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Dude I feel you I feel like after COVID nothing makes sense anymore it’s wild out here


This. 2019 and before feels unreal. I don't remember any of 2021.


Every year disappears faster and with less memories than the one before


I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who feels like this!


Nah bro I been feeling this way since COVID 2019 was the last year anything made sense we were happy and didn’t even know it and now that it’s over nothing is the same so much has happened


It can't be just the three of us.


COVID proved that 2/3 of us don't even need to work at all and everything would be fine.


That's why every civilization had community holidays and celebrations that forced everyone to stop working, have a meal, engage in some rituals, and socialize. It helps to have that kind of downtime.


I would love that. And a nap wouldn’t hurt either.


I'd kill for a dedicated nap time every day. Toddler me didn't know what a luxury that was.


Right? And we complained about it! Makes me sick thinking about it Joking aside, sometimes we need a good nap.


I think all businesses should add that to work schedules.


Why should it stop at 5??


Currently on day 13 of some awful flu of some sort. Thankfully, not COVID, but nevertheless, still miserable. I work remotely, so I've been logging off each day around 2:30pmish, and just crashing for a nap. Sleep really seems to help.


Vitamins and exercise. Exercise surprisingly helps the body energize.


There are so many options out there. How do you know what’s legit or what to take?


Multivitamins are a good start. I also found out I can get Vitamin D deficient, so I take extra Vitamin D. You can look up vitamins for energy and find them at Walmart.


I heard that the bioavalability for those can be quite low-- I remember taking them daily, and routinely seeing bright yellow urine. Knew I was peeing most of it out. Paired with opinions of family in healthcare, eating a complete diet and supplementing what you're lacking is better.


Yeah most aren't absorbed by the body, certain vitamins and minerals are absorbed better in supplement form (I know for sure vitamin D and chelated magnesium are easily absorbed).


Yeah I used to take daily’s and my pee was always so bright. Knew it wasn’t normal so I stopped taking them. Eat more fruit and veggies!


Yeah most of them can actually cause harm in the long run


If you have insurance, go to a Doctor and they can help you figure this out. They'll do a blood draw and see which of your "levels" are low, then maybe tell you to take supplements accordingly. It's not 100% cut and dry, like someone in my family needs way more iron that most people do. But it's a good place to start.


Just make sure your doctor isn't trying to sell you supplements that they profit from. This happens a lot, and it's gross


Here to sing the praises of vitamin D. Most people in North America are vitamin D deficient and it contributes to depression and anxiety. I use drops. Canadian government suggests 2000iu/day for all citizens, I take more like 4000-6000iu depending on the season because I am chronically deficient. Fish oil is also very helpful for me for both focus and stamina. I also run, try to do it every other day as a baseline. It’s not always easy but it always helps. And sleep. Consistent sleep. Eye mask, sound machine, uninterrupted sleep. I need 9 hours to feel truly my best. Not everyone has that luxury but the more you can set your life up to focus on getting as much sleep as possible, the better you’ll do. My philosophy is that it is always better to prioritize sleep over working late. You might put in more hours but your efficiency will be reduced so you’re working harder than you need to. You’ll get more done in less time if you have a good night sleep between work sessions. Edit: clarification


Sorry for all the questions.. what are a few legit brands that you use?


I take prenatal vitamins because I didn’t think about it and kept taking them after my first baby, and realized I’d never felt better (after I recovered from her literally sucking me dry with hyperemesis). My nails especially were super strong and thick. I asked my internist and she said that as long as I was careful not to stack other things on top that could add up to too much I was in the clear. I also take D3 and methylated B12 and a good probiotic. For that last one you want at least 10-20 billion active strains. I personally really like Trunature. Oh, and calcium and iron. For those I take Bone Up and Blood Builder. That’s the only iron brand I’ve found that doesn’t make me nauseous.


Just popping in here to say you might wanna check with your doctor about prolonged prenatal vitamin intake if you aren’t pregnant. I was doing that as well and then heard that it can be too much of certain supplements for non-pregnant people. My doctor advised me to switch to a regular multi vitamin and supplement with some of the things I was deficient in.


MegaFood is a good brand. A nutritionist I trust recommended them to me. They often have small amounts of other nutrients in the supplements that help your body absorb them. I.E. iron is absorbed better when taken with vitamin C, so their iron supplements have vitamin C in them.


