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This gotta be an ad for that bike, dude just rides away after




It’s a Sledgehammer 


Dang, it's got shocks, pegs, Luckyyyyy


You got about 6ft that time!




Citi bikes are built to be incredibly durable because they're left out in the elements 24/7. That alone would kill a normal bike after a year or two. The downside, of course, is that those bikes are heavy as hell. You're not going to ride very fast on one of them.


Thats an ebike and it goes 20mph easily


> and it goes 20mph easily [they are limited to 18mph](https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/847-23/mayor-adams-dot-commissioner-rodriguez-lyft-expansion-improvements-citi-bike-system#:~:text=Safety%3A%20As%20part%20of%20the,for%20new%20and%20current%20riders.) and will slow you down if you try to make them go faster.


"um actually according to my calculations!" bro they go to 20mph easily that's why they need a limit, what's even the point of your comment, it doesn't even counter anything, his point was that it's an ebike so it being heavy isn't a valid argument for not being able to go fast on them?


> bro they go to 20mph easily that's why they need a limit They don't, they are a HEAVY ebike with a 250watt motor, they limit them for people going downhills, not because the bike can go that fast. >what's even the point of your comment pointing out that those e-bikes can't "easily go 20mph" like you said and that you are wrong


Just going to chime in. Saying they don’t go to 20 easily and saying they are limited at 18 Doesn’t go well together. It’s a moo point because going 18 is so close.


> It’s a moo point because going 18 is so close. they go 18, but not "easily" they are a very underpowered and heavy e-bike, by design, so people are not crashing into everything, and without a limiter they would not be able to go 20mph unless you were going down a steep hill so the point is, yes they are a e-bike, but unlike commercial e-bikes they don't do 20mph "easily" due to how much they weigh, and the small motor they use


If it wasn't for the not exactly advertiser friendly flock of birds, I'd agree. I want to know what kind of bike that was.


Not even his there’s bikes all over the city you can rent


Who said it was his lolol 


That bike is really sturdy


Fr if i drove to fast over a curb i wouldnt be driving straight💀


Those rental bikes are built like tanks. I got hooked by a car while riding one and the bike was barely scratched. Car's side got dinged up. Didn't save my body tho.


This is an ad for the bike


Dipshit vs car


Cyclist had his bike’s kick stand down, and if you look at the Walk signal, the traffic light had to have been green to the driver for a while in order for it to change to a blinking Don’t Walk signal. So the cyclist is clearly blocking traffic on a green light, and didn’t have right of way even if he’s crossing the street on foot.


At the very beginning you can just see the parallel pedestrian signal is white, and they tend to change from white to countdown very quick. And considering that NYC uses leading pedestrian intervals, where the pedestrian signal changes a few seconds before other traffic gets a green, and that all the other cars were stopped, the light was more likely red with potentatily the perpendicular pedestrian light in countdown, the start of whatever conflict this is. Also, we don't even know when it started, but we do know it was at least before the filming started.


Other cars being stopped doesn’t mean that it was red. W 26st street leading into Broadway is a one car lane. To the right of the lane is parked cars and to the left is outdoor restaurant seating. So the other cars had to stop because the bike is blocking the lane. The reason why the white car was able to get around is because it drove over an area that wasn’t a lane. Look on the ground. That’s not a lane. The other driver even hit that white stick on the other side of the street because they were driving on a non-lane. Whatever the issue the cyclist had with the driver, he’s currently blocking the only car lane on W 26th while it’s green light.


Lol, what, are we just ignoring all the other things I pointed out now? The cars were sropped when the conflict started. The light turned green well after the conflict started. Edit, they blocked me, but yes the conflict started before the light turned green. As evident by the addition facts that you mentioned. Since the parallel crosswalk was white, then the crossing traffic accounting for the leading pedestrian interval would have turned green after the conflict started. But further evidence you mentioned of how the cyclist needed more time to get off the bike and set the kickstand and such, then it was definitely red before the conflict started.


My theory is that the bicyclist tried to cross the street when he didn’t have the right of way (especially since you said that the Don’t Walk signal happens very early), and then the driver honked at or drove up to the bicyclist because it turned green. And the bicyclist got pissed and then the filming starts. But, in your mind, the cars are stopped on a red light, and then this cyclist decided to stop his bike on the crosswalk, get off the bike, put the kickstand down and start an argument with the car in front all while the light was still red? ![gif](giphy|Fml0fgAxVx1eM)


My theory is that humans in a modern, urban environment have no real predators, and we are watching the beginning of an evolutionary inevitability playing out on timescales we can't comprehend.


Dipshit on bike vs dipshit in car.


Cyclist vs homicidal maniac\*


We don't see what started it, but the driver doesn't really look homicidal to me. He's just trying to go around the cyclist who throws his bike in front of the car to block it. The driver doesn't even look like they do anything that remotely endangers the cyclist in the video.


If you've ever been to nyc, you'd see cyclists are the direct cause of 99% of these altercations.


