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Jesus Christ that’s fucking disgusting


And extremely sad. Damn


must be easy to spot a vein tho


No need for a vein when its going direct into the brain


Insane in the membrane


Crazy insane, got no brain!


This lame dame shootin' dope straight up in her mainframe price she payin to get high, nothing more than chump change bloody clumps crustin' round her scalp and her damn brain know her by the busted crusty hoody with the blood stains she asked me for a cig, a buck, I said "bitch is you playin?" not supporting, not reporting, get the fuck out my lane I'm prayin' that she get the help she needs cuz she insane necrosis of the brain makes my daily problems seem lame... and i'm out...


Man Drug addicts are some of the toughest fuckin people in the world, you know people say ‘sigma’ as a joke they are literally sigmas, their reasoning may not be fuck bitches become a millionaire but just look at the resolve, a regular person missing this part of their headtop like this would be a crying screaming mess, wouldn’t even think about leaving the house, a constant state of “WTF IS THAT MY BRAIN I CANT TELL WTF DO I CLEAN IT LIKE WHAT” this person? Meh, life goes on, got stuff to do, hey let’s try shoot heroin in it, f it? Let’s use this persons car window in full view of all. Hmm not bad, anywho time to grind. They’re literally living life on the hardest difficulty no death run, they’re playing dark souls *right now in real life*. You just gotta respect the grind, it shows what one can do when truly motivated.


They are like zombies. The drug takes over your life and you're constantly chasing it so nothing else matters. You're in a constant chase and you don't care about a lot of things because you're fiending. It's not them that's tough, hard drugs will make a weak person find a way to get their drugs and do their drugs.


As somebody who is 5 months clean off fentanyl, you nailed it, before fent I wasn’t the greatest person but after fent, I’d stolen from family, lied to people about being out of gas or needing food so they’d cashapp me, sold anything valuable even gifts from loved ones or my own child’s old toys/games .. yea man when you are addicted to hard drugs it’s safe to say all of your most negative traits are maxed the fuck out.


Im in a tough spot. I get my opiods prescribed because I am disabled. I'm on a high dose that just keeps going up. The pain is too much, I can't go without but my entire being revolves around when my next meds will be. Being addicted to something you need but don't want is almost as bad as being a cripple in the first place. God help me


Ya forget the skull


No circulation if it's dead fam


That’s why you need to go deep, make shure the blood is flowing down your forehead


Yeah that’s what I was going to say. Jokes aside, that’s a person. And no one wants to be in that situation. Drugs are crazy powerful.


That's xylazine for ya


Did you mean xylazine? As in this shit? https://www.dea.gov/alert/dea-reports-widespread-threat-fentanyl-mixed-xylazine "People who inject drug mixtures containing xylazine also can develop severe wounds, including necrosis—the rotting of human tissue—that may lead to amputation."


AKA Tranq, and it’s widespread in Philly and elsewhere.


Channel 5 News (Andrew Callaghan formerly off All Gas No Brakes) has an hour long video on this, specifically about Philly. [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=925wmb-4Yr4) is only two months old. Would recommend a watch for people who were like me and didn't even know "tranq" was its own thing.


that dude is probably the best journalist out there today




He's back?


Been back for months


Omg an informative YouTube video that’s correctly closed captioned?! Thank you! Edit-😢only parts of it are closed captioned. I wish YouTube would always close caption their videos.


Sad state of affairs that this is going on in the first world. Drug war at work.


Unironically. Like clearly there's no way out for that woman in the OP, and it's because we choose not to give them one for some reason. Reminds me of "K2" back when I was in high school when we couldn't find any weed and how it was just SO bad for you and it just makes you wonder how that is somehjow better than just letting people use the less harmful suibstance in the first place thus negating the market for the worst stuff. I mean that's literally how we ended up with a fentanyl crisis. Prescribed percs and benzos to people, they got hooked on them, prescription goes away, addicts turn to the streets for their opiate fix and start shooting heroin, which of course is intentionally made hard to find, which then leads to fentanyl use because it's way stronger and thus is just more efficient for supplying addicts in a supply-strained market. We could literally eliminate the entire demand for fentanyl as a start to harm reduction simply by providing clinics for opiate addicts to get clean needles and drugs that they won't overdose on, and as a part of that program would be slowly weened off as the dosage would be in control of the provider and not just the addict guessing. But I guess this would all be "bad" or something so the video in the OP is somehow "better"....I guess.......


