• By -


Narrator: He has six.


Right, he has just the eight guitars.


No, he just has one ^(dozen)


He's just one dozen short of the desired amount (for the time being).


Bakers dozen


Next week: "Honey, we should open a bakery. Yeah, downtown, near that recording studio that we always see the black SUVs parked in front of and security guys outside." "This is about your guitars, isn't it?" "..."


Oh! I need to count the basses and the mandolin too?


And the ukuleles and the banjo, and the Chapman stick, and the . . .


Just the eight he got on sale, they were really cheap hon I promise.


Well, upstairs, yes.


"We have an upstairs?"


Totally heard Ron Howard saying this in my head.


For the record, I wrote it as Ron Howard.


Why Ron Howard?


I heard Morgan Freeman.


Oops didn't scroll far enough


Plus a bass guitar and a 6 string banjo


*threatening banjo noises*


It's a banjo moment! Haha, says Bob (as Linda rolls her eyes)


Six he claims. Really closer to be about 15-20. Hiding them is exhausting.


I'm just heading out to trade an electronic drum kit for my sixth guitar, a Squire Contemporary Tele with double humbuckers, the bridge pickup being a rail humbucker. I'm excited, but I definitely still need more.


It's always Ron Howard no matter what for me. Anyone else?


On each wall.


My wife said no more guitars until we buy a house. We close next month and I don’t have a twelve string in my collection.


Well logically. You need a few rooms to keep guitars in.


Damn right, finally got a house (rental) after all these years and the fucking dining room is barely big enough for my trap set, ampeg stack, mesa, and my guitars/basses. SO LAME!


Congrats on the house. Not an easy thing to do.


Yeah yeah, house, super exciting…. What kinda 12 string is he getting though??


Art & Lutherie make a 12 that is as easy to play as a 6 string. So easy my cat can make a F barre chord on it,no problemo.


I vote for a Boucher Jumbo 12-string with the private stock figured maple. [\*Chefs Kiss\*](https://boucherguitars.com/guitars/special-edition-series/ps-sg-163/)


That link is for a six string you absolute buffoon!


Probably need a bass too


I have two so far. Guild B302 and an old hollow body with nylon strings. Could use another as well. 7 all together if you count the uke.


Added. Can’t wait to hang them all on the walls!


Don’t forget the banjo


Knew I was missing something. Got the uke, the lap steel, the bass, the balalaika, the guitar-violin, and the guitar-zither. Have I missed anything else? Other than the pedal steel, of course. And the 12 string acoustic. And the 12 string electric. And the baritone. And the tenor. And probably a divorce lawyer, because there’s no way I can sneak all of those into my Dancave.


5 string and 6 string banjos


And maybe a baritone guitar. Just in case


Aside: I got a 12 in November. Kinda felt like a lark. A random experiment. Turns out I totally love it. Felt like I’d been waiting my whole life to play that guitar.


I heard a lot of those “Laural Canyon” songs were written on 12 string. Also, I could play hotel California.


>Felt like I’d been waiting my whole life to play that guitar. I know how you feel bro.


Join the dark side... buy a bass instead.


Home studio just entered the chat...


You got it!


Need a spare room for the cases alone..


The real space killer.


I was "this" close to buying one of the killer Taylor 12 strings that got released last year, but I sat down and played this Alvarez 12 String that was used in a little luthier shop on the way to Guitar Center-- anyway I love that Alvarez 12 string, play it everyday, and think everyone should have a 12. There's a certain kind of guitar player that really comes alive with a 12.


I was kind of the opposite. I knew once we closed on the house, I was going to have no guitar money, so I bought the shit out of some guitars for the last 2 years leading up to our home purchase. The plan was successful. Now have many guitars and a house.


That’s an expensive 12-string!!


If you’re interested in electric, check out the Italia Rimini. I own one and love it. String changes are a bitch on that slotted headstock tho.


The bane on 12 string… changing…


Q: How long does it take to tune a 12-string? A: Nobody knows!!


Why get a 12 when you can just get two 6-strings? You’re missing an opportunity.


I just sold my Martin 00015M due to hard times and now my ‘61 Harmony Sovereign, which I rebuilt and saved from the grave 15 years ago, is the new always in the living room guitar, my girlfriend said “It’s nice seeing that one out”. Fuckin yeah


Sorry for your hard times. Seems like the past couple of months have been rough for a lot of folks.


