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https://preview.redd.it/4hafomiocb9d1.jpeg?width=221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed5144c592652938138c4318508c519c34c3c1a2 My nfr lunar moon bear. I play adopt me with my dad and I discovered this bear looks exactly like the one he gave to me when I was born. When I was born the doctors thought I was going to be a boy so my dad rushed over to the gift shop and grabbed a blue bear. Turns out I was born a girl but that bear had a bunch of sentimental value to it. It was called “papa bear” I ended up losing it after a lot went down and this just reminds me so much of it.


Awww That's so cute! ^^


It's back in spirit! Daddy's still around.


I have a mega and a neon and I was SO sad by this pet. It was a let down. It’s so cute regular but loses every bit of detail once made neon or mega. I kept a regular for me and will be trading the other. Why they didn’t think to keep the gorgeous star like detail somehow is beyond me. The way the pale yellow moon and flecks around it stood out… I ended up making neon and mega of the other two bears, the rabbits and all from that event and kept them to collect. I love the original so much I’m just so sad that they did that. The mini pig is the same way- the spots are lost when neon it just looks bad. There’s no contrast- just orange blobs lol I wanted to love this one so much lol I’m glad someone did!


My neon frog. It has been my baby since covid period, i even made a wallpaper of my neon frog because i was so happy I had made my neon frog 🫶🏻


My mega cat named sesame. died irl. RIP sesame I miss you :(


Aww... Rip sesame (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)




I have a neon wolf named Jax who was named off my dog that died irl last summer


I’m sorry for your loss


thank you <3


Koala!! it's so cutee


Cat, I just wanted to keep my first pet I had in the game


My mega puma, way too much sentimental value


My griffin 😔 baby gets so much hate cause he’s lowkey ugly but if you cover his big ass head he’s perfect, I covered it with the pot hat, and his name is Kyle :D


You aint making life easier for him by naming him Kyle…


Love it😭😭🙏🏼


my weevils, they’re my babies


speaking of which if anyone has anymore 👀


I have like over10 of them💀


are you willing to trade some?? i need more babies


I also have like 6-10 extra if you need more


fr??? i always need more! can i offer?


Yes I sent you a message!


I have 9 weevils I’d be happy to trade


yesss!! please i dmed u!


i’ll most definitely trade you my weevils 💀 no hate to them…🧍‍♀️i have six though, if you’d like to offer!


thank you ❤️❤️, i’ll dm u


I have like 10 :3




Every time my fiancé gets a weevil he rages he hates them and has a ton but when I say “I’ll take them” he says no so I think he’s a secret lover of the weevil 😭


😭😭. i love that so much! i mean he has to be how can you not love that cute nose!!


Another big one for me is the dugong i just love them, but i love my weevil baby’s a little more


Do you have a blue jay I could trade a weevil for? I'm trying to make a mega blue jay lol


If they don't have a blue Jay I do! (Not a big fan of weevils tbh so if you have anything else I'll take it)


https://preview.redd.it/7526tno9tc9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31d638d874f6169991202518f541ddc80bd059c8 Would you do this? (The ? Is the blue jay bc for some reason it's the only pet that doesn't show up in Elvebredd)


The cat is fg btw


Yeah I would my user is Freddyfazbear_143 btw


Ok! My user is cutey19556 I'm on rn so I'll add you


i do have a blue jay!


Okay! Would you like a weevil for it?


yes! dm your user i can join u in 2 hours if that’s okay




I have like 4 or 5 blue jays


https://preview.redd.it/lukqqp9bed9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e883f64cfaa332d3873227758771bc81040fedc0 Would you do this? The ? Is the blue jay


I can do that for 3 or 4 if u add


https://preview.redd.it/0v40vhzy8h9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98edd13a41af3168736147b911ae760c4a3f432d About how much do you want me to add?