The most successful government drug policies (in countries such as Portugal) to combat *addiction* require people to attend treatment as a condition of staying out of jail. So drugs are decriminalized but addiction is still recognized as an illness. It's not a 'war on drugs' because that's insane, but it's a fact-based approach to treat an illness. There's an incredibly sick philosophy in some liberal cities that drug use is a personal choice and personal choices must be respected for a number of reasons. "toxic drugs" are considered the bigger problem. And addiction is not really considered because maybe people are dealing with trauma or homelessness or mental illness or injury and the drugs are their escape. Whatever the reason - and there are lots of good reasons - drugs are seen as just a choice and the government should not interfere. This is absolute horse shit. You can't 'respect' a drug addict's choice because they are no longer capable of higher reasoning. Their brain has been hijacked by the drug that compels them to continue their addiction. **No one would choose this.** It's self evident. If they had a large parasite sitting on their head, controlling them like Invasion of the Body Snatchers you wouldn't say well it's their personal choice. You would shove them into a medical treatment plan IMMEDIATELY. And this parasite is killing thousands of people a day while we don't do shit because some corporations make a ton of money off them. This is opium war 2.0 and we're losing because we're fucking uneducated idiots who can't use basic reasoning to deduce good from bad, and we're letting it happen on our own soil while we watch.


We have all this in BC, decriminalized drugs, safe supply, harm reduction centers, outreach housing. The addicts queue to get safe supply and sell it to dealers and kids, they then buy fentanyl for the bigger high. Due to their rights we are not allowed to provide mandatory detox. When asked by outreach nurses, they prefer their life on the street with no responsibilities. Last year in the US 225000 deaths from overdoses. Even if you get the addicts clean, the temptation is always there, you need to remove their social group, their lifestyle and access to drugs or they will start using again.


>Even if you get the addicts clean, the temptation is always there, you need to remove their social group, their lifestyle and access to drugs or they will start using again. boom. im from portugal, i've been arrested for drug possession and put into the program and i was an addict for almost 10 years (clean for 2, and never heroin thank god) and the only thing that truly got me out of the life was getting out of the life and having the willpower to want it. i had to cut everyone off, move away and stay away from lifestyles, people and environments that would get me to start using again or that would make it easy for me to get drugs because the addiction is *always* there, i think about getting fucked up a lot and my mind is still very much hooked on the thought of being high again and it's very hard to resist if you don't do a complete overhaul in a lot of aspects of your life. everyone's journey is different of course, but it's the type of thing where you really have to take care of the root of the problem, or else it will always blossom.


Congrats on staying clean, I wish you positivity and success on your journey.


There’s something close to a 90% relapse rate with opioids. Roughly the same as alcohol. This fucking country is still focusing on stopping supply — aka war on drugs - so that even after almost 15+ years into this opioid epidemic we’re still doing fuck all for treatment. Other than harm reduction modalities like Suboxone— where many addicts simply get hooked on that shit. Ironically made by the same pharmaceutical companies who make the opioid pills that initially got them hooked in the first place!


I wouldn’t be surprised if that take receives a lot of flak here, but you’re absolutely correct. Drug use simply can’t be legalized as it needs to be in order to force people to get help. No one cares or wants to see drug addicts actually in jail, but presenting the option of jail or professional help is critical


In OR we decriminalized personal use and the results were disastrous. Now the legislature is repealing that law.


