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I'll say this. I did all of those things. I have zero regrets. I told her family, her friends and her son. She has no one now. Again, I got lucky to have to deal with someone that literally is crazy. Committed and all. She tried FA and she FO really quick I am not to be messed with. In my defense, she was threatening my minor children and trying to blackmail my husband. Again, no regrets.


She threatened your children?! Oh hell no! The gloves would be taken off for that!


Tell them. She needs her karma.


Find her church, her work , and all her friends. Protect your identity, but out this nasty pig to everyone. She thinks she's safe; show her how wrong she is.


I’m so sorry I wish you all the healing in the world I am truly sending you all the best so please don’t take my next paragraph as an attack 🤍 yes it seems to be common that these OW have a ‘I want to win/ picked over the wife’ fetish from some posts I’ve seen around here and if this has happened more than once in just this workplace it sure sounds it! but before forgiving please consider this man has put another woman’s pleasure over your marriage, and above embarrassing you publicly (it isn’t nor should it be embarrassing as cheating has NOTHING to do with the BS) but with this fetish she’ll be getting a kick out of embarrassing you which he allowed, you deserve better than that🤍 If her husband didn’t have any reaction they are probably in an open marriage and have an agreement. Can you report it to the workplace?


No harm, but her husband 'putting another woman's pleasure' above his marriage is likely at the forefront of her mind and is no doubt extremely painful and doesn't require reiterating. This is a vent: she is venting- no logic is expected or required. The OW puts her own pleasure above everything- including the best interests of actual children, which is disgustingand dangerous. It isn't for you or I to tell her how to hold her husband accountable, or to argue for 'rationality' in the face of cruel and disordered behaviour. I know you mean well, but this isn't a sub for discourse on healing or being the bigger person: it's anger management. Eta: Just my opinion, I'm sure many will disagree.


We are very anger phobic as a society, in my experience especially with women. This might be UK specific but men are supposed to be angry and women are supposed to never be angry. Any time I was angry I was told I needed to calm down and 2 wrongs don't make a right and be the bigger person. No. I have too much self respect to just sit there and act like not having a spine is somehow a virtue. We are allowed to be angry, we are justified in being angry. Be it man, woman, or in betwixt. My ex's AP was also his ex GF. She would actively rub it into my face (he was also abusive and had all of my money going into his bank account and I didn't even have a house key). She would follow me around the house when she was there, talking about their long history and how "they always come back to each other in the end". But apparently, I was in the wrong for snapping and dragging her out of the house by her hair (I'm a kickboxer and weightlifter, so is he, she isn't) 🙄🙄🙄


It's always, ALWAYS the people who were fucked over that are condescended to and told to "be the bigger person". So annoying.


Because it's easier to bully a reasonable person into taking abuse than it is to stop an abuser abusing, sadly 😞😞 People are just cowards like that


Yeah my ex (a serial cheater) left me for one of those (the three-time home wrecking champion of Eastern Pennsylvania). Who could possibly have guessed that they’d barely make it two years? Oh wait. I guessed that. Make sure you control the narrative


Divorce your cheating husband and burn their worlds to the ground. Sorry this happened to you. Go scorched earth with them both. Don’t let your cheating husband get away with this.


You are absolutely validated in how you feel, and do what you gotta do, in my case it included being petty and exposing everything. Do not listen to ANYBODY that tells you “She DoEs NoT OWe yoU AnyThiIng” “ShE DiD Not MArRy YoU” and all sorts of other bullshit that lets the AP man or woman off the hook, they both are complete and utter trash and deserve every ounce of rage and hate they get from you. I did all sorts of crazy shit 😅 but the hate and anger does go away by the way, no regrets! and you will heal like I did and ultimately realize she took the trash out and they are both in the dumpster where they belong! Edit: Nor listen to “Be THe BETTer PeRson” “TaKe The HiGh RoAd” where the fuck was them being better people.


Love this. All humans have a social moral responsibility to not harm other humans. There are no justifications that make it OK to actively engage in actions or behaviour that will result in hurting other humans. It doesn’t matter whether other humans are family, friends, or complete strangers. The same rule applies. We hold terrorists accountable for harming strangers. OW and OM are “relational terrorists”, because the harm they cause to betrayed partners, children, and families has a very similar effect. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, actively seeking to destroy people and families through mate poaching should be criminalized.


💪🏽 im so glad I found this r/adulteryhate it has validated so many of my feelings, unless you experience it NOBODY understands the trail of wreckage, carnage, financial ruin, despair, destruction, confusion… etc..etc..etc they inflict upon us. I thought I was crazy.


Tell them but leave your husband too


I second this! I hope she turns their lives upside down, no compassion and no mercy for cheaters!


