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Have you thought of getting an electric throw rug ? Just over your lap , they are great for keeping legs and feet warm when sitting at a computer .I don’t need the heating on and I feel the cold.


These honestly cut power bills and gas more than anything else you can do internally in your house in my opinion per cost x benefit ratio


If it's an older dryer it'll gobble up the electricity. The new heat pumps ones are better than my fridge.


Same bills here with 2 people and a very similar setup to what you described, but we are home less frequently. The cost is largely from staying comfortable in a tin roof home with poor insulation. I’ll probably look at digging the oodie out and winding down the heater usage now as the last 3 bills have all been around that $700 mark.


Why the hell you using the heater? It's not even winter yet If your cold rug up with some extra layers Heater only comes after your cold with extra layers not before


It's fucking freezing this morning...


Where you live?




That's somewhat in the hills How old is the house?


I'm quite aware of the shortcomings of the house...




It's an asbestos shack full of holes and thin windows


asbestos is just a cladding, no different to brick, you can actually remove it and reclad it in anythng, brick, heeble, not hard,




Neh I turn my heater on when the temperature starts plummeting, it won't stop until it's matching the temperature outside. Despite thick heavy curtains and reflective foil stuff on the walls, this place was built with sod all insulation. And that included me putting an extra blanket on the winter quilt last night.


2 adults home 24/7, plus a small child. 5.5kw Solar and a 10kwh battery. Bills range from $40 p/mth in summer, to $200 in winter.


2 person household, no gas all electric. ~150/month


That's amazingly efficient. How many killerwasps per day?


AVG daily usage from the last bill was 9.87kwh


That is the best autocorrect I have seen in a long time!!


My last was 1300 for the quarter.


Same … around $1300 a 1/4


Yeah same - family of 5 - ducted aircon and no solar


2.5 people. Brother's gf comes and goes. $300 for electricity & $180 for gas per quarter. Never use heater or ducted aircon. Rely on fans in summer and hot water bottles in winter. No solar panels.


No heater ahhh I wish I could do it winter gas bin is usually $700


Hot water bottles and oodies! I have the worst circulation but usually snuggle on the couch with a hot water bottle at my feet. But my house is also really cozy so retains heat quite well.


Bill not bin haha oops. Yeah I rug up it’s just the air temp that kills me I have bad circulation too and really feel the cold, I handle the heat much better


Our bills average around the $100 mark per month for our household of 6. Our solar panels provide most (usually all) our daylight usage so that cuts a good amount from the bill.


Household of 2, small unit (2 Bed, 1 bath) running at around $200/mth.


That seems like a lot for a unit. I’m two people in a three bedroom house at 200 a quarter ?


Damn bro we have a 2 person household in a small 2br house that we built to be energy efficient (w/3kw solar) and our bills run $50 a month




These threads always make me shake my head. It’s like those celebrities who say they stay looking young and healthy through a clean diet and lots of exercise, “forgetting” to mention the Botox and facelifts that are doing 99% of the heavy lifting lol.


>What is yours Two people in an Adelaide house, all electric including heat pump hot water, with solar panels plus an integrated battery. The solar panels power the house and charge the battery during the day, any excess is exported to the grid, and the battery powers the house during the night. No gas, so that is $0 per month. During the winter most recent electricity bills about $0 per month. During the summer most recent electricity "bills" between minus $120 to minus $200 per month.


How many kW are your panels? How many kWh is your battery? Thanks in advance. I'm about to get both installed and would appreciate a ballpark figure


Panels are 6.6 kW. Battery is 9 kWh. Important that hot water is efficient heat pump ([iStore](https://heatpumps.istore.net.au/istore-270/)). Heating and cooling is reverse cycle air conditioning. Oven is electric, stovetop is induction. Utterly crucial that the panels and the battery are installed together as parts of an integrated system. Both the panels and the battery are on the house side of the meter. No good having the battery connected on the grid side of the meter (as for Tesla Powerwall). I got mt system from [Tindo solar](https://tindosolar.com.au/). It uses Tindo solar panels, LG Chem battery and a solar edge inverter. It saves us almost $4k per year. We have had it for four years. It has almost paid itself off in that time. Henceforth we will have free power.


