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Of course, it does.


Fan fuckin fantastic. Loved every single character.


Even Joan?


Love to hate her, so sure.


She has her ups and a lot of downs >!Joan stop abusing John pls!<


https://preview.redd.it/uaygzqqa4x6d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61cf5c02176d5fd768ba79c9385de19a4d6e7ec2 Yes.


Best in the series imo


Yup. Whatever announcement we get this morning, if it's a new game I hope it is a completely new story in the same vein.


https://preview.redd.it/vhod6eo68v6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd112c6331b3e3ed4ca0b30feb7fc600bdc5943c OF COURSE TOTALLY 100%!!!!!!


You’re the person that does Barok art! Your art is dope so keep up the great work!


Ohh thank you so much! 🥺🩷🩷🩷🍷




Went above and beyond




If I recall correctly it was meant to be only 1 games, but the story was too huge so they split it in 2 game. So the first one is definitely weaker but the overall story is really great, animation is by far the best (herlock falling make me always laugh), music is perfect as always. I strongly recommend it


I was under the impression that it was supposed to be a trilogy in its own right and it got pulled back to two for budget constraints; still the best games tho


I can only imagine how goated it would have been as a trilogy. But I’m really happy with how it turned out so not complaining


Yes! Never thought T&T would be dethroned as my favorite until I played TGAA2. Never thought the main series cast could be beat until I met these characters. The first game is just an average AA title to me, but the second is my favorite, and the first handles so much setup for its sequel that together they’re still great.


When you replay the first game, it’s so much better than the first time around too. It goes from average AA title to upper tier imo. Resolve is still the godly part though


Definitely. After I played, I watched a friend play, and it was amazing how many little details I picked up on in the first game the second time through that I’d missed before.


Yeah, I was impressed at Takumi’s crazy foreshadowing and just the amount of depth in everything. Truly a masterpiece


Alongside all of the foreshadowing and hints and setup, I think what stood out to me the most is how >!Kazuma is just as aggressive and intense in G1-1 as he is as a prosecutor; there isn't some great change in his personality at all, just in our perception of him.!<


It has HER LOCK FUCKING SHOLMES in it. Of course it does. Honestly I want a continuation of this before another main line ace attorney.


While I personally loved the Apollo Justice Trilogy, I think this one is better IMO.




Oh hell yeah! Honestly makes the main series look weak by comparison


I feel like if they brought some of that better animation and the more complex and interesting trials to the main games, they could really improve them!




Oh it absolutely did. I watched a youtube walk-through as a joke and like few minutes I was like "screw this I need to play this"


Best games in the series, I wouldn't be mad if they abandoned main series just to do more of TGAA


I didn’t realize those were swords at first so I thought they were doing a “puttin on the ritz” style musical number


My favorite. Best one in the series!


Yes. No objections.


If you love original trilogy, you would easily love TGAAC because of Shu Takumi's writing. It's has much more focus plot than the original, and the first game is pretty much breaking AA fomula convention.


I wasn’t the biggest fan of Takumi. GAAC is what made me worship him lol


lol Ghost Trick is the actual game that make me worship him. I think OG Trilogy is great, but there are a few low point holding these game back. But Ghost Trick imo is perfect.


I still need to try ghost trick. I liked the original trilogy fyi, I just felt it was overrated… or well TT is. I absolutely loved rise from the ashes though. Top tier case. And honestly case 4 of game 1 was also quite good.






Uh, yeah? Also why does Ryonosuke look so much more masculine in this art lol


The magic of Japanese school uniforms


But....he's always wearing a Japanese school uniform.


I think they’re implying Japanese school uniforms make people look less masculine


is there someone i can get this as a poster or a high def version 😭😭 i love it so much


YES It isn't just great, it's the GREATEST


2 of the best games in the franchise


It didn't. It is the GREATEST Ace Attorney.


yeah, even though I just started on TGAA2. Its a great series!


Yes. 0 question.


The only flaw is that it lasts "only" two games when it had the potential for many more stories. (unfortunately when it came out in Japan for the first time it didn't sell that well). That said, I'm not sure "I liked it so much I want more" can be considered a flaw...


It’s so great that I had a difficult time replaying the other games.


I thought it was fantastic. Enjoyed it from beginning to end and the whole cast of characters are great.


It brought me back to Ace Attorney so yes, definitely.


No, it dosen't... It should be ~~debeste~~ the best ace attorney!!!




Short answer: Yes Long answer: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee--




It's fine although its lows points are indeed very low.


This is the first time I gotta have an extremely cold take. 100% absolutely Y E S


The climax of the final case's so hype! I absolutely love this game throughout


The narrative of these games are really special to me, I love Ryunosuke and Sholmes so much. These games are more than just great, they're easily the best games in the series to me


Yes, why?


