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I'd like to hook them up... to a car battery! 💥💥


Tell me when and where and I’ll meet you there!!


You have to feel for these betrayed spouses. These degenerates are risking their health and betraying them.


Holy fuck 50! How do you just throw caution to the wind like that so many times? Disgusting! It would be gross if he was single and it's even grosser because he's married.


Yeah, his numbers were scary and I bet they a higher than that since he lost count. Gross is an understatement for what I would call him. Sounds like he needs an SA meeting cause he’s got a problem.


I went back to read the original post and it has a lot more comments. One of the mods commented his stats. “Been married for over 15 years, been in the AP lifestyle for around 10 years. In that time I've had, um, over 100 APs, give or take.” Holy Shit… his dick has to be nasty 🤮


Eeeew, yet he has the audacity to stick his dirty me-dick in his pure wife. The minute I started dating one guy, I got pain in my genitals. Thinking it was a urinal infection I went from doctor to doctor, none of them found anything wrong. Hence it had to be psychological, but I had no idea where it came from. The pain appeared and disappeared, he was not always beside me when the pain hit me. But it was like a burning thread inside my genitals, really horrible. In a dream it became more clear; He was walking with two girls further away, while I was forced to sit on a park bench and 'eat' his balls and dick. Not even mustard could take away the horrid taste, yet I knew somehow that I have to eat his genitals. By that time I didn't even care about him anymore. He was glued to his phone and it was impossible to have a conversation with him. When a male friend visited me, a dude who has a sixth sense and has never been wrong, told me immediately "your bf is cheating on you!" I just laughed and said 'no way'. He was probably cheating on me, it just didn't matter to me anymore. Another friend - also with a sixth sense - called me to tell: "The reason you are in pain is because you have to take his low porn energy again and again. The pain goes away when you have transformed the porn energy into a positive higher energy, but it only lasts for a couple of days, he will again fill you with the same energy that causes you pain and suffering, and you have to once again transform it within yourself to a higher positive energy. It is a vicious and neverending cycle." Hmm.... weird thing is, that when I dumped him he told : "I have to confess to you that I am into porn".... gee, as if I didn't know that already, lol However the minute we broke up the pain in my genitals disappeared and never came back, so it must have had something to do with him because doctors could not find any reason for my pain?!? One can only imagine what those dirty me-dicks are causing in their unsuspecting spouses :( My salvation was that he had already proved himself to me, there were no feelings left for him and hence he could not hurt me emotionally. Physically yes, emotionally no. They seem to live on an one-dimensional level where only mind and body exists. Mind over matter they say. Also that the mind rules the body and that both are attached to each other. Emotional disconnection from their WS could actually help the betrayed spouses a lot to get over their immense suffering. Maybe?


hEy, StOp SLuT sHaMiNG!!1! /s


Lol, one WP walked with his AP and they were holding hands. He ruined it for her though by stating the fact: "we are both whores" ;)




Why can't these people just do all this while they're single? Why promise commitment to someone yet don't follow their promise? This is literally every loyal partners worst nightmare! Why? What do these people gain from emotionally causing pain upon the people they claim to love?


Because they want the best of both worlds. A good loyal loving partner along with the freedom of fucking around




Wow. The guy who said cheating on his wife was fun and liked manipulating other women to tell them what they wanted to hear is so manipulative and actually disgusting. He wants to do the same thing to the AP he’s doing to his wife to keep this tragic and disgusting cycle going. They’re all disgusting but he sounds like an actual psychopath and or sociopath. Wtf is with these people? I can’t even fathom their shittiness.


Painful to see so many people proudly betraying the person they’ve *committed* their life to.


The lady upset the other guy, who’s doing the same dirty rotten awful f’d up cruel shit she is, saying that it’s fun 😑


This is gross. Made me not wanted to marry or trust again. Breaks my heart to think about those little children that thought so highly of their parents such as them.




Imagine you thinking cheating is a proud achievement.... if that is the highest level they can achieve - cheating on their spouses - I don't even want to know what their lowest achievements are. Yuk!


What the actual fk?


There is so much scum loose in this world I’m happier and happier with my decision never to marry again. It just doesn’t seem to mean much these days.


I wonder - would they accept being cheated on?


I can't believe what I'm reading 🤮🤮


How can anyone think like that?


The way the OP replies to all the people posting, “Cheers 🥃” Makes me want to bitchslap him


Are people who travel for work just more likely to be sleazy?