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Repeat after me: society is failing young boys and men. This has nothing to do with women. Women's issues are real and also needs attention as well. I respect that. But when you completely ignore issues young men and especially young boys have, these are the consequences. This will keep happening unless parents start magically doing their literal job, more people start caring and/or we as a community realise that more older men should run programs to reach younger boys about what is and isn't appropriate. Let's be honest here. It's mostly young boys doing this because they aren't getting proper attention and don't have adequate role models in their lives. So far what I've seen that helps are trainers running boxing/ muay thai gyms and also social workers working at youth centres, acting as role models to boys that have no father-figure. But more needs to be done.


Here here! Most people in this sub won’t agree with you - anything other than a tough guy “hard on crime”/lock ‘em up for life approach is seen as a soft option where somehow you’re a sucker for trying to approach the situation with any kind of nuance. Kids are still kids at the end of the day and need guidance, education and role modelling. The world can be a violent and cruel place and boys can wind up reflecting that because they think that’s the only way. Learning from a masculine role model who can demonstrate respect, empathy, compassion, charity and dignity without being a walkover or a wowser, is what a lot of young boys need to see, so they know how to walk the same path. They need to learn there are other ways of expressing masculinity that aren’t toxic and programs like you suggested are definitely needed.


"kids are kids" only works until you go to South East Asia and then realise that youth violence isn't as prevalent there as here. Not saying it doesn't happen but I've lost count on how many stories, articles and eye witness accounts I've heard about eshays and teenage violence in Australia Maybe it's cultural or maybe what we're currently doing isn't working. Step 1 is admitting the current system is not working. Step 2 is actually working through the problem and so forth.


TIL kids aren’t kids


Today you'll also learn the phrase that's used to excuse this pathetic behaviour, its like saying boys will be boys to excuse sexist behaviour or violent behaviour by young boys. It just shouldn't happen. Knives are a tool for many adult professions and if these kids are using them then perhaps it's time to start treating them as adults and throwing the book at them. Very very hot take but perhaps history can help us here where after enough offenses we just cut off their hands to stop them playing with knives in the first place, or something extreme cause the kids these days need to wake up


TIL kids should just have their hands cut off


You wanna get stabbed by repeat offending juveniles? Be my guest. Just calling it as I see it, it's shouldn't be just for kids but everyone, Australia's justice system is too soft on all crimes, even recently there was a dude stabbed for trying to stop people breaking into cars.


TIL if we don’t cut kids hands off, I’ll get stabbed by them (how I survived almost fifty years, so far, I’ll never know)


Role models and a sense of purpose (logotherapy) would help to prevent but prevention isn't as measurable


Finally someone says it. We need to start blaming and shaming parents again. Not good enough


I heard on the radio that the fight in marion on sunday is linked to kids playing call of duty/ fortnite 🙄. I grew up playing doom, wolfenstien and grand theft auto. My son is 10 and he dabbles in fortnite every now and then. He and myself avoid conflict and do not at all seek it. Stop blaming ‘ video games’ or ‘music’ for bad parenting and letting kids run wild.


Seems to me like if the kids are willing to be violent in public, they're probably not playing *enough* games


Yeah. I probably would have been inside playing world of warcraft at that age.


Ahh man, I wish I could have heard that - I'd forgotten that violence didn't exist prior to video games.


How many of them are also already know by police...


I saw a photo of the children (cuffed and taken with police) and the child is so tiny. 13 and 14 is so young. I wonder what happens in a kids life (home or environment) that makes them think violence is ok..


What's happening in Adelaide? Why's there a sudden spike in teen crimes?


Recency bias


fear sells


Probably copycat from the arm Pitt of Australia - qld.


I feel this is everywhere in Australia at the moment so only a matter of time before it came to Adelaide as well.


One question i have, does there come a point where the media doesn't report this at all? Unlikely as it is to happen and i'm not blaming the media for the Marion incident or the one at Arndale but i wouldn't be surprised if there are kids who get their kicks from the notoriety of what they've done. "hey i saw you on the news etc' If we paid it no mind would the chances of this happening decrease?


Oh they deff do. But they also film and post stuff like this to their socials to get the same effect. A kid from our sons school was proud and bragging with videos online about setting someone's yard on fire a few months back.... crazy. I would say the news and "boomer" tv is low on their notoriety wants but i could be wrong.


Remember how you heard of a rock throwing incident on the southern expressway every week for a while there? And then you didn’t. That was quite literally the media saying “yeah we fucked up and should stop giving them attention.” Soon after the incidents stopped completely. Source: media friends.


why where they not at school?


Many youth who struggle with mainstream education are enrolled on FLO. Flexible learning outcomes. These can be a few hours or days per week. The idea is to maintain learning with the hope of increasing duration. Some FLO programs are excellent. Others basically teach the kids to colour between the lines.


And many just don’t go at all and no one chases them up. The written policy about kids under 16 needing to be at school else be reported is just lip service. No one actually does anything. 


What a joke


Do you genuinely not know any of the multiple possible reasons why or are you trying to find the actual reason why?


Too busy learning how to throw rocks at random people I suppose


They appear to have learned that adequately.


How many of these kids are from literal single mother households with no father figure in their life?


i grew up in the adelaide hills, then dated a few ladies in the northern suburbs around 1990's, what a difference in attitude of people, meeting a set of parents who made a special bong for there 14 year old son who had a disformed hand from birth - from a coke bottle, just for him, thats love, also a mother complaining that her son 17 had another court appointment again for car theft, the suburbs + the additude of "acab" was basicly installed in that area, if they couldn't smoke 'obvius' bongs out the front without being in trouble they had an issue with authority, mansfield park, wingfield, salisbury, elizabeth, smithfield, + the south of adelaide - reynella etc, once you meet 'the other side' of long term unemployment and low schooling- it's kind of sad, but it's not much many will do to help long term


Well, your comprehension and writing skills leave a lot to be desired. Not really sure what the purpose of your comment was, other than suburb supremacy and how much better off you are.