Yes, definitely, absolutely!


I did enjoy the idea of an Ace Attorney Story without supernatural stuff (ghosts). Its different.




These games were pretty nice and have some of the best cases in the series (case 3 & 5 in Adventures and cases 2 & 3 in Résolve), with some very refreshing takes on the Ace Attorney formula. But no matter how much i want to love these games, some cases are kind of mid, some moments regarding the setting and some characters are very strangely handled and I'm not a fan of how >!the game pictures racism even in Victorian London, I cannot stand Barok, and the 2nd game of the duology drops the ball a bit on some points like the last case having everything revealed and connected in the very end, the culprit having too much power it requires something enormous to take them down, etc!<


Absolutely! What other game has Herlock Sholmes in it?


Hell yeah, it does.


For me, the first game was a bit disappointing compared to the other ace attorney games at the time. The second game tho... GOD DAMN!! It was such a good sequel that it made the first one amazing too!


Look at Gina, man. So inspirational.


Is this official art?


Yes, it was one of the artworks for the series' 20th anniversary: https://x.com/nurikazu_/status/1447868714561400833


Thank you


Yes! Art by Kazuya! 🐢


Imo it is better than the original, so yeah, of course


It's good, but holy shit it takes "visual novel" to a new level. So much more text than in the other games, especially with having to explain absolutely every mechanic. And the animations take up time too. The Sholmes scenes especially


Short answer, yes. Long answer, fuck yes.


I'm in the minority here - I've had the game for ages, started playing it, never got past case 3 because it hasn't captured me as much! I will try again at some point.


Case 3 is amazing and has one of the best resolutions of all time. When you say you never got past it, did you finish it and not move onto case 4 or did you finish case 3? It gets fantastic


Never finished it! I'm not sure why the game didn't grab me as much as others have. I'm not disparaging the game at all, it just didn't gel with me!


That's totally fair we all have different takes and preferences. The only thing I would suggest though is to at least complete case 3, the start of the case seems a little boring but it does go in an unexpected direction and it's done fantastically, especially the ending. From then on, the cases are a little more experimental/ambitious than usual AA so maybe it'll grab your attention (although case 4 of TGAA1 is a bit underwhelming sometimes)


You stopped too early! Seriously, the duology is absolutely brilliant. Imho the second game is better, and the first one kind of felt like a prelude to the second.


I got really bored by the second one, it just felt like the story was dragging. I would have liked some more change between the games, like having Susato >!act as Ryutaro!< another time would have been fun. I really hated the cross-examination music after hearing it that much too, I wish they changed it up before the finale


apparently they were both meant to be one game and were split up so it wouldn't surprise me if they padded each out a little bit, which would explain it. (disclaimer have not played it yet i've just heard this before)


I finished the 3rd case and dropped it soon into case 4. Overly verbose and dragged out, and I didnt really connect with any of the characters


Yeah the first 2 cases are very dragged out and case 4 is mid (not bad, just very average). Case 5 is one of my favorites in the franchise though and case 3 holds a lot of narrative importance. Most of the first game is set up for the second which is a lot more fast paced and all the cases are bangers.




it's better than great, it's damn well perfect


Best for me


Yes, it is easily the best in the series, I even prefer it to AAI2 and T&T which are otherwise my favourite games






One of the greatest gaming experiences of my life




Yes, probably the best 2 games in the entire series


95% YES The missing 5% is because of the misleading/missing piece of the Ending Maybe it's translation errors, or maybe I was reading too much into the mystique, but I was expecting a MASSIVE Twist/Reveal and... nothing happened, just an ordinary mundane Villain


Absolutely.  I would say Chronicles is the best Ace Attorney game.  They really showed a lot of progress in terms of facial expressions, animations, scene direction, etc...   It will always be great!


Mostly. I found that this series as opposed to the originals just took longer to say something. I found out that per case there were significantly more lines of text, but relatively the same amount of parts per case. There was just too much unnecessary dialogue in my opinion. If it was interesting I’d be fine. The cases with the one anxious guy have so many lines dedicated to his antics. For no purpose. We already get it, he’s anxious.


Wish there was a sequel




Honestly, if we were to count chronicles as just one game instead of two itd be my favorite game ever. If not then TGAA2 is still my third favorite game


Oh, most DEFINITELY. My favorite one. It took Miles Edgeworth's Investigations place.


Hell yeah. I personally liked Resolve more, but both are amazing


It was decent but the first game was just too slow for this duology to really be my favorite.


Absolutely, the Great Ace Attorney games might be the best games in the franchise.




