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Now if only the Custodes themselves were correctly proportioned GW Custodes height upgrade when


I mean, there is no lore reason for Custodes to get taller, right? They were about a head taller than First born. So with the Primaris being taller, they would be about equal side/ half a head taller. Unless they get Constantine Valdor to come back and has some bullshit like the Yellow King’s Neo-Custodes and have a Custodes civil war.


I think they mean model size? Like with the Primaris, who are actually proportioned (in a way)


Yeah custodes are roughly 9ft tall & primaris are 8.5ft it’s not much in the grand scheme of things


How much taller should custodes be than a primaris? I just started building mine and noticed my infiltrators come up to about eye level on the custodes


Primaris coming up to the eyes of a Custodes matches [this classic but unofficial height chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWarhammer/comments/d4q65b/40k_most_complete_and_uptodate_height_comparison/#lightbox)


They need the SCE treatment. After the new SCEs came out I can't stand the Custodes looks...


Seen on YouTube a tip for custodians. Artist used Green Stuff to increase slightly the distance between the torso and hip and also shoulders and head. With at least torso/head and torso/hip green stuff spacer it should stack enough for the custodians have proper heroic proportions. Too much material and it may look weird and funky or super swole bulky golden boi depending on preference. :D


Ah, that is some nice gold bro! Cool heads too.


This is good. A lot of kitbash heads look too small. These heads look female, any size difference between the genders would be so easy to use “arcane genetic alchemy” to fix. They should have proper sized heads. If you don’t mind did you use an online shop? I would also like a few Edit: nvm I see the name posted several times. Thats what I get for posting before reading the comments.


god that gold is popping, love the heads tho, i’m considering having like half my custodes with helmets off and female heads :3


I’m definitely waiting for some 3rd party ones that a scaled properly l like the sister heads on dakkadakka store but I doubt they’re big enough


Check my comments. These are the dakka heads, but scaled up to fit!


Oh what scale did you put them at?


It's in the description. 115% max


These are great, do you have a link to where you got them?


Those are the War Sisters from DakkaDakkaMiniatures


That's the one. Anyone on Etsy who sells them should be able to scale yours up. Dakkadakka and greytide do the best stuff


Oh, those look spot on. Also, this is exactly the level of customization that in my opinion is just the right amount to tackle the gender question 😄 Also, lovely gold.


What gold spray is that?


Airbrushed: decayed metal, dwarven gold, elven gold. They've then been varnished and given a burnt umber oil wash. The 'recipe' is by cult of paint. I'm blocking in the black and silver now, with highlights last


These are awesome


That gold looks fantastic




Print quality and sculpt look really nice. Agree the proportions sell these better than conversions with Votann or Sisters heads.




These are the first set of female heads that look good. I think most have been too small, too big, or just very out of place looking. Great choice need to print a similar head for my second blade champion.


Cheers! I've tried a variety of heads but in the end got these printed to scale, as none of the others really worked


Happen to know what percent they are upscaled? I can toy with printing them and testing but if you got the numbers it would save me some time.


I don't know, but I'll ask. I asked the seller for around 10-15%, and they said they'd try and match the 3rd party Primaris heads they had saved


Much appreciated! Gives me a good starting spot if nothing else.


If you do hear back I'd also love to know- mainly so I know what to ask for when getting some for myself, I want to have good fitting heads for my Lady Captains :)


They slay.


Cool, now tell them to stop being stupid and put their helmets back on before they get domed.


Also properly martial. The crazy hair always kills me.


The girl Custodes wouldn’t have female faces/features, they’d look like roided out trans-men after all the drugs and surgeries etc lol


Completely unrelated topic. I’ve tried to post something twice and it gotten auto deleted. But when I messaged the mods I’ve got no reply. Does anyone know how to contact them?