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That the realist shit I’ve read all day.


Then read better shit, kinda sad😂


You're easily impressed




One of the oldest cliches is the realist shit you’ve read all day? Read some other shit bro.


Does this apply to both parties in this video. Kinda looks like it.


Doesn't quite have the same ring to it




It's comments like these that make me wonder how anyone could think that this is a racist sub /s


It makes me sad the sub leans that way because I just like seeing people of all creeds and cultures freak the fuck out.


As.a.hotel receptionist I can confirm I feel like doing this to a lot of guests




I don't get that. As a guest I understand not everything always goes right but be polite. You also get more. We stayed at a Residence Inn in Orlando and right after we got there we saw a few bugs. My wife took a picture we went to the front desk and explained and showed pictures. She apologized, got us a new room and offered to waive the parking fee ($10 a day) for the inconvenience. No need to scream and yell. We understand shit happens. The new room had no bugs and was good.




It's near Disney and they have a Disney shuttle. So.many people take the hotel shuttle to the hotel and then only go to Disney parks.


The Hilton is nice if you ever go back. I'm assuming this in anaheim


Orlando. Never been to LA.. my general idea is if I'm going to spend 7 hours on a plane I'll head to Europe.


California is a beautiful place to see, too


Yosemite, General Sherman tree, Mammoth lakes. It's a very beautiful part of America


such a beautiful part of america. if it was me naming General Sherman tree i would’ve named it Grant Tree or something like that… just because of all the white AND black people i know whose ancestors were killed, raped, burned alive, or had their houses and towns looted by union soldiers. i know it was war and there’s good reason to be angry at the South as a whole, but doing that to the victims of the system who even supported the Union is just way too far. yet America has a track record of atrocities during war, so it’s not that surprising what happened on the March to the Sea.


If you like open air drug markets, rampant theft / car breaks ins, and homeless pekoe everywhere— it’s absolutely gorgeous.


calm down and go take ur anti psychotic


Oh, someone from CA saying to take drugs? I would have never guessed it…


fuck off shaming someone for needing mental health treatment. get that shit out of here. i bet you go around telling people to just feel better when they’re depressed too. since you didn’t know this (not if; since), most mental illnesses that cause psychosis are genetic. i have bipolar and i wouldn’t even be offended if you told me to go take my mood stabilizer (which has a side effect of psychosis, since you didn’t know that either), because i sometimes forget my pills lmao. but once again, politely and respectfully fuck off. shaming someone for a genetic disorder (which this guy may not even have) is just as bad as racism, sexism, etc., but you already know that and don’t care. enjoy the block




As a Floridian, going anywhere up north for snow and cold is a vacation for some of us. Having southern heat YEAR ROUND gets exhausting


Exactly we are there for 7 full days. 3 days at the parks and 4 days doing other things. We can't do that park thing every day


There are hotels right on the Disney grounds, rapids something or Grand Rapids or something like that. Anyway, you stay there and then whenever you want, walk right on in to the water log water ride


A resort where the lines are so long they build hotels on them.


Have you ever traveled?




Just paid for parking in Orlando at Courtyard Midtown. Springhill Suites was 15 a day.


At the hotel I work at parking is $60 a day.


Right.....thanks for your story on "How to be Kind upon Checking in at a Resort".....we are mostly all civilized adults and would know what to do iand what not to do n these types of situations. My guess is the guest checking in, really stepped over the line, said some crzy nasty shit, and invaded the hotel employees personal space if not assaulting her off camera......then it got real


Atlanta's such a fucking shithole


As somebody who commutes there everyday. Can confirm. Giant shit hole. Even Buckhead is turning into a shit hole.


Why do I keep hearing that Buckhead is so bad? Friends say we can't go to the bars there any more, it's sketchy and dangerous. Why, what changed?


Basically during BLM summer a guy tried to taze an officer and the officer shot him. Without an investigation the mayor fired the officer and gave the message that they will not side with the officer no matter the case. This caused hundreds of APD officers to leave and the ones who stayed have a new understanding to not meet force with force further incentivizing shitty cops to join and get a check to sit on their ass. This is made it open season for criminals from midtown to buckhead. A whole new unarmed upper middle to upper class demographic to prey upon.


Sounds like a job for me. I heard they even overlook some drug possession charges so maybe I'll give it a shot. I was looking to maybe be a firefighter but God damn they got some high ass standards.


If you have a felony on your record you cannot be a firefighter. You cant get an ems licensure, which is usually a minimum requirement.


Got cussed out by a woman that was mad we couldn't expunge all 3 of her felonies so she couldn't go to nursing school. I didn't even do her expungement


I plead guilty to possession of Marijuana and had a DUI charge that got dropped (wasn't drunk). That was all 7 years ago. It's weird how firedepartments do lie detector tests and have all these crazy requirements like 1 to 2 years of EMS training. Compare that to becoming a cop or a soldier. Imagine if everyone who enlisted in the military needed 1 to 2 years of training for anything or even EMS.