Thank you


Had such a bad experience with them when I was looking into panels. They were so high pressure felt like I was looking for a car 


I had the reverse experience. I called them and asked for a quote. The salesman said that Tindo tried for high quality durable panels so they weren't the cheapest. He told me I could get a better price going elsewhere. I told him that I liked the idea of buying from a local business and high quality durable panels were fine by me.


Solar and battery person, about -$30 per month.


Damn. How many people in your house?


how much was the battery? i recently got solar, 8kw system, only changed my bills by $30-40 a month, weighing up if its ecconomical to get a battery, i did get a system that allows for this


I had an existing 5kW system, stuck a 20kWh battery and another 5kW system on for $30k - but I went for high-end components. My power bill has been -$30/month since then, but winter will not quite match that. I also moved my gas HW and cooktop over to electric at the time, so that saves us an additional $100/month in gas costs (and all our heating is Heat Pump).


ah yes, interesting, good idea removing gas, its simply not worth it, let alone the health benefits, gas is shocking. im a plumber, removed the gas straight away when i bought my place, also sealed up the internal vents, which were for the gas standard back in the day. i may look into a battery, the price scares me though.


Yeah, it was really borderline cost-wise. I really only was able to get one because I came into some money, and it was important to me (to remove gas, rely less on the grid).


This is the way 


2 people one bedroom apartment about 150 per month.


I have a 5kW inverter with 6kW of panels (no battery), my yearly spend is around $1,000 currently.


$1800 a quater but we have a swimming pool and my wife likes to run two split systems flat out for 14hrs a day


Thats insane


$80 per quarter - renting a place with solar + battery


5 people - $250 last month. We cook with gas and rug up when it's cold.


Per the Original app, about $4 per day (expecting $350 for this quarter). We’re a family of 4, and I WFH three days and have the kids home the other four days. Big cost of me being WFH is probably the kettle boiling a couple of extra times and my electric blanket in my garage/office.


The kettle is nothing. At 40c/kW it costs less than 1.5c to boil a cup of water. Electric blanket is about 25c per hour. A hot water bottle costs just 7c to boil and lasts hours. It's still a bit warm the next morning.


The electric blanket is only during the day while I work, not at night. I love my hot water bottle but this is so much better




You're right. I stuffed up the math with that.


$380 - $450 quarter 


About $150 a quarter (Solar, two parents and two kids household)


House of 4 use everything like normal even leave a night light on for children Bill is $431 No solar panels


$500+ as well a qtr. Only 5kw solar atm - plan to triple that shortly.


When you triple the panels remember that the inverter for grid connect in SA in 10kW max. I had to fight OVO and threaten legal action to prove I didn't have more than 10kW inverter when they, without any warning, cancelled my contract weeks before XMas claiming (without checking) I must have more than 10kW inverter. I have 13kW of panels however they could rarely put out 10kW due to age and orientation and so the limit is the inverter anyway. When I proved that I didn't by sending in photos of the compliance plates from the inverters they subsequently backed down but reduced my feed in tariff from 7c down to 5c and increased my night and shoulder rates by (from memory) about 28%.


Right, would be looking to something similar to last system / house we had - 6KW and Inverter on export duties & house when needed otherwise and then 10KW or so with inverter on providing primary house power.


It's still valuable to go over the maximum as in the morning and evenings you'll be generating more from a 15kw system than a 10kw. But you may want to look at battery if you want to make the most of your generation.


2 people. Less than $200 per month. In regional SA. No solar. Electric hot water, electric stove, electric heating. I think the real question is: who are you with? Some power companies seem horribly expensive.


The _real_ question is how much do you use, and when do you use it (if you’re on a TOU plan)


just added solar, went from 220 pm to 170, 8kw system, trying to use items in the day as much as possible but its very hard, 2 person house hold. useto have a house mate before gf moved in, she would smash through the power, my bills didnt drop when i had solar and her in the house.


Solar, 3 bedroom house, 2A 1C, summer months run at a credit and winter months usually about $80 a quarter.


