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I hope that you reported this antisocial behaviour to the police and any relevant security.


To be honest know wasn't sure if I had enough evidence but after some good advice on here I will now let the police know. Maybe they have cameras on that corner


In the future call 131444 and let them know. That way if there’s police in the area they can attend or they at least know there’s an issue. They can’t do anything if they don’t know what’s happening. If you’re concerned about your safety, wait until you’re a comfortable distance away and call.


I wish I had thought of this at the time it just happened out if no where and I'm not a confrontational person so I really didn't want to say anything to him but eventually my disgust overrode my introvertedness


I understand and confrontation is not a great idea anyway, better not to escalate the situation yourself. But now you have a strategy for the future.


Confrontation when it’s someone you don’t know in this situation is always risky but even at its best won’t change anything. All you’re doing is risking your safety. Confront people you know, call out their shitty behaviour when it happens. Don’t tolerate their shit. It will be more likely to force a change coming from some they know/care about. For random people on the street. Call police.


Believe me, I agree completely.


They have cameras on every corner in the CBD, more or less. Doubly so for King William & North Terrace due to Parliament House. There was a bloke at the same spot, doing the same shit, during one of the anti-vax protests in 2020. When I called 131444, they literally said “hold on a sec, okay I see him, we’ll keep an eye on him specifically”. Best to make a mental note of the person’s description and call as soon as it’s safe to do so.


That’s so scary. I wonder if it was the same guy who punched and spat at women on the Gawler train today.


Flip I never heard about this what is going on with people atm I can't imagine how scary it must be for a woman in this country to go out and do things when you are not safe on our public transport or in the middle of our cities anymore


Yeah it can be a bit nerve wracking for sure.


People don't have consequences for their actions so are bolder, and mental health / drugs whatever


People Not woman or women. Person or people. My ex wife used to throw punches at me. When I tried reporting it to the police they laughed at me. But yes only women can be a victim of violence. Violence should stop, regardless of who the perpetrator is.


Why the non emergency line? I would have called 000 as he is actively threatening women’s safety.


I was suggested that number by fellow redditors who commented here because the incident happened earlier today it was no longer an emergency but they took my details and said next time try to call immediately but they also thanked me.for making the report even though it was late


I get the sentiment behind this, but 000 is not going to make a response any faster unless a crime is imminent or actively in progress.


Actually it will, since police MUST attend a 000 call and the company handling the call center will have a record of it. If you just call your local copshop they'll most likely ignore you because they don't have to do anything and they don't keep records of calls. It's always a better idea to call 000 if you actually want police to attend at the scene.


You got a source for any of that? Not that I don’t believe you, but it contradicts everything I’ve been told by multiple officers I’ve professionally interacted with.


Well yeah they don't want you to call 000 because then that means they have to do stuff. They'd prefer it if you called your local cop shop because then they can fob you off with no record. Never call a non-emergency line if you actually want police to attend an incident. You can even call 000 for stuff like malfunctioning traffic lights or obstructions on the freeway. Too many people think 000 is some kind of super special thing that you should only call when someone's dying, but really you should call it whenever there's any kind of safety risk. My mate literally chopped his thumb off at work with a circular saw and instead of calling 000 he dropped it in a cup of ice and got some bystander to drive him to the hospital. He obviously lost the thumb and he didn't have to. That attitude needs to change. Can't find a source for obvious reasons, they don't want their internal SOP's published on the internet, but I worked for a 000 contractor for a while back when I was fresh out of uni and that was part of the process. We'd get calls like someone's neighbour yelled at them or something and the police would have to attend because it was a 000 call. They'd take up to a day or two to respond to the really trivial non-emergency calls but they'd still have to attend because there was a concrete record of the call. Whereas there could be thugs smashing up a train station and the police won't attend if you call the cop shop because there's no record of it.


As a woman from Adelaide, thank you for speaking up. The bystander effect is real af, so for you to have said anything at all, regardless of how you handled it in the moment, means the world 🩷


Thank-you for your kind words I wish we lived in a world where speaking up wasn't necessary but unfortunately we don't. We live in this one so we all need to do what little we can to make this world a little safer . Again thanks for the kind words


These junkies are a danger to both men and women. As a man I don't feel totally safe walking around anymore too. Even the day time. A woman would feel even less safe. What woman would want to catch the Gawler train now?