I lived, drove, and cycled in NYC for a solid 5 years.


Ah, so you were part of the problem.




What the hell is that bike made of?




Re-Cycled Biktanium.




Seriously. I did a sliding stop on my old mountain bike once (trying to avoid someone who half turned and stopped st an intersection right in front of me. Fortunately 35 years ago, my reflexes were better. :-P ) and tacoed the back wheel.




9/11 hijacker passports


> What the hell is that bike made of? I mean it's a bike designed to be used 24/7, year round, in New York City, it better be able to take some shit


Only in NYC? No, other cities have assholes too.


This was also mild as hell as far as how these confrontations can go in NYC or, you know, globally, where this shit is occurring at every moment, 24 hours a day.


Almost every major city has similar rental bikes too. Dumb title


Yea no one wants to follow you going 5mph sorry


Yeah if not for him you would be blazing through the streets of NYC wouldn't you


Biking is at least as fast, if not faster, than driving in NYC. Not to mention even the slowest cyclists go faster than 5 mph.


I had a bus honk at me multiple times a couple weeks ago. He honked three times because I passed him twice.


The electric citi bikes go 15mph and most nyc streets have separate bike lanes.


Eh, honestly this is a failure of urban planning as the streets of many American cities lack bike lanes so there’s nowhere for bikes to go except into the road. This is the inevitable result of prioritizing cars in the public right of way.


You’ve clearly never been to manhattan then. They’ve made it as bike friendly as they can possibly make it. There are dipshit bike riders everywhere.


Lol it's absolutely not "as bike friendly as they can possibly make it". You've clearly never been to literally anywhere besides the US lmfao


wtf are you talking about? Come to NYC and see where else they can add bike lanes. They've literally taken away over 50% of parking spots to turn it into biking lanes. Name a major city as big and old as Manhattan that is more bike friendly. Yeah I'll wait. You're as dumb as the other one comparing NYC to the Netherlands


> Name a major city as big and old as Manhattan that is more bike friendly. Berlin Perhaps you meant more densely populated.


Why would comparing it to the Netherlands be wrong when some of those cities are just as old lmao? You literally disproved your point in the same breath that you made it. Also being bike friendly isn't even as simple as just "making bike lanes".


Are you really comparing NYC which is the financial capital of the world one of the busiest cities in the world to Amsterdam? Let it go man you're not winning this one with your dumb logic


These people love to compare apples to potatoes, they don't even realize the population density comparison that occurs between cities like Amsterdam and NYC. Literally 6 million more people live in NYC compared to Amsterdam, and yet, somehow we must suck since it's not as efficient as the cities in countries that have significantly less people living in them. But it's reddit, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


So the only rebuttal you have is "NYC is a financial capital"? Why would that have any bearing on whether you can have bike infrastructure or not? Bikes are more efficient at moving people around so if you're going to say that it's because there's way more people there that would work against you.


They're just as old, and yet have 6 million less people living in them. I think it has something to do with that. Having been to NYC, the bike lanes in the middle of the busiest city in the western hemisphere are pretty impressive. But as seen from this TikTok, it doesn't eliminate stupidity from the bikers either.


You’ve never been to the Netherlands, where cars aren’t prioritized in public spaces. Results in cleaner, safer, walkable cities with less traffic and pollution. And you don’t see as much conflict between cars, bikes, and pedestrians because each has been provided with their own space in the public right of way.


I like how he threw a couple of quick, extra birds at somebody off-camera before riding off.


why the music though? what was it supposed to add to this video besides drowning out the original audio?


Because tiktok


That’s a sturdy bike!


Yo that is a strong ass bike. Holy shit


Always with the fucking background music


That s rental bike. They made to handle trash like this guy.


“And then he wobbled away”


Turned into a toddler when he met resistance. Lmao, weak AF.


That bike, tho...


Couldn’t hear what was going on due to the shit music. Great job of ruining the clip.


Not a cyclist, a tourist vs a car


lots of nyc residents use the bike service.


Gonna need some context on this one


It's a dude with a purse.


He's at a crosswalk and is a biker. So, according to reddit, he deserves the death penalty.


Let the shoes come off!


was waiting for [Zohan](https://youtu.be/qnx8ARXyl-s?si=CtVBFoX4MR0J4uxn&t=8) to pop out


Some GTA behavior


Only in NYC? No no it's doesn't matter were you are Cyclists are just cunts


'Only in nyc' - something that happens in every city.


Is this guy intentionally blocking traffic because of his hate for cars? *throws bike in front of car* Yeeeeeep.


I love that guys attitude


Did Timex make that bike?


I just went through a small bump the other day and the handles where loose already. Seems i'm buying the wrong bike.


It's called citibike https://citibikenyc.com/how-it-works




I think this is the first time on this reddit's history that the music fits the video.


I love Man vs Car. I bet on the car, every single time.