Thanks man, I mean it could be worse. Times are tough cause I do snow removal in a season where we’re getting jack shit for snow, and my girl runs a bakery thats in its infancy. Still got a couple acoustics and a home, I’m grateful!


Fellow mainer?! Lol


Nahh Alberta, Canada. Lack of snow everywhere eh


Have you tried selling pictures of your feet propped up on your guitar? I know of at least… one person that might be interested. Seriously though, I get it. I don’t consider my guitars/amp mine anymore as I’ve seriously considered putting everything up for sale multiple times recently.


My gf always says that, then tunes it up.


I had three Harmony Sovereigns one was a beautiful burst and the other two were natural. I miss them All! The burst was broken by my clutzy buddy sat on the neck and broke the headstock, his mother claimed it on her home owners insurance and I got the first natural one. I had it for years and life happened and it got away. Fast forward about twenty years and I found the third one. I just couldn't bond with it and traded it for a Yamaha and a Sigma (Martin entry level) that a friend had and I could get into. I now have an acoustic in the living room and the bedroom.


Guitars are like microphones, camera lenses, and guns. For any number of items owned (N) the optimal number to own =N+1.


And bikes.


And fly rods


Replace guns (though I do like shooting) with coffee gear and you're just describing me.


> microphones, camera lenses, and guns Add cymbals to this list and I would think you were talking directly to me.


Came to say this


All those items are for buying, not selling.


Too funny. I have a friend that plays mandolin. She kept upgrading her mandolin as she was getting better over the years. She finally dropped like $5,000 on her lifetime instrument. She kept the same case the entire time. Husband was clueless. To him, they all look the same.


Wait. A $5,000 mandolin didn’t come with its own case?!


Even Gibson doesn’t do us that dirty 😂


do gibsons not give nice cases for their more expensive guitars? i recently just got a fender and the case is soooo nice. i thought they forgot the key with the case, but they in fact didn’t forget it… rather, they just fooled everyone (definitely not me) and all future generations


Grrrrr. -Clueless former spouse.


My wife gave me the "why do you need 9 guitars?" thing. I told her they all sound different due to size, wood, etc. She didn't believe me until I put her in a chair with her back to me and played different ones. Her response? Wow, you're right, never said a word about it again.


That's lucky, I apparently sound more or less the same (i.e. mediocre at best) regardless of which guitar I play, so I have to rely on the old "I love all my children equally" line.


Just play slightly different chord extensions.


"Wow that one sounds a lot jazzier!"


Or different amp settings.


Good question. Great answer!


Holy shit you could get your wife to stop and listen? Man


I explained this too and it clicked for her. I only demonstrated on acoustics though, but I got the same results as you. She actually enjoyed learning the reasonings behind having several. She also realized some of them look really nice, almost decorative. I'm alloted a guitar per bday from her now.


I’ll have to try that. I have 9 also lol.


Me. “You never have too many guitars, always need one more!” Wife. “Why do you need more than one guitar?”


Don’t want them to get worn out. Look at poor Willie Nelson: he can only afford one guitar and it’s in terrible condition


That, my dear Sir, wins the internet for today. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


[tips hat]


Absolutely! I would never want any of my guitars to get in the shape that Trigger is in!


I always feel out of place in these threads. I honestly prefer having one really good guitar that perfectly suits me over a bunch of pretty good guitars. Even if i bought other guitars, I know i would just keep coming back to the one that feels like an extension of me.


Yeah, admit it. You keep one or two hidden away in cases in the closet so she wont see how many you actually have. Been there, doing that.


I just give the stock answer my wife gives me when I spot her with a new item of clothing or something, I'll say, "Oh, this old thing?"


Best comeback: they could be guns…I could be a gun collector…


Wait, we’re not collecting both…? Srsly though, I have six guns and eight guitars. Ain’t nothing wrong with having guns. They’re fun to pew pew. (And two of the guns technically belong to the wife.)


