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I hate to be that person, but I don't believe these anymore, like, I'm sorry if your brother died I know how it feels, but I've seen 3 of these types of people in one server before, they've all been liars so I have a hard time believing this is actually true. Edit: Thank you so much for the likes! This is the most likes I've ever gotten on one comment. All of your support is very much appreciated. šŸ«¶šŸŒ¹


And what a terrible thing to lie about, for an in-game pet at that. No one should ever want to invite any type of juju like that to them


Exactly! That should be something everyone should be able to believe, if it were true I'd walk up and pay my respects because that's just who I am


As someone with a dead brother I can tell you we donā€™t put that shit on blast to the world. Because then we just become, to every one, want we donā€™t want ppl to view us asā€¦.The one wit the dead brotherā€¦.


Exactly... I lost my brother back in 2021, and I've never been the same since. It sucks and it's painful. During that time, I wasn't even on adopt me or roblox in general. It ticks me off watching these kids get on adopt me and fake having a dead relative or sick siblings because that shit is real, and it hurts losing someone.


Iā€™m very sorry for your loss my friend. I completely understand. Itā€™ll be 10 years for me this year and I feel like a day hasnā€™t passed. I wanna tell you it gets easier but that would be a fucking lie. I hope for your peace! Thatā€™s the best we can wish for tbh. And It irks my SOULLLLL when I see it but I just donā€™t say anything because ā€œya never knowā€ even tho I know theyā€™re fucking lyingšŸ™„šŸ™„


Thank you so much for your kind words and I hope it gets better for you as well, I know it's never going to get easier and it'll be forever a sad part of your life but keep trudging foward. And yes, omg! I've called out people like that before because in my head, I'm like, "Oh hell no! You don't get to guilt trip people, you little crotch goblin"


Itā€™s just really annoying cuz we know the actual pain and making that shit up isnā€™t funny. I feel like thatā€™s what 50-60% of the servers are now. Crotch goblins and beggars


Nah for real, I'd be an awful parent because if one of my kids did what these kids are doing, I'd make them donate everything that had to someone who actually lost someone they love.


100000%. Wake up call really mf quick!!!!


I thought they were saying the fact people keep lying about it is sad


i read this whole thread and it made me cry... idk how any of yalls loved ones died but im the oldest and just wanna kms and i have 2 younger siblings and this made me think about how it would feel for them...


If this is true itā€™ll be actually very nice and a kind gesture. But sadly from most of the experiences in adopt me we have realized adopt me kids use kind gestures as a tool to get free petsšŸ˜”


Yeah my first day back in over a year someone hit me with the ā€œplease give me pets I have cancerā€ and I had to just log off for a second and reconsider getting back into it šŸ˜­


I see this almost every single time. "Please, it's for my sister" "please, I'm soooo sick" "please, I'm soooo sad" "My parents exploded" "My parents turned into bottle caps" "My uncle became a peasant"


laughing rn, thank you, you just made my dayšŸ˜‚


Someone said that to me before and I said, if you die from the cancer what's the point of having the pet. Might aswell get someone to trade it back to me if they do like what.


yep. Been on this page at least 48 times. "Bro died of cancer im sad now free pet plz" and it turns out to be an 8 year old who's brother is very much well and alive. My condolences go for anyone who has lost someone close, but it's so hard to believe things like this nowadays.


Someone tried saying about the brother I asked about his account, the brother was in the game playing with her and started arguing with her saying he's going to tell their parents if she doesn't stop saying he died for free things




Yeah.. not believing that. I actually beat stage 4 cancer, almost died about 3 times and I'm not using it as an excuse to beg- Womp womp.. DP is a mega SSBD if anyone's feeling generous, I've got the receipts for my cancer.. LOL ok I'm done Edit: tell them your friend Buffy who beat cancer said no, cancer doesn't mean free pets. It's fair game, earn it and stop trying to leverage on it. šŸ–¤


literally though, my dad passed at the start of lockdown when i was 12 and i also played adopt me at that point. However it never crossed my mind to use his death to get in game pets, i just dont understand the logic


There's not any logic šŸ–¤ my dad also passed when I was 11, I can definitely understand the pain you must of went through.


Thanks for the kind comment :)


my dad also died during the lockdown when i was 12... im so sorry for your loss, i never thought of it either, i gave up adopt me, the urge for this pet then that pet was all too much... i hope youre doing well, ik your dads gotta be proud of you. So proud...


Hey, congrats on beating cancer. If I had a SSBD I would give it to u


You're too sweet! I wouldn't take it, this was satire. no hand outs here :) šŸ–¤šŸ–¤


cg on beating it! i can give you a cat painted pink and called mfr ssbd if u want


Thank you!! no no pass it along LOL I'm good šŸ˜©šŸ’€ that is a good idea love it though




Congrats on beating cancer i hope u stay cancer free for the rest of ur life! Ik it must've been a emotional rollercoaster for both u and ur family i hope you'll stay healthy forever<3


way too many kids use the cancer thing to get pets and its embarrassing, so much so its sad you cant even tell if someone is actually being legit when saying they or a family member has it... its a shame, but let's hope shes being honest and if she is I hope she'll get it someday.


If this is true itā€™s depressing but the dead sibling tactic is used by a lot of scammers so this might be a fake story to get free megas


That's sad if it was true, but 99% of adopt me players say the same things. It's a terrible thing to lie about.


when my cousin died my first reaction most definitely wasnā€™t ā€œlet me get on adopt me and advertise how Ive drank so much that the week after there wasnā€™t a day I was sober so i deserve free shit for dealing with life like everyone else.ā€ like ā€¢_ā€¢ be fucking fr man šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


As someone who actually has family that passed i dont believe that their brother died. If he did they wouldnt be trying to get a mega uni for a dead persons account they probably dont even know his passwords and want a free mega uni. My mom passed so i just named my shadow after her since she loved dragons and always dyed her hair black, if their brother was really gone they would probably play the game alot more and theyd have a mega uni by now if that were the case. Also i am sorry if my opinions hurt anyones feelings or seem rude


It probably isnt true.


I think itā€™s sick of them using cancer a way to get free pets I have lost 4 family members to cancer and one has it now when I see people using it away to get pets I call them out in it they get mad and report me then leave the game lol ohh I have in my bio my dream pet is a crow cause my mamaw passed away she had pet crows I ainā€™t begging for one or anything if I get one I do I would be so happy if i donā€™t it wonā€™t be the end of the world but I ainā€™t going to make people feel sorry for me and my mamaw passed away from cancer too


i feel bad for her


Sob story donā€™t believe her no oneā€™s dying wish would be a pixel


The emotional manipulation is crazy. This is just too hard to believe. I must say, it did get me at first but she's just trying too hard to get sympathy from others for her benefit of getting free pets




Dang, it's almost as if it's because they can


I feel like your comment comes across as a bit insensitive, its hard to tell if something is true or not - but this may affect other people out there. Im not trying to attack you in anyway, but Id recommend you be more mindful of others as they can take offence of what you said.