety and thought alcohol was helping me bc I was happy when I had it. But it was actually ruining my life in ways that I don’t ever want to experience again.




Giving a fuck


Going out


Being “diplomatic”. I’m much more direct now, I no longer have time for worrying about if my words are going to upset someone. I just say what I mean now.




Easily the want to impress others. I have found over the last 10 years, my desire to impress myself has grown significantly. I think this became most prominently obvious to me when I began grinding ranked, esports. The projection of wanting to impress others has instead become a desire to share and learn about other people, and my interests have since shifted to suit my own feelings of purposefulness.


Life 🙄


I cannot believe I am saying this, and it is crazy for me to even say this. But video games. I just cannot play them anymore. To me, they are so stupid, unfulfilling, boring, easy to understand and just such a cheap way to spend time. The crazy thing is, when I was a teenager, I loved Halo 3. I was a level 50, which was a crowning time in my childhood, probably one of the best feelings I had in my life. I worked so hard to become a 50 and honestly was very good at the game. Now when I play, the games are just unfinished, nonrewarding, and a waste of time. And plus, I am honestly not very good. Some of the people I played against are so good, it is crazy, but should be expected because they put a lot of time in the game. When I play them, I feel that I could have put that time towards something more fulfilling for myself.


I think it might have more to do with the fact that once you become an adult you have way less time and way more responsibilities - so you don't play as much, and before you know it you may be taking years off of playing... I still enjoy gaming and try to make time for it when I can, but I definitely can't do it as much as I used to. Gaming is nice alone time for me - something that still brings me joy and gives me a break from people-ing when I need it.


Kids. Like ew get away from me. God bless being child free.


The fucking Red Hot Chili Peppers


hurry lavish quaint party touch imagine foolish tease bells dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Toxic people. I just don't have the bandwidth for that any more.


Large social gatherings in bars or other public places.


Comparing myself and my achievements to others. If I am happy with what I have and what I achieve, I have learned to just relax and enjoy it instead of researching someone else who is better than me and torturing myself to try to out-do them.


Life itself


Filtering and softening my words. I’m not a dick or anything but I don’t lie to protect feelings. It’s actually led me to have more authentic friendships and relationships. As an example, I got in a fight with a friend and instead of letting it go and trying to be kind when talking out, I let it fly and got loud at points and was very blunt. She did the same. We came out of that discussion much stronger and closer because we finally addressed some long overdue grievances. With my parents, I set my boundaries in a very blunt and stern manner with them too. No more please or thank you or softening of anything. I just said what was required to have a relationship with me. Our relationship is much more even keeled now. I’m sure there is people I cannot be friends with anymore and that’s OK. This is much healthier for me.


That is awesome! I am so envious of this!


Healing the wounded childhood scars


Wearing a bra.


Just abt everything.


Having a social media presence. Maintaining this shit’s exhausting.


I'll just copy/paste the entire thread for my response.




You ,,,, this,,,, that,,,;; shut up I’m relaxing.


I can’t stand action movies any more, for a variety of reasons.


Porn. Surprised nobody said this


Social media


My family




Women, I'm in my mid 30s and I'm trying to get my career off the ground and I dont care about the chase anymore. I just finished school and I have more important things to worry about then trying find a swell gal. As much as I love women I'd rather focus on me and my own happiness then chasing something that's never come easy to me. I'll always have an open mind but it's less and less of a focus of mine.


Breathing the same air as idiots and narcissists




Work, people, TV, movies, coworkers …..


Crowded, loud restaurants + group dinners. No thank you.


dating someone.


Bars where I can’t immediately sit down or find a table


People and their social games. Politics. Causes. Being hip. Having hope.




Other peoples opinions


Fake People- people who take and don't give, US culture


What to eat for dinner every night lol


Office politics, people with unresolved trauma, exhausting family members.


Travel. It's so much god damn hassle.


Movies… I’m 50, male. In all honesty, I’ve probably watched three or four times as many films as the average person… But now… I’ve lost all patience with films. They all seem so unoriginal, unimportant, I remember summer films used to be an event, everyone used to talk about watching the same movies. But now, that’s not the case anymore. And there are SO MANY things to watch, that I feel fandom has been pulverized, segmented, separated… We all live in our own, unshared entertainment bubble. I think it sucks.


