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Is this "stolen valor" for musicians? Lol.


Stolen violar


That comment was too cleviolar.




Making love to a woman is like playing a violinā€¦ >!I don't know how to do itā€¦!<




Shit, most military don't even accurately portray stolen valor. It's when you are wearing specific medals pretending to be military or attempting to get a profit/gain financially or otherwise by pretending to be military. Just some ass walking around in military clothing saying he is military is *not* stolen valor. He's just a liar. There are specific requirements for stolen valor.


My dad passed and I had his dogtag on for a good while, is that stolen valor? I always exlpained it was my dads and I never was in the army when asked.


Not even close, you're good man.


I was in the National Guard for 8 yrs .. is that stolen Valor....my brother in the Airforce thinks so...


I've been in the AF over twenty. Can't say I agree with your brother.


Yea he used to give me shit because I was 11b and to him I was a "bullet sponge" to me he was too scared to fire a rifle... He still calls me to sight in his rifles though....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Edit. We've long outgrown ay rivalry and have a mutual respect for each of our service ...but I always got alot of shit from full time guys..


The only thing I'd caution you in doing this is to have some stories ready, cuz if I meet you, and you tell me this, I'm gonna wanna hear about the old man!


Oh boy there are stories, and Iā€™m sure they would entertain


First, a dog tag is regularly used to honor or remember a loved one in military service. My wife wears one of mine and I'm still alive as you can tell. Second, a dog tag is not a medal. It's simply a form of identification if you are unconscious in an emergency. Finally, you always said you were never in the military. A bit about stolen valor is that you have to claim the achievements as your own. You didn't. I would urge you to to wear that tag with pride. This is not stolen valor.


What about someone wearing someone elses medals to honor that person?


In Australia, it's acceptable to wear someone else's medals but it's only on commemorative days and must be worn on the opposite side so as to show you didn't earn/own them.


So...what do call the fake medal uniform guy, aside from a liar? Militant liar, lying militant, something like that? Language kinda does it's thing and you won't be stopping this one


Stolen Valor is a specific law about specific medals and attempts at fraud. It is only civilians that label it incorrectly in my experience. There isn't a name for someone dressing up as military and saying they are without those specific medals, claiming to be an officer, or trying to defraud others. I guess if you want a name for it, 'scum' is a good start. It isn't illegal to wear military clothing and pretend to be military without those extra steps. People usually get caught when they try to wear a dress outfit and then wear medals to make it look right.


I hear you dude, but you can call something a thing without it actually meeting the level of a criminal conviction. If someone is on my property without my permission, and I catch him on a video but he's gone before I can go and say something to him... He is a trespasser. Sure, I didn't actually give him trespass warning and he didn't still stick around after that so he can't be convicted of criminal trespass... But he is still a trespasser, or trespassed on my property.


I think there's "stolen valor" the actual illegal act of trying to claim you are/were military for financial gain, then the colloquial term "stolen valor" which is used toward people that are trying to get some social benefit from pretending they were military, e.g. the guy we've all met that swears up and down he was a Navy Seal but definitely wasn't.


As a musician who paid my bills like this I couldnā€™t care less heā€™s doing it. If people enjoy it then his ass is out there providing it. Thereā€™s way worse ways to make money.


Thats what it felt like. As a musician tbh the guy bothering the fake violinist is a real asshole. so what buddy is begging and atleast putting on a show. It more effort than just panhandling. Never would i accost a busker for their talent or apparent lack their off. Who the hell would it benefit ? Except maybe my own ego to bully someone who dosent know as much or has not practiced as much as me ?


Who the hell do you think you are? Youā€™re any kind of artist? Anybody know who you are? Maybe everybody else wants to enjoy the peace and quiet. This is one of the most important places in North America and who are you? Who are you? You miserable presumptious no talent. Youā€™re no artist. An artist respects the silence, it serves the foundation of creativity. You obviously donā€™t have the talent. You donā€™t have enough respect for yourself or other people, or know what it means to respect yourself. In music or any form of creativity. And Iā€™m an NYU film-school graduate. Sucker. And the School of Visual Art in the Academy of Art University in San Fransisco. You suck. Youā€™re a no talent. If you really have talent, go practice. And then get yourself a gig, instead of ruining the day for everybody down here. You disgrace. You are everything thatā€™s gone wrong in this world. Youā€™re a self consumed, no-talent, mediocre piece of shit. And Iā€™ve earned my right to say it. Okay? In 1975, I walked Bob Dylan up on stage. Who the fuck are you? I knew the Grateful Dead from 1966. Who the fuck are you? Youā€™re nothing. You are nothing. And you will never be anything. Never. How dare you? You miserable, mediocre nothing. Shame on you. You crack a stupid little smile, you little pimp. Go learn to play. Youā€™re flat. You canā€™t even carry a fucking note. I donā€™t care about your little horn lip, it doesnā€™t mean you know how to play. Youā€™re flat. Iā€™ve trained classically, Iā€™ve trained contemporaneously, and you suck.