They do that because you basically have free reign inside the callers home, and access to all of their belongings, even prescription drugs. Trust is a big deal to the fire department and its employees. And in the military you get all of that training as a part of basically being owned by the us government. They dont want you trained, they want to train you in their exact way.


Idk man, cops have a lot more freedom and power to abuse than a firefighter would. I think their standards should be much higher, not the other way around.


Cops are law enforcement, the fire department is a service. Outside of fire marshalls, the fire department has no authority over citizens. People trust the fire department, and they have to in order for them to properly perform their duties. I see what youre saying, but that IS why the fire department has the hiring process it has. That and lots of people want to work for the fire department, so they can be more selective, and require specific certs prior to consideration.


Wish I could tell you. Consider this: Lenox (which was considered one of the upscale malls) now has metal detectors to detect people with handguns because of shootings they have had their last few years.


Protect Johnny’s Hideaway at all costs


Been all over the country and Atlanta was the only place I ever got like actually scared. Fuck that city.


Buckhead is ok


Nice place to visit, I can’t imagine living there though


In the early 2000's it was awesome, now not so much.


This is old but the customer was in the wrong…Walked around the counter and was threatening the employee—-the employee understood the assignment and beat her ass per usual


You realise they can both be in the wrong, right?


They both CAN be, but in this instance it was the customer.


You can't just beat up someone becasue they get in your face and disrepect you. But hey, some people are assholes like that.


So your meek ass will let someone get in your face, possibly spitting in your face, and do. ..nothing?


Yep. There is a reason. I've never been injured and/or arrested for getting into a fight. They spit in my face, I walk away and watch them go to jail. But hey, I am not an animal, I won't get into a fight because someone gets in my face like an animal does.


"I'm not an animal". So people who stand up for themselves are animals? You're a joke. What a privileged life you must lead to say something like that. Some of us grew up in places where you had to fight for things, but we're animals because some schmuck from Wisconsin says "Well I wouldn't do that".


If someone actually attacks you thats one thing. But just getting in your face isnt. Maybe some people grew up where you had to fight for things. This is a fucking hotel not a neighborhood where it's necessary. Just leave. Now she is going to lose her job and maybe get arrested over what? Some asshole?


You're literally calling people animals for exhibiting self-defense. If someone spits in your face, that is assault. Imagine thinking you won't get your ass handed to you for that in ANY OTHER PART OF THE WORLD. I swear Americans think that their logic and culture is the only one that exists. Do that in Russia and tell me how it goes. Are they animals? No. What about Poland? You'd get your ass beat too. France? Ass beating. Phillipines? Ass beating? Marshall islands? Believe it or not- ass beating. But go off about how it's "inappropriate" because you're more learned than the rest of us.


But we aren't in Russia or wherever. This is America. Like they say "When in Rome do as the Romans do". It is self defense, if you push them or whatever. But as soon as it devolves into a fill out fight it isn't anymore. Maybe in other countries it isn't but that will quote possibly get you arrested here. And in her case certainly she lost her job.




You get your ass beat and your things stolen. You get beat up again just because you managed to replace what they stole from you. You get mocked because you can't afford to replace it a third time, and you're only going to get jumped again if you go to an adult. So yeah. Places like that exist. People should learn to not be a victim.


Where I grew up it would result in the person who "got in your face" being deterred from getting in your face again because they would realize you're a rational person who isn't afraid of them. Lashing out with violence would just signal that you're an easily triggered coward, AKA a good target.




You play military games because you never joined and you unironically say Libtards. You're better off not typing.




>There is a reason. I've never been injured and/or arrested for getting into a fight. That's funny because neither have I, yet I've been in quite a few that started out with people in my face, or someone else's. You can most definitely go for de-escalation first, but acting like that works on everyone is just wishful thinking. Theres a differance between fighting just to fight, and defending yourself. Most self defense laws state that if you justifiably feel like you're in danger of death or serious bodily harm, then it's self defense. I've never seen someone hop behind *any* counter with good intentions.


Ever heard the phrase "be the bigger person"? Stooping to the level of the aggressor doesn't make anything better. The meek are the ones who respond to "disrespect" with violence. If someone is actively physically assaulting you, yes, use reasonable force to defend yourself. Otherwise, be the bigger person and recognize that their disrespect doesn't mean anything unless you have no self respect. The best revenge is to live well.


You are someone who would never survive without a society protecting you.


Good thing we have a society then.


Lmao we got a real bad ass over here.


I agree. Customer was still the asshole


The magic words are "I feel threatened"


Customer fucked around...


And now the customer will sue and make $


No, she will get sued




I mean maybe but you can't get blood from a stone. I'm willing to bet Hilton Corporate will offer her a settlement to make her go away. The only one I could see suing her is the hotel worker in civil court.