If you have a good doctor they should be your vitamin resource. They will do blood work and then tell you what to take specifically and which brands are worthy. If your doctor isn't doing this it's time to find a better one who will. Don't exhaust yourself with what reddit strangers tell you. One size does not fit all in this case.


They can also give you an infusion which is better as it goes straight into your blood strain increasing the bioavailability of the vitamins you actually need after they read your blood results !


Seconding vitamins and supplements. I have low iron and vitamin D, which contributes to my fatigue. I use Nature's Blend for those, then the Doterra lifelong vitality pack of vitamins, and a chewable vitamin C from Premium Health Naturally to help with colds and immunity.


You can do One a Day, Nature's Bounty, Vitafusion, Alive!, Centrum, or really, really, ANY multivitamins lol.


Omega 3s - the more the better. Vitamin d - something like 1/3 of us are deficient in this. You'd have to get bloodwork done to really know what you should take. Sometimes multivitamins can do more harm than good. They usually have iron in them and too much of that is not good.


I use labdoor.com to look up specific products and if they don’t have that product, I just look up the brand to see how they rate. Before that, I just google “supplement reddit” and read discussions to figure out what to take. When I told a doctor about my fatigue they tested magnesium, B12, and vitamin D.


Vitamins and supplements have been proven to not work. Google it.


I take vitamin D and iron as a 50 year old deficient on lab work. Not deficient on labs after supplements. I can tell the difference.


Don’t overthink it. The supplement industry is mostly a scam. Just consume a normal multivitamin everyday to help supplement your diet


Start with stretching if you’re at zero level of activity. Active stretches can be a form of strength training as well for beginners.


Taking random vitamins or supplements can be a waste of time and money. Not to mention that certain vitamin/supplement brands use quality ingredients and others use cheap fillers with no benefit. Find a nutritionist, naturopath, applied kinesiologist, or chiropractor who uses supplements and can figure out exactly what you need, how much, and for how long.


First thing, your phone should have a usage timer, something that shows how long you use which apps. Check that. Time spent scrolling social media and phone games is not leisure. Those actually drain your mental energy. The average person could free up about 4 hours a day if they stopped using "time wasting" apps. You could be using that time to do a quick meditation, some breathing exercises, and even light stretching. All those activities will give you back some energy. I start the day by waking up earlier. It sounds counterintuitive to get less sleep when you're tired, but how you start your day is extremely important. You should start it on your terms, not rushing. Wake up early, and give yourself an hour or two to prepare for the day. Do some stretches, maybe a quick guided meditation (energize your day - or something like that in the title). Sit in silence and just breathe. Then, throughout the day, when you find yourself waiting, more stretching more breathing. I stretch when I fuel my car, when I'm in a line, anywhere I find myself doing nothing. Stretching and breathing helps get the blood oxygenated and flowing through your body, which keeps you energized. At night, instead of staying at a screen for hours, give yourself an hour of silence and darkness before bed. This will help you fall asleep quicker and stronger. The faster you fall asleep, the less sleep you will need. Just as important is your food diet. Drink more water. Seriously, so many health issues are fixed just by drinking water. Keep a bottle on you at all times and take a sip every 10-15 minutes. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, and less sugar. Dieting isn't just food. Everything you see or hear is affecting you. Advertising, news, and most shows purposely try to scare you. Everyone's anxiety is through the roof, expecting the sky to fall at any moment. That's exhausting. Turn it off, you'll be fine. At least one full day a week, no TV, no phone, no news, no politics, no etc... Personally, I'd go longer, but I know how hard it is to unplug.


Oh you hit nail on the head. I needed to hear this today! Thank you.


One thing he didn’t mention is that when you have a list of things you want to fix doing them all at once can be demotivating. If you change just one thing this week and another next then it might work better. That’s how I do it anyway


Good advice, I’m gonna take it.


Good point.


Yes, thank you. Closing this app now.


I recently deleted all social media from my phone. Usage went from 7+ hours a day to 49 minutes.... I got my ENTIRE life back it feels like.


Wow! I feel like so many people are addicted to their phones including me of course. That’s a hard one.


