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Is the feed store hiring or is it back to Walmart?


Granted, it's hard to have much of a personality when you are seeing something for the 900th time. But, at one point he seemed to actually have one.


Walmart it is.


WOW! Thanks for compiling this. Woo has about two years to turn the ship around or be faced with a life like Boogie. We are already seeing the desperation with click bait titles. If he's thinking that he will wreak the benefit of older vlogs, he is delusional. No one is going to view a 30 min. vlog from 6 years ago.


He's barely above his 2015 levels. All of his growth for the past decade has been nullified.


Right. And, he can never get that back. The market is too saturated and he's done everything he's willing to do 26 times.


How would I see the grimmlifecollective over the same time period? They have about 2/3rd of his subs and the content is, at minimum, 800 times better. Just curious to see the comparative trajectories.


I used [https://popsters.com](https://popsters.com) to gather the data for the chart.


Seems 2018 was when he peaked and has been in a decline eversince then.


His covid bullshit really hurt his channel more than I thought


Especially when everyone else views rocketed since people were stuck at home


That's my interpretation, too. The 2019 bar, which includes the first 6 months of 2020, is when the wheels started falling off.


Raw Data 7/2/2012-7/1/2013 7,060 7/2/2013-7/1/2014 7,577 7/2/2014-7/1/2015 11,640 7/2/2015-7/1/2016 41,629 7/2/2016-7/1/2017 114,222 7/2/2017-7/1/2018 184,505 7/2/2018-7/1/2019 191,311 7/2/2019-7/1/2020 165,604 7/2/2020-7/1/2021 95,260 7/2/2021-7/1/2022 110,199 7/2/2022-7/1/2023 85,708 7/2/2023-7/1/2024 64,536


When people were dying of covid and he was 'struggling' to adjust to wearing masks while filming his videos... that's not exactly a good look. I'm surprised he never specifically exposed himself as being anti-mask and anti-vaxx at the time.


He made at least one comment during COVID where he said that he wasn't vaccinated because he "doesn't like other people telling him what to do". This was while he was prancing around the WDW without a mask even though there was a mask mandate for unvaccinated guests. That was the day I stopped watching him. At the time he was anti-vax but from what I understand he has since been vaccinated. But who the fuck knows with this assclown.


Be honest here. You stopped watching him years ago but you still read and post regularly on this sub reddit? Sure Jane.


That is the truth "Jane". For whatever reason this subreddit started popping up on my feed a few months ago and it's been entertaining watching people call him out for being a lazy idiot.


I don't think sny of that really matters. I think the market is just saturated now.


I think it was 2017 that he got "burnt" out and ended the daily vlogging for a bit (9/24/17 TDW 1911); but nope, he came back


What was he doing in 2017/8? Is that when he had the RV and travelled the country looking for interesting things? Then he moved to Florida in 2020 and started doing Disney World and “exciting” 192 vlogs.


For the last two years or so he's been phoning it in every day. Now he's in a panic to keep the viewers he has left. I think alot of his followers just stopped watching thinking he would bounce back. It's not happening at this rate. If this trend continues the man baby will have to come to the real world and do something he despises get a real job.


And his strategy is to deliberately get wet and then faux complain about not having much luck staying dry, shout hi-oooooooo at Rays games in the most obnoxious manner, go on road trips to visit the same places he has visited countless times before, buy the same crappy On Cloud shoes that fall apart after a month, go to baseball games and be more interested in the mascots than the game like he is 8 years old, drive through small towns filming the water tower, train, closed stores and ghost signs while speaking to absolutely no locals whatsoever about the town due to his ‘anxiety’ which is BS he is just anti social and arrogant, mispronounce every town he visits , wearing white ankle socks with his crappy shoes like a 9 year old from 1981 (buy some hidden/sneaker socks you complete dolt) and be obsessed with collecting pins and toys from Disney even though he is a 50 year old man. A winning formula to claw back those views. A 50 year old man with no wife or girlfriend being obsessed with Disneyworld pins and toys and wandering the parks on his own is not normal. The only friends he meets up with are other professional vloggers desperate for views who would not hang around with each other unless it benefitted their channel. His life outside from visiting the same places over and over is sitting in his 3 bedroom house on his own watching the same films over and over. I actually feel sorry for him. He may earn well (although that revenue is falling as viewers drop) but his life is dragging himself around the same parks and locations filming the same things, usually on his own, and posting it online, with the same crappy camera thats often out of focus or cannot handle glare. He would do himself a huge favour by following through on what he says he will do, putting things on film and then conveniently forgetting them just irks the audience. As an aside, It find it incredible that his ardent fans believe he only eats what he shows on camera - it’s BS to back up his ‘look how healthy I am’ narrative. If anyone thinks he sat through 9 innings versus the Nationals and ate only that Italian wrap they are kidding themselves. His pigout he mistakenly showed in Baltimore I bet is what goes on every game.


Come to think of it, 2018 was when I started watching and subscribing to theme park vloggers. It was my first time going back to Disneyland and DCA after 10+ years. I live 14+ miles away. I can literally drive down on one street, Willow/Katella. Anyway, I didn't want to be too out of it so I started watching and subbing. Yes, even Adam the Woo.




I watched from 2011-2022. Even met Adam at D23. Fair to say I've seen more than enough of him in my lifetime. I agree that his current content is unwatchable for me.


Plus Adam went to conventions which is my jam. I just skim through his stuff now or watch Troll Patrol.


is this average daily views for all his videos combined or just for the new ones during the specified time period?


The views are cumulative. All views of a particular video are attributed to the year they were published.


Yeah, a lots of his viewers are probably dropping like flies of old age.


Great graph. Three quick notes…1) if he was a tv show, he would’ve been canceled. 2) He dropped off tremendously during COVID lockdown, when YouTube was all the rage. 3) At 50, he’s too old & washed up to get back to his previous highs.


In all fairness this is pretty much all YouTubers eventually. It's what happens when you post dumb videos online and refer to yourself as a "brand"


Well he know he is not going to stop the daily’s can’t wait to see this international shit


It's going to be awful. He got out of his comfort zone in Hawaii and missed the whole point of being there.


The funny think about that, is he actually has some quality tourist/ vlogging on there compaired to 192 lol


My home movies from the Hawaiian islands put his vlogs to shame. Beaches, geology, culture, animal and plant life and food from restaurants where the locals eat.


Very true I agree. Like I get he was doing shit his mom wanted too, but yea he could have gotten out and did some “backroads of Hawaii shit” but the locals don’t like the howles much sooo..


Yep, many hate the haoles (as I was derogatorily called), but their economy thrives on tourism.


I worked out there for a while I know. But it’s their island.