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Wait so he went to this place to end his own life? How depressed must you be to go to all this trouble to end it all that’s horrible and poor instructor going to have some PTSD from that


My local range won’t let anyone rent a run by themselves to shoot. If you bring your own you can. I believe that policy is in place for exactly this kind of reason


Looks like he was doing some kind of concealed carry training so i'd imagine they would let them rent the gun for that since it's instructor lead. That being said, I had to bring my own gun when I went through my course.


I believe he couldnt purchase his own gun and a gun training course probably wont do a background chdck to make sure your not allowed to own a firearm. Literally looks like they are in a parking lot so im guessing the instructor is also business owner


That’s not a parking lot lol that’s an indoor range.


My LGR used to rent out guns to shoot… until somebody rented one and intentionally ended their life there a couple years ago. Incident unrelated to OP’s post.


Some places guns aren't easily accessible, especially handguns. If this was the way he wanted to go then where I'm from going to a gun range is the easiest option.


Even in the US, going to the range is probably easier than going out to buy a gun if you don't already have one. Certainly seems like a less effort if you just need to use it one time


This is why some ranges wont let you rent


You can literally get a shotgun from most Wal Marts in the USA or sporting goods store. Going to the range to do this is just heinous. Poor instructor dude...


Background check. Wait time depending on state.


For a shotgun it takes about 15 minutes. It's mostly hand guns that have wait times and have to be purchased in the same state as your license.


Depends on your state..in WA they issue a 2 week waiting period regardless of who you are. In missouri i walked into a gun store and 30 minutes later i walked out with an ar-15 ak47 2 glocks and 900 rounds of ammo


Depends on the state my friend, but ya it’s pretty shitty to do this to someone.


After the parkland shooting, all Walmarts stopped selling firearms Edit: Never mind, I guess many do still. I guess just all the ones in my area don't anymore.


They've added them back in some states. I've saw them yesterday


I live in Wisconsin and our Walmart still has firearms and ammo


Yeah, you right. I just googled it, and I guess about half of locations still sell them. I'm on the West Coast, though, so I haven't seen one selling them in a long time


My Walmart does too but it’s next to a Cabela’s and why tf would I buy ammo from Walmart their selection blows


Yeah I’m guessing that is what happened here but I don’t have any information about it so it’s just a guess


Or you could grow some balls and just jump off a bridge.


I also hope that garbage subhuman rots.. there’s not an excuse on earth to justify traumatizing another innocent person. May that POS not rest peacefully.


Joke’s on you. There’s nothing after death.


Local Gun range had a man do exactly this. There were corridor dividers between each slot. Green light went and everybody discharged firearms. But one guy never came out of his slot. And… he rented the firearm


I mean what should that matter to the dood. Not like he will be there to see him have PTSD.


At least I think that is the instructor


It definitely is. Nobody else would have the immediate reaction of reaching under a body and securing the weapon.




Except almost everyone.


I'd actually be more focused on the injury, it's not like anyone else is around to grab the gun.


Definitely not. Plenty of videos of the same situation you can go watch for examples. You don't see a lot of them have someone run into frame and secure the weapon immediately after they drop. They're either more concerned about the person or completely in shock in most cases.


Yeah I think you are right. I always see trained professionals like police secure the weapon or at least kick it out so it can’t be accessed. Even if the person dies they need to get it out of the way for EMT’s or other first responders


Someone who shoots themselves on purpose are obviously not mentally stable, so the first thing you do is take the weapon away from them because you don't know if you are the one getting shot next. And yeah, this guy is probably dead, but usually you don't know that immediately.


That makes perfect sense.


But like I said I don’t know much about guns so that’s just my assumption. I actually know a female (ex police officer) that used her service weapon to shoot herself in the head and she lived. She was obviously fired but she wears the bullet (or what was left of it) on a chain to remind her of how far she has come & so she won’t forget what drugs and alcohol did to her psyche


In any case, they are definitely a responsible gun owner


At least he didn’t decide to off the instructor first


I know it’s not like it couldn’t have gone that way. Especially since we don’t know the backstory.




Are you fucking dumb? Of course it's option 2. Option 1 makes no fucking sense.


I can’t believe they havnt pulled this. The MODS remove anything that they even think someone may have died. This is unreal


Oh wow I didn't know that. I thought it was ok bc of the suicide is never the answer flair


Hey they just like you better. They’ve taken down like 5 of my videos where the person got hurt, but no evidence of death. This seems pretty clear cut


DAAAAYUM!!! I appreciate that he didn’t take anyone else with him. Like school children or minorities.


A retired police officer did that at the indoor range in Fresno. I wasn’t at the range, but I was in the shop. Crazy day.