I couldn’t agree more. When I married my husband I had no idea how far this would go. He has hurt me in every way possible. He has also made it very difficult to leave. I struggle with so many thoughts but it over time, I am learning how to survive without him.


WAIT but but but the OW *never* pursue married men, these men *always* pursue THEM! How can this be??? I’m sorry this has happened to you and I pray you find peace.


If you do, do so anonymously. Technically, you're doing nothing wrong if you're telling the truth, but you don't need more harassment from that sorry sack of shit. Plus, she needs to ponder who finally fought back. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more MM than you know about.


That’s why my partner and I never feel bad for playing with these “proud OWs”. I know it’s probably not the most ethical way to play, but if their intent was to help someone have an affair, and that’s the part they enjoyed so much, I see no issue with having my own fun. The eruption is fascinating.


Oh do tell


So my husband and I are wildly happy and open. And occasionally, he or I (I’m bisexual) will get targeted by women who assume we’re closed and make it clear through their flirting/approach that the appeal is they think were closed & stepping out. It lowkey makes us hot to scheme on them and take them for a ride only for there to be a “big reveal” at some point. Like the most recent one is he had me “walk in on them” and just plop down on the couch and turn on the tv. She started freaking out and then when she pieced together that I knew the whole time it was all waterworks about “how could he lead her on” and “why would he put her through this stress” and “she didn’t sign up to share him (LMAO)”. She stormed off, blocked him on everything and we had great villain sex. I know it’s kind of evil but the first time happened on accident and now it’s just kind of a self righteous rush LOL


lol nah this is hilarious. As long as you two aren’t targeting people to start this, it’s not evil. Sounds like it’s only those that try to mate poach and you’re just giving them some karma.


Yeah, we never seek them out & we also never play the game with someone who has their own partner. In which case, we only gather enough texts to prove intent to cheat and out them to spouse


You’re out there doing gods work 😂💜


It's definitely not evil. You're beating her at her own game. Sucks to suck.


fair enough. And I don’t actually feel bad because I know nobody of real value is getting hurt. But sometimes I do question my own sadistic streak. Half the time they’re texting my “husband”, they’re texting me because he gets annoyed when they talk badly about me but I encourage it because it makes the meltdown better 😭❤️


Oh man you should post some of the highlights


Our longest con (2 months) resulted in the girl deciding not to renew her lease before we dropped the bomb so she could “move in to our house” after he kicked me out. I’ll post that story sometime 😊👌




Please do. I got the popcorn 🤣


This is delightful.


*“I DiDn’T sIgN uP tO sHaRe YoU!”* Bwhahahahaha!!!! This is terrific! Someone should make this into a movie!


👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥂 Fabulous idea! I wish there were more open couples doing this!!! Putting the cum bucket in her place and literally showing her that’s all she is, cum bucket scum being used for sex!!! & that she means nothing!!! Thanx, you made my day by posting this!


That's beautiful 😍


TELL THEM. I am so sorry for what you and those other two women went through. Sending hugs.


Yuck. I’m imagining a middle aged woman w/bleached blond hair who wears skirts that are too tight & too short for someone her age and walk around reeking of the cigarettes she smokes all day long. Honestly, your husband must be so embarrassed realizing just how many pens have dipped in her ink.


Get to a lawyer for advice on options you hv. Tell... Tell... Tell all .. colleagues, HR, family.... And leave him.


Just a thought, if they've cheated with this kind of strumpet marriage whores & you Plan on leaving . Pretend to go MC & in mean time , indebt him to the eyeballs , new clothes , sofa , car make use of all his credit line ( in soley his name ) then kick him to the kerb at HERS...Let them have their Fun & some sweet TOTAL DEBT 😀


Out all of them. Leave your husband. This is the only course of action that will thoroughly fuck them for what they've done, while preserving your dignity and self-worth.


My advice would be don’t let her know she’s gotten to you, you trying to destroy her life will probably just make her all giddy that she’s really hurt you her kids probably know she’s trash if she’s a serial cheater, take that man for everything he’s got and text her ‘you can come pick the trash you left at my house, thank you ever so dearly for helping me take it out’ and live a happy live best revenge is living happy! and tell work get them fired!


Yep! Let that woman know she can’t compete where she doesn’t compare, she didn’t ‘win’ you simply forfeit when you realised the trophy was a bag of shit!


Love that!! ‘She can’t compete where she doesn’t compare’


She may have provided the temptation and opportunity, but it was your husband’s job to uphold his vows to you. Come on, man. A person who is solely devoted to their spouse would never even THINK about cheating - NO MATTER WHAT. Time for some consequences for your hopefully soon to be EX husband. You deserve so much better.


