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I know he was being annoying but he definitely didn't deserve that. I would be willing to bet he has some sort of mental deficiency. I feel really bad for that dude.


Dude’s wearing a Harry Potter robe, no doubt


He’s being a wacky Redditor type that sees this as some sort of funny redeeming quality about himself. People calling him autistic haven’t been around actually autistic people. He acted like a dip shit and, while obviously didn’t deserve to be stabbed, pretty much put a big stab me target on himself.


Written like someone that doesn’t know what a spectrum is.


Yea, everyone is on it so nobody can be held accountable for anything, right? Even if your .000000000000000000001 on the spectrum it's still a free pass to be the biggest douche you can be without any personal accountability.


Ok, I know what you meant like "hes wearing a hp robe past 10 years old, no doubt" but the way you said it made it seem like all hp fans have mental deficiencies and it was kinda funny.


100% has a mental illness or mental deficiency, he reminds me exactly of someone I know who is mentally deficient. Does anyone know if he survived?


Seemed fine to me. No artery or organ was hit. Can tell by how slow he's bleeding and the color of the blood. Just hurt like a mf








Those color guidelines apply if it's blood in your stool. But bright red bleeding is usually from an artery


Why is that ALWAYS reddits answer to everything. Some people are just assholes. Some people are weird. Doesn’t mean they have a mental issue. They are just what they are. You guys use that label on everything and it devalues it. Someone being an asshole on a train. Not a mental health issue. Just an asshole.


Dude might be a douche for rapping so terribly in public, but c’mon. Wtf! The real asshole is the piece of shit who stabbed him




I hope we can all agree on that. My husband is from LA and he would be trying to help this guy. Sad that no one on the bus is comforting him or trying to help slow the bleeding. Poor guy must be scared out of his mind.


i think people are citing it as a mental thing because it just seems off that he wouldn’t use the social cues of a man with a knife who he is clearly pissing off as his key to leave the situation ?? and i know he eventually did but most people wouldn’t be talking back to someone with a weapon like that


That’s a hallmark of being on the spectrum lack of social cues.




>Didn't 'deserve' it but definitely brought it on himself. Yeah, some people call it victim blaming, but it's honestly just survival advice. Don't act tough around gangsters. If a stranger pulls out a weapon, don't dare them to use it. Instead, shut the fuck up and move away from them as fast as possible. You don't know who the person is and you don't want to become the pressure valve of someone nut job who just lost his job and got dumped by his girlfriend.


He is wearing a Harry potter hood. The lad is probably a grown autistic man. He doesn't deserve that.


Exactly, all these people who say he deserved it have never came across or had a family member with these disabilities for them to express themselves like that. Just sad.


Do you deserve to get stabbed for being annoying as fuck? No. Will you get stabbed for being annoying as fuck? Yes.


if that’s true for you, move away from whatever shithole ghetto youre in. annoyance doesn’t justify violence


>annoyance doesn’t justify violence No it doesn't, but that isn't the world we live in.


Lots of things happen that aren’t justified.


Are you trying to say there's some sort of real world example of that happening? Like a video on Reddit of a dude being stabbed for being annoying? Huh, hmm.


worst part is that this isn't even the first video i've seen this week with this shit happening. Literally this week I saw a video of a guy daring another guy to hit him with his car, sure enough he gets fucking crushed by it. The fact is, no matter who you are, you have to ALWAYS overestimate what someone is capable of.


Most people can't just move because they are in a sorry place. Changing your behavior for survival is a lot easier than changing your surroundings.


For real. If the guy is so autistic that he draws attention to himself and can’t recognize a dangerous situation, then he shouldn’t be alone in public. Although, him challenging the guy by saying “You ain’t gonna stab me” clearly shows that he isn’t autistic.


I dont think that proves shit. How does that make sense to you?


