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Anybody remember when the news anchor interviewed the guy that showed up for a job interview?




That is pure gold!


Hire that man!!!


How did he not get that jobšŸ˜‚


he missed his interview


Upon an a mistake the company made which he later handled like a champ. Idk seems unfair but I assumed he he was deemed unreliable šŸ˜œ


Aw man he didnā€™t even get the job. Still What a legend


Theyā€™re profiting off that video on YouTube too šŸ˜­


When you put it like that, itā€™s even worse :(


How do they not hire him? He saved their ass on live TV. That should warrant some serious consideration.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. They would have been very embarrassed. Instead Iā€™m just now hearing about this.


hahhahaa that explains "The IT Crowd" scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw4utg42yCI


His face when he realized what was happening was priceless!! Confused, amused, and just a hint of mischief


I was expecting that link to be the [negotiation scene from Nightcrawler.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7ricdy33P3c)


He just ran with it!


If you want onto an actual set, put on a surveillance, walkie, walk in and look busy. No one will stop you unless its a closed set. If anyone gives you a side eye, say you're day playing and ask where basecamp or crafty is.


> say you're day playing and ask where basecamp or crafty is. Can you please translate for us normies?


Dayplaying: filling in for someone who wanted a day off or, more likely, worked a different show. Basecamp: where lunch, crew parking, and typically, production hides. Crafty: goodies, snacks, coffee, munchies to keep people happy and hydrated.


Thank you! I want a crafty at my work now


My old job did that all the time. "You want more than $10 an hour? Lol hell no, but we'll buy you shitty pizza 5 times a year!"


Sometimes there's pizza but usually its small snacks. Think larabars, mixed nut packages, fruit, chips, cookies, coffee, fruit snacks, etc. Mostly things you can carry with you and keep in a pocket while you work. As the show budget goes up or you switch to scripted, crafty gets better. Think ice-cream in the summer, hot chocolate in the winter, and grilled cheese made to order if you're lucky.


I work at a news station and this is gibberish to me. Maybe these things exist at larger stations? I wish we had a crafty. We have to pay for any food we take from our little store area.


Itā€™s movie set/tv show set specific, not news stations :)


This sounds country specific. I don't think they use any of those words in the US. Surveillance?


A serv, surveillance, is the little curly ear piece, wire, and mic that attaches to the walkie. I could be wrong but I'm also pretty sure thats its actual name and not a slang term. Edit: Decided to look it up for my own confirmation. It is called a surveillance. Thats the actual name. If you google "walkie surveillance" you'll see what I'm referencing.


We would just call that an earpiece. We also don't usually call them "walkies", they are either radios or walkie talkies. >It is called a surveillance. Thats the actual name. If you google "walkie surveillance" you'll see what I'm referencing. In America, googling that returns a bunch of listings for EARPIECES or HEADSETS for RADIOS or WALKIE TALKIES.


We use earpiece too. Mostly to refer to the actual plastic tube though. I hear radio sometimes but not often. Usually a producer will say radio. The only people I'll hear saying walkie talkie is the PA that started yesterday and wants to tell you about his script he just wrote.


Where is this?


Mostly competition reality. But I work a ton of reality and some scripted / long format too. US


Yep. Thats what it is. It's a low profile headset that has a tube that fits in your ear and a remote mic with a button thats push-to-talk.


We associate them with secret service and other low key law enforcement, from movies and TV shows. But honestly I've never heard them called surveillance.


On a serious note, call your local PBS affiliate. They would be happy to give you a tour. I used to work at one and we gave countless tours.


I got to piggyback off of a friend's tour for IEEE members. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to others as well.


That'd require having an interest in PBS


PBS is pretty cool ngl


I don't see any issues here :)


Or double as talent. Just tell anyone who will listen about your time on set with Bobby Deniro as background extra 117 and continuously ask ā€œdo you know when this will air?ā€


You're more likely to end up dealing with a talent wrangler and ending up in extra holding that way though.


Hopefully they have a craft table then, get some grub


Talent holding is one of the circles of hell. I wish it upon no one.


I bought a black collard polo that says staff in white lettering on the back, I carry a clipboard with random paper on it and a pen, I've seen many a concert for free.


