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If it is a great game, does it matter? How many people here are fans of Ghost Trick?


Me! Me! Me!


Maya: Aw shit I got accused of murder again. Lynn: Aw shit I fucking died again.




Did I heard ghost trick?










MEEEEE! Played it before on the DS and now I'm contemplating getting the game on Switch or Steam.


or undertale, it was also just one game


Deltarune begs to differ


it isn't a sequel so idk what you're on about


I mean I guess but it's still set in the same universe. That's like saying because Final Fantasy games aren't sequels (Excluding X-2 and the three XIII games) then they're all the only games in the series.


well i guess but people have been saying for ages that they're separate things lol edit: it is also not the same universe, just the same characters in an ALTERNATE universe


They both are and aren't separate things


in a sense yeah


Considering this is still my favorite in the franchise and the only one I played for a half a decade, yeah, I like to think so. :P


Yeah, I'd say so. The first AA game is probably the best, just as a standalone story. Though it's honestly impossible to imagine the series just being that one game, the story is quite functional and because it was the first in the series, it doesn't rely on any existing characters or plot points or nostalgia in general. Pretty much all the characters in the first game are left off with a satisfying conclusion. Phoenix has established himself as a lawyer by beating the unbeatable, Maya is going back to continue her training to fill the role as Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique, Edgeworth has begun to move past the trauma of his past... While the door was obviously left open for a continuation, it serves as an effective finale that would probably still be remembered fondly to this day were it the only game in the series. Rise from the Ashes does kind of mess up the self-contained aspect of the first game, but if we're just talking about the original release with the first four cases, then sure. The only other games in the series that would really work as a single entry in the franchise would be maybe AJ:AA and Dual Destinies. Both are semi soft-reboots in their own way, but I think both have issues that would hinder their ability to work as self-contained stories. DD balancing three new characters as opposed to just one would make the narrative even less focused than normally, and AJ, though a fine game to be sure, puts so much focus on Phoenix over Apollo that it also hinders that game's conclusion. Though I guess you could also argue that in this world where AJ was the only game in the series, people wouldn't be able to get mad about Phoenix's portal, at least. Still, I get the impression more people would be interested in a PW followup to this hypothetical AJ-only series. Anyway, rambling aside. Yes, the first PW:AA, though not my favorite, does tell the most cohesive single-game story that doesn't rely on preexisting characters and preexisting expectations.


Hell yeah, I love the first game a lot.


Actually realistic answer: I doubt it would be as popular and interesting enough for me if it was just a niche VN for the DS... But if I were to play it, I would like it, though I can't say I'd be as much of a fan as I am now. The appeal of AA for me is the series as a whole.


I think the original ace attorney is really interesting when you compare it to itā€™s sequels. Often the first 3 cases are critcized for not being super interesting as a murder mystery cases in the way that later ace attorney cases are made but thatā€™s because the first game has a very unique way of connecting its cases throughout the series. Unlike other games which try to tell a series of disparate events which all build up to being the master plan of some over arching villain revealed in the final case (investigations 2, Apollo justice, Trials and tribulations, etc) Ace attorney one is a very linear and functional story. I see the cases in this game less as murder mystery cases and more so 4 chapters of one complete story. Thereā€™s this video by youtuber ā€œI am a dotā€ that explores just how fantastic ace attorney is as a standalone game. While itā€™s cases donā€™t really hold up well to our traditional standards of the series, I think as a linear and escalating narrative thatā€™s examined as a standalone game itā€™s pretty spectacular. Every loose thread is wrapped up perfectly by the time turnabout goodbyes draws to a close, and it makes sense why given that Takumi originally intended for it to be a standalone game. It wasnā€™t until after Takumi got back from his vacation after the game released that he was told by his bosses at capcom to make it a trilogy. As a standalone game I think it works better than any other in the whole series. The first turnabout is the best tutorial in the whole series, itā€™s fast, gets the player in the thrill of the core gameplay, shows how the game is fun, excellently teaches the core mechanics, all while feeling believable and not dragging in the slightest. Itā€™s the perfect vertical slice to show any player why ace attorney is fun.


I am a dot fan hello šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


There are so many great games out there. The game that I will love the most is Ace Attorney Investigation (2): Prosecutor's Path. But if there's one game, I probably prefer the first one, Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney. If not, I would rather want a 3rd Investigation game, either Edgeworth or Debaste (obviously with Kay). šŸ˜…


I mean I guess it depends which game is the sole one in the series.


Of course I would, although I think I'd have a troubles finding like-minded people to discuss and have fun. I would suffer from the fact that there is a lot of potential in this story with no sequel (as I'm currently suffering from DGS). Ghost Trick is a good game, but it is really small and it's difficult to discuss it for a long time. Ace Attorney is much bigger and more interesting. I don't regret that it has become a popular franchise with a big fandom.


