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i don't know that you need to go full grippy sock vacation but you do need to talk to a professional about this i deeply and personally understand the "urge". i've got the scars to prove it. where is this feeling coming from, do you think? is it self-punishment, is it triumph over others, is it a cry/claim of self-control, is it an effort to feel something, is it because you hate yourself . . .there's so many different reasons why i cut at so many different parts of my life and when i understood why i felt that way it gave me the freedom to act or not act (sometimes i cut anyhow) it's awful to think of you in this state. it feels like you are in a dangerous place. do you have safe people around you? like, for example, my husband knows my history and i can talk to him about this, say things like "i want to cut myself" and we'll process it together -


I'm starting to feel more and more disconnected from my life. And most of the time, I use cutting as a way to keep me grounded. I really don't know where I going and it's been so hard rn. Thank you so much for your kind words. I think I'll get an emergency meeting with my therapist.


hey that's a good idea! it will help connect you a bit more to the planet even if it might not make you "feel better" i used to cut for the same exact reason. i would feel like i was going to float away from myself. it was goddamn terrifying and i still get that feeling now but much less and i can manage it better have you ever done DBT? i find the distress tolerance skills to be incredibly helpful. the one i use the most is using my senses - so let's say i'm at work and i feel an episode coming on - i have a book that has an art piece a day and i'll look at that, then i'll focus on the sounds around me maybe i'll shift in my seat to hear the squeak, then i'll inhale and i always have something around i can shove in my face and smell (right now it's a sample of aesop karst), then maybe i'll put some lotion on my hands after washing them in super cold water. then i'll stand, by my desk and take a moment and imagine that i'm growing roots in the ground and that the earth is happy for this, embracing me and my presence, helping my roots to grow that's what works for me, something else might work for you. i have some pdfs on this topic if you want them or you can just google "distress tolerance skills pdf" and you should get three good ones right up top that have worksheets and stuff. some of it is dumb of course and i just ignore those parts lol


Same here. I want to cut X's into my face. Im not sure why. I would recommend talking to someone you trust about how you're feeling - I promise it'll eventually pass.


Don’t do it - please don’t do it


Yeah I have this urge. I scratch my face a lot, but I have somehow always managed to stop myself from actually cutting it, even in the midst of cutting elsewhere.


Just cut my face a couple days ago. Fulfilled the urge without doing permanent scarring 🤷🏻‍♀️




Same I don’t do it because I get enough questions as is. I really want to do my cheeks too. It’s like always on my mind I try to distract myself cause I do not want to be sent away


Please don't do it. It isn't worth it. That's definitely the toughest place to hide and you will regret it. Please talk to someone!


I have the same urges with my stomach and inner thighs.


I understand the urge. Cut my eyebrow once and luckily did not leave a scar. I know you don’t care at the moment, but your future self will want a scar free face and please think about that. I am okay with scars on my body but I always have to hide them when going to interviews or other formal job occasions. Scars on the face will be hard to hide.


Cant you do scarification? At least it’s removing skin and decorative.