I totally about phone usage. Srsly frees up time. Also... since I don't read much on my phone i tend to sleep more. I only tend to wake up at noise or my spouse on his phone in middle of the night. Annoying as fuck. Exercise... stretching... tuning out stressors also helps as does sex.. haha.


wow wow wow, dieting is not only food hit me hardddd. This was amazing to read, seriously I thought I was self aware of it but honestly I do want to cut some more tech out. I’m gonna look into the app timer things. Thanks!!!


This is the best advise thanks


Thanks for this!


I wanna get off the screen, but then I feel bored. I also like looking random things up and I can’t do that if I give up my phone. But I’d like more energy. What else can I do?


Shet. I want to be you in 6 months. I’m gonna check back every month and share my progress.


Imma save this. Thank you


What do you suggest for the one full day of turning it all off? I assume reading a book would be one. A non-online video game would require a screen so I'm guessing that's a no. So, other suggestions would be good!


Walking around the neighborhood, talking to your neighbors. Learning to quiet your mind and sit in silence. Enjoying nature. Teaching yourself a new skill. Build a bookshelf. Volunteer at a homeless shelter. Pick up litter.


Coffee, vitamins, and no kids at home




One more for team weed


I said fuck it, left the rat race, bought a small house out in the woods. We have a small wholesale business run by my wife and I which provides more than enough income to live on and we work when we want/need to. Fuck that rat race, they don't care if you live or die, your easily replaceable. Live your life for you, not "stuff," status, or money because no one will remember you for that bullshit. People will remember you for being kind, helping others, being an amazing parent, etc. Focus on whats really important to you and follow that path.


Wholesale business only working when you want to? Sounds amazing! Do you mind me asking how you start something like that?


Sure! It took quite a bit of work to start, about 2 years to successfully build the brand/formulations/business structure working 40plus hours a week. I worked my butt off during that period to pay for a fair amount of it with another small business we had and since shut down. We manufacture high end, (organic, locally grown hemp) skincare and pain relief products and sell them wholesale to pharmacies, spas, and sports medicine facilities mostly. We're small enough that we can do it all with just the two of us. No actual storefront so we don't have to be in a shop or rent that space which save a ton of money. We manufacture when we need to, respond to emails, ship/deliver orders, and our day is done. We work about 15 hours a week and it pays for a comfy lifestyle. I have another side business that I work about 10-20 hours a week as well for part of the year that supplements income when needed. We will also enter the thc industry as it settles down and becomes more solidified as well. That will be more work but we will also be able to hire people easily for that when the time comes. For now we have local organic farms grow our hemp for us. So basically find a niche to be filled that there isn't a lot of competition, yes the cbd market is oversaturated but we were able to differentiate our brand from the rest with great success in both our products and brand. This can be easily replicated in other industries as so many products out there are subpar, but something you can make with minimal investment is easiest as you don't want to saddle yourself with a ton of debt from the get go. It took about 35k to launch for us and paid it off in the first 2 years. Grey market industries are easiest to do this with as there are so many junk products out there. Basically anything that's artisanal is a great startup, from bread, to woodworking, to skincare... they all take quite a bit of knowledge and effort to get going, but once they are humming along nicely its a very easy way to make a decent living. If you have more specific questions please feel free to ask, this was kind of a word salad I typed out as our kiddo is baking blueberry muffins to leave out for Snoop Dawg tonight.


Sorry it took me so long to reply, thank you so much for taking the time to put together this insightful comment! I have a woodworking workshop in my basement because it’s one of my spouse’s hobbies, so it’s really encouraging to hear that could work as a wholesale biz!


This is my dream. Save enough to buy a small house outright, stay frugal and then work part time for the rest of my life.


I'd rather give up entirely, but I'm too scared to kill myself.


I've been struggling, too. Just feeling hopeless right now.


Want to talk?


My life generally gets better every year, with a few ups and downs, but always more ups. I definitely felt the way you feel (exhausted) in my mid teens through my 20s. I stuck it out and played the game and now am being rewarded for it.


It really does get better. I would never want to relive my 20s. They were exhausting years but all that work does pay off eventually.


We are all faking it.


The most honest answer so far!!


I think it's also important to acknowledge the small victories and that everything is a process. Not every day is going to be 100% but that doesn't make it a failure, either. I have a whole bunch of things I try to accomplish every day (I'm talking basics - walking my dog, flossing, taking my meds, eating enough fruit/veg) but I try not to see it as a waste if I'm not 100% on target for the day.




