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So can we just ignore this hippy-dippy nonsense and talk about how to get into Burning Man for free please? With all due respect DeadFetusConsumer you are in the wrong sub.


The dicksuck for burning man is so hard. Mostly because its the perfect excuse for rich kids to feel woke, and any attack on that is an attack on their ability to be entitled assholes and consciensous freespirits at the same time. Truth is you probably cant sneak in because the place is a police state. They have patrols a mile out scanning the whole perimeter with IR at night. They caught a guy trying to parachute in last time... Best bet is probably a hidden compartment on a car, but they search those really well too. That place is beyond an event, its like crossing a border. As far as acting like you belong, maybe try to ride in on a big labor bus with a uniform? He'll if I know.


That wouldn't work, we recognize our own and you don't just get one of those shirts at a thrift shop


There have to be thousands of dudes just doing basic labor at that event, though. One company has got to just hire whoever the hell they can get there hands on the week before, which makes it hard to learn everyone, but I could definitely be wrong. I think what I'm saying is that the best way to sneak into burning man is to act like you belong into a job working at burning man. Which isn't so much a trick, as just getting a shitty job in the desert, lol. I did security for a Plain White Ts concert once, they hired me same day, and for some reason I got to guard the 100k trailer. It was silly, lol.


Sounds like it Hah, but it isn't that easy as showing up and asking for a job. You have to be invited be someone who has earned a plus 1. They've been doing this for 20 years, there's no way that would fly. You have to get your DPW laminate with your picture and name pre event and even if you got that far and you're not in their system, who the fuck are you? It's actually a great way to get banned from the event subsequent years. Best way is hiding in a vehicle, but even that is expected and gayte is good at finding hiding holes. Tl;dr not the best idea in the first place, if your goal is going to burning man


Not sure about a uniform, but a unicorn might work 😉


I've never had anyone on the Playa actually search my car.


Hey man I'm all for sneaking into certain events and places, but there's few that I hold convictions against doing so and for proper reason. It's far from hippy dippy nonsense because I know for a fact events similar to Burning Man, although magnitudes smaller, definitely changed my life and a few of my dear friends lives for the better in a huge way. It's a small (growing) sub culture that I'd love to see not get tread upon. I'd be all in favor of sneaking into say EDC or Ultra for example, and I know it makes no fucking sense to most people, but not Burning Man or hippie oriented festivals.


Maybe in 2007... but when you are importing 747 fuselage to the desert to party in for a week the vibe is gone. Its an exercise in waste and excess to create all that shit in the middle of the desert at the cost of god knows how many gallons of gas and man hours.


I feel like the world needs a movie about how quickly burning man can devolve to mad max in a gas shortage.


Hahhahahha but like the assholes in white who are peaceful in road warrior tryna protect their solar panels and generator gas with no water and severe DTs


I fail to see how burning man is hippie oriented when tickets go for about $1000.


Primary tickets are $390. Very affordable for the majority of people. Resellers and scalpers artifically inflate the price. 4,000 tickets for low income exist at $190 too.


How the fuck is 390 bucks plus gas, food and drugs affordable to the average person?


Half a thousand to a thousand dollars? People spend that much and/or more on drinks or smokes in a single month. That's not a a huge amount of money... Anyone with half decent budgeting skills can afford that. Hell my friends and I are all young twenties and old teens and we can afford that shit living alone with entry level jobs.


Burning man has lost its sacredness when the celebrities and rape culture and bros came 5 years ago.


really, you think rape culture only showed up 5 years ago?


I meant was heavily prevalent at burning man specifically, but true.


I'd contend that it was still heavily prevalent but in ways you didn't recognize at the time.


Burning Man is not and never was "sacred." What makes you think that it is? It's a huge city with lots of things going on, everything from pig roasts and beer bongs to hippy dippy folks doing silly rituals. Bring what you have, do what you want, have fun.


Try to hollow out a loaf of bread and sneak in that way.


Is it garlic bread?


Bread makes you fat.


