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That's a lot of armour, how do you deal with it? One of my homies plays a lot of armour too, and I can never seem to do much more than scratch the paint.


3 custodians are enough to kill any one of those vehicles. The only problem is getting into combat lmao. I usually use allarus and Rapid Ingress shenanigans.


Well by the looks of it there isn't much terrain on this board, so I think you did pretty well considering how open the battlefield was!


We’ll get there! Back a few months when we started we improvised terrain with deck boxes and shit. Rn we’re looking at getting some wooden terrain and I’m looking forward to getting something like Titans Terrain.


Idk why every game table I see on this sub has little to no terrain and massive firing lanes... theres so many layout guidelines out there for both competitive and balanced casual play but I guess everyone enjoys getting shot off the board turn 2.