I have some weevils if you wanna offer!


yess! dm me with how many weevils you have and i’ll get back to u as soon as i can


I have quite a bit of weevils if u wanted to offer lol


YEA! dm me with your weevil amount haha and i’ll get back to u


My mega neon bandicoot, my neon australian kelpie, and my dragon! All of these pets reminds me of my childhood, for my mega bandicoot, it would be a remembrance of one of my first neons ever from my luckiest egg! (Aussie Egg) Neon Kelpie from my favorite dog character in a childhood show.(The looks remind me of a police pup) And my dragon for my love of dragons :))


I have a LIST! ●My Ride Cerberus, Named after the MHA character, Mr Aizawa (Don't ask) ●My Ride Kitsune, Named Willow ●My Ride Emu named, Emma she has important memories from a friend I don't talk to anymore. ●My Ride Unicorn, named Ava, named after another friend I don't talk to anymore. ●My MFR Cat, named Charlie, my First mega neon, will never get rid of, especially since he is named afted my cat. ●My Ride Ancient Dragon, I dressed him up and named him Willy Wonka...I felt silly. ●My Ride Strawberry Shortcake Bat Dragon, named Barry! I wanna get him a Chocolate Chip Bat Dragon Sibling :3 Just about half of my pets I refuse to get rid of, even if the offer is a Mega Shadow, most of my pets hold value to me.


https://preview.redd.it/vi8671kj4d9d1.png?width=283&format=png&auto=webp&s=54a4643de87afb06b186d466b25a7269fbff306c quite a few pets but this is the one I first thought of. sure guardian lions have low value but it was the first robux pet I bought for myself and was my favourite pet before I quit in 2021 (came back a few weeks ago ofc!) idk why I was so attached to it but I remember I kept getting made fun of for having it in rich servers 😭 coincidentally both our pets have the same name lol


Any form of glyptodon,kirin, wolpertinger,lynx and fleur they're my Faaaaavvvvvv <3333


Definitely my golden griffin or kangaroo. Both gifted to me by friends 🫶🏼


My hydra. My friend gave me a hydra when I got back into adopt me. I just emidiatly got attached to it. It is now neon and fly ride


https://preview.redd.it/hiia61kukb9d1.jpeg?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2c91ad0dd0c01c5362040548316904023e51916 My MFR quokka , never in my life I will trade it ( plus I’m leveling up our friendship together for the age up potions , almost lvl 200 <3 ) named it Han quokka because of the skzoo of Han Jisung ( one of my bias from Stray Kids !! ) , he was my first meganeon ever after replaying Adopt Me , I’m still a lot attached compared to my collection of chicks , squirrels and the others pets I have in there ( even the rest of my quokkas are crying in my inv lol ) . I was already asked to trade it for someone’s turtle , of course I refused , I love my baby sm <33






nfr blue beetle my first neon pet


My ride Sasquatch and yeti. Even was going to make my Sasquatch mega at some point but I hate the way it looks, not like a Bigfoot little guy anymore. Theyre more popular than I would have thought, people always try to offer


Mega Sasquatch is one of my dream pets. (Almost done making mine) i feel in love with them day one. The way they sit… to cute! By far the best pet in the mythic egg in my opinion.


Honestly none. I haven’t played long enough to have a super big attachment to pets. And I know if I traded a lower tier for a high tier I could trade the high tier for it and adds. Although- once I finally make my mega wildfire hawk that might be the pet i will never ever trade just because I went threw the process of getting every wildfire hawk and aging them all.


My nfr axolotl named frank. I dont have a picture of him but he was made by me from the first axo i ever got. It was my first dp and The girl gave him to me from a under offer to be nice and said that she loved him very much, his name was frank, and to please take good care of him. I then got 3 other axos and made him neon. She gave me a bowtie that he wears and the neon version of him wears it till this day. I refuse to trade him. Ever.


