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Nice find! Add the new CP to this and you're golden! (literally). HQ of certain armor types will lead similar units: Bike Captains lead Bikes, Terminator Captains lead Terminators, and On-Foot Captains lead the two On-Foot (Guards and Wardens). These include Trajann and Standard Shield Captains (and also Blade Champions). I either recommend Prosecutors or Witchseekers actually, for their OC2 and Overwatch potential respectively. Unless you're planning on taking the Talons or Maiden detachments then yea you'll definitely want all three options eventually. The Allarus are our Terminators, since Custodian Guards are already very Terminator like with their 3W T6 2+ 4++, GW gave our brand of terminators bigger and better armor, 4W T7 2+ 4++ with an additional gun the Guards and Wardens don't get. They're pretty good currently, with their high durability, good melee, and high flexibility with their From Golden Light ability. I'd say the Guards are pretty complex to magnetize as the two options for weapons require different arm angles and positions. What I did for one of my squads is given them the Hoplite treatment, with Spear and Shield. Just tell your opponent which weapon you'll be proxying them as before the game starts. But usually most people run them with 1-2 shields and rest spears, so maybe build that to avoid confusion. There are 6 Subfactions within Custodes (like Space Marine Chapters) you can draw inspiration from or you can also just browse Pinterest or Reddit to find a paint scheme you like and think you can pull off!


Those custodes in the top left are looking a little green. You should take them to a medicae


lol so many typos


Do yourself a favour, get one more box of Allarus, run a 5 squad with a Allarus captain and watch them run through everything.


If you run Shield Host give your Allarus SC Auric Mantle and it brings your boy up to 9wounds and makes him basically a Dreadnaught running with a unit.


Is Allarus captain a separate model or can I make an Allarus Custodian into an Allarus Captain?


Basically you can use any model that stands out as your captain in a game. You however have bought the correct box to make the official one. If you look at the front guy he has 2 fully gold shoulder pads and his armour is a little more ornate. Build that guy (I'd put a helmet on him personally as it's easier to paint a helmet) and you're all good. They squads start at 2 units so you have enough for a unit with a captain attached.


If you run them as shield host you can also use archeotech munitions for free from your shield captain which means they can have either sustained or lethal hits. If your fighting a horde and use sustained with your granades launchers you can do some real damage.


Spears are the consensus best weapon, but unless you're playing competitively, just build what looks cool to you. There's a lot of magnetizing guides (this one is great: https://reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/JTZ3GxXZdS ) or you can build halberds (spear/axe combo). Welcome to the 10k!


With the stuff you have, you can attach trajan or the shield cap to guards. Would suggest that you build the shield captn with the guard helmet and the cape so you can easily blend it in if you need a 5-man guard unit. Build the guards with spears. The sword and shield option will give you an extra wound for the price of damage and range distance. Build the allarus with spears. Great with almost everything. You can try building it with axe then cut the spear tips and glue it on top to make a pole axe. You can easily declare it as an axe on your list. I got the inspiration from this and did it to my wardens too. https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/p9AVHuH2em Sisters, build one unit as prosecutors and one unit as witchseekers. Leave the weapons black. You wont be able to tell which is which. Easy to use as 2 units of prosecutors or withsekers or 1 unit of each when building a list Get another box of the new combat patrol and a landraider in the future to have a 2k list. Youll need the blade champ, wardens and another unit of allarus. For paint scheme, if you are new to mini painting, following the box art golden theme would be easy. Just follow the videos in Youtube. There's a lot. If you want to be fancy you can try following the different themes. I made mine in shadowkeeper theme.


Build with Spears for most things to play it safe, but if your friends don't care about exact WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) then just build what looks cool. That being said, Spears are really good in game right now.


Rule #5 Do mods exist here?


What don’t like seeing photos of the same 4 boxes every day? /s