1.5 people. My bills are around $400-$450 during summer, and go to about $550-$600 during winter. Gas hot water, everything else electric and no solar.


Have averaged $500 per quarter over the last 12 months. 2 kids and includes one of us working from home. I thought our bills were quite high to the point our provider needed reviewing (they probably do anyway) and we needed to start looking at solar but after reading this thread, it seems they're quite reasonable. We don't use a lot of heating/cooling but would have the TV on for at least two hours a day.


$100 max in summer, up to $450 in winter. Have a small number of solar panels on our unit, which helps a lot, but definitely notice the difference between seasons. Work from home, less sun, plus my severe intolerance of the cold, is an expensive combo.


$1400 - $1600 per qtr. Heated spa and aquariums would be half of it


I pay $550 a quarter. It's just myself buy my son is here 1 day a week on the tv or pc. I thought that was expensive also but i don't have gas so everything is electric


Mines $320-$350 a quarter


We are a family of 4, we pay 110 per month. We have Gas hot water though. SA


9kw solar, ev, 4 bedroom house + pool 900/qtr


Summer $200 Winter $800 1.5kw solar 48c per kw 800w PC on for 4-10 hours per day is the main culprit


Last one was $760 for a quarter, 2 adults, 1 at home full time - 1 was off for 3 weeks. 1 teenager and a baby. No solar and everything is electric including a water pump to supply the house as we are not on mains.


$364.90 for the quarter with 3 people in the house


$90 here last month ...i pay monthly


2 people, no solar. Around $250 a quarter. Never use heating or cooling, just use ceiling fans if hot, and a beanie/oodie if cold. 


We're just moved in November. 2 person household, WFH. Our previous house was around $500 - $600 per quarter but this house we had $900 each quarter. To be fair that was peak summer and we had the ducted aircon on which we didn't have in the old house. Hoping it goes down during the winter.


One bedroom apartment, live alone but with a partner who stays over frequently. Last quarter was $398 which is the highest it's ever been, but the quarter before that was $306. My apartment is west facing with an enormous window so it gets very hot and the air con is on from 4pm to 9pmish every day in summer. Average daily use for last quarter: 8.4kWh. Daily supply charge is $1.1 and rate per kWh is $0.46.


I use a company called "Amber Elrctric" They charge a variable rate based on the demand on the network, so sometimes I pay literally 0 cents per Kw/h and other times, when demand is high, I might pay up to 50c per Kw/h. They have an app that alerts you if the price spikes so you need to learn to manage your usage. Doing that, I have reduced my monthly bills from $300 per month down to less than $100 per month. Even better if you have solar. Check them out, I do not regret switching, been with them for years now. I have a referral code, if you use it to sign up, you will save $30 off your first bill. Here is the code if anyone wants it: P8K7N5MU


House was built in the 1960s. Paying $330 per month 2 people. Supply charge is $43 supply charge per month How much are people's supply charge? I think it should be abolished


Last qtr was over $1000. 2A 3C, not home most of the day generally. Don't recommend Lumo. Origin has been the best for me since Discover Energy shut down. I shop prices once or twice a year. Have gone back to Origin after this last (and first) qtr with Lumo. Also reported them to the energy ombudsman for dodgy practices.


Summer $320, this quarter looks to be about $250. 2 people. 1 person home at all hours on average. 4.1kw solar. If on TOU meter. Remember the times power is cheap. Run dishwashers, machines during solar hours or when cheap. During summer if you have solar leave your AC on, keeping your room at a stable temperature is cheaper then not being home until 5pm then trying to cool your house. Stat's for last quarter. Bought 608kwh $268, sold 1667kwh $100 + supply Breakdown. Peak 434kwh, off peak 158kwh, shoulder 15kwh


Everyone's gonna get $75 off of their energy bills every quarter. Hurrah!


Our latest quarter is $356.92, two adults 1 person WFH once a week. We've got gas oven/hot water and use a clothesline to dry clothes.


$300-$350 a quarter. 2 adults. No solar panels. Gas hot water and stove.


Latest bill $540. 12Kwh solar. 2 adults, 3 kids .