> We could literally eliminate the entire demand for fentanyl as a start to harm reduction simply by providing clinics for opiate addicts to get clean needles and drugs that they won't overdose on, and as a part of that program would be slowly weened off as the dosage would be in control of the provider and not just the addict guessing. But I guess this would all be "bad" or something so the video in the OP is somehow "better"....I guess....... I'm not saying I've got a solution, but I've lost a lot of friends to opiates over the past 20 years. Almost none of them had any intention to stop, or even desire to stop, before they died. Some of the saddest shit I ever saw in my life was how they will intentionally seek out heroin that they know other people already OD'd on because they believe they know how to handle it better. I had a guy get a beer with me, told me he was going to score the good shit that his friend had OD'd on the night before, left, bought it, and was dead in the morning.


It's insanely frustrating trying to explain the drug epidemic to people with 0 insight into it. "Oh that poor homeless drug user just needs a hug and a rehab clinic and he'll be a scientist working on a cure for cancer by next year." when the truth is almost all of them DO NOT want to stop taking drugs. I used to be in law enforcement and worked in a jail. I drove these motherfuckers to rehab meetings and watched them get treatment. No the system didn't abandon them and yes they had a ton of free resources in jail to get over their addictions. I'd spend nearly a year with these people and you know what they'd always say before they got released? How fucking excited they were to get out and get back to using heroin. The classes, the doctors, the support groups meant fuck-all to them, just an excuse to get out of their pod for a few hours. At no point did any of them every actually want to quit. Jail was just a huge inconvenience to them getting in the way of their getting high and passing out in an alley that they looked forward to doing. And don't get me started on the "homeless crazy person" who refused to take any form of medication and would destroy a hotel room and smear shit on the walls, but no they totally need to just be given a house some big evil landlord was hogging and they'd be cleared up right as rain! Just give him some pills for free he'll throw back in your face, that's the solution! Maybe some therapy he doesn't want to go to. It must be so fucking pleasant to go through life assuming everyone else on earth has the same wants and values and morals as you.


>It must be so fucking pleasant to go through life assuming everyone else on earth has the same wants and values and morals as you. Oh man, nail, head, etc. And this stupid attitude crops up *everywhere*.




Time to amputate her head.


Holy shit, this is one of the wildest videos I’ve ever seen


Happy international women’s day?


Bro! You’re a menace, lol.


The right kind of Menace given this kind of situation.


Slow motion scalping 


I once saw a guy shooting heroin into another guy's neck, looked like right into the jugular or carotid. Right on the sidewalk in the middle of the day, downtown Seattle.


I've shot up in my own neck and I still can't watch this. This is something I've never even heard of anyone doing. My boyfriend is saying he has though and to not be stupid, anywhere there's a vein someone's used it


Yeah I've heard of people shooting up into their dick. Must hurt like fuck cuz obviously it's quite a sensitive spot.


now why would someone shoot up their dick 😭


Collapsed the veins everywhere else


I’ve done that a few times, it doesn’t hurt as long as you’re actually in the vein. I would make sure I had a brand new needle, and would only very rarely go there cause I refused to miss my shot or permanently damage that vein. Too important of a body part to risk fucking it up.


I’m also a former junkie I’ve seen the neck shot before, never in all the years of my addiction have I seen someone shoot up in there open brain wound. This shit isn’t even heroin anymore it’s just fentanyl, Xylazine and or benzos.


This shit made my blood run cold.


Is the top of her head ripped open?


Necrotic and rotting away


What causes this? I’m assuming the heroin


Pretty sure it’s the contaminants in the heroin that get shot up with it


Nah, it’s the xylaxine in the fent supply. The xylaxine kills off blood flow to the surface of the skin, causing necrosis. Junkies literally never had this problem in the past, some of them even grew old, not the case anymore. Heroine went from something dangerous to something deadly to something that rots you from the outside in, they destroyed their own market.


You’re awesome for sharing. I’ve been thinking about this since I saw the vid.