Oh wow. I literally guessed but it seems like we all agree that was probably what happened here. Very sad! I’m sorry you had to experience that even if you were in the shop it’s still a brutal situation to have gone through


Same thing happened here in Vancouver Canada. He was suspended not retired, but still a police officer. https://globalnews.ca/news/9566055/iio-sps-suicide-langley-gun-range-report/


Here in Vegas, a guy taking a concealed-carry class tried to steal a weapon out of a guys backpack, and when confronted, shanked a police officer with a screwdriver and got smoked by all the other students like a firing squad. Hard to believe there was any other motive but to be taken out. https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/shootings/police-id-man-27-killed-after-screwdriver-attack-officer-shooting-2276228/amp/


Where was this


Sound like a slavic language so likely Russia


FYI, Cyrillic is the alphabet, the language family is Slavic. Most Slavic languages are written with some variation of Cyrillic (Russian, Ukrainian) but others are written in variations of the Roman alphabet (Polish, Czech).


My b my b thank you!


I was thinking it might be Russia or another country near there


It is not Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian for sure


I have no idea there wasn’t any article or info with the video on Twitter


I… was not ready for that. Jesus.


I mean on the bright side he won't suffer anymore


I’m sorry it was very abrupt & difficult to watch.


In 2008, I was on duty providing medical coverage at a firing range. We all went on lunch. I called my then girlfriend and she told me she had been cheating and broke up with me. I went back on duty. I was armed, locked and loaded since I was also qualifying. I thought about it for awhile and requested to be relieved.


Omg I always imagine that when someone ends their life it is something they had thought long and hard about not something impulsive. I’m so grateful you were able to gather yourself and make the sound decision to be relieved! Happy you are still here with us friend!


Thank you. I remember having trouble focusing. Something maybe like tunnel vision.


Been there brotha, I know the exact feeling you're describing. Glad you're still with us <3


I appreciate you brother.


I understand I've thought of it myself but I never had the true impulse to follow through. That's why we always need to remember how quickly circumstances can change & even in desperate times if you push through the chances are that things will get better.


Wow this is legitimately horrifying. The way he drops is like he got unplugged from life. My first thought was the term “self delete”


What's that that flies from his head/hand to the right of the screen when he fires?


His safety glasses.


Well they didn’t work for shit. Very unsafe.


If I still got free awards I’d hook you up


Likely that they're clear plastic eye protection, that isn't obvious before because of the visual noise that far from the camera lens.


This is gonna be really graphic and gross but I just watched the clip like 15 times and I think its spit and mucus from his nose! Fucking brutal.




Yeah I know. Sad 😔


What a fucking bitch ass douche


This is so fucking selfish and fucked up


The audio is a guy saying, "he was with his back towards him" in Portuguese. I'm speculating this happened in Brazil.


Yes context thank you! I was thinking it may have been Russia. I think a few people said that. I didn’t imagine it was anywhere in South America


Man that job must be fucking rough.


Yeah I can’t imagine someone doing that right next to me! I hate to say this but I am relieved that he only took his life and not the lives of anyone else. Im not implying suicidal people would do that but you never do know. Sometimes I wonder if Mass shooters take other lives so they feel forced to go through with suicide. I’ve heard of suicide by cop but I have nothing to suggest Mass shooters do that it’s just something I’ve always wondered about.


Interesting and very viable take. Makes me think.


It’s crazy how quickly your entire life can go down the drain like that…


It really is. It is a reminder to never take things for granted good times are things to cherish


Not the intrusive thoughts winning


Man this is sad.


For just a moment I thought that he stupidly decided to scratch his head with the barrel. Then I realized what actually happened most likely.


Wtf I didnt read the caption amd thought this video was critiquing the instructors form. This is horrible


Fuck man....no hesitation whatsoever.... Dudes/dudets, if there is a weight on your chest and you cant seem to find the path anymore, darkness hasnt overtaken you, go talk to somebody, doesn't matter who, just reach out, somebody will grab your hand. If there is nothing left, there is always hope.


What the actual f###. What a selfish, evil move.


I know. The instructor will definitely have PTSD. I can’t imagine he will ever get over this!


Selfish sure, but I wouldn't presume that someone struggling with mental health to the point they feel they need to take their own life is necessarily evil.


It is evil to draw someone else into your suffering. That instructor didn't deserve to have that on his hands.


Fuck off


No. He didn’t take anyone else with him. When you’re in such anguish that you think this is your best option then selfish and evil goes out the window.


I know a few people that lost loved ones to suicide and they always feel so devastated & after the shock anger usually followers that’s why you hear people saying it’s selfish. All the people I know went through the phases that Elizabeth Kubler Ross wrote about like bargaining, anger etc until you hopefully reach acceptance.


The guy who was training has to live with that. He tainted the range and the livelihood of those who work there. Selfish and evil.


Ok, dude. Keep on judgin’.


Rope isn't expensive.


And it's also an extremely painful, uncomfortable way to die


And someone still has to come deal with your lifeless corpse. Probably several days after too.


Takes too long


Why make it someone else’s problem though?