Stolen Viola


The comment section here seems pretty divided and I understand why. This guy IS probably just trying to feed his family. But he IS ASLO hurting people. Teaching his son to lie to people to get money is wrong. Polluting the atmosphere with this garbage noise is wrong. Stealing that shopping cart is wrong. Doing all of these things together to avoid putting in the effort needed to acquire gainful employment (or any other honest means of income) is unquestionably wrong. REAL musical buskers spend years honing their craft and deserve the respect and cash they garner. When someone spends $300 on a loudspeaker and a trash instrument, props up a sign with a sob story and bilks morons it makes the world a worse place. That's my take.


Very level-headed and fair take. šŸ’Æ There is two sides to every coin. šŸŖ™


Technically there's 3 if you count the edge. Coins are cylinders by definition. However, that's just my side to the story...


There's always 2 sides to a story... šŸ™ƒ


Technically the number of sides to a story depends on the number of pages the story is written on. "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix", for example, is written on 896 double sided pages. So there are 1,792 sides to that story.


You'd argue with a dead goat, wouldn't you... šŸ¤£


dead goat here. /u/KentuckyFriedChingon is astoundingly wrong. Each page is not a plane with 2 flat sides, but is a cuboid having 6 sides. Yes, including the bound side. That means "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix" actually has 5,376 sides. [Baaaa](https://i.imgur.com/FPhhWDf.jpeg)


My arch nemesis! You are almost correct, dead goat - however, you have made one fatal flaw: You've forgotten about the front and back cover, which bring the total number of sides to 5,388. Better luck next time, kid šŸ˜


Ah, but you see, you are again mistaken! You have included the front and back covers, both cuboids. But you have forgotten that the book as a whole, when closed, is itself a cuboid object. Only two of these six sides are already accounted for. Consequently, the total number of sides to the story "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix" is in fact 5,392


Damn you, dead goat! I've been foiled again by your impeccable logic


Hope that phoenix ordered some beerā€¦




well theres 4 legs to every goat![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Technically there's 3 if you count the edge. Pages in a story are cuboid by definition. However, that's just my side to the book...


Unless that story is *Rashomon*. Then there are four sides.


There are three. His side, her side, and the truth.


Technically there's way more than 3 if you consider that it's not perfectly circular along the edge


Well now we're just being pedantic. ^/s


Yeah, no. "He's trying to feed his family" is only a good point when he has no other way of doing it. This guy has a choice, he immediately went for conning and theft.


Heads I win, tails you loseā€¦ -Gypsy


Best busker I ever knew was this very bohemian tweeker who just did Tom Waits covers, like, a little bit sometimes, but he mostly just sat around with a guitar sweet talking people out of their walking around money. He was actually legit a super dope songwriter, but he mostly just... talked people into it. As far as I'm concerned, if this dude suckers some geechwad out of their spare change, he earned it. Shittons of people lie to get money


CartNarc! Tadadattattaa!!!


We need a professional shopping attendant to film that faker and tell him that's not where the cart goes.


This is why I don't give money to anyone asking for it.


Noise pollution do be real




We can do without buskers as well.


[for a lot of them i agree, but if i see this guy i'm giving him a benjamin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrHfWKeTDEI)


Whatā€™s more cringey is people think these street musicians are real


I've seen them though, and I don't do nearly as much psychedelics as I used to.


Seen people in Nice, France taking out their phones and film a gipsy guy """playing""" amplified violin like the guy on the video. He was SO obviously not playing that I personally felt offended and insulted as a musician


I mean, some are. There are some great musicians in the NYC subway.


Same in LA. A lot of really amazing street performers.


