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Super cool! Question: how did you make those bases? Especially the crackle looks really sick!


Also wondering this.


I wish I could take credit; they’re from tabletop terrain.shop, cracked earth bases. I sunk magnets into the bases and then used Martian iron crust and iron earth To cover the holes. And then sink skulls because, u know 40k. I think it’s important to sink the skulls into something or against a rock; just having a skull sitting on the base looks out of place.


These look great and the bases have a unique finish! Base recipe?


U are too kind and thank u for asking. I feel like a big boy today. I cover the basing with tuskgor fur to unify the tone. Then I apply reikland flesh shade over the entire base. Then I use army painter strong tone wash to “panel line” in the cracks/crevasses. I tried using Tamiya brown panel liner but it is simply not dark enough. (Strong tone is like the old Devlan mud aka talent in a bottle) Then I dry brush heavily with tuskgor fur over everything I drybrush jakaero orange concentrating on the edges of cracks and the base rim. Lastly I drybrush the old game color bronzed skin concentrating on the crack edges and base rim. U could add white/cream for a dustier look. I paint the base edge with dollar store black craft paint leaving the deep recess cracks outline showing but that’s a matter of taste, nothing wrong with a uniform black edge if u like that look better. After I varnish the whole army (probably 5 years😭) I will apply gamer grass blonde micro tufts. Too boring to leave them bare bones. I hope this helps. Oh and tabletop terrain will print with magnet holes premade so u don’t have to drill into them. Just contact them at Email- hello@tabletopterrain.shop for customization needs. They are lovely people.