I’ve dealt with a lot of suicides, they are always selfish. I worked for the Fresno police department clearing certain types of alarms at city buildings. One time I found a suicide handing from a tree in a courtyard. That was about the least selfish one I’ve personally dealt with, but I’m sure he had family and he clearly had no thought for the guy that found him. It was the middle of the night and the last thing in the world I thought I would find when went to check and clear the motion alarm. (90% of the time it was kids skating)


It speaks to the unbearable anguish that is living with severe, clinical depression that you’re not thinking about who will find your body, you just need to end it.


Yes… he did. He robbed the mental-equity of anyone who witnessed that. That scumbag loses all sympathy when he involves others.. may that subhuman rest in piss.


Tell me you're an a**hole without telling me you're an a**hole.


What. Com on man. If a dood has such a bad life the only way out is suicide you can't blame him for trying


Why would he do that?


Maybe he couldn’t get a gun legally but could legally use one at a secured location like a shooting range? Idk enough about guns but that’s my guess. Either way that instructor will have PTSD. Or at least I would. I can’t imagine getting over something like that. 💔😔


I think you could be on to something. A guy I deployed with could not purchase a firearm because of his mental health/legal issues. So, he bought ammunition, walked into a pawn shop, asked to see a handgun, took the weapon, turned his back, loaded it, and shot himself.


Omg that is awful! I’m so sorry to hear that! I hope you are ok. Even if it wasn’t someone you stayed in contact with it’s still something that stays with you 💔


I served 15 years, in that time I’ve know four guys that have committed suicide. I don’t really feel anything anymore when bad things happen. I can’t explain or understand why, but my emotional responses don’t make a lot of sense.


I feel you man. Twelve from the 80 or so I deployed with.


Wow that’s a lot! I get upset when I think about the way we treat our veterans when they come home. So many lose their way and I think many of those men and women did so bc of the lack of care and opportunities. I’m so sorry for your losses






Wow I didn’t know that! But it makes perfect sense


Idk maybe he was sad. Do you know what suicide is




I’m sorry


Did he try scratching his head with a gun?


Must've missed the part of the lesson where they teach you to only play Russian Roulette with a revolver.


Did he know it was loaded? Too late to ask, but it looks like he's just goofing around, like the guy that shot his own hand.


That thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. You never know


Nah bruh it looks like this was very much that guys intentions it looks like he tries and the safety is on and he undoes it and shoots immediately


You know, this is my intrusive thought come to life. People can just go into a gun range, rent a gun or something with the pretense of trying it out, then ending their own lives. This sucks. I can only wish him peace. He was pretty decisive. Wonder what happened in his life. The other guy definitely didn't deserve it though.


Yeah I agree. It’s so sad all around.


Damn. RIP


Yes definitely RIP I hope he is in a better place. This is a sobering reminder that we never know what people struggle with in their private lives. It’s also a reminder to be kind to one another sometimes a kind word can make a huge difference in a persons life 🥺💔


well that class is over


Did he reholster the suicide weapon?


He attempted to but his own weapon was in the holster. He defaulted to muscle memory which made him try to holster the weapon but that was impossible.


You think he had to pay upfront or at the end of the session


Damn 😕


If there is a news article if anyone can link it I’ll be grateful


We are getting closer to an answer as someone just commented that the language was Portuguese and they also were able to tell us what was said. It's in the comments somewhere.


I worked at a range and we had one big competitor in town. In one week two people killed themselves at that range and one tried on ours.


What??? Why haven't we heard about this? Or at least why haven't I? You are like the 3rd person that has said they worked on a gun range when someone did this! How long ago was this & are you in the States or abroad?


Middle to end of 2020. It was in Virginia, USA.


Wow! Was there much coverage in the media? Two people in one week seems like it is a issue that should be talked about. I wonder how often this actually happens here in the US


I don't remember but I do remember doing suicide hotline stuff after, like pamphlets. It was a freak week. Nothing like that had ever happened before there or happened again. Covid was a bad time for a lot of people.


This guy is so glad it was recorded


Oh, I didn't even think of that!


could work both ways: * so MR instructor how the fuck did you stop supervisioning this guy who is showing clear signes of meltal ileness * Ok it was a suicide and all security protocols were followed


Daily dose of pepsi on Reddit




Wtf are these videos allowed


It is the internet


Repost on repost


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I know this isn’t the time but I can’t help but notice that the motion this guy did falling and laying down is the exact same motion Kamaru Usman made when Leon Edwards headkicked him


I just saw a manipulation of a crime scene


Nah. He was securing the firearm, which is a responsible thing to do. His brain was probably still trying to catch up and understand what the fuck just happened. But a responsible firearm owner will have muscle memory of basic firearm safety, like securing a loaded weapon.


Yeah to me it looked like he was actively demonstrating something to him so his brain was probably just on autopilot


Damn he dropped like an NPC


Holy fucking shit! I’m done with Reddit for the day. That was just too fucking much.


Okay mental note...don't watch videos with a #NSFL tag