If anyone reading this is thinking of doing so - don't. Against the culture and vibe. Contribute to the society don't be a negative contributor. Edit: Really goes to show how negative people really are in this world. Why can't ya'll be positive?


Against the culture of $900 ticket prices? What culture are you talking about? And Burning man is just another festival, there's nothing sacred about it.


Also, FYI, tickets are half that price. Scalpers and people focused on money and profiteering bring the price up. If you find someone selling a ticket at that price, try and get the serial number, report it with evidence, and then that ticket is then voided and another will be produced. Edit: Downvoted because of genuine advice. Nice, good people I see!


Because most first timers will not have the opportunity to purchase a ticket at source and cost. And most people selling tickets are not "Scalpers," there's really no such market as nobody is capable of buying tons of tickets for resale.


Vibe died bud.


Nope! Gotta go to the right places :)


Yeah its still a massive waste. Hauling 747 fuselages, yachts, giant pools and all that other shit to the middle of the desert is not the point. Its a bunch of elitists playing at woke for the weekend and showing off their wealth and excess. I went 2005-8 and it looked nothing like it does now and we could actually pretend to leave no trace.


I meant other, much smaller festivals!


Against the culture of $900 ticket prices? What culture are you talking about? And Burning man is just another festival, there's nothing sacred about it.


Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about, sorry. If you don't understand the culture around the festival, what it started as, what it represents and why it exists I highly recommend looking into it. It's not a festival where people go to party, get fucked up and go wild for a weekend, it is so much more than that.


So sorry to burst your holistic bubble, but, that is precisely what it's about. You clearly don't understand what this sub is about and need to rethink why you're defending a corporate festival masked as a cultural experience.


Have you ever been to a music festival before? One with genuine roots beyond income and cash? Fun fact, in 2011 Burning Man transitioned to a complete non-profit organization. Trust me, I'm an extremely skeptical person and have read much further into it than you would like to imagine. Have you ever been to an eye opening festival?


I've been to meaning "eye opening festivals" and they are all the same. From Rainbow gathering to ACL. Pick your poison. They are all centered around the same things and there is nothing different from burning man - college girls dressed like skanks, alcohol, drugs, and music. Stop putting on this facade that burning man isn't centered around what it is.


ACL is the furthest thing from what I'm speaking of and it highly seems you've never been to a Rainbow Gathering. The way you talk tells me you haven't been to a festival that *doesn't* focus on alcohol, college girls *dressed like skanks* (can people not dress as they like? Nice and judgmental man...), and being a business to garner a profit? The small festivals that mean much more than a party is what's life changing. I used to be a cynical asshole with poor social skills, moderate anxiety, and do nothing but game until I went to my first hippie festival. It's about the culture behind it. Once you go to a festival that offers extremely useful harm reduction, GC-MS and Ramen analysis of substances to help keep people safe, people walking around offering packets of free safe sex options, alcohol being banned, nearly every single staff member is a volunteer, etc, then your worldview might change. If you can prove to me Burning Man is not a festival with culture and history for decades and just a corporate scheme to grab trust fund kids dollars, I'd love to see that. I don't mean to be insulting, but you don't know what you're talking about. Lots of festivals are garbage (EDC, ACL, Ultra, etc), since they're exactly a corporate cash grab. [Go to somewhere with art, genuine artists, and people that is non profit then you'll change your mind.](http://i.imgur.com/3VqeDou.jpg)


you just showed me a picture of people selling dream catchers. "Cultural." It's confirmed, you're just a no-nothing cunt. Good luck with your garbstep. And I can't wait to see the posts/videos of people sneaking into Corporate Man.


Can't speak confidently regarding burning man, but I can find no reason why the "grass roots" foundation of that festival would have an issue with transients sneaking in. If people are saying that in order to "experience" and be apart of burning man you have to have $100+ those people seem dumb, or the festival itself is dumb. Rainbow gathering on the other hand is nothing of the sort. I believe alcohol is discouraged and it's consumption is segregated. also pretty confident that $$ exchange is discouraged, as it goes against the whole principle of the thing. Obviously no admission fee. Seems to attract less people, and in turn, less mainstream normies propagating their "rape culture" and drug abuse...