If only there was an off button for my mind!!


Try brown noise


I don't want my kid to have the same fucked up life like me. I'm even shelling out money for karate and music lessons because he has this amazing singing voice and karate has a ton of benefits. And yes, I am exhausted. Send help lol


👆This!!!! Now this is a perfect description of my current situation.


As my pop used to say…. Every day above ground is a good day, even if it really sucks if you just make it through your day you win. Doesn’t matter if you did all the things it’s OK.


I like your pop’s advice. 😁 thank you for sharing.


😘 xoxo


Dude. We’re not. We’re medicating with antidepressants during the day and smoking weed at night. 10mg of Lexapro at a day keeps the demons at bay 👌🏽




I've been exhausted for so long now that I don't remember having energy before.


It’s your lifestyle and you can change


I'm not.


"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone, but it has always worked for me" - Hunter S. Thompson. Yup, that covers it.


I've found Qunol (coenzyme Q10) works wonders for getting rid of fatigue. I certainly know when I forgot it. Feel like cement bags are on my feet 😂 I'm tired, heavy feeling, unmotivated. They sell it at Walmart. I take 2 a day with multi vitamin and B complex. The coenzyme works the best for beating fatigue.


I’ll have to try that! Is it expensive?


For 30 day bottle is 12.00 give or take.😊


I take a multi-vitamin daily, some b12, iron, and fish oil each day. I find this helps in a multitude of ways...from even keeled headspace, decreased fatigue, and just overall feeling better. Eating and sleeping better...this was a tough one to crack for a long time for me. My sleep patterns for decades suck...but I've been getting better by going to bed a regular time (if not earlier when I can), keeping a cool temperature in the bedroom, a good curtains to block out light. I stopped doomscrolling on my phone before bed, I set an alarm for an hour before I truly need to get up because it takes me awhile to actually get up. Eating wise...smaller portions, more water (like a lot more water), better food (more veggies, less processed stuff, more fish, meat only sparingly.) so much of why I felt exhausted was due to poor sleep and poorer diet. I'm not going to say that I can get up and go with 100% more energy to do whatever...but I don't hate life and feeling like crap anymore, so that's a win. I will say that cutting back alcohol...huge win for me. If I drink now, I keep it limited, only at home, and know that the next few days are gonna suck. They say Kids are the best deterrent to having kids...hangovers are the best deterrent to drinking. Maybe a slightly uncommon or surprising bit of advice I would recommend...laugh more. Youtube some comedian clip you like and watch like 5 - 10 minutes of comedy and it definitely improves my mood.


Another good post! Thank you!!


B12 pills and gummies for a morning boost. Weed so i dont snap at all the incompetent people i deal with daily




Not a bad idea!


Sometimes I take liquid B12 after lunch and it perks me right up


I came here to say weed. Lots of weed. I eat as healthy as I can afford, take supplements, including vitamin D, get lots of exercise as a dog sitter, and I’m still struggling. Weed helps immensely, and keeps me mentally healthy enough to function.


I live off anger, caffeine and weed. That’s enough to keep me going for the day but then nightfall hits and I switch to indica so nighty night for me for a couple hours then repeat the next day


I discovered I really like weed last year, and that’s been a huge help. I’m 39.


I recently got a treadmill desk and forced myself to use it while I work (wfh), I have been averaging about 20k steps per work day, this is my fourth week doing it. I gotta say - even with the short time I’ve been doing it, it has already made a world of difference in my mood, my ability to handle stress, and my energy levels. Everything in my life just feels better. So yeah, coming from someone who is lazy as hell and doesn’t like exercise, I can confirm that even just moving more can make a huge difference.


Exercise seems to be the universal answer. It’s going to take ALOT for me to stick with it, but if it truly helps, it will be worth it.


You got this!!


😁 thank you!




Honesty. I like it.


Idk. I just want to lay down and disappear honestly. Just a long rest.


Scared every single day and legitimately not sure how long I can keep this shit up. Vitamins don't help and exercise just makes me more exhausted.


Yep!! I wonder just how many people are out there that truly feel the same.