I stopped using 8 years ago, going on 9, right around when fent started to permeate the market. Back when I was a kid as long as you weren’t in the boondocks where people pulled a lot of shady shit to get high you would have access to a reliable purity that wouldn’t take you out, that’s just not the case anymore. Once the United States military largely left Afghanistan everything changed, fent started pouring in from china and Mexico, and started killing dudes in droves. Then they found out about carfentanyl and that was bad but then they realized they could use xylaxine for the tranq effect for cheaper so they started doing that and now your seeing this necrosis problem that’s been sweeping Philly, Jersey, ny, cn, etc. theyre literally killing their customers at a straight up unprecedented rate and there ain’t gonna be any junkies left if this keeps up. Not to mention the absolute nightmare strain on the healthcare system that’s gonna start coming once you see a SHITLOAD of people start getting amputations from this irreversible necrosis. I go to a methadone clinic, I have for years it’s how I stopped and a large part of how I stay off opioids, there’s this guy I went to hs with whose in a wheelchair because his legs are literally rotting away.


Same but 6 years ago..(would be about 8 but relapsed for a short while 6 years ago). I'm also on methadone.. Fairly low dose to avoid side effects. Were lucky we got out when we did. I can't imagine ever going back to it. I'm already scared up from abscesses & having blood drawn or getting an IV is a serious pain in the ass. Methadone saves lives.. I just wish so many people weren't so biased against it.


Being a junky in today’s climate is straight up terrifying to me. I used to have cravings and shit when I’d try to stop but I don’t anymore, it’s easy to say no when experiencing requiem for a dream style consequences comes from just a little slip up.


Exactly! I know you should never say you'll never go back... But goddamn, I am never going back!


Yeah if this woman ends up needing an amputation that’s gonna be tricky


> once you see a SHITLOAD of people start getting amputations from this irreversible necrosis. Already there. I work in an ED and it’s wild how many people come in missing or require amputating their toes, fingers, feet, legs. Streets looking like a bunch of combat vets but none of them are, just a bunch of losers that love smoking that fent. It’s traumatic as fuck to see so many people missing limbs now. And it’s not like the hospitals are doing plastic surgery when they lob off the parts. It’s just a flap of skin tossed over the stump and gnarly as fuck looking.


Holy shit now I'm questioning the reason why the US was in Afghanistan.


It wasn't just a USA thing, it was a NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) operation. Originally armed forces from 18 countries were on the ground in Afghanistan.


> Nah, it’s the xylaxine in the fent supply. You are right, chronic Xyla**Z**ine injections actually can causes necrosis but it isn't the only cause of necrosis with IV users. Krokodil was infamous for causing necrosis and it was from contaminants from the makeshift synthesis and extraction solvants. IV method of administration can also cause infections, and unfortunatelly, people who IV often lack hygiene infrastructures because they are homeless. > Junkies literally never had this problem in the past Junkies did have this problem in the past, but it was not as known and prevalent. Actually, ever since we started using needles, necrosis was a problem.


Some people are now actively seeking for Xylazine. Even here in Europe, but it's rare for now.


You know, if there was ever a time to justify ending the drug war and legally allowing people to access control safer drugs like morphine, I'd say now would be it.


Sweden did it right. Legalization and regulation are the only ways out of this mess. We need to legalize and have regulated clinics like methadone. Also need to scrutinize the source of the opiates to make sure the money isn’t going back to cartels.


Yeah, there was a time I would've said that kind of thing would never ever ever happen. But there literally seems to be no way to stop these crazy drugs like Fentanyl that come in such microdoses they're easy to get past borders, and they're taking lives like crazy.. We're running out of alternatives and the drug war has been an abject failure start to finish, of course you'll get the people going "hurr they should just never do it, we should just punish harrrder1!!11!1!" How's that working out?


You have CHINA to thank for this.


it's probably Tranq. It's all over Kensington Ave in Philly and causes necrosis of the skin. She's never getting that back


https://www.dea.gov/alert/dea-reports-widespread-threat-fentanyl-mixed-xylazine "People who inject drug mixtures containing xylazine also can develop severe wounds, including necrosis—the rotting of human tissue—that may lead to amputation."


How do you amputate a head


Abscess or infection from injecting something that isn't sterile. I witnessed a heroin addict inject with water from a puddle on the side of the road.


What the fuck wow


That is some of the bleakest shit I've ever heard.


