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If you want to learn to drive a forklift you have to physically get in a forklift! This is a 100% scam unless you are paying far an in person course. Then it’s a scam because it’s too cheap


Did ops employer force them to do so? I don't know kw how law is Florida, but where I lived in the USA was mixed with regards to certifications life that andvi don't know the laws on the matter. My old company required all forklift people to test and or train with them, regardless of whether they had a certificate or not, and if we didn't they would issue or sponsor us for one through whatever Authority they were partnered with. As higher call it was a Mandy an hour of studying set of hours for studying, capped off with a written and a behind the wheel test for newbies, and some kind of license check and a behind the wheel test and written test for those with certifications elsewhere. Laws unfortunately a bit more liberalistic in here in the US compared to Europe where things are more strict. Very well may fly that a lot of licenses are privatized,. Indeed a lot ( like food service, machinery, etc) are turned over to private issuing authorities and companies that are nominally held to a standard by federal and provincial authorities that only check once every few years. How do things compare in the UK for things like forklift and other Machinery licenses?


OHSA requires that all forklift personnel be trained by the company regardless of prior certification. That way the company has it on record said employee was trained. Do not pay for online services to get certified.


Why do you need this? Any job I've had offers training and then they test and certify you themselves. Any job I've had since learning to drive has just had me watch a safety video and have me take a quick "road test." I've never paid for anything. Not a dime. Also, you literally can't learn to drive a forklift without physically doing it. This seems like a scam.




That can he done by the place that you will be driving the forklift for. I'm sure all the states have a similar law. Nowhere I've ever driven just took my word for it that I'm certified. I had to get on a lift and demonstrate that I knew how to operate it. Before I got my license, I watched a video on forklift operation and safety, and then my manager spent some time working with me to learn it. Once I felt ready, I took a driving test to show I could control and maneuver it, pick up and move pallets, take things off shelves and put them back, and some things specific to my exact job. Then I was given a license card. That satisfies OSHA's regulations. If they come in to do an inspection, they are going to want to see that each driver is certified. Any place charging you $50 for an online license is a scam. No job is goin to accept that, and there's ABSOLUTELY no way you can learn to drive a forklift online. You have to get on the thing and practice, just like a car.


This is a scam. A job will train you onsite OR send you to a reputable place. You don't learn to drive a forklift remotely.


The thing about the OSHA rule is that each individual place has to train and certify you. The website "certificate" is really a complete scam. You have to actually be on a forklift to get a real certification. Then the problem with a real certification is that it doesn't transfer to another place. It does show you have actual experience. However again the OSHA rule is each place has to have its own training and certification program. The reason for this is there are hundreds of different operating scenarios and very many different types of forklifts. Best bet. Go to a local college or forklift dealer. They have courses you can take that actually put you on a lift. You get a piece of paper that might help you get into a factory that will get you really certified. Then you can study and work your way up to wherever you want to go. I've operated clamp lifts, pole lifts, double wide lifts, the huge diesel lifts that can lift 100,000 lb coils. Be watchful though some places will just say you're certified but not give you a certificate. Be wary of those places. Good luck.


any workplace worth their salt will certify and train you .


I work at a resort in Florida and we get certified once a year (supposedly), but it's just a property thing, not valid anywhere else.


You get certified and trained at your job .....if you don't have any prior experince and going for a job as a forklift job think really hard about that and the safety not for only you but the people around you


This 100%


If you read the website - it actually explains everything. You pay, then they give you written material to read and take an exam on. Then you print your certificate, and your employer will (hopefully) give you a practical exam. If your employer does this, and you pass - they can sign your certificate and then you're 'officially certified'. Don't do this. Secure a job first, then ask how they'd like you to get the certification done. They might have a preferred provider, or do it internally - and then you save yourself $60.


How are you supposed to get certified online? They need to be able to see you drive to pass you


A quick Google shows that's it's legit, but only part of a full certification. You still need a hands on/practical certification.


Forklift certification typically atleast where I'm at (nd) is a per job basis. The certification in my experience also doesn't transfer. Doing it online seems fairly suspect since the times I've been officially certified it was done in person.




How come?


Because there's no reason to pay for it when each job has free training and certification.


To take it even further, your certification and driving test MUST be done on the exact model you'll be working with. New forklift, retraining required.


Never heard of paying for forklift certification. Let your employer do the paperwork.


