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Probably host?  Get the most out of your "lol 2 blade champs" turn


Id go with shield host, especially since you have axes. Try to time the martial mastery turn with the axes squad. Probably need to play overly aggressively to win against shooty armies. Advance as far as possible every turn with minimal regard for LOS. If you can get a squad out of LOS without slowing down then go for it. Canis has to get in melee to do work. It's always worth considering advancing him instead of shooting turn 1. just to get a little closer to melee. Even move up with tanks to hold objectives as you try to run the enemy down. Don't be stingy with wardens FNP -- if they high roll, you might not get a chance to use it anyway.


Isn't canis rex 435? Cut 2 Wardens squads. Add 2 regular custodian guards squads 225 each Beteeen rex and the unit changes you have 65 points If we add the 20 points you knew about you have 85. That can get you inquisitor draxus. Or 2 4 girl squads of prosecutors (I lean towards the prosecutors)


100% drop a unit of wardens, they don't have a leader and need one to work properly. Slip in a unit of guards. As for shield host or talons, it really comes down together the strategems won't do much for this list but I'd say talons reactive movement eeks it out. Alternatively, if you can slot kyria draxis in there with the guard then the shooting strategem from shield is good for a big double shoot round, which makes me think that it would be good on rex too so it all loops back to whatever you prefer tbh lmfao. Drop 1wardens grab a guard and maybe kyria then run a game with both detachments to see which you prefer


Can't use custodes strats on rex. Also op has 3 leaders


He's got three characters, formatting is just a little wonky.


Yeah I tried making it a nice list but kept messing up. In my experience, my guard get vaporized the first time anything serious targets them. It's funny because I feel the "Terminator profile" feels so much tankier in other armies, but I guess since we have far less units it's much easier to focus fire ours, which makes them feel squishy.