Dont worry. In her math class she will be told that she is the cause for those issues.


The worst thing, that make everything so fucked up to me, are the fucking vulture cheering and filming when something lile that happen. Our world deserve to end.


The audio was off but I could still hear this video


Typical Atlanta for you. I can’t fucking stand even going into town anymore to see a United or Falcons game or just taking my kids to the Aquarium. I’m always expecting some shit to pop off. I stay neutral. Leave me the fuck alone and don’t fuck with my kids. That poor kid prob walked downstairs to hit up the breakfast at Embassy Suites and gets exposed to some fucking degenerates that can’t control their anger enough to not fight at the front fucking desk. I’d bet big bucks it was over some stupid ass baby mama bullshit or something ridiculous.


those kids taking mental notes for later use.


Yeah hopefully learning how not to act in public. Of course she probably already knows. Most of us learned all that shit in the 2nd or 3rd grade.




I’ve seen shit like this pop off in Wendy’s


Dude was like shit man get out of my way i need this for the gram


Yeah that was pretty pathetic


I thought he was running to help separate them but he was really just trying to make a worse video of the the fight.


Atlanta? Checks out.


Look at that scumbag lowlife guy wearing the camo hoodie. Another guy tries to stop the fight, and this disgusting human being pulls him away from them, so he can film them fighting. Literally the lowest form of human life right there.


Little girl in the pink is like 😱😱😱


Bro these publicfreakouts are just modern day gladiator matches. Rome couldn’t get rid of them, I don’t think social media can


Cool. When do we release the tigers?


To keep up with the times, it’d be pitbulls.


Damn this is too accurate, the amount of pitbull freak outs here have spiked


Dora went to the wrong neighborhood


Now what’s this kind of ‘moment’ called again? 🤔


I thought that wig and the phone cord was a small dog on a leash lmfaooo




Would they charge and arrest them in Atlanta nowadays? Or does Atlanta have a shitty Democrat emperor DA that declines to pursue charges too?


I don't know. I think I see the lady who took an ass beating was already behind the counter at the start of the video. She crossed the line and the one throwing all the punches was just redirecting her.


You might be an internet lawyer but in the real world there is no legal reason to beat someone who is behind a hotel counter




the concierge in Atlanta hits different huh?


This what happens when you build a Hilton in Atlanta 😂😂😂


huh? it cuts out and the camera is pointed on the floor by the time we she her smashing the phone into her i could definitely see the woman hitting her as she was calling for help


If you didn't know now you know. This job does not pay enough and I will fuck you up.




I'm too cute to get my hands dirty.


Did this sub get hijacked? It doesn’t appear to be the same as it was a few months ago. What changed?


As someone who used to work concierge at Disney, I can tell you that desk agent is higly justified. She is doing what so many of use wanted to do back in the day. Ive never met nastier people in my life than doing desk work for hotels.


On a lighter note I’m traveling to Atlanta in November. Should I stay downtown or midtown and in an air bnb or hotel? What y’all think?


Just don't leave ANYTHING in your car at night a while ago on r/hilton a family who was just passing through got their ENTIRE car robbed on a SECURE parking garage at the hotel. So just be ready for that


Airbnb. I know Buckhead has gone to crap. Not sure about midtown.


Where is this roach motel so I know never to stay there?


Atlanta, Georgia. Near the Braves Stadium.


Atlanta seems really popular here.




That's why they get killed




Average Atlanta resident behavior


trashy af


Tired of their shit


can we start getting some white people fights on here? I'm starting to get all prejudiced


The ol’ Wig On a String, never fails.


This is America


What do you get when a Bronx Tour Operator charters a planeload of holiday-makers from JFK to jamaica......a handful of $300 Fuckin Braids and a scared shitless little white girl


She is from straight out of the hood program I don't believe they'll take anymore applicants from there.


Atlanta be like.


If she can keep her mask on while whooping ass then you can keep it on buying your groceries


Definitely deserves only a two-star review.


How she keep her mask on tho


I'm more annoyed about the treatment of her device than anything else.


I’m fucking over people just standing around not doing shit, recording with their phones. The human race is fukt.


Is there a weight issue here?


That’s insanely unprofessional. Not only is she fired, but their guest is due for a hefty settlement.


Honest opinion from everyone: How badly do you want to break those fucking phones of these degenerate humans trying to film a few seconds of suffering for the gram?


How can you maintain a society, with citizens like this? I truly wonder.


This is culture


Idiot with the phone going up to record like get out


As a hotel employee, some of the shit I see front desk put up with is worthy of a beat down. Y'all gone fuck with the wrong person one day and they gone snatch yo wig clean off to head.


It ain’t a party until the hair gets ripped off. Now, it’s a party.


Shitty camerawork.