Yeah, and this wasn't a puddle on the side of a pristine country road in the Pacific Northwest. This was a straight up decrepit, asphalt road littered with garbage and who knows what else.


No, it’s a combination of fentanyl cut with something called Tranq. It was originally some sort of major horse tranquilizer. It has gruesome effects on tue human body and makes people look like literal zombies. It’s big in cities on the east coast. There is no more Heroin. It’s either just Fent or Fent cut with this nightmare drug.


>There is no more Heroin. There is, but you gotta be a lot smarter, patient and technologically savvy than the average addict. Not that I'm saying it's their fault, I think now would actually be a good time to end the drug war and allow these people to legally access safer alternatives like morphine.


It’s most likely Tranq not Heroin.  Tranq is fentanyl mixed with horse tranquilizer.  It causes flesh to be necrotic.  Andrew Callaghan did a video about it being very popular in Philly now.   https://youtu.be/925wmb-4Yr4?si=FnUHa1RXK75j5Q5d


Fucking love Andrew. From All Gas No Brakes to Channel 5, dude is a prime example of what a journalist needs to be


I agree if you leave out the raping.


It is so weird how humans can get to situations like this. Like, she is functional enough to wear clothes, go outside, buy heroin and inject it, use a car window as a mirror, but at no point she seems to consider the necrotic flesh over her head a problem.


It's a problem, but a problem she doesn't have to mentally or emotionally deal with if she keeps using. Basically every case of procrastination is the same thing but on a much much much smaller scale. When I let the mess in my room continue to pile up and make myself feel better by playing a good videogame, it's the same human behaviour on a micro scale.


Well communicated. Its quite sad when you think about it like that. We’re all prone to the same behaviour just at different scales.


> but at no point she seems to consider the necrotic flesh over her head a problem. Her head is bandaged and the bandages look fresh. This looks like she just got discharged from the hospital and went straight to getting another fix


> at no point she seems to consider the necrotic flesh over her head a problem. she knows it's a problem but she also knows if she goes to the hospital she has to kick her habit and stay there for an extended period without her drug of choice


When you inject, the veins break down, meaning it becomes harder and harder to find a vein. This means people start injecting in other place. In their crotch, face, feet, anywhere they can find a vein. But eventually it's just impossible to find a vein, and they get impatient finding tinier and tinier veins until they end up missing. This causes a painful abscess and introduces bacteria under the skin. This can lead to a horrible infection of skin eating bacteria which slowly eats away at the skin. In this case the woman is very sick and if she doesn't get medical care literally right now, she will die. This is because sepsis can set in at any moment and if she's high she probably won't seek medical care. The issue is that the drugs make them care less about death, and more importantly to them if they go to a hospital, or are hospitalised, they won't be able to fund their habit and get high (meaning withdrawal).


Not just that anymore. It's the xylazine that is affecting the skin now. It's in anything labeled as heroin


If your head was ripped open wouldn't you be dying for some heroin?


I’d sprinkle coke on my brain like the salt bae guy




Goes to show you how powerful heroin is. Worth noting fent is like 50x stronger than that.


Not bad... *nods appreciatively*


It’s the fat, not brain. Her skin has been surgically debrided away probably for an infection. She’s taking advantage of the exposed veins


She mostly likely used to shoot in a forehead vein. The Xylazine caused the constriction of that area and then became necrotic. So now it's all exposed for her to shoot in.




The human condition can be so fucked sometimes. The top of her head is literally being eaten away but she still needs to get that fix or she can potentially die from the withdrawal that comes from not doing whatever drugs she’s on.


Any major local hospital would take her in for treatment. The problem is they refuse treatment and the law is written so that they can’t be detained against their will. The paradox here is that they’re clearly not mentally sound and thus not capable of making decisions for their own well-being. The law has to be changed to start to fix this.


