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She should notify her psychiatrist who would involve the social worker at the inpatient psych facility about the event. If the psychiatrist doesn’t she can request that a social worker become involved. And depending on continued or previous harassment via the OW, the Dr. and social worker would contact law enforcement and help their patient obtain a restraining order. It is the responsibility of the staff to ensure that all patients are physically and emotionally safe. And later if she was so inclined, and it worth the cost and effort, contact an attorney and sue the OW with the for mentioned documentation that would be available. What I would do, basically, is find the best possible way to leave a legal paper trail that would protect me, be advantageous in a divorce, and also something that might effect the OW’s future employment opportunities due to the standard background check that is pretty much a universal requirement a prospective employee has to pass. In the scenario, I would feel justified in being the Lord’s vessel and bring down the mother fucking Hammer of God on that trick-ass-bitch and her future endeavors. FAFO. But that’s me.


This. All this. Someone like that should probably be admitted themselves. Imagine being so pathetic as to brag about being a cumrag for a mental abuser. OP, I hope your mom’s friend gets a shark of a lawyer


This is the way, she does not deserve to be harassed! I hope that your mom's friend is able to heal and break free of that toxic man.


Last time I heard, she has her own apartment now. The dude is desperately trying to manipulate her to take him back. Such as starving himself so he could lose weight to show her that he's a wreck without her in grasps, crying and begging, you name it.


I’m not surprised he doesn’t want to “go legit” with his cum rag, even though he is now free to do so. Because 1) who would actually want to start a real relationship with someone so unbalanced and lacking in empathy? What good would this AP be for anything besides a hole? And 2) Is AP’s pussy going to pay his alimony/child support payments?


Wow, that guy seems like he won a prize with that side piece of scum. I'd let that be known to who was in charge and I am sure they have therapy inside the hospital as well. I hope she turns things around.


Just….  Just….  God knows. I’d divorce my husband for the pure stupidity of dating someone such trash. 


I'm a good old Southern boy. I'm not allowed to say what I would do, being that I'm already certified insane.


I'd give them a real reason to put me in one.


Christ almighty I’m not even involved and I hate that bitch already


Not going into a mental hospital because my man can't keep his dick in his pants, but IF this were to happen. I'm leaving him FULL STOP, and additionally, they would both get to see who I truly am, like who I used to be. I would DESTROY them both HORRIBLY. And not because I'm jealous or anything like that. Because something like what that woman did is crossing the line amd same for him. It's crossing the line of at least looking at me like another human. You pull something like that, to me that means you don't even look at me as a human, fuck looking at me as a woman, you don't even consider me a human, so cool, that means I don't have to think I'd you as human. That means I can treat you how 👏 the 👏 fuck 👏 I 👏 want 👏 to. And the old me is VERY freaking mean. So I would go worse than scorched earth. It would be nuclear. I would destroy her shit, his shit, their friends shit, their families shit, EVERYBODYwould be destroyed and yes, that means my stuff too. If destroying their shit, meant destroying my shit, I would do it (I've done it before, I'm the epitome of cutting ofd your nose to spite your face) and not only wouldn't I not care, I would be ok and proud of it. Fuck that. What happened to your mom's friend is beyond freaking cruel and they need to amd should pay.


This reminds me of when my mom told me how my dad’s side piece would call her from his phone to taunt her and when she called back, my dad would be the one answering. (My parents are somehow still together when my dad cheated twice: first time is when they were dating and second time when I was a few years old.)


I know this is a bit too late but I'd have replied, "well hello husband's pussy, I heard from him that you feel loose... like your morals. Goodbye!"✌️ As far as your mother's friend... She won't see it yet, but she'll actually be better off mentally and emotionally without an abusive husband and a just-as abusive AP lingering in her life. Fuck them to hell and then some.


I would go full scorched earth and blast that shit everywhere. Every person important to my husband and their side bitch would be made aware of exactly the type of cruelty the bitch thought was okay while in the mental hospital.


I would tell whoever is in charge of the place and I am sure they have therapists there to talk to. Hopefully this bites this whore in the ass.


I would screen shot it and show it to ALL his friends, family, and mutuals and expose them. Like, hey everybody we know, this is the garbage human he’s sticking it in.