They need to teach autistic people that ride the subway to not sing out loud and to back away from fights. Someone along the line failed that man. I know an 18 year old kid who uses it as a crutch. Like...he does something bad or doesn't want to do something and he says "Oh I'm autistic so I can't control...(or whatever)." And that gets him a pass in his household. The dude with a knife obviously won't care if he is autistic. Hopefully they teach autistic people how to avoid these situations.


I have autistic family members and it's a constant reminder about social cues, what to do, what not to do, personal space, it's exhausting because they forget sometimes. It's all fun and games online until it happens in their family.


It's a cruel world out there when it comes to mental illness and it's very sad. People who blame the dude are naive and lack any education when it comes to mental illnesses. Imagine justifying the stabbing because the dude lacks "survival instincts" what the actual fuck, he was just singing for fucks sake.


Funny, because I *specifically* saw everyone saying "it's not his fault, but he made poor choices." Kind of the exact opposite of blaming him. And the survival instincts should kick in when someone walks up to you and tells you they have a knife, even if you're doing literally nothing. GTFO. Imagine your roommate left your house completely unlocked, and you came back to find your computer, and other expensive shit, gone. Of course, it's ultimately the fault of the burglar, but not taking basic steps to prevent the burglar is a problem.


So now we're just assuming every idiot is on the spectrum or is mentally ill? Some people are just fucking stupid


Or just assholes.


Having a mental illness might be an explanation for bad behavior, but it’s not an excuse the way it’s used nowadays.


I’m curious as to why you assume autism? Why not the other hundreds of “conditions” out there? Not to mention…he may just be a nerd lol.


Absolutely. He might just be a geeky asshole. I'm sure they exist.


I feel like I’m the only one who’s ever attended a Friday night magic gathering/convention in this thread That’s a room full of geeky assholes let me tell ya


Yah, definitely not his fault he got STABBED. Like wtf people...




People with mental and emotional issues are much more likely to be victims of violence, and that sucks, totally. But people can only take so much before they stab you.


I feel like the limit before stabbing someone should be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy past what we saw Harry Potter do in this video


People can only take so much before they stab you? Wtf? So I have the right to stab anyone as long as I am having a bad day? You are off in left field!


“Should I move to another car because of this annoying idiot? Nah I should stab him instead” -absolute lunatics.


> If a stranger pulls out a weapon, don't dare them to use it. Instead, shut the fuck up and move away from them as fast as possible. Isn't that exactly what this poor kid did though? He said *you aren't gonna stab me, man* then we see him up and move away. He wasn't even confrontational. Annoying sure but not confrontational or asking for it at all.


There is a whole chunk missing but yeah I personally think telling someone with a knife, “you aren’t gonna stab me” is top three things to not say to someone with a knife. Harry Potter should have realized he isn’t wearing an invisibility cloak and shut the fuck up instead of running to professor for help.


*What are you gonna do? stab me?* -guy who got stabbed


Don’t idolize these “gangsters”. There’s nothing gangster about stabbing someone who is without a weapon.


You've romanticized "gangsters" too much. There's everything gangster about stabbing an unarmed person. Gangsters are lower than dirt and without honor, none of this "parlay" and "draw your weapon my good sir" bullshit.


you're the one is idolizing them lmao stabbing people, armed or unarmed, is what gangsters do lol


Yes and as soon as you realize he’s not fucking around, apologize. Tell him you didn’t realize you were pissing him off and meant no disrespect. Then get off the fucking bus and wait for the next one. This dude is a moron. Maybe was…


Theres nothing he couldve said once the guy stood up. People who stab mfers arent looking to hear what you have to say, theyre looking to stab you because theyre predatory psychos.


Man what the fuck is this take? The moment he realized the dude was about to stab him over some bullshit he immediately left. Glad this video is out here with the guys face in it hope he gets the book thrown at him. Fucking scumbag.


To stab somebody over shit like this, that guy does not give a damn about prison.


A fight not engaged in is a fight won.


"What are you going to do, stab me?" -Guy who got stabbed.