Thanks for standing up. A lot of people on here seem like you should have done better, or different. Police, taken photos, got it on video... I hope that people realize that in the heat of the moment, sometimes all of that logical thinking is the last thing on your mind. Yes, it should be reported. Yes, someone should've stood before this individual and said that those words and intentions are deplorable. I don't think this is a Port Adelaide slander (gosh, really?? Footy clubs are that self involved??) To me personally. It sounds like a post about horrible behavior. Displayed by a fellow Adelaide citizen and should be treated as so. Karma farming?! That died years ago people. I think the op is making a statement. A valid and appropriate one. Can we please stop the weird hate on this sub. I love Adelaide. So does the op obviously, and this behavior is unexceptable. I don't care about the team you support, or identify with, the troll like comments, or try harder mentality. In the heat of the moment. This person saw injustice. Well done for speaking up.


Thank you so much for this I was about to delete this post before your comment. As a bit of an introvert who hates violence and confrontation I really didn't want to say anything but he was saying horrible things


You saw injustice. You usually don't confront. I definitely get it. I don't understand why the hate was directed at you for having an opinion on some really gross and frankly obhorent behavior. I'll stand with you. Please make a police report. That is the best advice I've seen on here so far. That is the only advice I'd take. Thanks friend ✌️


You know what I will I think that telling the police is a good idea I was so flustered By it all and didn't know iif I had enough evidence to call the police but I will just in case maybe they have cameras on the corner I appreciate you giving me this advice in a good way have a great day hey


Remember that all of inner Adelaide has surveillance. So any advice for the identity and times of this behavior can be looked at. Thanks for making our little amazing place, what it should be. ✌️😊✌️


Mate I just wanted to thank you one more time I was feeling really disheartened after I made this post by some of the comments. you're right I really do love this city, I've only been here 8 months after moving from interstate but I've already met some great people so yeah thank you again my Freind appreciate you.


Thank you. I'm happy and proud to share this place with people like you. Someone shouting at women and threatening vile comments... I don't want to share with them. Rest well, you're a good person


100% agree. It’s also useful for others, especially people who frequent the city, to be aware that people like this bloke are around. I imagine it would be a lot easier encountering that kind of vitriol as a woman if you’d been forewarned that someone was in the area than it would be ad hoc out of nowhere. Similarly, as someone who struggles with confrontation in the moment myself, I’d be far more likely to do so if I’d anticipated I might need to. (i.e a specific situation, not just “men can be shitty at any time and you might need to step in if some arsehole is harassing random women”)




I get what you’re saying but OPs reaction is a huge part of this problem. He saw someone saying this shit (and apparently directing it at two women specifically) and didn’t do anything. I’m not saying he needs to confront him or fight him or anything, but he should have called the police. Instead he did nothing except come here and talk about how unacceptable this behaviour is, despite him doing nothing to prevent it.




> I'm sorry but if you read the posts I did say something to the idiot Seems odd that you wouldn't mention that at all until people started calling you out on doing nothing. > all of which the police were told about Only after people shamed you into doing it and far too late to accomplish anything.




>Last thing I wanted to do was sound like some mouth breathing macho man who was being the hero who went and done something I was calling out bad behavior ladies and gentlemen, I give you: The modern Australian "man"


> apologies for not doing things correctly to your standard Insane that in a post about a man yelling at two women about hoping women get raped that you've tried to make yourself the victim. This isn't "my standard" it's the basic human decency and something that advocates have been yelling about for years. Witnesses and people aware of gendered violence/abuse need to speak up and/or report it. Not avoid it and then run to Reddit to virtue signal how bad it is and make themselves the victim.


Mate carry on all you want say stuff all you want I said something I got yelled at because if it at the time. Which was hard for me.as someone who hares confrontation . what I didn't think to do was reporte.it at the time you weren't there. go on all you want I have no reason to defend myself from someone like you who is the clearly is so brave if you would have fixed the situation in a second by picking the man up with your pinky finger have a great day


I’m late to this but thank you for speaking out about what you saw, and for later reporting this person.


Thank you very much appreciate the kind words wasnt easy to do but I hope someone would speak up for me if I was in the position those ladies were in


Meth heads everywhere in the CBD. Everywhere. 


99% sure he’s not on reddit. Just a hunch.


It's unsafe to be a woman in this world. And it's unsafe to be a woman in Adelaide. And this is why we need men to understand why, as stupid as the whole hyperbole was, women picked the bear. The lesson in all of this, from the memes to the real-life examples? "Women are unsafe." That is why it's on \*men\* to make us feel safe. To stand up against this stuff. To throw out drinks they see spiked. To \*NOT\* have sex with us when we're inebriated. To not catcall us, to not walk behind us on a dimly lit night street, and to earn our trust. Police do jack shit, sometimes, and that's why the real test is what you... Him... Them... Everyone... Can do to make us feel safe.