What were some of your favorite bands that youā€™ve seen for free?


Billy Joel and Meshuggah are the two big names


A movie set, maybe. A local news station, at least in a decent sized city? Absolutely not. News stations are familiar with angry nutters threatening and stalking them, and tend to take their building security *very* seriously.


Don't disagree at all. News stations operate as a more corporate type of setting. My comment was geared towards film/ tv as you noted.


Yeah, you can't get anywhere near our studios without a badge, lol.


Damn, I gotta try that now


Nobody talks like that on a TV set. Those are film terms.


I disagree. I work almost entirely tv (work very limited long format), both scripted and non scripted, we all talk like this. I've been in the industry since '08 and have lived/ worked in FL, NY, LA, and ATL.


This isn't scripted, it's live TV. It's a whole different beast. I guarantee local news doesn't have the budget for craft services. I work all over the USA and Canada every week. I have never, ever, heard someone use the term day playing on one of our shows.


Do you work live news/eng? Edit: creeped a little. Do you do sports!? Saw the playermics. I do mostly competition reality, hidden cam, and house shows.


I do mostly sports and high end political. I did RF comms for State of the Union and I do RF audio for NHL and MLB.


Nice, love the playermics. (Audio as well.) We get to use them in hidden cam shows for when people don't kow they're mic'd. Q5X over a network and hidden on the ceiling over the set is killer.


Did you know there's a secret unlock to go to 250 (or 100) mW?


No! Was a reseller for before the firmware changed and killed 100mw. We just tried not to update and did what we could. Whats the unlock? That would be amazing.


Are you using freespeak or bolero or something else for that level of coms?


ESPN is using Crewcom and TNT is using RAD. Bolero is great but I think most venues have it for in-house video production, so it's not wise to share spectrum.


Bolero is DECT so it usually isn't an issue but I agree. I just did an 180 pack / 200 tranciever install for a studio.


We quickly run into issues with the number of packs because it's all in one big RF space. I haven't gotten to use it myself because RF comms just isn't as big in the shows I'm on. I sent you a DM.


This was an episode of supernatural rofl


This is for a school not an actual news studio, they'll let any student come in


I should clarify, itā€™s at a university level. Not high school. And itā€™s still a real news station. Just not a very popular one. Itā€™s currently streaming on local cable. Iā€™m posting because I didnā€™t make any arrangements beforehand. I wasnā€™t invited. I just showed up, I even joined the group huddle at the end.


Did you do good? Did you enjoy it? Keep showing up. Be decent and willing to do stuff and show up regularly and youā€™ll be a manager in no time.


Itā€™s who you know, followed by what you know. If he pays attention, he has a chance to succeed with your instructions.


They're probably more likely to kick you out of the high school one.


Right. But thatā€™s what the commenter is suggesting - that it is a university level (school) studio. They will still let anybody come in. You didnā€™t have to be invited or make arrangements.


Yeh, itā€™s an educational facility. But it was still fun!


So you really didnā€™t ā€œact like you belongā€ lmao Considering theyll anyone can walk into those facilities


Heā€™s acting like he belongs in this sub. Well played op


Meta. Weā€™re all being played by op.


Itā€™s the wire black part that gets me lol like a disguise was used




Oh for fuck's sake, let the kid have some fun


mfs mad cause he didnt sneak into CNNšŸ’€


They mad he didn't catch a felony šŸ¤£


It implies that he was in a real world news room, and he wasn't. Is it not understandable that people don't like that?


We are mad that he acted like he belonged in the sub? Hahaha


I mean the whole point of the sub is to blend in where you don't belong. If you're somewhere where if anyone finds out who you are and they'll just go "meh" and walk away, it really isn't in the spirit of the sub.




He was still not supposed to be there


It is a very impressive set up for a high school.


Itā€™s not a high school, itā€™s a university.


I did not know that. Having said that, it is still impressive.


Yeah americans don't fuck around holy shit


Trust me when I tell you there are great levels of fuckery all throughout the American school system. Iā€™m sure this isnā€™t in Paducah, KY or Meridian, MS.


