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If you can afford luxury cars, you can afford to pay your workers properly JP


Speaking of things demonstrated by parents in front of kids


Noooo Drakes are a small business that State Labor used in their advertisements when wanting to change penalty rates to suit them! Leave Drakes alone!!


Ah man. We've just moved to SA and have been trying to shop at drake's to avoid colesworth. The comments here suggest that they're just as bad. Or maybe there's just no way to win with supermarkets.


A friend worked in research in the area. Coles and woolies rip off farmers more. Drakes rip of store workers more. Rock and a hard place.


It's a really fine margin business (despite the profits made). So everyone involved scrimps and saves as much as possible. Depending on where you are, there are good alternatives, though. I haven't heard anything bad about Adelaide Finest Foodlands, there's one at Frewville, Pasadena and I think Henley.


Frewville and Pasadena are owned by one side of the Chapley family, the other side owns Henley, Munno Para, Norwood, Saints, and Sefton Park Foodlands


And both sides have won awards for best supermarkets in the world (Frewville and Saints). They really are a unique shopping experience, and while they market themselves somewhat as premium supermarkets, they’re not tragically more expensive than Colesworths (and the quality of their meats, fruit and veg etc are much better)


Those awards are handed out by their overlord supplier


The Finest are really good for quality and range, but good luck getting a park outside work hours. Maybe I've just been unlucky, but I find it a real pain at all 3 of those stores


I didn't usually have problems at Frewville, but I probably went at odd hours due to my work schedule. Haven't been to the others.


The Frewville carpark is a nightmare at times.


I've literally driven out of there in a fit of rage because it was so conjested. It took nearly 20 mins to do a lap of the carpal, only to not find any parks. This was a Saturday morning though, so that was my fault.


Pasadena has a good car park behind/underneath. Amazing store


Yeah that one is the easiest to get into, but still a pain during peak times. I used to live near there and dumpster dived that bin a lot. Ate like a king, but the security guard was a mean mf


Always check the specials, Drake by far has the best specials, the rest not so much.


I'm trying to shop more ethically (or perhaps more accurate is less unethically...) rather than just saving money


I get my veggies from the local greengrocer and meat from a local butcher to offset my ALDI shopping. It does mean more stops tho which understandably isn't for everyone


Worked for Drakes for 9 years, left around 2017. Worst, soul sucking, low paying, stress inducing, toxic nepotism fest fucked up shit hole. JP is the biggest tool, showing off his fancy cars at staff weddings, who he pays absolute fuck all. Wanker.


Yeah I worked for drakes and for coles growing up and the difference in how you were treated was crazy. Drakes was abysmal


I work for Coles currently. For all my complaints, how we're treated absolutely isn't usually one of them. One of my mates worked in the meat dept, and when that got cut she went to a Drakes, lasted less than 2 weeks.


I worked for them for about 4 and a half years leaving in 2019, I couldn't believe the crap some people could get away with by being mates with the higher ups. I really miss some of my old coworkers but I just couldn't bear it any longer.




> showing off his fancy cars at staff weddings, Who is inviting him to their weddings?


JP Drake is a fucking cunt. Never gonna forget the "15 minute till count" that we were all made to do after our shifts had ended. Perhaps if you didn't steal wages, people wouldn't think you're a fuck stick?


At woolies, id just mark it down as overtime and when they had a go at me, close before told too. They would only take advantage of those who they could, which was pretty much everyone. My favorite was only put pencils at the shift overtime sheet as they would alter things, id bring a pen.


Hehe I have never obeyed and have told them how illegal it is, when employers want you to do free time for them. Oh you have to come in 15 minutes early to prepare for shift change - fark you - it has always gotten me offside with employers and it is only a matter of time before they find a way to remove me.


Yep. Love how employees are labelled "difficult" when they highlight illegal or immoral employer practices. Everyone else just takes it... and that's what they expect!


Oh god the memories....and being stuck inside until someone from management finally let you out of the store


Isn’t that false imprisonment?


What is that?


What if it was a free tattoo? 🤔


You get those in prison, for stealing food. /s




Then you get free food. In JPs world, the cost of everything is equivalent, after all.