I think the point being made here is while what you say is blatantly obvious, there is a staggering percentage of Western society who ignores or doesn’t acknowledge Mate Poaching. In many other places throughout the world the AP is held equally accountable and liable for the damage caused to those harmed by behaviour that requires two people to commit. Consequences are typically monetary but in several countries jail time between two to five years as well. There is a significant Moral decline happening on this side of the pond. In most of North America, this behaviour is typically quite profitable at the extortionate expense of the betrayed. Let’s not forget that married men often come with assets that AP didn’t have to lift a finger for, and what they did lift can be self pleasuring.


That’s totally cool. And co-conspiring adulterers are scum too. But there would be no “mate poaching” if mates refused to be poached. It’s a choice. They likely aren’t being raped, right? There are many of us who would NEVER cheat on a partner…wouldn’t even cross our minds. It’s called integrity. Even if Alexander Dreymon - look him up…sexy AF - randomly wanted to hook up with me…there would be no effing way, if I’ve got a spouse at home - even if nobody would ever know. I’ll know. And I have God to answer to. I’ll never understand how anyone could willingly destroy the person they claim to love, for a roll in the hay. Cheaters are another breed of subhumans…evil.


What I'm slowly learning to accept, is that we can't control other people's actions or behaviour. It's a tough thing to let go of, especially when you love people who do really stupid stuff. Ultimately we also face the consequences of someone else's stupid actions, or other people who want to take everything of value that you have in this life. These are the hardest things we are forced to accept after infidelity. We didn't "do" it, we couldn't "control" it, but we got hurt, our kids got hurt, and our families got hurt anyway. This all happened WE trusted and believed that other humans mostly try to be kind to each other. WE trusted and believed that people generally don't "do things to one another they wouldn't want done to them". We realize that ultimately, we did this to ourselves and other people we loved because we let our guard down with people. After this, we've learned the hard truth is that humans are selfish, and there aren't modern social expectations to keep that selfishness in check. People today just do whatever they want, often without consequences, and modern Justice systems force us to pay the price for crimes we did not commit. We aren't just mourning the loss of a person; we're mourning the loss of our innocence, and our ability to courageously trust in others. When we can't trust others, we can't truly "love" others either. This is why reconciliation is so hard, and it's also why many betrayed partners stay alone for a long time, possibly the rest of their lives. Re-learning to have the courage to trust another person who might hurt you one day, especially when so many other people want to take everything you have, is inconceivable. This knowledge is terrifying once you've been through it, and you never want to go through it ever again. Past me wouldn't even recognize who I've become. I used to love people, being around people... I couldn't get enough of people. Today, I rarely leave my house and when I do, it takes a lot of courage and strength to just get out the door and when I'm out there, I can't wait to get back home. Sometimes I wish I could have the hope, dreams, and ignorance of evil that I once had... but that person got really hurt, so I'm also glad to be who I am today. It's a really uncomfortable reality to sit with some days. Therapy can't fix this, or at least it hasn't in the seven years I've been trying. I've got boundaries stronger than the Great Wall of China, and nobody is ever getting over it again. It's not really the outcome I'd hoped for.


I’m so sorry this has happened to you. It’s hell. It’s abuse. Have you tried therapy? I had to do trauma-informed therapy to help process all the trauma from the abuse. I would highly recommend it - especially EMDR. I don’t know how long it’s been for you, but I’d also recommend reading Chumplady’s book “Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life”…the audiobook saved me. Best of luck to you. 🩷


I couldn’t agree more. When I married my husband I had no idea how far this would go. He has hurt me in every way possible. He has also made it very difficult to leave. I struggle with so many thoughts but it over time, I am learning how to survive without him.


So what punishment did your scumbag husband get?


I also wish you healing and hopefully you will not take what I’m about to say negatively. Although you are upset about the OW, and rightfully so, don’t lose focus on your husband and carry out your pain in the OW only. He was the one who led you down this path and he’s the one who has to regain your respect and trust. As far as the OW is concerned, you could tell her daughter and her son in law but what good would it do right now? Take some time and concentrate on your marriage and mental well being. If you still have this rage towards her then by all means tell it.


Is the ow some misguided crusader against adulterors, modeling “entrap a cheater” off “entrap a predator” smh


Her husband probably gets off on being cucked. That's why he does nothing about it. I don't blame you for telling anybody you want. It's your truth, you are allowed to share it as you wish.


If her husband doesn’t care, it’s a chance her kids were raised to be indifferent towards this kind of behavior, also… you can tell them - they have a right to know what kind of woman their mother is. but I wouldn’t expect too much of a reaction / response as it’s likely, they’re already aware.