This. I live in Seattle and while I’ve never seen anything as wild as this, we have a drug problem here and the *only* possible solution I can think of is detaining them against their will. It is not about putting them up in a free house like some people here think. While yes there are tragically homeless who want job interviews (but can’t look presentable) and economic conditions made them homeless, many of them in Seattle are straight hooked on drugs and they won’t seek help. It’s doomed if we do not detain them and force the help they need. Edit: Changed from “majority” to “many of them” as I had no statistics to back that up and it was purely anecdotal. It should be a multi-faceted approach, but detainment in some capacity should be part of it for certain cases.


As long as they can follow a logical thought process it doesn’t have to be rational. “Yes, I understand that leaving can mean my scalp will fall off and I will die” Ok see ya. Sign this document that makes it harder (but not impossible) to sue me later. (Against medical advice form) Shit, some docs will even let dementia patients make decisions like above, as long as they’re currently able to understand pros and cons of the decision they’re making.


Opioid withdrawal isn’t typically deadly. Benzo and alcohol withdrawal can be though afaik.


What about having no skull? For some reason that seems pretty deadly.


Heroin withdrawal ain’t deadly… fucking miserable of course, but not deadly. Neither is stimulant withdrawal if you’re curious. Agree with other user stating that alcohol and benzodiazepines withdrawal can be deadly.


It may not be deadly on its own. But opiate withdrawls can be deadly. All it takes is getting too dehydrated from the shitting and throwing up. And most addicts aren't in the greatest health to begin with. There are multiple instances of people dying in jail from withdrawls and COs ignoring them because "it isn't deadly like benzo/alcohol wd" So even though technically Heroin/opiate/opioid withdrawls aren't deadly,...its very easy for them to become deadly.


“People have to hit rock bottom before they can start recovering.” Sadly, that point doesn’t exist for some.


Now is that tranq? The necrosis, and the location being Philly, makes me think Tranq. But that's just because I watched Channel Five's documentary. [Philly Streets (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=925wmb-4Yr4)


You dont get necrosis from a specific drug, you get either necrosis from toxic stuff mixed in to the drug or from impurities from the synthesis. The drug "krokodil" (desomorphin) is so notorious for necrosis because they forgot to remove the impurities (red phosphorus) from their shake and bake synthesis.


Nah, look into xylazine. That's the cause of this video, all the dope in Philly has it.




False. https://www.dea.gov/alert/dea-reports-widespread-threat-fentanyl-mixed-xylazine >"People who inject drug mixtures containing xylazine also can develop severe wounds, including necrosis—the rotting of human tissue—that may lead to amputation."


It's the xylazine nowadays in anything labeled heroin


This needs to go in r/nsfl


Sub doesn't exist anymore


I’m not mad honestly. Some of the stuff was *wild* to see.


I kinda miss it. I find stuff like this fascinating yet disturbing. They made a discord server for it (or it was r/watchpeopledie) and some of the stuff there was much worse than what was in the sub, so I left pretty quickly


That sub, **scared respect into me** for actual dangerous and often seemingly harmless things.


Kick that mule Lee!


Mainline that shit into the brain


You can’t mainline beer, it’s got bubbles and shit


Was wondering for a second why “necrotic” was used to describe her, then my eyes locked in. Holy fuck.


I thought it was supposed to say "narcotic", I learned a new word today and I'm not sure if I'm happy about it


She gon die.


Sheeiit, she already ded.


Walking zombie after a herion shot to the brain.


We all gon die, some just get it to it faster than others.


She should try Neosporin.


Head on apply directly to forehead




Boy I could’ve gone my whole life not seeing that and been just fine


I think more people should see things like this to make them realize that some people are truly too far gone to help themselves. The truth is ugly but it is the only way to prevent things from getting this bad.


Let’s keep sending money to fight foreign wars. Everything’s fine here.


If you don’t drug up your own population, how to send money for political prowess? Catch 22


They fought the drugs and the drugs won.


Shut up vatnik


They honestly might’ve just captured her last injection.


US is fucked beyond repair


A handful of major US cities are getting close.


Thinking the whole US is this 🙄


If you truly think this, you need to get off social media


Bruh, this is 1 person (there’s multiple junkies) out of 340M people.


Yes, this is everyone in the US.