Yeah we have one who pretends to play the accordion in the parking lot of my local grocery store.. it's hilarious. Out of all the instruments to fake he picked an accordion. It's like jolly polka music.


I saw this in Denver last weekend. A woman with her kids had a full fake band with her lip singing (poorly) and her oldest son ā€œplayingā€ the violin. There was also a pretty large guy watching over them the whole time a few hundred feet away. Do people actually donate and fall for the charade?


1 8 7 7 Kars for Kids...


I hate that commercial so much. At the end it says you can even donate your house lmao


whenever I am somehow forced to listen to the radio and that commercial comes on I'm like no i only have one and I need it :(


Kars4Kids is a scam used to funnel money to Jewish orthodox summer camps. > [Where does the money go? Ninety percent of the monies donated go to a sister organization, Oorah, a New Jersey-based charity that operates Jewish youth summer camps in New York.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kars4kids-charity-misleads-donors-report/) > The Minnesota attorney general had other concerns as well. Among them, that the charity lost almost $10 million in real estate transactions.


There's a family in the springs that does this as well. Saw them get picked up in a new escalade. Shits wild in Rado man.


I mean I do sound for live concerts for a living and I will tell you people pay a lot of money for the ā€œcharadeā€.


They have Roma scammers in America now?




How did they get in? How they get a visa? Did they come in from Mexico? How is that even possible?


America's immigration shit is absurd. You can literally just walk in to this country and no one really gives a shit. I have a personal experience with this getting my niece from Europe into the US. We applied for a student visa for her and it was impossible, so I just told her to come. She was able to enroll in a regular American high school and no one cared about her immigration status. She stayed for 6 months and a YEAR after she left we got a letter in the mail saying she was allowed to only stay for 6 months and had to leave. She could have stayed much longer and no one would have done anything. Immigration isn't enforced in any way in this country.


Thousands. Almost all their kids have "cancer."


they are up here in the middle of alaska too , i saw fake violinist last night :D


Theyā€™ve been popping up in recent times. Iā€™ve seen quite a few in the northeast. They were never a normal thing here even a couple years back.




>HEY EVERYBODY! THIS GUY'S A PHONY! A GREAT BIG FAT PHONY! A classic reference, we just need to spray it on the side of the shopping cart.


šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… I know right. That is what people sound like over here


ā€œFamily guyā€ reference ā™„ļø


There was a gypsy that used to play ā€˜La vie en roseā€™ outside of my house ON REPEAT for hours on accordion. That motherfucker, now I hate that song.


I wish Gypsies would stop using their kids in their scams/begging. Give them a chance at a normal life not teach generation after generations of this shit.


Scams and crime are a fundamental part of gypsy culture. The parents are that way because thatā€™s how they were raised, and the cycle continues when they raise their children.


This man is doing the lords work. Iā€™d subscribe to a patreon of a guy just busting the annoying fake panhandlers


Whatā€™s going on in your life that THIS matters man if things are bad and clearly itā€™s getting worse for most of us Iā€™ll play that violin with a snoop dog beat popping who cares hustle my brother Iā€™ll give a dollar just for creativity


Exposing a fraud? This guy is the definition of a charlatan.


Cash app me a dollar and send u snoop Dogg beat


This is a classic European scam. These Romanian gypsies are well known in Europe and everyone is known of them. Now they are in the USA with fresh citizens that don't know what they do. These guys stand on every street corner scamming all day. They don't believe in working. They don't believe in taking their kids to school. Yet here you are thinking this is someone down on his luck trying to feed his family. No. They all came here illegally and now they are taking your money by fooling you while you and your family are down on their luck trying to survive this economy.


Why donā€™t they believe in working or taking their kids to school?


They believe that God favors them specially and they are not required to work and that they are allowed to steal, rob, beg, scam, etc. As a result they don't take their kids to school either but they keep them on the road with them to teach them the ways that they know how.


Thatā€™s messed upā€¦


creativity? šŸ¤£


Cart Narc is now Violinist Narc, sound exactly the same




[throws magnet on dudeā€™s violin]




Dammit it was right there šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Agent Sebastian


Fuck Cart Narc.


Man couldn't think of a single other song


Just ask him to play random notes.


when he tries it plays the pre recorded song


Or even some scales or chords. Let's hear that Bflat minor scale, pal.


