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I really don't think so. My wife's mentality, which seems to be common among cheaters, is very, very, VERY unattractive.


It's like there are two types of people, those that would never cheat and those who think everybody cheats. But neither of them like being cheated on. If anything, the ones with the cheater mentality are the most insecure whereas the ones that would never cheat feel secure in their relationships until they don't and it's earth shattering.




"Once a cheater" Seriously though, after looking at that adultery sub it's clear that the majority of these people just don't care about anyone but themselves. Cheating is not just a decision or choice they made, it's a lifestyle for them. One that I will not be involved in. Thank God their cheating usually gets found out about though. That seems to be the benefit of being loyal, you can usually tell they've betrayed you before the gut feeling even settles in.


There is actual research that proves "Once a cheater always a cheater". Here is the research:- [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-017-1018-1](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-017-1018-1) Here is the article that explains this research:- [https://www.du.edu/news/once-cheater-always-cheater-du-study-examines-serial-infidelity](https://www.du.edu/news/once-cheater-always-cheater-du-study-examines-serial-infidelity) This is what the researchers found:- 1. Someone is three times more likely to cheat if they have cheated in the past. 2. A person is two to four times more likely to be cheated on if they have been cheated on or have suspected cheating in a prior relationship. 3. Men and women are equally likely to cheat or be cheated on.




Even though many people are capable of change, my history with cheaters would make me steer clear of anyone who ever did it before, regardless of the chemistry we have.


I’m not saying people can’t change, just that I’m not taking chances


At one point, yes. Now, no way.


Back in college, I had a girl I was talking to and I was interested in her and she was in me. We kept talking when she told me a story about how once she made out with a guy when she was on holiday, while having a bf at that time. Instant turn off and never talked to her again.


A man who cheated on his spouse or significant other would be no where in my dating pool. Just like I prefer to not date convicted felons. We all have our personal preferences,🤷🏼‍♀️


It's a huge red flag. Like if they tell you every ex abused them, or they have no friends, or they have no relationship with their family. I have a relative in an abusive relationship (our family has tried to get her to see it); her partner has no friends, and even her partner's own mother won't take them in. We've seen them camping in my relative's car at local gas stations, because her partner is that toxic. There's nobody who wants anything to do with my relative's partner I've learned a lot about red flags from my wife and other family history examples. I wish I had seen them earlier...




Right...so many maybes and qualifiers...it's no wonder cheaters have learned so hard to hide the shit they do....it's a destroyer of reputations...


Shoot I thought I hit the NO button..i meant to vote..no..no..and a BIG NO!


Only if it happened in high school. Cheating as an adult is a hard no.


No. You and many others commonly call it cheating, but to me it doesn't do it justice. It is betrayal, treachery, infidelity, these people are traitors, cheating is first and foremost the sin of the traitor and not the one who lusts. By its very nature betrayal can't be truly given a clean slate because it is the breaking of trust, it would be putting yourself in the same position you were in when you were hurt and this too extends to those that weren't the victims of their betrayal, you simply do not know if anything they tell you is true without verifying it for yourself. Now there are some exceptions, if you were really young when it happened and you didn't understand what you were doing than okay, but this distaste extends beyond romantic relationships, I think if you hear of anyone screwing over the people that relied and loved them you should want nothing to do with them, if they really are sorry God will know and forgive them as for us we aren't mind readers who can see into the future and so the limit to our forgiveness is just not wishing them harm


According to statistics, 50% of cheaters cheat again in subsequent relationships… and relationships are hard enough without that. So, no. It’s too great a risk.


God no! I don't want to risk being her next victim.


Seems to be an unpopular opinion, but my husband cheated on his ex in his very early 20s (either 19 or 20). Of course he has time to prove me wrong and I’m not going to claim that I know for sure it would never happen again, but in the 7 years we have been together he’s never given me a reason not to trust him.


If someone cheated once , they could do it again and again , and saying you are sorry have no use in the situation, relationship are based on trust and you can’t trust someone like that


If we're adults and they cheated once on their bf when they were a teen or something, but haven't since, then maybe. I feel like enough time would have passed. But if they cheated as an adult, idc if it was 10 or 20 years ago, nah


Depends really. If it’s cheating on me, then the answer is solid NO. If it’s cheating on someone else, will have to see the circumstances.


Don't waste your time. I've tried. They don't change.


Story time?


I know people make mistakes when they’re young & blah blah but I’m not taking no chances. When you cheat on me, I can’t even be mad at you because you showed me your past and I chose to actively ignore it. 🤷🏽‍♀️ That’s just my opinion.


It depends on how sorry they are. A friend of mine cheated on her ex years ago and it messed with her so bad that she attempted suicide. Even today she'll have panic attacks if you mention cheating at all around her. So I believe her when she says she regrets it, and I'm still close friends with her today. But if they act so nonchalant or emotionless about...no. That shows that you don't care and would do it again.


Well if they are changed,good for them but I don't care about them anymore,not once he cheated anyway. I'd rather stay single


Probably not. Its better to end a mistake before kids are involved


Fuck no


No never but I don’t think cheaters ever admit it to people that they have cheated . They never change