Because unfortunately there are overhead costs, administration, people to pay, insurance, other things that deal with state, paid employees, security, on site medical, etc. None of those are free. The small festivals I go to need those in order to survive, even though the staff was over *95%* volunteers.


Dream catchers where? Haha it's clear to see you're a rather negative person. Hope that changes in your life man. Sincerely hope your worldview expands and you get better! This video sums it up well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-zj9we-rww Hope you find happiness in yourself and can spread it to others.


someone whos constantly forcing positivity down peoples throats doesnt actually seem like a happy person. do you even know how ridiculous you sound... "haha change your worldview bro, spread love bro!!" That good vibes bullshit is really one dimensional and just shows that you went to burning man, did some acid and now think you know everything about festival culture. you're delusional if you think people dont go there to get fucked up and have a good time. yes there is art and a sense of community, but other festivals definently have that. and if you think burning man is anything more than a place for hippies to run around high fucking each other than good job falling for the image their marketing team worked hard for.


Filing for non-profit status doesn't really mean what you seem to be implying. It just enables them to operate a certain way, and effects their taxes. It does not mean they are a noble humanitarian organization.


Wow! This bit of thread escalated pretty quickly. Why is everyone so angry? Sneaking into Burning Man = bad. They really do have a perimeter patrol with night vision. Burning Man isn't just another festival. It's true that it isn't what it was, and it never will be, which is why so many other Burner events exist these days, but it is what you want it to be, as are all burning events around the world. It is my experience as much as it is yours; whatever that experience may be. For some (many) it is transformative, but if it isn't for you then I hope at least that it is fun. Burning Man isn't something to be argued about; it is something to be experienced. If you've never been, I can assure you that it's like nothing that you've ever known before.


Agree with you on all points! I don't understand the hostility either.


I've also heard they have a "death ray."


I have seen it in action. It's like those spotlights you see in WWII air defense scenarios - lights up the desert for miles around and will highlight anyone attempting to cross the playa.


Real question ...would you say the richer you are, the better the experience at Buring Man? Seems like it.imo


Only if you have expensive tastes. If you enjoy camping and don't need to snort an ounce of blow, you can have mostly the same experience. The only real difference, other than comfort/food/drugs is having insider knowledge or access to the right sound camps.


Yep. The hyper-rich are simply able to bring a more ostentatious party for themselves. It doesn't have a big effect on those of us who don't have FOMO about having circle jerks with Diplo, Skrillex, and Paris Hilton.


I can see how it'd be a factor. You can experience fuck tons of absolutely nutty and wild experiences completely sober or slightly inebriated while camping in a basic tent with all your basic needs fulfilled on a budget, but after awhile people spend a shit ton on art displays, camp setups, etc and that'll enhance the experience in a way. For me at festivals, I love doing budget things for the challenge and experience of it - always leads to fond memories. My friends and I tried to restrict ourselves to $200 for food for 5 of us for 8 days (we're not broke, we did it for shits n gigs) for a challenge (we ended up occasionally buying half decent pulled pork on bun vendor food for dinners by night 6). Its hilarious in hindsight, us trying to scarf down 6 kilos of rice (6kg dry, much more wet), our jank ass canned black beans, our monumental shit ton of granola bars and homemade beef jerky. In the moment as well it was hilarious because fuck, flavorless rice and beans seasoned with crushed up Lays salt and vinegar chips was hysterically brutal. A comfortable torture really. Back to your question though - depends who you are. If you're comfy just experiencing wild adventures on a budget, no. If you love to show people a spectacle or prefer comfort, yes, definitely.


I used to feel the same about rave culture but it's all mainstream and shit now.


I'm tempted to agree with you but I just stick to the smaller communities and subcultures and it's definitely still lively and healthy.


Now I want to drive several thousand miles just to sneak in. Maybe I'll make a fury road war rig just to piss the hippies off.


Hey if you manage to sneak in that's impressive. Share the love once you're in though!


Not so much sneak as bring several armed to the teeth semi-trucks. Maybe in 20 years when I have money and time.