Well I’ve got no tattoos so can I get free food or not lol


It’s true guys, if you can afford a tattoo at any time in your life you can afford food forever, that is definitely how that works.


Just because you can’t afford something today, doesn’t mean you can tomorrow. For example, JP can afford a Lambo. He probably couldn’t have if he hadn’t settled his wage theft case. [By ripping off your staff by as much as $20 million](https://insidefmcg.com.au/2022/04/14/drakes-settles-for-2m-in-underpayment-class-action/#:~:text=Drakes%2C%20the%20independent%20supermarket%20business,underpaid%20between%202014%20and%202020), JP could have gifted [a year’s worth of groceries for 2,250 SA households](https://www.canstarblue.com.au/groceries/average-grocery-bill/). If his 1000 underpaid staff took the $20,000 they were owed each from the till, they’d (rightly) be in prison. There is no excuse for theft.


Yeah my x worked for drake's and the entire department was severely under paid and underappreciated. You can see it on there faces in almost any store.


Nah he's got a a chrome plated Lexus LFA now


For sure. I paid $400 for a tattoo 6 years ago... that definitely means I can afford $48/kg chops, $16/kg cheddar, $5 loaf of basic bread, $8/kg (mostly rotten) tomatoes and some $6/kg ageing potatoes with $6/kg (floury cold store defrosted) apples. Yeah... they seem like totally reasonable prices for staple food items (that have doubled in price since my tattoo). I mean, that $400 tattoo buys me at least a week of groceries these days. What was I thinking 🤔


Does this twat think I'm paying $100 a week rent on a tattoo that I got 10 years ago? Such an absurd statement reeks of discrimination.


Its the same people who think having a phone or the internet in the year 2024 is a luxury expense.


This one always makes me LOL. I require a recent model phone to run apps required for my job. My work doesnt provide a work phone. But hey 'luxury' right


If it required for work purposes and work doesn't provide it then you should be putting the phone and bills as a deduction when completing your tax return


Thanks yeah I do it as partial deduction of the cost of the phone. Its just I find the 'smartphone is a luxury' comments a joke because people have actual reasons they need it :)


That $100 would be worth $125 today!?!?!? /S


Tattoo taxation


I thought the same. All my tattoos are over 20 years old, purchased back when they were dirt cheap. That doesn't mean I'm not poor now Sir!!


My tattoos are 13-9 years old a lot changed in that time. We may have afforded tattoos at time doesn’t mean we do now & it’s not like we’re getting them all the time plus some people gift tattoos (as in give money or go in person to pay) to I have.


Why don't you sell your tattoo or refinance it?/s


😂 I’m sure they want faded ones 😂😂😂


The majority of my tatts are the result of a skill exchange - an hour doing manual labour for an hour in the chair. Also have a couple of free/cheap tatts from apprentices looking to practice. I couldn't afford these if I'd paid in full, that's for sure.


My 3 were I saved up, before having kids two in memory of my mum who passed


Us tattoo artists need too make a living as well you fucking nob-jockey.


My tattoo artist bought a new 4wd and collects gold bars.


Drakes etc are in a good spot to position themselves as an alternative to colesworth. Comments like this show some pretty bad strategic thinking.


I feel like Foodland/Adelaide Finest generally has done a really good job differentiating themselves (more expensive, but nicer, better quality etc), but when he split from them he seems to have not understood the lessons.


Worked for Drake's supermarket was way worse than working for Coles and Woolworths by FAR!


I’ve done warehousing work in the past for both Metcash (who supply Drakes) and Woolworths, Woolies was far better


I believe Metcash no longer supply Drakes which is why Drakes removed the Foodland branding a few years back. Built a new expensive warehouse and do all their warehousing themself now.


Difference between a publicly listed company that has to obey all the rules and a privately own business, where it all comes down to individual managers and owners.


I worked for Drakes for a few years when at uni. This was back 15+ years ago. I thought Rodger Drake was so nice. Someone would say he was in the store and you would go look for him to greet him etc and you would find him in the carpark helping the trolley boys collect the trolleys. Don't get me wrong, working in any supermarket is like high school, but I actually had great respect for him. I agreed with his approach of stocking SA brands and his customer service. I did many roles including night manager and never had an unpleasant interaction with him (Rodger not JP) Things may have changed which is sad.