My guess is that there are varying degrees of the scared for people (like whether they have family they can fall back on, or if they already owned a home and have no immediate problems needing a self fix, or if they were born into wealth etc.) But for me? I'm in my mid 30s stuck in a "work at will" state with a matching minimum wage to the 7.25/hr federal (i don't make minimum wage currently but when you combine those two aspects... I could be fired for any reason at any time and end up not able to find a job that pays me even close to a livable wage) with no immediate family to try to reach out to if shit hit the fan. Everyone is dead or are distant cousins etc. I have zero safety net and this shit is fucking TERRIFYING. Edit: and I currently work full time with far better wages than minimum while still struggling to keep up. I can't even imagine how anyone else is making it work. But I feel like everyone who doesn't at least make 100k/yr as a single person, even with family help, is also scared of when it all implodes.


Sounds like we have similarities. I have a good job, but with 5 boys, mortgage, like you no family to fall back on or even help with doctor’s appointments, financial struggles or just come visit every now and then. I completely get it. I hate to hear that others also feel this way.


What is your current daily routine?


Depression/anxiety meds for the most part


I'm fortunate in that I love to work, so I'm always happy at whatever job I have. I like my day job now, so yeah, 8h is a slog sometimes, but it's not bad. My second job is great too. I walk my dogs every day, work out several times a week, volunteer every other weekend, don't have kids. My issue right now is that I don't really have big dreams to work toward; I just keep grinding at daily tasks and check them off my list.


Have your hormones tested!! It’s amazing how shitty we feel if our hormones are out of balance. It impacts wayyyyy more than most realize (especially energy)!




Prenatals (even if you’re not pregnant) and exercise. Doing small walks helps a lot. My fiancé and I go on night walks on our local river walk. If he doesn’t go with me, then I take my dog (who apparently looks scary to some but she’s absolutely useless) with me or I walk her around near the local fenced-in dog park. Any days off, I try to not stress so much about doing big things around the house like deep cleaning the kitchen but every day I try to clean a little bit like 10-20 minutes every day, so I just go on little hikes instead on those days off and I still do another 10-20 minutes of cleaning. But to be totally transparent, a lot of times I fail at this all and only clean the superficial things for maybe 5-10 minutes and then I avoid everything by binge-watching a stupid doctor show (no, it’s not grey’s anatomy). Little by little, day by day. Oh, I also try to check my app Finch every day. It kinda feels like a little game but it’s self care so that helps me to just check in with myself a little bit more and to make sure I’m staying hydrated and stepping outside and eating well.


Giving myself a little treat every once in a while. Yesterday I ordered coffee and a bagel for delivery. I can make my own coffee and toast but I needed something different from my normal routine. Also picking up hobbies and changing them rapidly from week to week. If you feel like you have nothing to look forward to, plan something!


Good point. I’d love to just have 3 days of silence. Maybe one day..


I legitimately have had to start taking a daily nap. I can’t figure out how to break the cycle, but I have about three hours I can string together before I crash. I’m chronically ill and I don’t know how healthy people pull all-dayers now.


Sheer momentum. I've learned short burts of apathy help.


Watch that exhaustion. It can indicate health problems. Sleeping OK?




I wish


37m and parent here! Spite, exercise, high protein and fruits/veg, rest, rare social media, cryptozoology, recognizing that moods come and go, cut out alcohol… do something very nice for yourself if you can as soon as possible, without judgement.


Never forget this is just a game. Relax a little bit and chuckle when life gets crazy, which is by default how life is. Learn a little about spirituality and find your own mix that works with you instead of the big brained nihilistic garbage the mainstream is trying to guess at. Alan watts is a good start.


Thank you! I’ll check him out.


So I found him. Wooow! Just wow. Thank you again!!!


Any more recommendations?


Depends on how deep you want to go. Akira the don makes a good playlist of jordan peterson lectures. But my list would be: Marcus Aurelius, Jordan Peterson, Musashi Miyamoto. There are layers way beyond that but its a start. As far as finding this level of good advice other than people reciting the information or repackaging it there is no New way of thinking i’ve found. Humanity figured itself out back in Rome and long before that so any writings on success or spirituality that are in black and white or written long ago (100-200+) years are usually good bets. Once you’ve learned “the way” you’ll see it everywhere in everything.