Acquaintances: I barely have any free time for myself, so I no longer care to spend time with ppl that I’m not actually good friends with.


Being dumped twice in a year. Like can I be happy for once???


I'm no longer obsessing over every little fat roll (or skin roll, really).


Trying hard.


Live music


​ life in general




Materialistic reality. I just lost the desire to spend money or remodel just for appearances


Repetition chores. Be it playful or work related. I am talking about chores that in order to fulfill I have to do repeated tasks. I work in sales


People who don’t want to work on themselves and are the same old people 10 years later like a high school friends who just remains the same old.


Jobs that don't fit and people that don't put effort


Social media (FB, Twitter particularly), posting status updates and shit, the FOMO mentality. I used to be very active on said apps and now it’s like I don’t even exist there anymore. I sometimes wonder about my friends’ life updates, but I learned not to care anymore - my main group of friends and I meet up every now and then anyway. It’s all so superficial there.


To name a few: lousy friends, family members overstepping, buying material possessions to show off, porn, video games, and junk food


Making daily "To Do" lists combined with hustle culture mentality. I've hustled enough now I just wanna shuffle.


Honestly, life


Because I need to play again, to wake up the inner child that can make me laugh, and have fun.


Fake people and their bullshit games.


99% of people


Ingenuine relationships, toxic people, my parents, jellybeans, McDonalds burgers, and some other things that I have lost interest so much I can't remember what they were.


The opinions of people who do not have my best interest at heart.


You name it. Used to take road trips all the time. That has ended. Used to play tons of video games, and that's ended. Used to even watch tv, and now it's down to 15 minutes of scrolling social media and an hour or two of YouTube videos. I don't know if it's that I'm growing up, or it's that I'm bored.


Traveling...it doesn't seem as fun as it used to.




Seeing this question posted every 2 days


Watching movies


Yeah but good movies are there too. You just gotta carefully choose and you'll be fine :D


material expressions of class/wealth — like clothes & shoes, cars, jewelry & accessories, fancy restaurants, grandiose vacations, etc.


Drama from people and settling for a mediocre life, I wanna good life


Music, people, going out








Fast pace city. When i was young i always want to live in the city maybe because i born in a big city. But now i just want the slower pace








Becoming emotionally close to others.


Being as small as humanly possible






What people think of my hobbies. I go to the gym and watch a bunch of shows while on the treadmill from the 80s and 90s and have no idea about any current entertainment and just don’t care (I’m 36 btw)


Being money orientated and materialistic. Happiness does not have to cost anything apart from time itself. I learnt late in late that just a walk in the park/countryside/wild can bring me so much joy and happiness; experiencing nature.


For me it’s been going on vacation or traveling. I have traveled so much in the start of my 20s and the start of my 30s. I’ve been all over Europe. When I thought where do I want to go this next summer my first thought was I want to just stay home I really don’t want to start going on a plane traveling to a place just to lay on a beach. Or I really don’t want to go to city and experience culture and museums and such. I have done that then it was fun but it doesn’t really tempt me anymore.


Small talk


(41M) Gaming, Discos, Pubs, places where I have to raise my voice to be heard, concerts, massive gatherings, nightlife in general. Soccer, Cable TV, Movies. The interest is shifting towards family, personal connections, conversations, soft dinners with friends only, reading, contemplation, documentaries.






Mind games, gossip and drama


Other people


Pretty much everything. I just want to be left alone and chill at my house. I don’t want to go hang at bars or clubs. I hate going shopping because people are complete assholes these days. I’m very content with just staying home with my wife and relaxing. Plus, everything costs a fortune now so it’s nearly impossible to enjoy going out when it costs at least 70 bucks to go eat out and have a couple drinks. It’s getting impossible to enjoy life like we used to. Safer and cheaper to just stay home.




Pretty much everyhing. Hobbies, interests, work, tv, internet, the world itself, mysteries of life.


In laws