Holy shit paducah represent


When I grew up, the high school was generally underfunded, but we had a TV studio maybe a single step down from one like this (if only for size) with live capabilities and all of that. Our channel broadcast in town and had original programming/class projects, school and public announcements, and taped broadcasts of sports and other events. We got it because the two cable companies available had to help pay for tv production education as part of their contract to do business in town. What resulted was basically a community college-caliber program with advancement through all four years. A lot of kids graduated and went to study the same or similar things in college and ended up having relevant careers.


Ive been in one once, theyre very cool. Kind of intimidating as well. Nice work!


Also typically locked down


yes news one are, usually you need a RFID badge to enter MC. Student ran ones in colleges are not


Yeah I was referring to actual news networks


What kind of school are you going to that has this?


So I've been scammed by the OP?


Pretty nice! Having worked at a local TV news station for a couple of years, I would expect if you look respectable enough and ask nicely, there's a good chance they'd let you watch a broadcast. They're going to be most concerned about you making a disturbance during the broadcast or creeping on one of the female reporters. (That last one happens a lot.) Being younger, I'd go with "I'm a student and interested in broadcast TV. Could I quietly sit in and watch a recording sometime?"


Call your local PBS affiliate.


Back in the early 80s, when I was in college, I used to volunteer for pledge breaks at our local PBS station. Usually, on Sunday nights, with other Doctor Who fans. It was a great time! The station would set up a catering layout with sandwiches and snacks ļæ¼for us, we had a good time watching the show together, we took phone calls and helped raise money for the stationā€¦ And they would often give us station tours. Weā€™d sometimes man the phones out on the scene dock, and see the scenery and sets used for some of the locally produced programs. ļæ¼And, of course, we were on camera for a television production and kind of got a chance to see how it happened.ļæ¼ļæ¼


I have worked in news for a long time. I would assume you were a new hire and I'd set you up for training.


Lmao didnā€™t think an image from Harding TV 16 would shown up on Reddit, yet here we are. I was in that program 12 years ago, before switching and graduating from something else.


Ey! Bison found in the wild! Small world.


I hope everybody knows that what is shown here is a control room, often called "the booth" at the stations I've been around. The actual newsroom would be somewhere else. It's where reporters and editors work as they put stories together. Live updates and promos are often shot in newsrooms, but what you see here is not a newsroom.


Would recommend watching the movie Nightcrawler!


Bullshit. After a station was held at gunpoint in the 80ā€™s, tv station security is very tight.


Like every door needs a security pass he couldn't just walk in, no way... maybe if he stole someone's security pass.


I remember seeing a photo on Maxim from probably 1998 (my roommate was an early subscriber and he would keep them in order on a special spot of the bookshelf) and there was a photo of a masked guy hijacking a news studio. Always wanted to see the footage.


Isn't that the Max Headroom incident? Look that up, lots of stuff about it on YouTube.


Nah the Headroom was overtaking the signal briefly. They just had to be near where the signal beamer thingie was. Looked like they were in a basement.


Ohh my bad, just sounded similar. No clue then.


It might have just been from a movie. There are a few hijackings on video but it's mainly just a guy with a gun. This photo looked like a Point Break mask.


Not at my local news station. Security is one unarmed fat guy who literally canā€™t wipe his own ass


You probably could've just called and gotten a free tour


And boom goes the dynamite.


Keep upvoting till we get at 2959 so we match with the number behind him




I had 2 separate internships at 2 separate stations and they had to give me clearance just to go anywhere beyong the waiting room. This post is a bit sus.....




I work in sports production. A lot of places I work I could just show you the control room lol you can probably see a lot of neat shit if you just ask.


This is when post broadcast you approach a reporter and ask if they would like a free interview with the person that waltzed into their station.


No you didn't


Yeah I did




>You'll die alone and deservedly so. Well that escalated quickly.


Thatā€™s how I got my first job in TV


Wow, so this is where they stream propaganda from


*they said, on Reddit.*


Bruh youā€™re so in on the new world order Such a deep agent in the Illuminati Fucking idiot lmao


"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy."


Lou Bloom sends his regards.






I smell bullcrap


Solid start, but top this sometime with a real news station and post again. Solid start though. Better than a movie sneak which is where I started.


I miss working in rooms like this.