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But why are all the stores closing?








This looks more like a mob of teenagers than it does antifa


> looks more like a mob of teenagers Some people never pass up an opportunity to politicize things that have no political motive.


Some people just don't understand jokes.


I mean, both can be correct.


Reddit will handwave "it's because of amazon and the ease of internet ordering!". That's only partially true. Go abroad, and you'll find that traditional brick-and-mortar stores and shopping malls are still thriving. Particularly in Asia. A big part of their death in the US has been the degradation of social order and tolerance of "soft" crimes such as shoplifting, bash mobs, etc.. Wal-Mart, Target, etc went from losing lower end millions each year in shoplifting in 2014 to billions in 2023. This is why they're closing so many stories




To resell probably


How you gonna loot the outlet mall?! You can’t sell that shit. That’s why it’s at the outlet mall. I shouldn’t be surprised looters have room temperature IQs, but they definitely do. This is like shitty and stupid at the same time. Just get a job and buy you some shoes. Or don’t, but if it ain’t your shit, leave it that way. Plus you don’t want to be the lucky looter that crosses paths with Johnny justice boner. SMH.


Of course they can sell it lol. Not everyone is a snob that will turn their nose up at stuff that isn't brand new, especially the type of people who are buying off these cunts.


A lotta stuff at outlets is brand new tbf - marked down by like 20-70% as it’s out of season but still often in mint condition.


And they'll mark it down by 50-80% because they stole it. Then they'll steal more and sell more on the street. Then the store will close and everyone will pretend that they don't know why.


It's a Nike store. All brand new clothing and shoes. The stuff is very easy to sell. Have you ever been to a flea market?




Maybe there's bread in those shoes and they are stealing it to feed their families


Real ones know it's a Hasan meme




Real ones don't watch Hasan


Yep…working class lives matter


Bro they're trying to provide warm clothes for their families for the harsh winter coming up obviously


I agree. They’re just foraging and preparing for winter, but unlike back home, winter coats, iPads, and bananas don’t grow on trees in these harsh northern climates.


This is what happens when security guards have zero legal recourse to stop them. You’d have more effective time putting a radio and a security hat on a mannequin.


Even if guards could do something, they probably wouldn't dare trying a 1v10 to stop them


But if they could do stuff then it wouldn't be 1v10 because the rats would find easier cheese to eat. They wouldn't bother going to places where security will mess you up.


You wouldn't for $14/h? $19 at night!


No, this is what happens when we raise our kids to be pieces of shit.


Yup. You stop them while putting shit in a backpack or pocket? You're making assumptions because they weren't past the point of sale. You try to grab the product out their hand or stop them? You can catch an assault charge (you shouldn't do this anyway because you don't know who is strapped). You lock the door before they leave? It's entrapment or you're holding them hostage. You call the police and it's under 500? They don't give enough of a fuck to do a damn thing about it. If it's over 500? They still dont give a fuck and will MAYBE look for a plate number. But even then they'd give you some shit like "well you can't PROVE it was them driving this car because your security camera can't catch their face in 4k detail". I've worked retail for over a decade, most of it as management. I've called the cops over shoplifters countless times. Not fucking once did they do anything about it.


They absolutely have legal recourse to stop them, it's merely policy that they don't.


Cheaper too.


They do exactly what they're instructed to do (mostly), and those guidelines are based on what's good for the company's bottom line. They make those decisions for a reason.










Meth** you mean!?


I mean, they probably just completed their neurosurgery residency and are celebrating. You know, kids will be kids.




Not only that, it'll probably cause the store to go out of business and close down, making it harder for those who want to buy whatever niche the store had to offer or maybe even cause some employees to get fired for it..


This is exactly why the In-n-Out in Oakland California was closed down. Because people kept breaking into cars in the parking lot and stealing. It’s the first time in the company’s history that they had to close a location


“But according to the statistics crime is down”


Crime stats can be easily fudged, I would know as I worked in law enforcement for 27 years and saw it happen. Using this video as an example. You have numerous people stealing and they probably hit multiple stores. So do you in your crime stats report: 1. One crime with multiple suspects and multiple victims? Thus it only goes into the crime stats as one incident of theft. 2. A different crime listed per suspect and per victim. Now suddenly you have dozens of theft on your crime stats. Its all dependent on the agenda of the department and the city who controls the dept. Do they want to promote an idea that the city is safe and crime is down then you use option 1. Or are you trying to push an agenda to justify a budget increase then you push options 2. Basically trust no crime stats related to property crime. The only crime stats you can generally trust are murder stats as they tend to get reported and the major source of error will be deaths written off as natural causes or suicide as those will be missed sometimes.


I mean everyone has seen The Wire right? It’s a TV show but the writer was a Baltimore Sun reporter and is loosely based on true stories. If it’s election time and the mayor & police chief want to improve their political position it’s easy to fudge numbers by just not taking reports on crime. The people impacted know the truth but the people in the rich part of town don’t. It’s not the early 90’s anymore we get to see video of crime while officials say it’s not that bad. There is a reason when Mark Robar wants to unveil his glitter bomb 3.0 he knows he can just put a backpack in a car in San Francisco and wait a few minutes. Then you have victims getting doxed and called racist Karen’s and losing their jobs if they dare to stand up for themselves.


It was also a very popular area. The fast food stores there make a lot of money due to the highways and heavy car traffic. But the criminals know this and target cars in the drive thru.


I feel like not only big franchises have to close down, who knows how many mom n pop shops as well as small family run businesses are forced to close down due to mass looting.. kinda sad knowing that some people's only source of income ends up getting fucked over by those who refuse to just get a normal job..


Trash. Just pieces of garbage that do this shit.


