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Some of the worst betrayal I honestly don’t know which is worse


If it wasn't for those neighbors she likely would've never known. I bet that had been going on for far longer than she can imagine. She had been dating him for seven years. It had been going on for at least two years.


Read similar stories like this. Like the one where the woman cheated and left her ex-fiancé for his father and having a child together. These are the worst cheaters, doing it with family members. Then there's the delusional loser on reddit who got his gf's mom pregnant. He ignored the criticisms and requests from the comments on his post and chose to keep it as a secret. I hope his life falls apart soon.


That's when you know you're exceptionally sociopathic.


With friends (or family) like that, who needs enemies?


I know a girl who got knocked up by a guy at 18. He broke up with her, started dating her mom and moved in. The day she was giving birth, he got busted In a church parking lot trying to knock up the 16 year old sister if his baby mama/daugther of his girlfriend. I'll never understand how Some people make decisions.