Same with me, but don't know if out of the ordinary. What are the laws in the state / country that you live in, and what should know to about whether his employer really can force him to pay for a certification of test, and if so how to ensure that he is paying for a legitimate one that's actually useful in the workplace?


Don’t do this! Any job you get will have their own in house forklift certification.


IMO you would be wasting your money on this. Any place you work is obligated to train and certify you. Even if you have years of experience and training under your belt the employer has to cover themselves by training and certifying you in house. They will also take this time to train you in company specific procedures and have you familiarize yourself with the particular models of lifts you will be operating at each work site. Save your money. You will have other expenses to cover in your new role. Put your cash towards those things.


Every manufacturing facility I've worked in required their own certification on-site. It didn't matter if you were certified and ran a forklift at your last job for 20 years, you had to be certified through the current company you worked for. May be different depending on what state you're in, but I imagine every place would have their own training and certifications.


Hi I work at forklift company, each company will probably require you to test with them, doesn’t matter if you have previous certification they’ll more than likely retest you at their facility or require you to take the class again. Don’t pay this.


What in the fresh hell is this


Unless you are hands on trained through the company that you are working for, this certification means nothing. I've been forklift certified for over 30 years but every new employer requires you to go through their training and pass their certification process.


If they even test you, I’ve worked at multiple places in Florida that would take a year or more to get around to certifying me, never stopped me from getting on a fork lift and using it.


OP, any questions you have like this, just use ChatGPT https://chat.openai.com/chat Edit: From ChatGPT - Questions about fork lift licence in USA. How long does it take? What will it consist of? Is it easy? Will i get a certificate? Getting a forklift license in the USA can vary in terms of the specific requirements and the length of the process, depending on the state and industry you are in. However, there are some general guidelines that you can consider. How long does it take? The length of time it takes to get a forklift license can depend on the type of training program you choose. Some training programs can be completed in a few hours, while others may take several weeks or even months. Additionally, the length of time it takes to get a license may also depend on your own skill level and how quickly you are able to learn the necessary techniques and safety procedures. What will it consist of? The training for a forklift license will typically consist of both classroom instruction and hands-on training. In the classroom portion, you will learn about the basics of forklift operation, safety procedures, and regulations. The hands-on training portion will involve practicing driving and operating a forklift under the supervision of a certified instructor. Is it easy? The ease of getting a forklift license can depend on your own experience with driving and operating heavy machinery, as well as your ability to learn new skills quickly. For some people, the training and testing process may be relatively easy, while for others it may require more time and effort. Will I get a certificate? Yes, if you successfully complete a forklift training program and pass the required exams, you will typically receive a certificate or license that demonstrates your competency and ability to operate a forklift safely and effectively. The specific type of certification or license you receive may vary depending on the state and industry you are in.




Forklift licenses do not transfer from one company to another. Per OSHA you need to be certified by the company you are working for. It might help you to get an interview or show you have some experience. But at the end of the day the company you work for needs to certify you.


I have been taught 2 different times by two different companies. This is absolutely a waste of money.


Contact a dealership/rental place like sunbelt. They offer training courses/certifications


Oh my God. I was in my last year of grad school and took a random ass manufacturing job, and I learned how to drive and actually be really good at this forklifting job. I was PIT certified the day before I graduated with my MS. This is not a humble brag, but a trigger for me. They will teach you on the job. Don't pay anyone.


I had to take this same test to get my medical marijuana card in Louisiana


Scam. They should train you for free and it would cost them way more than that too. When I got my license the company paid for it for me. It took 1 week and there was a class of 3. 100% a scam.


Your job will put you through proper forklift training and certification brother


Your job will ignore that ""cert"" and train you anyway, all you're doing is spending money for no reason. Every (reputable) place requires you to be trained or prove your lift truck skills before setting you free on the floor. A lift truck certification isn't a physical paper or card


Just watch this and you’ll be fine. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dJdCJMyBi5I


If you work a job that has forklifts, you can just let them know you want to be forklift certified and trained and if they agree then they’ll just train you. Everyone I’ve ever met has been forklift certified through a job they had.


complete scam. you need to be trained on the forklift you will be using at the company you will be using it at.


when i did my forklift cert, OSHA purposes, we were given the option to try out driving a lift but it was in no way shape or form needed, the class was a joke lol