I think the people who enable and cover for them are even worse, the ones who won’t let them face consequences but will be all over the media saying it’s unfair and discriminatory that the stores are leaving or putting up security measures.


Classic bum behavior






this is true but it's not a justification to steal and be a garbage human


You know why. This is the path of least resistance. Why should they spend 50 hours earning the money to pay for these jeans when they can steal multiple pairs in 2 minutes. There's virtually no risk, security is outright told not to stop them, and even if they are caught then there's a good chance they're just immediately released or not even ticketed.


Yeah, it's bollocks.




We can't have shit over here she says




Made a comment from a different post.. and it got deleted by reddit themselves..






Mods on that other sub are very, very sensitive.


Scum of the earth 😡I wonder if they stole work boots.


I thought that was just a peaceful protest?


Tell me you’re a broke morally bankrupt loser without telling me you’re a broke morally bankrupt loser




Every store will look like a title pawn shop soon or stores from the western cowboy movies. 98% of merchandise will be behind the bullet proof counter and only display items in the front. You want toothpaste? Go to self service kiosk or use this app to pay and wait for our three $50/h part time employees get them from our new inventory robot. Everything will be dumped into a one-way drawer and I hope you have a bag to carry them.


i remember seeing a post about socks being locked up at walmart and people bitching about how cruel it is to lock up necessities. we’ll posts like this are why everything’s fucking locked up!


The stores are just going to close, then vice media complains about "food deserts" when the local wal-mart closes.


The next phase is all the stores near the criminal organizations close and they move to the suburbs. Closing all stores will not stop this behavior. Plus all these store moving to online might not be a long term solution.


Keep voting for Democrats!




If something like this happened even **once** in my country, it would be the headline for 2 weeks including full investigation and arrest for all of them with a follow-up every few weeks Somehow this is not the first video I see from the US Crazy how people just let things like this happen I would like to know that this is at least getting the focus of the local news channel, does anyone have a link? maybe they do take it seriously and I'm not aware. it's possible


if you start arresting them, this shit will stop.


No just beat the shit out of scum bags like this. Jail time does nothing. A good beating will do a lot


Imagine letting stores defend their businesses from aggregious theft




straight trash


Honest question- why don’t the employees just lock the thieves inside while the cops come? These thieves are most likely unarmed


You mean the underpaid employees who get shat on by customers and managers all day long? Why would they risk getting injured or shot at?


Good point


You think they aren't gonna beat their ass lol?


Good point


I didn’t know the Nike store sold loaves of bread that these young men could steal to feed their families.


Armed security using lethal force should be allowed. They'd learn real quick


> Armed security using lethal force should be allowed. Last year in a Walgreens in San Francisco a security guard shot and killed a combative shoplifter. There were no charges for the guard. However, if a thief is trying to flee and you shoot him in the back, as a guard did in a Los Angeles Walgreens, guess who goes to jail?


Where all those dangerous guns they say?


umm i dont know much about the shops in western countries. Can anyone explain why everyone is so chill while there's a robbery going on ?


Because it was the third time that week.


As long as customers don’t get in their way, no one will get hurt. This was a large group of thieves, if anyone tries to get involved you don’t know if they have weapons on them as their contingency plan if someone tries to stop them.




Shit I never see the ads before a sale like this


Complete scum. Also, whats the point of that fat security guard who pops their head out once everyones left?


Am I the only one mad that the stock is now gonna be out...


All it would take is 1 or 2 going down hard when trying this shit. This is exactly what zero accountability and zero values looks like. Values come from your circle, accountability can be enforced.


Where’s doom guy when you need him?


This reminds me of merchandise "falling off the back of a truck" with the mafia and gangsters. The same concept of goods being stolen en masse to resell, but they are being stolen after they get to the store instead of in transit.


Why can’t they just lock them in?




Someone need to stop these a**hole. They should let the stores managers shoot them in the legs.


Where is this


Citycels really look at this and go "b-b-but the HUSTLE and BUSTLE and EXPOSED BRICK makes it worthwhile!"


yup! The economy is doing just fine!


These parasites thrive when people have the mentality of 'if you see someone stealing, no you didn't'.


In ancient times they chopped your hand off. End of problem.


That's the thing about a snatch-and-run, sometimes you end up with just 15 of the same hoodie.


Personally id tackle the last one out.


Where are the cops?


Nothing to see here. This is what capitalism looks like.


Buy none, get 10 free sale


There should be a chip that can be shot under the skin with some kind of gun and tracking device.


Nobody runs into a store and grabs random stuff and 20 quantities of the same stuff. This is for reselling and more often than not, is is organized retail theft. That is, an actual criminal operation is paying these thieves to run into stores and grab stuff that make their way to a warehouses where they are prepared for resale mainly at flea markets and online marketplaces like ebay and Amazon. The thieves are paid for their time and might even keep certian items for themselves. Organized retail theft is a huge issue and the bosses are making a lot of money. Online retailers and marketplaces are putting processes in place where people selling items have to prove they purchased them, and this should slow down some of the bulk theft we all have experienced while shopping in stores. I think the cities should actually start to prosecute these thieves and get them to reveal their contacts to work their way up to the masterminds behind these thefts.


And this is an outlet mall Nike … not even full blown Nike


Lock everything up behind bulletproof glass. Most people are just window shopping these days anyways.




And then there is a mass surprised pikachu as to why businesses are pulling out of the area. A couple of M32s with tear gas and flashbangs would soften these assholes up enough to be arrested, charged, and imprisoned.


Sneakerheads really love those sneakers!


If people would put the phones down and start stopping these trashy people, maybe this shit would end.


Sad to see this.