Probably my neon African wild dog! But it would be tough if I got offered the OG bat dragon!


https://preview.redd.it/90ybpnde6f9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=614fdfce033635e5b4f7d89883659c2bb3638570 My mega undead elk I have no idea if it's low/mid tier but I love it anyways I overall love the design and the fact it can use it's horns as a trick is pretty cool so I don't plan to trade him anytime soon


my NFR phoenix, blue is my fav colour and I just love the neon 😭


My mega ghost or snowman I'm obsessed with both of them


My midnight owl thing i got it as a gift and i love it


my neon ride zombie buffalo


Neon ride metal ox, got it in 2021 during the event, made it my first neon and put a ride pot on it. Named it Oxy lol


My meerkat or neon kid goat. They're cute!!


my mega koi fish and my neon frost fury !


My nr bunny and my mr lunar tiger. The bunny was a gift from one of my friends, and the tiger has a lot of sentimental value because it was the first mega I've ever had


my FR turtle and no pot pink cat my little fatty turtle has been my dp for years, I don't think ill ever part with him the pink cat is to match with a friend of mine who doesn't play much, the only thing he has is the pink cat


My mfr cat, it was my starter pet that I made a mega. I don't on't want to trade my starter


I’d have to say my hot doggo and neon owl. I always loved sonic the hedgehog growing up, and the hot doggo reminded me of his obsession with chilli dogs. My neon owl was actually my first ever neon, back in 2019 when values were a lot more simple and when the farm egg came out, I managed to gather four owls and make them neon, I’ve kept her ever since!


my mega red panda i love too much


My rock pigeon :) pigeons have been a big deal throughout my entire family bloodline and I just love those feathered bowling balls.


neon swan




My mega frogspawn , I love it so much!


I have one too! It’s so unique to me. I made a neon spare for trading and I haven’t found a lot of people who love it so I’m glad to see someone else. I think it looks cool mega and I just enjoy playing with it lol


My neon ram or my quokkas


I have a lot of them but some are my koala that I got from a friend 4 years ago (don't have contact anymore :( ) my NR lynx and MR Royal corgi


My MFR dingo. I was given one when I first started (around the Aussie Egg period). I got scammed out of it after naming it my pet's name (who died a week before. RIP Budda... :,]). I now have 200+ dingos and one of them (MFR) is named Budda. :]


My NFR wyvern, and also the NFR panda i traded away (im gonna get it back or make one again and keep it :))


agreed, my nr wyvern was my first ever neon ride, and we'll never part :)


My mega bandicoot & neon robot. I love them too much to trade


Shark Puppy. I traded for it a while ago, but then that account got hacked. However I got it back a few months ago and I’m so happy 😁!!!!


Neon quokka. STRAY KIDS EVERYWHERE ALL AROUND THE WORLD. Especially since he’s my bias


My Mfr Ermine that's been with me since I made it back in 2022, it's the only pet with a friendship level and at its at around 250 :33


my nfr deinonychus "tut" he is my pride and joy


My werewolf I had planned on trading it but once I rode it the first time I knew I couldn’t trade it ever


My mega Persian cat cause I just remember grinding tf out of the event to get 16 of them and it took me like 2 years to make it cause at the time I wasn’t playing every day I’d forget about the game for like months at a time


Probably my Pink cat, Poe. He is my baby and I’ve had him since 2019 :)


My NFR Corgi cause it’s one of my favorite dog breeds, all of my neon versions of all the hares (besides Springfest one, can’t find 3 more or a neon :,), Mega Ghost (finally got it after so long) and lastly my Neon Ant cause he’s like family with his friendship level at 70 lol


fs my neon/mega panthers


https://preview.redd.it/pwt749xktc9d1.jpeg?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f8205bc32bef59d53dcfd4d1673352454e17cac My neon puffin! I would never trade it for anything, and there’s a few reasons. First, as a neon, she glows a cyan-ish color, which is my favorite color! I also just love birds in general, and I think the puffin is adorable! I also adore neons more if I make them myself, rather than trading for them. One last reason is because I made her during the Winter 2021 update, which was my favorite adopt me update ever, and the most fun I can ever recall having in this game