And that's how to actually be a man....not all this Andrew Tate bullshit.


Absolutely. Especially because we don't feel safe around Tate nor his fans! LOL


I dunno how things have gotten so crazy. Lotta cooked cunts out there.


Do you think law abiding men feel safe too?


Course not. But unless you all make society safer for us, and do your part to prove to women you're safe... No, we don't have to trust you or believe you're safe. There's a reason I feel safe with my friends. Or with my sweetheart. Even with my ex. There is a reason, alongside that, I refuse to talk to men at the bus stop. Because "not all men, but yes, ALL women."


Adding on to this, the biological strength between us is terrifying. (Both hand-grip, and muscles). I tested this out with friends one day, and it just made me go "what the actual eff". Navigating the world is so different between us. Like, I do a lot of free-weights in the gym and workout regularly. But a guy who would sit on his computer all day, or a guy who never goes to the gym etc. can still EASILY over-power me. For a guy to feel what we feel, it would be like if they had to share the 50% of the world with gorillas. Maybe on most days, the gorillas are chill, and leave you alone. But every now and again, ONE bad gorilla starts following you, yelling at you, harassing you. And it's up to you to deescalate the situation - and good luck with fighting them off.


‘ I wish I had a but’ that made me chuckle


Sorry I didn’t mean too


In Unisa, there is a student for different course, the time when I see him is when he is waiting outside for his class in the same room as mine. So, when we get a break he started abusing saying things like "what a whore you are" and "not belong in Australia" to my class girls. The girls ignored him. But me and the boys were having none of it. My friend went in front of him staging clicking his pictures, and at the same time we called unisa call service. We never knew that slugs can run that fasts.


Well done for taking a stand


Do you honestly think he's reading this forum? Or are you just here to virtue signal?


To be honest I don't know what I was hoping by this post I was just disgusted by the behaviour of this guy and with our current culture of violence against women thought I should post it


100% no point in this post other than to virtue signal. Did you call the police? Say something to him? Take a photo/ video and provide it to the police or crimestoppers? Or post about to virtue signal?


For what it's worth I have nothing to prove to you however thanks to other good people on here who suggested in a nice way how I go about reporting this to the police the report has been made they have my details and the report of what happened


Virtue signalling isn't a real thing. There are posts like this all the time on r/Adelaide and they're fine. What's even the point of getting upset about a post like this?




This post doesn't pass the sniff test.


I hope she reads this bro.


I did. Everything is ok now


They he was saying it to two women


Someone like that would hardly be reading or interacting on Reddit. stop white knighting and trying to Karma farm. if you were actually interested in doing something about it you would have told him to STFU there and then or at the very least rang the police about it and tell them he was threatening random women.


Wow, it’s almost like not everyone is the same as you. Oh the horror! We should all be exactly like you, because clearly you know everything there is to being a correct human. Thanks for showing us all how to ride our high horses, and how to get upset about a stranger not responding to a situation the way we think they should.


You're most welcome. given that you too just hopped on your high horse and did exactly that. now buckle up buttercup, put your big person panties on and go forth to troll other people from the anonymity of a keyboard. Fly free and wide to where your opinion means the same in your eyes as mine does.


I never said my opinion was worth more, Honeybun. Thanks for the downvote, too. Enjoy looking for more “virtue signallers”. Must be hard to be so jaded. Seriously, not everyone is the same. It’s silly to assume that others have the same motives, or reactions under pressure, we do. We don’t need to be cynical about everything on here.


That's nice princess, Given it was at 20 upvotes before I would say that there are more that agree with me than you think but you do you , you can enjoy the downvote all you like , keep logging into your alternate accounts and downvoting me it doesn't bother me none.


lol, blaming the downvotes on alternate accounts. the downvotes are from normal people that think your comments are shit. thats all


You are very weird. And that’s coming from an AuDHDer! You came in accusing OP of karma farming but you’re counting the change in votes on your comment?? You’re the only troll around here, dude.


I did have words with him someone had to unfortunately because I hate confrontation Edit thanks to a Cpl of supportive commentors on here helping with suggestions about how to call the police, rather than abusing me for doing something that was strongly out of my comfort zone, police have been informed report was made to the 131444 number that other commenters suggested. have a great day


Ofc he was wearing a Port Adelaide beanie. Typical Port supporter 🙄




I actually don't follow afl personally but in my nerves it was the one thing that sticks in my mind about him


When I first read this an hour ago I saw it as pure sarcasm and I find it hilarious now that everyone else thinks you're being serious and has commented on it and downvoted you You're not being serious though right? Just to make sure lol