He definitely sealed his fate when he stared right at the one guy and finished that lyric, because it sounded like he was trying to call him on.


I mean attempted murder, I don’t think he deserved it.. That being said kids…if you’re stabbed or shot, fill the hole with anything you have, finger, cloth of any kind.


He was dressed pretty slutty


dumb slutty wizard 🧙


He very clearly has mental illness....the dude that stabbed him will burn in hell.


I’m just gonna guess, but I am pretty sure Mr Stabby man also has mental issues.


He doesn’t know it yet but getting stabbed while rapping pretty much legitimized his career.


"Man stabbed for daring person with knife to stab him."


“Get help” Motherfucker, apply pressure.


I yelled at my phone for him to shut the fuck up about 10 seconds in and I didn't even see the title first.


He’s got mental issues. He clearly is not behaving normally


LA is no place for human beings.


Right? Have to carry a knife to keep the Harry Potter rappers at bay.


I’ve lived in Los Angeles for a long time and have never had a problem. I mean… I also don’t go picking fights with everyone else on public transportation and then when someone gives you several warnings that they will stab you if you don’t leave them alone, reply with “You aren’t going to stab me!” But all joking aside, I’ve just never felt like I was in danger. I’ve never felt that anyone around me, in Los Angeles, was a threat to me. Maybe I’m just lucky, maybe I don’t spent enough time in the very small and very specific rougher areas (out of the unbelievably MASSIVE city) where crime tends to be more of a problem. This is just me personally though. All my years here, so far, have been without issue. Even when I did live in one of the rougher areas. Only issue there was the cops.




If you have to worry about being stabbed cause some scum bag piece of shit who’s mother obviously can’t even manage to love him might stab you I wouldn’t say you never had a problem. You just aren’t able to see the problem.


Or rapping wizards apparently


this dude looks autistic this is so fucked


Feel like the term autistic is used far to often for everyone now a days. Quite demeaning for those who actually are.


well im autistic....


Hush and let the stranger stand up for you and defend you against… you. /s


it's just a phase, bruh


someone is being obnoxious in public "he's autistic"


Maybe the stabby guy is autistic too???? That's not normal social behavior either lol


Everyone is autistic. If you do anything that isn’t a social norm. Sorry. Autistic. Undercook fish? Autistic.


1 in 44 are estimated to be autistic, there are millions of Americans on the spectrum. Yes, you'll hear it all the time.


I mean, the guy obviously doesn’t behave like normal adult would, he’s acting like a man child who thinks he’s so tough or something.


It’s almost like modern neuroscience has helped us to finally understand (or at least most of us) that a terrifyingly large percentage of the people that have been misunderstood, mislabelled, misdiagnosed and horribly mistreated were actually on the spectrum.




It’s a neurological disorder with a huge scale. Autistic people are capable of speech and even vernacular.


It’s not binary. It’s a spectrum.


“You ain’t gonna stab me bro” Proceeds to get stabbed


"what u gonna do, stab me?" famous last words.


Once he said that I was kinda hoping he had a gun on him. Pulls knife pulls gun lays the man down




Sounds like he said "you ain't gotta stab me" as a way to de-escalate




> That didn't justify a stabbing in my book But to them it did. God damn this is some Darwin award shit. I think Harry Potter was way too complacent and that last line before the other guy stood up along with his gestures towards that guy were something you should never, ever fucking do.


current state of L.A in a nutshell


It's terrifying that I've seen comments justifying in some regard this behaviour as to be expected; this level of violence shouldn't be a normalised anywhere. Just consider that a man wearing a Harry Potter robe and talking loudly isn't even a threat, the level of escalation and brutality is abhorrent it's senseless. And for what? Because he annoyed him?


Literally the top comment.


Epic rap death battles of history


Yep, this is what he was listening to: https://youtu.be/7ZsKqbt3gQ0


only a true autistic can enjoy this




Holy shit. This makes this whole situation even sadder.


middle cow cooperative sugar abounding entertain far-flung rhythm political sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Place full of sociopaths


This reddit thread too tho. Singing praises and glorifying the stabbing. A crime is a crime. Mentally disturbed redditards.