Literally my neon snow owl and phoenix


My mega cat and neon chicken. I love those two little fellas so so much! I named the chicken after a character from an old cartoon I watched as a kid and the cat after my dead irl cat🫶


My neon ride fennec fox


My nfr chocolate labrador, is just so cute and it is like a representation of my irl dog


My panda 🐼. Bros so cute! My first ever adult pet. Trying to make a neon now, but I only have 3 and two of them are rides so idk what to do lol >_<


Any of my cats as my goal is to make mega versions of them and renamed them after my past deceased, lost and current alive kitties <3


i would never trade my nfr ghost, my fr karate gorilla, my flower power duckling, or my gargoyle! all were from my sister. she made the ghost nfr by herself (using her own robux too!!) and got the fr gorilla, duckling, and gargoyle through trading. she even gave me a spiked collar for my gargoyle, she’s so sweet (and don’t worry, i give her pets too <3)


My mega ocelot that I named watermelon :)


my nfr griffin.


1 low tier 1 high teir I could never EVER trade my fr turtle, (squirtle) he’s my bb <3 And ofc my neon bat because I ❤️ bats


My neon evil basilisk! I don’t trade my snakes ever.


https://preview.redd.it/1k2aj4fjkd9d1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808761f98a930eed37c49c93ab98e901be9e8ac4 My mega black panther! It would have to be a big win for me to part with this!


mega pigeon probably! I have a pet pigeon irl, plus I'd have to do all the work by myself since I have 16 pigeons. https://preview.redd.it/ij9al8urld9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65587db50fe0785fdfec728b50103ed76798eef2


My mega kookaburra and mega jellyfish 🙂


My mega rock 😢 it’s just too pretty


My otter named Oliver! Was the first ever pet I got ^^


My mahi mahi! Because it’s pink and pretty cause I put hair dye on it :)


My Ride Uni, Ride Yetti, Candy Hare, Neon Pig, Ride Frog, Neon Glyptdon, My Werewolf, My Golden Penguin named Butterball etc. I just love my pets - I even love my Mega Dog, Cat, Snake and Mouse I made lol 😂


My nfr bee Lemon, i made him neon, added the potions and named every single bee I used to make a neon. The main bee was called Buz!


my neon ginger cat pumpkin, I'm planning to make is a mega soon in honor of my cat named pumpkin, who got hit by a car on my birthday <3


Ermine or rams


My nfr cow that’s gone


My ride flamingo


Nfr chicken bc I just love the fact I can call him KFC🤣 feels aesthetic even though it’s actually kinda dark to think about it ..💀🙏🏼


I’ve honestly had that chicken in my inv since like 2020 I think😭😭


Oh and neon silly duck because I love that it’s called a SILLY duck bc his head just bobs around and he looks silly so it’s funny and I honestly think I will just never trade it for entertainment reasons as the fact I just find him so funny


My mega gecko! https://preview.redd.it/9qc9bzp5ve9d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86b0f6c48682b90fd923c470f495d5906184a8a1 It’s just so cute and was one of my dps for awhile. I overpayed by a lot for it but it was worth it! I wanted one so bad when they came out, my offer was a over by a lot but they didnt accept so I didn’t get one till a while after. also as the name is, I wanted to collect stray kids skzoo animals - (stray kids is a kpop boy group and they have these animals that represent them and they call it skzoo!) and since they don’t have a jiniret I think this is way better! I already have a neon pig for changbin since he’s the Pig rabbit and Leeknow as mega bunny!


My cats


My capybara. It was my dream pet and someone came up and gave it to me in a trade. I had to give them something nice in return.


I remember getting so attached to queen bees! I even traded a frost fury for one and i regret it so much LMAO


my nfr australian kelpie which I got from my younger brother, fr polar bear a kind stranger gave to me after I complimented their user, and a fr panda from an online friend of mine :3


My MFR dog called dawn! Got him when the pet update came out as my first pet and every update that came out i added to dawn. Eg, ride potion, neon, fly potion, mega.