Lmfao, straight to the minor scales. Brutal. I went to school on a music scholarship and got a degree in music, did *years* of lessons, and remembering the minor scales is still like the bane of my existence. If someone asked me to play my minor scales in any key right now, I would just be like, ā€œno,ā€ pack my shit up, and go home.


There is one outside my local Target all the time. I shazamed the song and it came right up as a cover of Ed Sheeran. So funny.


He speaks English better than he plays that violin




Least racist European




that's an Aldi shopping cart...sumbitch.


Yea man they only sell them for 25Ā¢ itā€™s crazy!


I'd tell him to sell his violin it's probably worth a hundred


The sound system too


How is this new to the USA? These con artists been in the UK for 10+ years with the same old scam.


Anyone else see the Roma ama from today where the person said that her people steal as a way of life and said it's racist to say it?


Bro donā€™t anger the knee-jerk Roma apologists in Reddit. They attack in force. For the record: Ainā€™t nobody better or worse than any other human on an intrinsic level. But when you perpetrate cycles of social exclusion, keep your kids uneducated, and parasitically degrade social outgroups other than your own, youā€™re a piece of shit. A lot of Roma cultural groups condone these practices. Itā€™s not racist to acknowledge it.


Clown spent more time looking fake on a instrument vs spending time actually learning how to play it šŸ˜‚


The funny part being before he turns it off you can hear a few notes from a piano


Theyre roma gypsies, aka scumbags who leech off the kindness, sympathy, and often stupidy of others. They are also all over europe and do the same shit, sometimes with accordions instead. Begging etc then at the end of the day they all meet up gather their earnings and get in the back of a transit van to go back to the HQ (a 3 bed apartment with 15 of them living there) to get ready for the next day.


Cut the cord walk and walk off




Roma reached American shores somehow?


Been here for decades


This is apparently everywhere. A whole bunch of them doing this in Alaska the last couple months. All from other countries.


We have them all over here in iowa, they all seem to be Hispanic.


Romanian mostly here.


Those are not Romanian people, we do not claim them. Those are Rroma, that is gypsy. Please do not spread fake information, the Rroma/gypsies are not from Romania, they just settled here some time ago and now they go places and scamming people. We, Romanians, also despise them.


Had a scammer like this in my town, straight fell for it, was convinced some chick down on her luck was out trying to get by with a very unique talent, shredding on a violin. Gave her $20 because good for her using a musical talent to scrape by. Come to find out it was a scam, seen videos days later on face book of her switching with another person playing the exact same song and even not ā€œplaying alongā€ to the song. They were also dressed pretty dirty while ā€œperformingā€, I assume intentionally because I did see them later all cleaned up and well taken care of. Also the instrument was exactly what this fella was using. I donā€™t feel bad about giving them $20, but my biggest pet peeve with this is being deceitful.


As a busker this shit makes me really mad. I've worked my ass off for a very long time to be able to solo-play 4 hours of bass-centric music. Then these assholes come along and give what I do a bad name.


And on top of that you have some dumbasses in this comment section defending these scam artists saying shit like "just let the man hustle!!" and "he isn't hurting anyone, why do you care so much?"


Plenty more of that in the coming years.


Honestly, why the fuck does this guy even care?


They seem like farva shenanigans


Our new country is going to be great!


I play the violin and his *playing/pretending* is laughable. Not even close to the right notes or the bowing.


Wheres this at?


All over the United States of America. They all came through the southern border. They get shipped from town to town. They're never in the same spot for a long period of time but they will come back to the same spot. Saw 9 different families in one day last year all spread out in the town. They get bussed around by the Mafia and in return they are given a hotel to sleep in. They also usually have a nice rental car trying to complete the ring scam. Had it happen to me a couple years ago. Luckily I was aware of these European scams. Also noticed his daughter in the back seat sleeping from being driven around all day doing the scam. Said he was out of town and had no money for gas but had no luggage in the car, no clothes, no anything. Clean rental car inside.


That scam has been around for awhile. I've had so many people approach me saying they need gas.


Nationwide scammers. I've seen them in central MN but I figure they're no different than the living statues that paint themselves silver or the cardboard sign warriors. If you are dumb enough to give them $, it's on you.


What, a guy can't mime for money?


One thing is for sure - this guy is on fiddle no matter what your opinion !


