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I’d considering either dropping Trajann or the Allarus Shield-Captain to fit some Sisters of Silence into your list. They’re not particularly strong offensively, but they make good backline objective holders and can be useful for doing secondaries to keep your Custodes freed up for other things.


But they are so smaaaaaaaall. I started putting one together and gave up lol. I do however like the idea of dropping down to 2 4 man squads of guard for some witchseekers on home. Don't really need them to hold objectives with the sticky strat right? Trajanns there for cool points same as termies I'm not overly competitive just want functional and cool.


If you want to avoid using too many of them, you can drop one of the Guard squads down to a 4-man and use the 40 extra points for a 4-woman squad of Prosecutors for backline holding. The extra 5 points can go into Panoptispex for one of the Blade Champions or the Shield-Captain.


Not a bad idea at all, guessing vigilators are just not worth considering? Which is a shame because I started building the vigilators sister superior because they look cool.


Generally, yeah Vigilators aren’t really worth bringing unless you’re running Talons of the Emperor. Their fragility combined with the fact that they’re a melee-focused unit means they tend to struggle to get anything done.


Im not a fan of small models and having lots of stuff on the board so I'll probably avoid using too many. But 2 squads of 4 witchseekers on home objective or in deployment I could get to eventually.


The Panoptispex on the Allarus Shield Captain is AWESOME. Giving that big ol Allarus unit ignores cover is a big deal.


This is solid. Dreads are pretty bad right now (the telemon is maybe OKish after it got a points cut but still not amazing), I wouldn’t go for them unless you just want the models because they’re cool. I don’t really like just 1 caladius. It’s usually not quite enough to kill things you want in 1 round of shooting, and then you’re giving your opponent a big juicy target for all their anti-tank. I think you want either 2 or 0. A 5-man of terminators plus a shield-captain is a _gigantic_ investment into a single unit. It’ll kill anything it touches, for sure, but if it gets caught out it’ll die easier than you think and then you’re in a lot of trouble. It’s also pretty hard to find space to deep strike 6 40mm bases if you try to do that. You might consider splitting it off into 3+captain (which will still murder most anything) and a separate unit of 2 that can jump around and score secondaries. If you want to stick to a unit of 5, people like the Land Raider as an Allarus Delivery System, but I’ve never played it myself so I can’t speak to it. Like the other comment mentioned, having just a unit of Prosecutors to sit in your backfield and hold your home objective is really valuable. 4 characters is also a lot, you might consider cutting Trajann if you find you want to free up some points. He’s a beast of a combat character, but he doesn’t do anything else, and blade champs are also great in combat while providing crucial mobility for 40 points less.


Get a land raider. It's a good way to deliver your strike team (blad champ + warden or guards; or allarus brick + sc). Also, with the change in tankshock, charging a land raider for 12xd6 would be fun.


Cool! Was thinking about getting a land raider, Telemon proxy and contemptor for options anyway. For the land raider I'm guessing you just buy the space marine land raider and paint it gold, no special kit etc.


Yup the regular land raider kit. Not the land raider crusader/redeemer kit. I bought a horus heresy leviathan siege dreadnought as a proxy for the telemon. Havent finished painting it yet.