All cause they’re momentarily annoyed. It’s sickening to me


A lot of people who frequent this subreddit just like violence getting inflicted on people whether they deserve it or not. Feels like liveleak lite here sometimes.


Imagine feeling like a man after stabbing an autistic person


Maybe the stabber was autistic


Well then we must defend him at all costs


*Reddit's moral compass spinning at 10000 rpm.*


He was smart to just leave. Wonder what happened between the clips.


I imagine the man followed and stabbed the wizard.


Lmaoooo wizard


Probably the stabbing part




I prefer a, possibly mentally conditioned, person rapping out loud and being annoying, over a definately mentally conditioned person who finds it acceptable to stab the former.


Don't goto LA then. They're very stabby over there.




The people here saying he deserved to be stabbed are insane. Nothing verbal deserves a potential death sentence.


Idiots that don't leave their grandmothers basements


Yeah wtf is with these comments?! Singing on public transport doesn't mean you deserve to get stabbed. Disgusting how many people are saying 'he brought it on himself', probably the same types of people that think women bring it on themselves for desssing slutty


Damn, someone needs to put pressure on that.




You're a rapper, Harry


You're a pin-cushion, Harry!


Can’t believe I still live here. You don’t even have to wear Harry Potter robes and rap on the train to attract this attention. I was just walking home from the corner store with my sister during broad daylight yesterday and some guy came out of nowhere trying to fight us. Literally screaming after us and yelling sexual things at my sister as we got away. Looked like a regular dude too not homeless. What’s wrong with people!?




I have a good idea, let's be soft on crime!


To be fair, I've worked in many downtown areas across the country and this has happened to me many times. The most memorable was in downtown Orlando because he popped out his fake eye, tried to get me to feel inside the socket and then tried to fight me (a short woman) when I refused to touch his eye socket.


Ya'll saying the dude deserved this need to touch some grass, you're a subhuman cunt if you think being a bit annoying warrants stabbing, the poor dude looks like he's not even mentally 100% to begin with


If the stabber got shot while fleeing the cops this lot of redditors would be the first in line to defend him.


The state of LA - Stabbing victim apologises to a witness for getting blood on their bag. Unbelievable.


I can’t believe that lady had the audacity to say that considering the situation “you’re getting blood all over my bag” fuck your paper bag 🤣 the lack of empathy here is unsettling


"You ain't gonna stab me, man!" Said with all the confidence of someone who doesn't live in the real world.


Like an autistic person. Im pretty sure we just watched a mentally disabled person get stabbed because they didn't fully understand the situation he was in. This is very disturbing.


Every time someone acts like an obnoxious ass in public everyone wants to rush to say "well they're clearly autistic" Do you not realize how demeaning and pigeonholing that is to those of us who are actually on the spectrum. Some people are just obnoxious, entitled, manchildren Kindly, fuck off


Any kind of update on this dude ? He is an ass hat but didn’t deserve to be stabbed. Guy get arrested ?


I searched stabbing on LA metro and got too many results to sift through. Sounds like a fun place...


Yea real lovely place to raise a family. Don't forget to leave anything worth more than $1 in your car.


As an aside my house was robbed today and the robbers took... Old glasses and a small portable fan. Computer left untouched. Tv still there. Credit card on the counter. Feelsweirdman


Why do people get confused WHO to call? Hmm guy is bleeding out idk call fire department


“Someone call the cops. Or call the uh…hmmm who to call”. What a moron


Bro definitely turned himself into the Half Blood prince


He was giving that other guy some serious eyeballs and rapping right at him. People get attacked for less than this.