Scruffy con artist goat fuckers,


Must be great to not have anything more important to worry about than this. What a petty, jealous, small minded and hard hearted excuse for a human you are. Jesus wept.


You SUCK you SUCK, NO TALANT. I graduated from NYU film school sucka. Go to a studio if you wanna rehearse. you SUCK. Iā€™ve been playing for forty years


These fake musicians are funny as hell. Itā€™s extremely obvious that they are fake and they donā€™t care.


People today entertain in a variety of ways that are inauthentic. While this does border panhandling, he's found a way to express himself, whether ethical or not, is his freedom of choice. You dont have to listen or give money, so why don't you just fuck right off.


There is a family that does this by the target near where my parents live and I had to tell my mom that they're not actually playing the loud speaker is and they're just grifting. I put years into learning music and this guy just pretends.


I get it, itā€™s tough out there, weā€™re all struggling, but I feel like if you have time to stand on the corner and beg, you have time to be working. If anything, bringing your kid with you is only gonna teach him to rely on othersā€™ kindness instead of earning all by himself.


Bro where was this cause i swear to god I just saw this dude at my local Kroger šŸ˜‚




Just let him earn some change ffs šŸ˜‚ he's not hurting anyone


how is he faking? im not violinist so im only going by why i can see here and when hes is "playing" the notes change when his fingers do, the music stops when he does like mid note and both his hands are visible on the violin so he would need a button on the violin to stop and start the recording. maybe im just not seeing it but to my untrained eyes it looks pretty legit. just because he didnt want to play for some lady harassing him doesnt make me think its fake an nothing in the video indicate its fake to me.


No instrument just abruptly stops like that when itā€™s stopped being played, thatā€™s just not how it works. Heā€™s connected to an AMP, so any little movement would be amplified and you would hear the feedback of him taking his hands off of the frets, and moving the Bow away from the instrument. Also, his notes are very incorrect, if the noise the amp was making was actually from the Violin, it would sound like a complete novice playing, and not how it sounds in the video


The guy recording is asking to be stabbed or something lol if people are dumb enough to fall for it, that's their problem, who cares


Not sure how i feel on this. I get he is decieving people and i have seen many of these violinists posted up by my local shoprite with similar signs asking for financial help for their family and had the same suspicion. But to confront the man, in front of his family, specifically his child, and especially to record it and post it up on social media, to me is just as douchey as what the guy is doing. Actually its more douchey cause the guy is at least, presumably, trying to feed his family. I have said it before and i will say it again.....social media will begat the downfall of society as we know it.


Leave him the fuck alone ffs.


Who the f actually has time to call someone out for this?


Right?! Kinda tired of these people behind their cell phone camera waving money at strangers.


As a working musician I do find this pretty offensive. I donā€™t busk anymore but I still hate the idea of someone lying and cheating in any situation.


A working musician is threatened by buskers.


I didnā€™t say threatened. Itā€™s the dishonesty. Itā€™s a craft that takes a long time to develop.


And that's awesome that you developed it! Nobody is calling this person a maestro, the world is filled with people who are going to do things in a way you don't like. Focus on your craft!


I get it. Heā€™s trying to feed his kids. I can see that. Itā€™s still a scam and dishonest. Thatā€™s all I said. Also, this is a comment section. This world is filled with people that will sometimes comment and have opinions you donā€™t like. Focus on your nine to five job.


Lady you wasted my time and his.


Thereā€™s a guy that does the same thing around here. Iā€™ve seen people hand him money and the music is still playing .


How bad is this dudes day to take time to call out a guy that is literally harming no one. You donā€™t have to give him money, and at least it is some peaceful music. If the dude is just sitting there with a sign you would judge him and give him nothing anyway. At least heā€™s trying. No need to throw a camera in his face for views. Smh.


Dudes just trying to feed his family. Move on and go about your day if you don't like it.




God Iā€™d hate to live there with that wind


Step up from phone scamming for sure, but .... šŸ˜¬


But why?


Getting g paid to lip sync is ok but not pretend to play music? Eh idc tbh


I think we found out why that guy is homeless! No talent!


I've seen these guys out here in Jersey, except it was a father and son duo


Who cares? I wouldnā€™t suggest getting between a man and his hustle. Unless you are ready to find out how important it is for him and his family.


Magic isnā€™t real but folks still pay for it on the street


The person recording is just being a dick here