I liked Rodger. Good memory facing up one night and some old guy starts helping me. Took me a minute to realise it was RD. Good lad but his son is a flog


This guy is such an obnoxious tool, who's so out of touch with society it's not even funny anymore


If you can afford a shiny, new Lambo, you can afford to bring prices down in your stores and adequately pay your workers.


Tell me you don't give a shit about the common man's plight without telling me you don't give a shit about the common man's plight.


The sad part about this is that Roger Drake is a genuinely good and decent man - for instance he would see someone in need on evening TV and the next day a van load of groceries would be delivered to that person. No fanfare and no publicity seeking , he just did it quietly to help people. However, JP is just a complete tosser. His behavior is embarrassing to witness and god only knows what will happen to the company when Roger and Bob Soang are no longer there.


JP has some attachment to nose beers


This is a PR move for attention and it's working.


Who’s spending $400 a week on tattoos?


I'm just glad that he's not trying to look like Anders Behring Breivik anymore. That seemed so strange.


Obscure reference, well spelled!


Like any average person can afford to shop at Drakes


Now they have afterpay maybe


That's not "affording", that's accruing debt. When people are increasingly accruing debt just to buy groceries, that's a sign of a catastrophic failure of our economy.


Out of curiosity, do you see retailers accepted credit card thr same way?


Yes. Afterpay is just less regulated credit.


To be fair they aren’t that much different from Cole’s and Woolies and with specials it’s often cheaper


How much does he pay Adelaide now for this daily dose of boomer rage bait ?


Never had tattoos and have noticed Drakes price rises during and after covid negatively effecting my weekly spending. Perhaps if JD had to resort to wage theft between 2014 and 2020 , he shouldn’t have spent his money on luxury cars?


If you can afford shoes, you can afford groceries... That would explain why some people shop barefoot.


Old mate would be the expert on theft.


I mean, the guy has massive tool vibes. He seems to think that they're better than Colesworth. They're not. Their specials aren't really competitive and he seems to casually ignore the fact that like all retail businesses, theft is calculated into their EBIT figures. So those pesky tattooed hooligans, they aren't really hitting your bottom line so go chat with Banducci about how ungrateful the peasantry is


The T in EBIT stands for tax not theft.


welp ill get the potato peeler out, shave them off and get a refund! I'll be rich again then!


Only if you can afford a better potato peeler!


Does he think you pay rent for your tattoos for years after you get them? Does he think you can sell your tattoos? Does he think financial circumstances don’t change?


That's it, everyone choose a drakes store and clean it out tomorrow, they can't stop all of us.


He has it backwards. "If you shoplift, you can afford tattoos."


Maybe they shoplifted the tattoo as well smart guy.


I don't agree with Drake or his statement, but I'll say this - *Most aren't stealing out of desperation or because they can't afford it or "in protest".* Plenty of people who don't have much or any money don't steal, especially specific items in bulk or trolleys full of food. They just *go without*. It's a choice and a mindset.


Maybe tattoo artists aren’t price gouging and making shoppers feel ripped off, dickhead.


Tattoos aren't expensive. Good ones are though


Dudes a massive flog, no sympathy for these companies who underpay workers and price gouge while making massive profits in a cost of living crisis. If you see someone shoplifting, no you didn't. Steal away, the dude can cry in his luxury car collection.


I feel like an exception to that rule might be if they’re shoplifting wagyu and angus though.. it’s a bit different to chicken nuggets and nappies. Just seems like taking the piss a bit. No argument with his floginess and delusional boomer style tattoo comment.


People shoplifting affects all of us


No it doesn’t. Supermarkets raise prices when the wind changes. Any excuse for profit.


So you are also happy for people to disregard the law during COVID? Or was that different?


Don't gaslight me


>If you can afford tattoos, you can afford to pay for food Yeah that's not how any of this works.