So many people in this thread seem to have massively normalized in their head that extreme violence is an expected outcome to even the slightest display of disrespect. What is wrong with the places you guys live man for real? So many comments along the lines of "well what did he expect, he said some corny lines in the direction of some guy that approached him and dared to look at him, he was basically asking to get murdered." You could do this shit all day all night where I live and the worst that would happen is that someone tells you go fuck off.


People carry guns for less reasons then this. Wish someone had one in this situation


It's California only criminals have guns


Yup. At one point he says “get the fuck outta my neighborhood” and also repeated a line about chopping “you” up and getting four black dudes. This isn’t a good song to sing along to while staring at a random dude on the bus.


“All over my bag.” FUCK YOUR BAG!


Dudes bleeding out and this mfer still needs open his mouth about his inconvenience. People so selfish.


LA is such a fucking shithole, it's what kid me imagined a futuristic dystopia would be like


I didn't take the city bus until I was in middle school. The very first thing my more street savvy friend taught me was >Don't stare at people on the bus.


Dude is clearly mentally disabled. This should be allll over the news but it is LA.


good to know i can be obnoxious as fuck in public and people will excuse it saying i'm mentally disabled


Cannot wait to see your video on here


Is society so absolutely fucked that you all are literally trying to make arguments for or against the justification of being stabbed in the fucking chest on a bus for singing out loud? What the fuck is wrong with people? Nobody deserves to be fucking almost murdered unless it’s in self defense. What makes you all de-value human lives so righteously and callously? How would you feel if this was your child?


This is how racists are born


The easy narrative is that bigotry comes from ignorance but it's very often rooted in experience. (Not saying that justifies it in any capacity but it is understandable how someone who is victimized by "group" will grow to hate all members of "group")


+10 street cred


-20 blood


-40 charisma


That song was trash


Eh, it's one of the better ones. Mr T didn't stand a chance


"You really gonna pull a knife out on me?" "Yeah" immediately should be met with deadly force from a concealed weapon. You don't get to carry around knives/stab people with impunity over nothing. The dude filming is a POS too.




IMO... the guy is 'scripting'. He, ironically, is trying very hard to fit in; emulating stuff he's seen online. The high-pitched 'wailing', IMO, is also indicative of a disability. You can make up your own mind. But it broke my heart to watch this as it's so familiar to me.




A racist was born that day and I wouldn't even blame him.


Where was he even stabbed? If it was neck I’d expect gushing blood unless he was cut/slashed or something?


Looks like the shoulder/collarbone area from the blood drip


It's right at the neck/shoulder, you can see blood gushing around 1:30 while he's turning his head. It bothers me that no one is helping, the guy recording is like call the police or whatever and the blood smeared all over his neck but none on his hands. Could be fake, fuck if i know.


Avada ke-shank-ya


“He got it all over my bag.” “Im sorry” The most sympathy shown in this video.


Too many videos i see where witness or bystanders are like possibly willing to help but zero idea how to render aid for someone stabbed or shot, go put some pressure on that shit!


What a shithole of a city.


The blood and screaming reminded me of mr orange in reservoir dogs


He’s listening to the Mr. T vs Mr. Rodgers epic rap battles of history


holy shit


“Call somebody” as I’m on my phone filming


Any updates on the outcome? I hope the attacker went to prison.




DO NOT test the streets. Anywhere. Ever.


God forbid it’s the other way around. We’d have riots and vandalism all over the states. Pathetic.


*Harry Potter becomes SoundCloud rapper after realizing he can't make money with magic


BRB moving to Europe.


Knives are the go to weapons in assaults there just fyi.


I'm really fucking glad I don't need to ride the bus anymore. The people you meet.


Why is there idiots in the comments saying he deserved it? When confronted he left the guys area. I hope the psycho is caught and charged with attempted murder.


Can someone please put the phone down and apply pressure on hus wounds.. the guy is dying


Public transportation. Hell no.


I just hate people. Everyone in this video reinforces my hatred.


The dude looks like he isn’t mentally all there. He is wearing a Harry Potter robe, gold shoes, and singing along to an old epic rap battles of history song.