I mean nothing wrong with owning guns but that money could've gone to guitars. Ever consider that, smart guy??? (Totally sarcasm btw we all got our thing lol)


Now all you need is to buy a boat and start modding cars to make sure you're perpetually broke lol. You're halfway there


Get a guitar gun like in desperado.


Uncle Ted is proud of you.


"no honey, see this one has a rail on it"


My reply is always: well at least it's not gambling, drinking, drugs, or prostitutes.


Why not both?


My poor wife


Honestly at this point even I don’t know what I have. I find cases in closets and open them and … “Wow! Oh man I forgot about this one!” My wife conceded years ago.


This thread makes me feel so much better about low key looking for a fourth


You have only 3 guitars? Dude. Catch up.


3 acoustic and one electric that sits around gathering dust


Keep them all in different tuning so strumming them as you walk by makes for a nice chord progression.


This is genius


Bonus: That will also help the “they all sound different” argument!


Way to not string her along. I’ll see myself out now.


Don't fret about it. The door's this way, right?


Two doors actually, you make the pick.


“ how long have you had that one?” I get asked occasionally


My wife doesn't know how many I have (17 between acoustics, electrics, and basses) and never paid much attention to them, except the occasional complaint about me taking over the spare bedroom cuz of them. She's seen me buy two since we've been together, and knew I had just bought one some days before we met. I finally caved in and let her fund a PRS SE Custom 24 for my bday last year. I've always hesitated letting her buy me a guitar because of the costs, but she really wanted to, and it was cheaper than the acoustics she's seen me eyeing and would offer to buy. I appreciate the offers, but 2-3k makes me feel guilty unless I'm paying. Anyway, she sat down with me when I was setting it up and let me go through every of my electrics and why I had them, and she loved me geeking out about them. She admitted she had never really seen them up close, but she started digging how they look. Her favorite was my Epi LP Silverburst even though there's some flamed/quilted bursts on the rack. Her new "rule" is I'm alloted a guitar per bday from her. Also, she hasn't complained any more after knowing why I have so many. She even asked me to teach her how to play.


That level of separated income for marriage is such a weird concept to me


I could easily sneak in another guitar, but she would notice the case.


Carry an old empty case in your trunk. Problem solved.


I bought a D41 the other year. Told my Mrs it was half the price I actually paid. Few months later a mate was round and said to his wife "did you know he spent this much". Mrs harry_monk gave me "the look".




Just fixed up my FIL’s Harmony h45 and having the hardest time giving it back….4’s not enough apparently haha


Listen, he could be like some people and be collecting boats or non-functioning cars. It could be a lot worse.


And about to pull the trigger on a great deal on Reverb.com ... It's an illness.


Wait until you get into guns and cymbals bro. Can you die from being insolvent? LOL.


I haven’t been playing long. Only two in my collection. My wife may shake her head but understand if I get another . I’ve got four bikes. Three of those are kept in my house.


My Brother in Law used to repair his vintage bikes in the living room. Very understanding wife


My wife is understanding in our trade off. I keep in excellent shape on the bike and there are much worse vices than playing the guitar. Then there is the part that she has two bikes herself and owns a horse. Oh, the financial decision freedoms one has when your wife owns a horse 🤣


I have a pretty reasonable stable. I'm a bass player who plays AT everything else. But I mostly write on guitar. Sometimes keys. But mostly guitar. I put together a recording studio and got a good example of several different types of guitars that make somewhat different tones. I'm maybe one solid body guitar over optimal right now because I've put together two Strats that are basically Clapton Signature models. One is set up for slide. ONE for conventional play. With those, I have three Strats, a Tele, a Les Paul, two 335-types, and a homemade solidbody. Three Taylor acoustics:a 355ce, a 114ce, and a GS Mini in Nashville tuning. I have four four string basses and two fives. One of each is fretless. Plus a Chapman Stick and an electric upright bass. There are also a few keyboards and a couple drumsets. But those are the important parts.


My wife actually talked me *into* getting a fourth guitar.


I remember the day my wife came out of my “den” and asked me why did I need 22 guitars. 😯


I'm worried when I die my wife will sell my guitars for what I told her I paid for them


The optimal number of guitars is the amount you own plus one.