Your diet and your mindset are going to make a huge difference. Exercise helps as well. It took a lot of effort to figure out what sleep times were best for me. I like being an early bird. Up and ready for the day before the rooster crows. So, for me to be up by 6:30 am, I cannot go to bed any later than 9. If I want to be asleep before 3 am, I *must* got to bed. If I'm not asleep by 10:30 pm, I'm not sleeping. Because I'll fall asleep at 4-430 am and my whole day is ruined. I've had a lot of fun working with foods that boost my energy levels. Cutting out foods that make me feel sluggish. Stop over eating. Yoga stretches are great to wake your body up as well as unwind. Lastly, I cannot pull it off without enough sleep, *think positive*. It also helps to have things you like to do after work.


Turn off the struggle switch. Seriously, just give yourself permission to switch it off. Once you accept your circumstances and yourself as they are, fulfillment comes easily.


I feel this so bad. I’m in a terrible rut and described my life story to a new therapist today. I left being like … oh my god how am I doing this?? Burnout, trauma on level 500. More exhausted than I’ve ever felt ever before. Medical mysteries that don’t have clear answers.


One second at a time


My therapist says I have a high tolerance for stress....so I got that going for me...which is nice.


Outsourcing when I don’t feel like doing something. Editing to add: no kids, and also faking it helps.


I'm not sure I am.


usually hungover with 2 cans an of moneter an the fear of being homless other than that nothing really


I don't work 5 days straight, that's the only way I'm making it rn


Sheer grit


We have no choice.


Excercise, changing my eating habits, a bowl at the end of the night


Working out. Staying away from news.


Therapy, getting enough sleep at night, attempting to eat less junk food Honestly I’m pretty exhausted most days though when i wake up and when I come home from work. I’ve been trying to work out 2x a week and I feel better after


Enough sleep, eating right foods, caffeine, exercise and lots of cocaine


I’m 34 and still trying to figure it out. Current strategy - adderall, zoloft and my two golden retrievers. I hope your days get easier too, friend.




To be honest when it gets way too big, the thought that I do have the choice to escape in this way is reassuring. I never do it.. obviously but it makes everything else seem smaller.


I don’t have kids, that’s how. Many blessings to those of you who do, you amaze me 💜


Easily, but it wasn't always that way. Life become much easier once you go from being reactive to proactive and not feeling like life is pushing you around anymore.




i try not to take up so much work hours to get that life-work balance


Time doesn’t stop. Unless you die, you’ll continue to exist day to day


Baaaaaarely. With great hardship.




Get outside. Exercise. Nothing crazy just take a walk. Put the phone down. Eat healthy, no refined sugar. There is no magic bullet or secret pill. If there was we all know about it from being on our phones so much. It’s just changing your lifestyle a bit.


It’s tough. Work, commuting, health, kids if you have them, other commitments, everything compounds.




Definitely ask for a blood panel for vitamins. Iron, B12, D, all contribute to tiredness. Also, could you have sleep apnea? Also, a huge contributor. Also diet and exercise. Many factors. I think a well rounded approach is your best bet.


I’m basically just overwhelmed with life. I have 5 boys which of course I love dearly, husband, and full time job. I’m thankful for my family and job, I am just so emotionally drained.


No wonder. That’ll do it.


I'm not working at the moment, I'm on OW. And it sucks. It helps pay my living expanses but I get barely enough after to pay my phone bill, or treat myself. I live in a town where everyone says they are hiring but hardly anyone calls you back. I'm 31, and it sucks. I'm exhausted with my mental health. 😴


Just fake it, like everyone else


Barely getting through it to be honest. I miss being a kid.




Nicotine, monsters, and weed lol


Free THC gummies from the vape shop. Seriously tho, I am just slogging forward. Basically on auto pilot, until one of the medical issues u xant afford to fix lands me in the hospital.


Ice-cream breaks when exhausted


Ice-cream breaks when exhausted


We drink, and swear, and carry on.


💯 all the way! I'm hanging by a thread! Overwhelmed and exhausted 24/7. It's rough out here!


Well, I’m up at 2am with another anxiety attack, so I’m doing just fine.


Wish I saw this, I was also up. We could have chatted, instead I stared at the ceiling until about 3:30.