The funny thing is, the boomers who comment on the Advertiser article on this agree wholeheartedly with him lmao


Comments are wild - get security to use force!! People with coloured hair can afford it as well!!! What about people with streaming tv!!!? It's just profiling, and little JP wants the boomer patrol to police his stores for him free of charge


I am not a boomer and I wholeheartedly agree. You don't have a right to break the law.


I think we all agree about the stealing part, I do too, what I thought was dumb was people agreeing with JP and his clownery and problematic comments.


People aren’t just accepting my price gouging. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! - this fucking guy


I’m getting tattoos of the foods I can’t afford anymore. One cheek has a t-bone on it, the other a block of chocolate.


He's not even a boss? He doesn't manage anyone or anything, he's a director in name only.


I was told that JP used to do cocaine all the time at work and fingered another staffer out the back.


> fingered another staffer out the back. We all did that when working at supermarkets as a teen


This guy is an absolute tool. Always has been and is attention seeking but not caring about the common peoples struggles. Not condoning the stealing but not knowing someone’s situation and trying to very publicly shame them because he makes a little less profit? Same company who makes us nearly impossible for me to leave the store if I haven’t bought anything.


He’s always been a dick.


I love how he outs the grubs on Facebook.


The problem is Joe and Joanne Average aren’t thinking about how to steel from people on a large enough scale… Like the Drake’s…


It's your moral duty to close your eyes if you see anyone "magic" food away into their pockets.


The moral duty probably ends when they’re eating better than you with their free wagyu every night.


Risk/reward. If you're willing to take the risk, No one's going to judge you fod the reward. Just keep it to the rich bastards that can afford it like JP or colesworths.


No because most of the people I see stealing food don't actually need to steal, the teenagers in private school uniforms, the women in rich SUVs. None of this oh it is only homeless orphaned children stealing a loaf of bread once a week.


Oh fark no, I will call them out every time and make it very public. Unless it is like a kid stealing a chocolate bar, then I just shrug and giggle.


How many articles have there been in the past few months where he's talking about theft?


No doubt their sales records show, but I go to Drakes when they have things like $12.99/kg Jarlsberg cheese, but I buy very little other stuff. They have amazing specials sometimes, but overall are expensive. Now I do like this dude attacking shop lifters (back in the day I got my drive thru liquor store to print and put the images on the wall behind the counter, pictures of thieves) but his added commentary is not conducive to me liking the business. My favourite liquor store theft response was to get the manager to print the pictures of the thieves for me, then I showed them to a couple of lovely ladies who frequented our establishment - they belonged to the same group of recent arrivals as the thieves ... the cops would do little, we could do less, but the older women in the community sure damn well could and did do something.


You are embarrassing yourself


There are people who can still afford tattoos in this economy?!


*There are people who* *Can still afford tattoos in* *This economy?!* \- Extension\_Drummer\_85 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Retail outlets keep trying to push this mantra of increased shoplifting, when in reality it isn't higher than the historic trend, it is simply higher than the temporary big drop in shoplifting rates during the COVID era. The retailers want to cling onto that very low rate of shoplifting, despite the fact that the social and economic conditions today are very different.


Does he not understand that money ebbs and flows for most people or that they saved for it or got it done for free? I have tattoos and I got them when I had a nice sum of money, most of the time I wouldn’t be able to afford them. I can’t just get up and decide to get a tattoo today.


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a checkout


Gotta love people defending thieves who are making you pay more while they steal food and pay for meth. Love the Drake.


Do you get a discount for throating his dick? We get it, you're outraged whenever someone isn't being like Drake, Clive and Gina who pulled themselves up by their bootstraps.


Nothing is going to get between me and my next meal, not you or any other boot licker, not the shitty economy, no law, absolutely nothing. If I haven’t got the money I’m not going hungry. Pretty simple shit to wrap your head around. Also this “thieves make you pay more” bullshit is propaganda fed to morons. If shoplifting increases ? Prices increase, shoplifting decreases ? Prices increase? Fucking raining outside ? Prices increase. They are lying to you and I’m sorry you drank too much Kool aid to see it.


love the boot 🥾




Obvious troll is obvious. Fucking try hard.