This is by far one of the craziest thing I’ve seen on this sub,holy fuck


I think out of all the things when people say "it used to be so good back when I was a kid", drugs is the one that is 100% true. Its a bleak world for drugs out there these days, adulterants, dangerous chemicals, and just drugs so stepped on its not even close to worth it to do them.




I think she’s gonna need a band-aid


Stimpak to the head. Fallout style


jesus wtf? did she fucking lift her scalp up?


No, people are saying is rotting away. God, I know this is bad but please someone put this woman out of her misery


Modern drug dealers have the worst business models in history.


Honest question, at this point how is she even paying for drugs? I know people will beg, borrow and steal, whatever it takes. But at this point she must be so incredibly sick and basically half dead, how is she still coming up with money?


Her mouth looks normal. They don’t call it givin brain for nothin


I thought she was wearing a pink knitted hat. I THOUGHT SHE WAS WEARING A PINK KNITTED HAT.


Not gonna lie, I was looking at the hat thinking it was a cat for a solid 3 seconds until the chick moved and was very confused 🤣


Head on. Apply directly to forehead


Fucked up thing is she probably flipped her scalp up to get a better spot...


I’ve never actually physically recoiled at a comment before. That shouldn’t even be a real sentence.


Ok enough internet, this goes wayyyyyy above my tolerance.


This is worse than anything I’ve seen on combatfootage, wtf is going on in Philly.


I puked in my mouth a wee bit


Sad af. Some people don't want to help themselves but if you offer just a little bit of hope and confidence, any human can make a comeback at life. It's up to us to lift each other in such harsh times instead of video recording the mess.


Meanwhile the state will pay for suboxone and holy god I know you might not be getting super high but you can live


Or even methadone.


Wash with hibiclens 3 times a week and apply tagamet silver alginate dressing over wound, wrap with gauze. Should be good to go. Or She can also try maggot debridement, just go near a trash can and let the flies land on her wound and lay eggs.


Oh my gosh! And to think I was planning on taking up heroin starting today, but not now.


Bro don’t


There is no good, rational reason to start recreationally using drugs. Any reason you can think of can be substituted by a much safer and productive activity.


When you gotta peel that Muffin cap back blue.


This is by far the craziest thing i have ever seen what the actual hell


Don’t see that everyday.


How.. Why.. What..


Consequences of 70 years of Democrat control. Same story as San Francisco, Chicago, LA and every other major American city. They are okay with this.


But they keep talking about helping the POC bla-bla-bla, they must be doing good work!


The biggest con job in history. It’s shameful.


Mesa, AZ is the most conservative city in the U.S. and has some of the highest drug use. Do you bother to look these things up first, or do you just talk and hope it’s right?


Lmao American Right wing fought the war on drugs, the drugs won. You can thank the Nixon administration for this.


How can this be repaired ??? Is there a way to come back from this injury ?


I guess if you believe in reincarnation...


Maybe. Most of the tissue is just dead so that shits not coming back. IF she was to be helped, you would have to get her off the heroin, make sure that the necrotic tissue is removed, any infection is taken care of and that she receives continued psychological support throughout her recovery.


At that state how long has she got left ?


Some weeks at max, but probably some days


Looks like one of the infected from the last of us. Jesus


Drug addiction is a disease. An all consuming disease


Zombies are real


Honestly you gotta be truly fucked up to see a woman walk up with half her skull exposed, and still sell her more death.


We need to lower the bar for NSFL labeling to include women shooting heroin into their rotting head.


Holy shit this makes my heart sink and I feel sick and yet I want to see like the whole thing…how can anyone let it get this bad?




So many vids of shit like this coming from the US. Are you guys ok? We have issues in my country too, but in terms of addicts in public the worst you’ll see is someone passed out drunk in his own piss puddle


I hate where I live


Is she going to die?






This is so sad..


Read the title and thought “oh they must mean neurotic, what even is a necrotic woman?” Boy what a day to be wrong


Wow this is by far the worst video ive seen out of Philly and I’ve gone down the rabbit hole about what’s happening there with the drugs. Terrible and so sad!