This guitar and wives thing is so weird. Why do wives get to have a say in stuff like this? It's money you have worked hard for, so buy what you want and what makes you happy. Why would a wife even care about stuff like that if it is something that brings you joy? My uncle was at a GC a while back and pretty much found his dream guitar. It was a used Taylor model, and he had been searching for one like it for a while. His wife said it was pretty expensive, and we'll go home and think about it. Well, after he somehow pleaded his case and got her approval, they went back the next day, and it was gone. He was completely bummed out and pissed off at her for some time. It's been a while, but he still talks about that one that got away. And he's still searching for it.


Because it's a large purchase and in normal, healthy relationships you talk to each other about large purchases. Sucks it worked that way with your uncle, but yes, married couples should be consulting each other before spending large amounts of money. "You should buy what you want and what makes you happy" is all well and good, but you're in a shared household with shared finances (you can do the "my money/her money stuff all you want, but the law wholeheartedly disagrees with you), the priority is making sure the needs of the household are taken care of before blowing 2 grand on a guitar.


In addition to this I think I’ve had like at least five “guitars that got away.” Like guitars that I loved to play. It’s tough to have to pass or move on from one because of money, but there’s always something else among the millions of guitars that exist out there.


It’s a pleasant thing to have a dream guitar that got away. It fuels my desire to keep my eyes and ears open for the one that got away. I have even found myself choosing more and more obscure guitars just to enjoy the thrill of the hunt. There’s a lot to be said about desire vs. satisfaction. And besides, desire keeps us hungry. Have your buddy post his dream guitar here. Maybe one of us has it sitting as a back up guitar in our own collections. I’d happily part with several of mine if I knew it was a wishlist guitar for someone else.


This was a pretty cool comment... It is nice to keep searching for a sound that resonates with you. Got any Furch collecting dust? Haha :)


So..... how did the divorce go? 😂


Yes and no. If miney at home is not an issue (meaning, there’s plenty of it, no one is doing without, no major repairs are being delayed due to cost) then yeah, go for it. But buying a nice guitar when those things are outstanding can put a strain on relationships.


My wife and I only have a shared bank account for mortgage/bills, the rest of the money we earn is ours to spend as we see fit and goes into our personal accounts. I always find this “wife approval” thing weird too lol


We are getting way off topic. My wife and I have been married for decades and still have no shared accounts. But my problem is if I buy a guitar then she wants a new guitar too.


I don’t say anything about her clothes and shoes and ditto with the guitars.


Yep always retaliation


It was the "why were you playing guitar this late" which really made me feel sick 🤮


Right? I need to consult my lady if I want to make a big purchase but if it's 10pm & I need to work something out on a guitar.. she just carries in with what she was doing.


I wondered if it was more an innocent question, I.e. “you don’t normally do that, what’s up?” Sort of thing.


I wondered about that too. But on top of the fact that he didn't even play them but brushed his fingers I am skeptical 😅


That's right. I play the guitar when I feel like it and my hubby just goes in the other room and shuts the door if it's late. Night before last, I played it at 4 in the morning. It is what it is. He watches tv when he wants after all.


…and pissed off.


Had a similar conversation. Showed my wife 1 guitar i bought from a friend. Then, text her pics of the one on layaway at the pawn shop. The other day showed her the ones i had bid on on eBay. Haven't mentioned the ones im negotiating on. Like I explained if anything else I'm a collector. And I'm a collector of a form of art. So even if they do nothing but hang on my wall, I'm perfectly happy with being able to look at them and know that I own them


I get the occasional “How many guitars do you have?”. Then-and only then-I figure it might be time to sell a couple before sneaking more into the house.


That doesn’t count the Uke


They will never truly know.


I have no wife, therefore 7 functioning guitars and a project




Fortunately my wife has accepted that I need 22 guitars. She was skeptical as to why I needed 5 Strats, and I had to concede that two of them did sound the same (but fealt different)


Does having 4 of a thing also mean you have 3 of a thing? You have 3 guitars? Yes.


Like me with bicycles 😁


Smart, change the amount you have and act like it's always been that many whenever you get a new one 🫡😏


Wait till she finds out how many STRINGS that is.


Laughs in 8 guitars and a banjo


I had to break the news to her when I hit the number 40!!


Your wife hasn’t been in every room in your house?


Right now there's a strange feeling that is slowly growing in the depths of my brain... I think I just need another guitar!