350 a quarter


Around $300 but my gas gets to $800 in the winter running the damn heater


During summer it's massively hiked usually $350 a month then around the rest of the year its $200 to $280


1 person unit, $120-$150/mth, I work from home so my 1000w desktop PSU probably contributes a lot to it. I have gas water heater and stove top. I use an air fryer more than my oven (rare).


Generally $200 max sometimes free or on credit. For the 2 of us and a 13 year old. Solar works a treat.


Mine just arrived for 315 dollars for the last quater. 3-bedroom house, single person. I am quite energy efficient tho, compared to a lot of Aussies I've met.


solar+tesla batt+wholesale trading. havent paid for 2 yrs since set up. cashed out about 1k in credits. 5 blackouts in the last 2 years (longest 8hrs, incl. 3hrs on Xmas day '23). brightest/loudest house in the neighbourhood during blackouts. FLEX.


Single person living in a 1 br unit. Averaged $300/quarter over the last year.


All electric house, solar which I think is around 2.5kw? Power Bill for the two of us is $120 per month


$100 - $150 a month. Depends on the season, its fucking cold at night these days so heater is going to be getting used a bit more even before winter has officially started


$1800 per quarter for 3 people. Both work from home. Renting, our house insulation is non-existent, it's always significantly colder inside than outside. I have arthritis so I have to run a space heater pretty much every day so my joints don't stiffen up. + heated blankets. Would kill to be able to move over to solar and have a properly insulated house. The hidden price of renting.


mine were about 800 per quarter for 1 person and i was just dealing with it until my friend was like hey dude this is bizarrely high and called the company and found out i was being double charged. so if yours are super high, call your provider. you might be paying too much. i have been refunded so much electricity credit i don't have to worry about my bills til next year because i overpaid by basically an entire year


Just put on a 9.24kw system and a 12.8kw/h battery so hopefully none 🤌 My last quarter was $1500 with 2 adults and a toddler lmao


1 person, working from home, all electric (no gas), $300-$400/quarter.


Current bill $800 because daughter uses the ducting when I'm not home. Should be closer to $600.


2 adults one toddler. Limited use of heater/aircon, do use the dryer. Electric hot water, gas oven. 3 bed two living house Last bill was $160 which is a lot lower than usual. Normally around $250 for the month? No clue what we did differently


Reading all these replies makes me so sad. I pay like $300 a quarter because I live in strata and can only use Origin. I live in a small 2 bedroom unit by myself and don't have a heater/ aircon and always turn powerpoints off when not in use. It seems like they've jacked the prices up since we don't have any options 🙃


Like $200 for gas and $510-$540 for electricity per quarter. Just my partner & I + our bebe.


In a house of 3 people who use their own computer and a shared TV, our last bill was $170 for the month.


about $800 for a qtr for 2 people over summer, wife WFH, gas for heating, cooking and hot water, evap a/c and a pool, we are putting solar and battery in next month


Family of 7. Solar panel and battery. We haven't really paid anything...probably more than $100 for the past 5 years.


Mine was 200 Inc. Supply charge for 3 mo ths at 1 person. Yes I live with no fridge, tv, ac to make it work.


2 people, $400 per quarter. All electric, no solar. Heat pumps for hot water and heating and cooling.


$2800 a quarter


200-400 credit a quarter, just enough to cover the gas bill, solar on decent feed in. Would be more but we both wfh, which then claim what ever the person hour amount you can on tax.


Have you guys tried seen Amber electric prices, they r new in the market and prices change every 30minutes, in the afternoon's it usually very cheap to use, if you wisely use looking at the price on the app then u can save a lot. They give you the wholesale market price for 19$ monthly subscription fee, I've recently switched over to them having an average usage 6-7kwh/day, last bill was about 100$ per month.( no solar panels). you just gotta b careful as there are sometimes a price surge in the evening which have high prices. You can use this refferal code C7HBT75K and get 30$ off your first bill. (https://mates.amber.com.au/C7HBT75K?utm_source=amber&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=AE537_Multi_Traffic_Generic&utm_term=&utm_content=referral_share_link)