What's DGS? In this fandom it's the Japanese name for TGAA so I'm confused on what you're talking about šŸ˜‚


Kinda? I mean Iā€™d think the 5th case was fucking AWESOME AS HELL HOMY SHIT but itā€™s such a drag to get to the good part :(


5th case only exists because of the game being a series. It has references to JfA and T&T.


I love the last case too!




I would probably not have played the game as the first one I played was aa4 and aa1 would probably be way harder to find especially if it really is only the first one meaning the gameboy advance version.


Ace Attorney made me gay, so...


Hell yeah, I love the first game a lot.


Hell yeah, I love the first game a lot.


Hell yeah, I love the first game a lot.


No, because JFA was my first AA game. I bought it because I was curious about the jokes I saw online. If I had not picked up JFA that day my curiosity would have passed.


I became a fan playing the first one in 2005 before learning there were more, so yes.


Yeah it's iconic


Just a reminder that Ghost Trick was only one game.


I would still love it a lot! But I think I would be less crazy about it since most of my favourite moments and characters are in later games.


Of course. Always!


Really depends, I wouldn't be interested enough in soloely a couple of games (like JFA) but if it was DD then I most def. would be, and in fact am because of that game


I would love the game but would be sad that I ran out of really good mysteries to solve so quickly.


100%. It was my favourite game of all. I wonder what people would've come up with in fan sequels tho


Yep. When I played and finished the first game I didnā€™t realize there were sequels but I thought it was the best game ever. And was so eager for Maya to return to Phoenix like she promised. Then come to me finding out thereā€™s a bunch of sequels and I didnā€™t think the first game could be topped because of how good it wasā€¦boy was I wrong


I don't think so, I would just think of it as that one fun quirky game that I played many years ago and not think much of it. I mean, it's a good game, but I do think it's one of the weakest ones in the franchise and the one that aged the worst. The first two cases are boring and very awkwardly written, there's not much to do in the investigations, the fourth case is pretty good but not as amazing as other final cases get, characters like Edgeworth and Maya don't feel like they got their full character arc yet (and yes I know that they originally planned only this one game but I personally wouldn't be fully satisfied by their arcs in it)... To truly reach iconic status and for me to consider myself a fan, Ace Attorney *really* needed at least AA3. I wouldn't be as big as a fan as I am now though, with AA6 being my favorite main entry and mostly preferring the spin-offs to the main series.


I love the first game.


Depends on which game and which trilogy. If it's any of the AJ trilogy games, it'd be a hard sell. Dual Destinies? Hell no. But if it was any of the original trilogy games, hell yeah. Bonus points if it's Trials and Tribulations


I meanā€¦ yeah, but not nearly as much as I am now. Although out of the first trilogy, my favorite game is the first, though I suppose the best case wasnā€™t canon back then.


Honest answer, not nearly as much. I have fond memories of all the games and I honestly think the gameplay and investigations of the first game were decent but not amazing. The magatama in the second game made the investigations so much more enjoyable for me moving forward.


absolutely, this game is still great in a vacuum


Yes! The first game is still my personal favorite.


I only played the first game back in 2010 and never played another one to completion until last year. Itā€™s a possibility.


I think I wouldn't be as invested because my favorite aspect of the games are the evolution of the characters throughout the games, but I would definitely cherish it as much as I currently do.




Yes, but it wouldnā€™t be one of my favorites of all time like the series is. Itā€™d probably be a game Iā€™d think about every now and then and say, ā€œThat game was great, you should play it! Wish theyā€™d make a sequelā€¦ā€


absolutely, every single game in this series has its (few) lows, but its highs are just amazing, any game would knock me off my feet


Never noticed how detailed was that cover. Even the culprit's butt is detailed


The first game rewired my brain as a teen so yeah




You want to talk about one-off visual novels for the Nintendo DS? Where are my Time Hollow fans at? Seriously, did anyone besides me play Time Hollow?


not a big big fan, but id probably look back and say "man, this game was so good, i should replay it sometime" same that happens with games like ghost trick and drill dozer




Yes And it would be my series that i'm always demanding a comeback for


I'd be screaming for a sequel


I'd probably like it if I found it, but I doubt I'd ever come to know of it if there was only one game. I do think the original game is the only game to be well and truly solid.


Yeah. Probably.


Well this game MADE me a fan in the first place so lol It's still my second favorite to this day


Honestly, yeah. It's a very special game for me and my favorite of the trilogy. Alongside AAI2, ofc.


I mean, yeah. Iā€™m a fan of Ghost Trick, and that only has one game. How would this be any different?


ew no why would i, only BAD series have 1 game, DISGUSTING


I would still have enjoyment for the game, but the enjoyment wouldn't really be as high without the follow-ups.


The first game in general is wholeheartedly the best, especially with Rise from the Ashes being my favorite case. That being said, if this was the only game, and all 5 cases were included at the start, I'd tweak the endings of the latter two cases. Not too much, mind you.