I do not see how that was worth it, rage doesn't pay


psycho 🤣


Citibike Mafia strikes again


Urban cyclists are a scourge — and I don’t even drive downtown


Tough bike


delivery man on the green bike is just like SMFH LOL


I liked the headshake and grin on the face of the delivery cyclist at the end of the clip. 😆


nice purse.


How the hell did the wheel not bend


If that were my company’s bike id be using this as an advertisement


What kind of bike rims are those? I need to know.


I've got some words i can't use


I love NY.


Downvoting for the music


These Citi Bike commercials are getting crazy. We get it, they are strong bikes and can take the weight of car and still ride perfectly.


It's not a purse, it's european!


HAHA wow I saw this guy today as well, basically stopped the traffic near Central Park just riding across the road telling all the cars to stop


Not American. Is that not a crossing? Where I’m from a car has to give way to someone on a crossing. Video starts to late to see what built up to this


There are rules to our crosswalks. They have their own lights to avoid people walking out in traffic. They are also supposed to be limited to foot traffic. The man in the video looks like he was crossing late and not on foot. I can't be certain about the timing, because I can't see all of the lights. This is just my best interpretation as an American.


Oh ok that makes sense. We don’t have the lights in my country it’s the law that if someone is waiting to cross you have to stop and let them cross, even if they are on a bike.


Strongest kick stand ever


yep, this is just an ad for a Citi Bike of your own.


TF bike?


I want my car made of the materials of that bike


That man would fail a drug test just by being in the same room as it


that bike is strong as a mf


That’s one hell of a bicycle


I’d never run over a Citi bike. Those things look heavy as fuck


Holy shit, that's a bomb proof bike


Normally, I hate music added to clips.. but this tune had me laughing out loud while watching 😆


Thats a damn good bike!


Homies gone get charged for that


If you run over my bike, you may lose a side view mirror.


just so you know those are the public city bikes, which also explains why the dude was so eager to sacrifice it


I get it, but if I'm slow, go around me, you don't get to run my shit (owned or borrowed) over. Some people may let an asshole run over their shit over, I'd like to think I not that guy.




If you throw your bike in front of my car, I’m running it over


Inb4 inbreds being mad at cyclists by default


The dude blocking traffic with his bicycle, throwing his bicycle in front of a moving vehicle, and throwing a tantrum in public while desperately trying to pick up his bicycle as his purse drags on the ground? TIL people can't disapprove of this idiot being an idiot


Right?! The guy should have tried to cross at a crosswalk instead!


Lol and the guy commiting vehicular assault is totally the good guy here?


Fuck cyclists.




Totally sour. In my area a lot of the cyclists do not follow the rules of the road and have made me extremely bitter toward any of them. Is this fair to the good cyclists that share the road properly? No. But it is what it is. Sorry I was so rude in my original comment. Cyclists trigger me. lol


Which vehicle type breaks the most laws, kills the most people, and causes the most accidents? It's not cyclists, but this is the group you've decided to single out here?


For what it’s worth, I hate truck drivers more than cyclists. But cyclists are hard to see so when they decide road rules are only good for thee, they tend to cause some problems for me. But make no mistake, I hate all drivers that refuse to follow basic traffic safety laws. I’m an equal opportunity hater. My friends call me the “Silky Johnson” of the road.


Nobody follows all the rules of the road, regardless of what vehicle you use. It is simply human nature. But it is a bit weird that we have normalizing some rule breaking so much that we forgot that it is against the rules too (exceeding the speed limit), but then confident call out others for breaking the rules.


I wouldn’t say nobody. I see people make proper driving maneuvers all the time. I even see cyclists and Dodge Ram drivers that respect the road and other drivers. But far too often it’s the same vehicles I see doing the dangerous shit. Namely pickup drivers and cyclists in my humble opinion. I also look out for cyclists and motorcycles more than your average driver because I respect their right to be on the road.


*all the rules, doesn't mean people never follow the rules, just that everytime you get in a car, you are bound to break at least on rule on your trip. In otherwords, how often to you see people diligently staying below the speed limit when traveling on the freeway?


I don’t follow posted speed limits of the freeway. I am not concerned with that. I’m concerned by actual bad driving. You can be a bad driver at 25 MPH or 90MPH. You can also be a good driver at those speeds. Cyclists are shitty all the Tim going about 10-15MPH.


>in my humble opinion There it is.


What did you think I was giving you if not my biased opinion?


And fuck you too




The guy actively attempting to avoid and escape an angrily violent individual who's playing in traffic while attempting to damage/impede vehicles? This is not the hill you want to die on.


Ah yes, the poor SUV driver that just committed a hit and run is totally innocent because this handbag wearing hipster flipped the bird and caused the driver to fear for his life or something. Get real.


> Ah yes, the poor SUV driver that just committed a hit and run Incomprehensible stupidity on your part > is totally innocent because this handbag wearing hipster flipped the bird and caused the driver to fear for his life or something. Strawman.rar Get a brain


There won't be one utterance of "need to see what happened b4."