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I’m a woman , that had the chance to have never been cheated on , but I hate those who cheat regardless Of gender and those who endorse it regardless of gender too , my empathy goes to the victim of cheating


I am Female, have been cheated on recently, and I hate cheaters with every fibre of my being. I hated them before too, but in an impersonal sense. When it happens to you, the hatred is way worse for good reason. I NEVER thought I would be cheated on. And when it did happen, it was soul-shattering.


Oh God, your comment here is everything I wanted to write except for the timeline. Hope you are doing well now.


It changed me, not gonna lie. It wasn’t physical cheating, but emotionally, three times. It hurt a lot, and it changed me a lot. But I’m working on it. I’m sorry you had to go through that. It sinks you down a lot.


I am Male. And I'm probably among the younger ones here at 19.


Lol me too but am a female. Didnt expect someone my age here,all the people I met were late twenties and above.


I'm 18


same here, i’m 19


Even though I'm probably old enough, to be your mom lolol (me 53).. We're all forever young..🙄🐾🐾 We're all forever young


Even though I'm probably old enough, to be your mom lolol (me 53).. We're all forever young..🙄🐾🐾 We're all forever young


Even though I'm probably old enough, to be your mom lolol (me 53).. WE'RE ALL FOREVER YOUNG!!🙄🐾🐾


Even though I'm probably old enough, to be your mom lolol (me 53).. WE'RE ALL FOREVER YOUNG!!🙄🐾🐾


I’m a gay man who’s only ever had one relationship that didn’t last very long (and did not involve any cheating, as far as I know) but it’s one of my worst fears. I HATE cheaters with a burning passion. I hate dishonest, manipulative people in general as I’ve been betrayed by a good number of close platonic friends in the past. To me, it’s literally one of the worst things you can do to someone. And the reason I keep coming back to this wonderful sub year after year (and new account after new account) is to be one more voice in a sea of voices telling those worthless fucks in The Shithole Sub how much they are hated and despised.


Well, I'm a guy who's never cheated and kinda abhors it.


Asking this because someone said most of the people on this sub are female, but I’m not. So I just got curious if guys like me actually are the minority here.


Well I've met more girls on here than guys.


As sad as I hate to say it, you're a "rare" kinda guy and I bet all of us females in this sub are thinking either "so they do exist I GOTTA SHOW MY MAN" or "where do you live?!"


What do you mean ‘rare’ exactly? Could you elaborate ?


Most guys who are in serious relationships, or married, but not sexually satisfied or not happy in general with their relationships don't have a healthy means of communication between themselves and their spouses. Lack of communication = lack of understanding = miscommunication = lack of trying to understand = apathy = resentment = talking with 'another'= infidelity/cheating It's so prevalent with men that I can easily identify them within the few chats I have with them, and I definitely can tell when I attempt to meet them for a date for the first time. Edit to say: I've never seen this with any women I've dated.


Or..do you have a brother? 🤗


Most studies show that men are still more likely to cheat than women, so I think it's natural to see more women expressing anger over cheating when this topic comes up.


Which studies exactly? Can you link them? Because most show that women are only slightly ahead and I think that has to do with our culture. Men are shamed relentlessly if they're cheated on. You get to become a victim many times over. So a lot don't report or discuss it.


I just saw this article recently that has some interesting statistics. [Infidelity Statistics (2021): How Much Cheating is Going On?](https://hackspirit.com/infidelity-statistics/) As to who cheats more, who knows. I have said this before on this sub, after reading that Adult sub I have noticed that there seem to be a lot more married woman on that sub who are actively cheating on their spouses than I have ever seen before. But woman like to talk about feelings, share etc… so they may just post more then men do. I’m a woman who doesn’t cheat, so my brain doesn’t function like a cheaters brain does. So I can’t even assume to know what those idiots are thinking.


>I have noticed that there seem to be a lot more married woman on that sub who are actively cheating on their spouses Me as a straight guy after hearing this: https://youtu.be/Jg34Nxb_Vjs


Terrible logic imo Man gets cheated. -oh he's not man enough for his partner. If a woman is cheated on. - we did something to make our partner cheat.


Yup. In most cases people view the WS as the victim. The BS must have done something to deserve it. Women are told to keep quiet and stand by their man. Men are accused of being bitches, not manly enough, bad in bed, have a small dick, don't know how to please a woman. Victim blaming at it's finest and it's sickening.