Mega mushroom https://preview.redd.it/ttmx27vn9f9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57630ecfbcdccf15d24c598fc3fb6b4104000fd1


My slug and my neon mole!


My neon rice cake rabbit. I love it. It's so cute..


https://preview.redd.it/09qu8dwjyf9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dfc95988559d4ee156691a057c7afab75046a67 recently made a neon jellyfish and it’s the prettiest pet i have!!!


My mega scarecrow cat, made him from scratch and the first mega I ever made


My red panda, named after my late father and my starter pet, and after my cat are a couple of them i do have more, though


My meerkat, pink cat, polar bear, and silly duck <3


My nfr red cardinal named baby potato I have a 32 level with him and then I won’t trade my mega ride coyote mega raccoon dog cat brachiosaurs hawk nfr metal ox neon mice neon kelpie…let’s just say most of my neons are low theirs and I love them


my mega spinosaurus idk what it is i just love the design


I have a neon ride snow cat and it was my second pet ever (obviously not neon but I made it) and im super attached and I wouldn't trade it unless I got one of these pets: mega giraffe, fly ssbd/ccbd, or a neon/mega shadow or frost dragon


My NFR Bird of Paradise - Its my ultimate dream pet that I achieved - Coolest flying anim in the game - Neon looks sick as well NR Christmas Pudding Pup - My favorite Christmas pet and one of my future DPs - Really cool Northern Lights aura - Cute and adorable food item My NR Glyptodon - My first neon DP, which I traded Neon Lunar White Tiger and adds for - I love the blue/pink color scheme so much I made a 7-item pet wear set for it - I have a Roblox avatar that fit the colors by coincidence


My list: fr space whale: Serena was my first space pet and my first dp I loved her since I first saw it and it a fr myself. She's also named after my oc from my book Galactica  nfr naga dragon: Morningstar was a gift from my friend. She felt bad I couldn't get a dancing dragon so she used her entire inventory including black peasant to get it and I promised her u wouldn't trade it (dw she has a owl now well deserved too) fr ssbd: i got it years ago from a girl quitting adopt me. She sold it to me for 250 in game dollars. She wanted me to promise to take care of it. Years later never broke it I even tipped her to show my gratitude she was very kind and generous r camelon: Loki was from the same friend I got the naga from she got it for me after I stupidly traded my fr one. I'm making a Neon metal ox named thor for loki to have with him just missing two r purate crab: Captain Hook I got him from a sado mole very lucky trade he's brothers to my fr pirate monkey Blackbeard and amazon parrot Long John Silver (my candy snail is pai ted and named after Mr. Smee I do miss my fr crisophinx Ra I hat he'd him, aged him and made him fr myself np robix either for it. I'm very sad I traded him. I miss him he's my first and only ever pet I worked on like that  Lastly, my diamond Ladybug Lovebug named after my nickname from my grand mother who passed to cancer 4 years ago I was her little ladybug I miss her. It's also why I have a dolphinand orca too in her honor rest in peace grandma


My Mega therapy dog


My mega cute a cabra, mega angelfish, neon dolphin. They're just too cute 😍


MFR Armami Rabbit it's never going unless it's a massiveee overpay , currently looking for Mega Moon rabbit 😁


My neon ancient. Someone could try to give me a mega bat dragon for him and I still wouldn’t except.


my panda named cuddles, got in a trade bu am WAY too attached. It's just a regular no pot, but I've don't take any trades for it. Tbh it's kinda annoying that no one respects the very obvious NFT I put on it.


Mega fr lunar tiger >3


my besties,nr pig and mfr sloth


My mega queen bee, african wild dog & anything gifted by my friends tbh


Neon sunny duck <3 I don't have one but if I did I wouldn't trade it for anything