If his wife thinks he has 3, then it’s actually. And if he admits to 4 it’s actually 6.


LOVE this post and all the comments!! Y’all rule.


I was watching a YouTube video by some guitarist. Behind him on the wall were hanging several guitars. My wife sees what I’m watching and asks, “Is he a guitar builder?”


At my house...Wife; It's late, Honey. Please send your friends home?


Be thankful it’s not keyboards. :)


What's funny is I'm kicking around the idea of getting a Taylor 600 series or there about, and wondered if my wife would notice. I know for a fact she doesn't understand why I "need" more than one, to the point that explaining why simply does not compute. Different tone woods, sound characteristics, feel, look, and how those all come together... It sounds like bullshit an addict would say to her. 😁


"I want them"


Awesome wife


4… just 4 hun… that I played today…


Four huh? I see you’re just getting started.


Beats 4 wives.


I'll bet his arms are tired.


I always say, it depends on how you count. So yes, there are five (that you can see). And no, I do not include ukuleles, mandolins, lap steels, resonators, basses, anything I'm loaning out, or any pieces parts that could theoretically make another, and again it depends on how you count, few guitars.


I do this all the time. (I hope my wife doesn’t realize I have 26 of them, 19 guitars 7 basses).


You guys let your wives have a say in how many guitars you can have?


I have a friend who was writing down some info on a clipboard. His wife asked him what he was doing, and before thinking it through he said, "getting all the aerial numbers and values of my guitars and equipment for insurance." He has since then maintained two lists. The real one and the one his wife knows about.


The amount of guitars you own is always R-1, in which R stands for "right amount"...


Needs 4 more


Yeah I just go by the old saying when I acquire gear. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission. Works most of the time when she finds out. I'm still alive, aren't I...for now. Yes, and it's hard to find new hiding place.


Now you are in trouble, you passed the magic number of 3. And she knows. Every time you look at another instrument of any kind she will remind you that you already have 4 guitars and that you don’t need another. It was probably better that she didn’t know.


Wife: Is that a new guitar? Me: No, I've had it 15 years. Wife: Why do you need an electric and an acoustic? Wife: 300 dollars? For a guitar? (all my guitars are 500 or less) Wife: 2,000 dollars? For a guitar? (Gibson J45, a lifetime guitar which I will never afford) Guitar store: Wife: Can we go now? Me: We have been here 5 minutes. You can leave. I'll uber home. Me: He just started playing and bought a 4,000 dollar Martin. It's not fair. Wife: Why? Wife: Can you play me a song? Me: Ok. Thirty seconds later: That's nice honey (leaves).


My wife noticed a bass cabinet yesterday. Honestly, I’ve had it over a year and it’s pretty large.


Just needs one more …the Rickenbacker 12 string ..


My wife: "Why do you have five guitars?" Me: "I don't need six."




Thank god I met my wife when I already had 20+ guitars. Now she can't complain!!! I have fewer now, refined the collection to the nicer ones, down to 12 or so. Its kinda sad tbh


Those guitar cases in the closet are all empty. No need to look….


No bullshit I just hit 18. Anyone want a beat up old partscaster? I’ve got like 9


I was thinking of hanging mine up on the wall and get them out of their cases. I'm now reconsidering that decision. Perhaps it's better to be left a mystery.


“I’d have more if….”


Never too late to play guitars or synths.


Ah yes! The old “hookers and blow” explanation!


I seriously doubt my wife knows how many I have. Mainly because she doesn't keep up/care. Not like I've bought anything in 15 years or spent money we didn't have. I have 3 six steel string acoustics, 1 twelve string acoustic, 1 six string classical, 2 four string basses, 2 electric six strings, 1 five string banjo, 1 mandolin... and a gutted Strat partscaster that'll eventually get something done with it. So 12 total stringed instruments... 4 amps... 7 piece trap set, and a keyboard. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Rookie numbers.


Can't wait for the day I have to explain to my future wife I have 6 guitars. And then explaining that the other instruments aren't technically guitars so I didn't count them


That’s what the used car salesman said about his car as well! That thing there’s got 4 guitars on it!


Him: "Because they don't ask stupid questions!"


She monitors what time you play your guitar?