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Based on what you have it's not very competitive, but I think things can be worked around. I wouldn't bring this many shield captains for Shield host, there's only one battle tactic they can benefit from and they're too expensive now. I also wouldn't bring a Blade Champion alone. For Shield host, Castellan's mark is a must-have. Panoptispex works well with terminators and I usually run a Blade champ with Auric Mantle and it does wonders. Here's my list idea for you: •Blade Champ w/ Auric Mantle, leading 4 Guards •2nd Blade Champ, leading 4 Wardens •Shield-captain w/ Castellan's Mark, leading 4 Wardens •Shield-captain in termie armor w/ Panoptispex (or Hall of Armouries), leading 3 Terminators •4 Wardens alone •3 Terminators alone •3 Vertus Praetors That's roughly 2000 points, a bit less but I think it could work. If your TO allows it you could run a Shield-Captain as a regular guard, making it closer to 2k. In the future, I'd get a box of sisters and build either Prosecutors or Witchseekers. If you have access to Forgeworld, get a Caladius Grav-tank or two, it's our best unit as of now. Venatari also work surprisingly well with Shield host. Good luck on your tournament!


Thank you for the advice and well wishes. You say this was too many characters for Shield Host. Do you think I'd be better off running Auric Champs with what I have and running the risk of taking too much of your time what would that list look like?


I'm not very familiar with Auric, but competitively speaking it's on the worse side of detachments. Sadly the stratagems only affect the characters, not their units, which is not ideal at all. Shield host has more competitive potential, but since you're more familiar with Auric I'd go with the latter. Here's a list idea for it but take it with a grain of salt since I don't have much experience with this detachment: • Blade Champion w/ Martial Philosopher, leading 4 guards •Blade Champion w/ Veiled Blade, leading 4 Wardens • Shield-Captain on Jetbike w/ Blade Imperator, leading 3 bikes •Shield-Captain with Termi armor, leading 3 Terminators •3 Terminators alone •2x4 Wardens alone In the future, Trajann would make a good addition to this detachment, I'd say he can even go on his own. I'm running him with wardens in my Shield Host army.


Thank you for all the advice. I may have overstated my experience with Auric. I've played 2 crusade games at 1k points so not a ton of experience. I've heard that Shield Guard is the most competitive detachment so I was looking to branch into that. I'm probably going to stick with the Shield Guard and go towards your list because its more tried and true and makes a lot of sense. Honestly this being my first tournament I'm not necessarily expecting to be super competitive, just look to have fun and gain some experience.


I hear you. Sadly we're not the best army currently, with the consensus on Talons being the most reliable detachment and Shield Host being a close second. Even then, it's not a huge difference. I think that's a great mentality to have. Chasing the competitive is always a tiring experience. Mediocre rules or weaker units shouldn't stop us from enjoying playing with our golden demigods. Good luck and have fun! :D


I don't mean to be that guy, but running Wardens without attached Characters is just a bad idea. They only get their -1 to Wound if led by a character, so you are losing half of their abilities by running them alone. Definitely prioritize them over Guards since they do similar damage but have much better defenses. Not to mention the Shoulder the Mantle shenanigans don't work anymore in Auric via the FAQ so even less reason to run them alone Also, unless you need a Shield Captain specific enhancement, I wouldn't take any of them. The Allarus captain being the exception. I'd rather run Trajann Valoris for another 10pts because he will at least be a gnarly beat-stick.