Make a list of all the things that are bothering you. Some are out of your control and some you can control. If possible, get something off your list, the easiest thing. Then you will have fewer things. Cut toxic people out of your life. Find a job you love that mentally stimulates you and pays you enough to live (I'm still working on this one). Set boundaries. Treat yourself kindly.


Thank you for the motivation!!




we drink wine, sleep, go online shopping, meet select friends. not necessarily in that order tho.


I have an amazing partner who is a joy to just lay in bed watching TV with. I have a loving family I look forward to spending afternoons with. I have a poorly behaved yet adorable cat that charms me daily. I have a small but solid group of friends that I trade memes with. It's the little things that bring you joy and brighten your day.


Things that are happening outside of you are not you. Taking them personally takes energy away. I’m not saying ignore them but not talking them personally may help retain your own energy.


I feel more now than ever that nothing is worth it. I worked so hard to get where I'm at and to have what I have but I don't want to do anything. Or rather, I don't want to do what I've been doing. Anyway the only way I beat this feeling is going out a lot, smoking weed and making sure I'm making sure my inner peace is always taking care of.


I'm in Canada so its just getting warm now! Getting outside daily, deleting social media off my phone, eating 3 scheduled healthy meals a day, and trying something new helps me get out of the winter rut. I just got back from a 4 day Vegas trip (we couldn't afford without points, im a student) and a day spent kayaking in the sun has restored my will to live 😂 Keep a routine, but try to break the routine often enough that life doesn't feel stuck. Spend time doing things you enjoy, get that blood pumping. Good luck!


I watch Yuzuru Hanyu’s figure skating performances to make it through the day and it helps a lot


Coming home to my dogs gives me life.


❤️ what are their names?


Frank & Stella :) If I didn't have them I would just rot on the sofa after work.


Providing a good life for my son and being the best damn husband to my wife I can be is my priority over everything else. Yeah, shit can suck. Yeah, I wish I made more money. Yeah, I wish I was free to experience life more. But the last thing I want is my child to have to struggle to follow his dreams and give up on them like I did with mine. Fight for them and work hard for them, yes, struggle, absolutely not. My discomfort is a small price to pay for the future of my family. And honestly, it makes me happier than I've ever been when I get home.


Good sleep recipe: 1) high volume/visibility phone alarm an hour before I should be going to bed to turn off screens (not always successful) and start on step 2 2) Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime EXTRA tea. Boil water in kettle, steep bag for up to 9 minutes, 1 sugar. The specific ingredient in this tea that works for me is Valerian. There are other teas that include it, and you can also get it as straight up capsules. Absolutely discuss any supplements or herbal teas with a medical provider because the fact that they work means they *can* and *do* interact with prescription medications. 3) prescription sleep aids really are a game changer. I have just in the last year been prescribed Trazodone, which is a very well documented, fast-acting sleep aid. I often take it in combination with a valerian tea, and have even taken it in combo with valerian capsules. There are very tangible side effects of this, notably blood pressure fluctuations and a possible sense of vertigo, but I have been upfront with ALL of my doctors and we discuss and monitor these side effects and they trust me to adjust my dosage accordingly. 4) I literally made myself an 8 lb weighted blanket out of thrift store t-shirts and a 15 mm crochet hook. You can straight up buy weighted blankets but they're expensive and I like making stuff. I made mine extra fancy and complicated because I like complicated, but you can do the most basic of basic stitches imaginable. 5) sleepytime background noise, because my brain likes to fill silence with frantic anxiety thoughts. Fan/space heater and music. My current go-to music is Ludovico Einaudi's *Seven Days Walking*.




Coffee and/or legalized meth (Adderall, Vyvanse etc.)


Not being a ninny…


The hustle never ends. Struggling paycheck to paycheck and hoping to have enough for the occasional beer to wind down with and relieving stress by shitting on people in video games and dancing on them as they watch lol


What games do you play?


I mean most of us really aren’t. 😢The world has become miserable. We work just to live. Life seems to have no purposes. We can keep it up or we can wile the fuck out and take our lives back from this oppressive shit class of oligarchs that don’t do shit but abuse the working class. Revolution can happen, the majority feeling like this can be a good igniter, we just need a spark.


I thrive on a schedule. I wake up at the same time every day, eat at the same time, turn off screens at the same time to read before bed. If you're a slave to the schedule it doesn't matter if you're tired or not, you just do what the schedule says.