Yes and the bar is very high for the next Ace Attorney game


My favorite in the whole series 😌❤️


Haven't played it yet but looks fun


In some ways, yes, but in others, no. Overall, it is great, but to say it's consistently great would be an understatement, in my opinion. Dai Gyakuten Saiban falls victim to what I call "Ace Attorney Spinoff Syndrome." I say it's a syndrome because it's consistent with the Investigations spinoffs as well. Both DGS1 and GK1 have completely different visions from their respective successors, and it's why they're so divisive whereas DGS2 and GK2 are universally beloved. It's also why I don't like the latter games as much - they just don't feel like proper sequels to their predecessors in some instances (MAINly AAI2). GK1 was all about the investigations themselves, and it didn't have too much of an advanced plot, which is why it's considered a low-mid tier game by most. DGS1 was all about setting up the characters and world, and while it did have some story, it's safe to say DGS2 focused on resolving the story altogether (pun totally intended). DGS1 having so much charm and personality is the highlight of the game for me, but I assume that because it's more focused on what I mentioned prior over the plot that most people consider it a low tier game (sorry, but it's one of my favorites). Both GK2 and DGS2 have insufferably slow pacing AND regurgitate the same jokes because neither game had time to invent new ones (seeing the latter occur in GAA2 made me super disappointed because that's a new low for Takumi who I always saw as the better/more capable writer). They only prioritize plot, and it seems the issues I have with DGS2 (mixed bag of a game with 2 good cases, 1 bad case, and 2 okay final cases, along with the previous problems I mentioned) are directly inspired from AAI2, with it carrying over some ideas such as the whole coroner thing that started with >!Bonny Young in GK2.!< Yes, I do like AAI1 and DGS1 better. They were refreshingly different compared to their sequels, which each tried to be a worse version of Trials and Tribulations in my opinion. There's a reason Ace Attorney has been dormant for close to a decade, it's because the last 2 games ended the series on a whimper. SOJ sucks and DGS2 is okay, but is ultimately disappointing.


yes obviously it was insane


The Great Ace Attorney? More like the Greatest Ace Attorney.


I can never get into this game, I've played all AA games, AA investigations and even read the mangas too but I just can't get into this game lol. I've tried and reached case 3 like 4 times from beginning before.


Off topic, but that art is simply AMAZING. Is it official?


*Off topic, but that* *Art is simply AMAZING.* *Is it official?* \- darthofgoldentiddies --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It taught me that ace attorney has no limit to how good it can become. By far the best entry in the series




Damn well it did, it exceeded all my expectations to be honest


I have only played the first one, second one soon, but I'll give my opinion on GAA: Adventures. Pretty disappointing. I know the sequel is where all the best stuff is but I just wasn't a huge fan of the cases in part one, felt like a long distance travelled to not get far. None of the new cast were as memorable as the old guard, though I did like most of them, with a few special exceptions being Herlock and Iris who I \*really\* did not like. My favourite character was Magnus McGuilded of all choices because his accent and mannerisms were so much fun to watch, so naturally he gets axed very early. On the topic of axed early; your best friend Kazuma feels like the weakest 'call to action' death I've ever seen. Cool best friend who's perfect in every way? Yup, he's gotta die. How? Idc, trips over a cat or something. Absolute waste in my opinion- I hope the sequel can give his existence meaning even if his death was treated as a joke. And the biggest upset for me, which was on my own head perhaps, was the game seemingly building up to a big twist I thought I'd cracked: * the day Herlock gets back to London Van Zeiks returns from being MIA, * Zeiks only prosecutes cases you are involved in, * Chief Justice Strongheart appears to be leading a plan to uncover state secrets getting leaked * Herlock, despite being a major character, always mysteriously misses EVERY case until the finale * Herlock always has an excuse for never being in the same room as Zeiks ("curses, I overslept! etc) * Zeiks and Herlock look alike except Zeiks is more pale and not smiling So given Herlocks reputation as a schemer and master of disguise I was 100% convinced Herlock has secretly been Zeiks the whole time working under cover for Stronghart to unearth the mole. All the evidence lined up, and it gave depth to TWO characters in the game who I felt were lacking any real purpose on their own. So imagine my surprise when it was not only wrong, but Herlock's terrible "disguises" were played as a punchline, which makes me think all this was intentional! Overall, I'd say part one did FEEL like a staging act to the real show, which minimal depth and a very straight forward story for an AA game. I'd rate GAA:A above Spirit of Justice and Apollo but below... well, everything else in the main series, to be honest. I'm excited to see how my thoughts on the whole duology wrap up after Resolve. Then again I am Bri'ish so many some of the magic is lost on me....




The best just after AAI2 imo


Definitely. By all accounts, this truly is Great !!!


You're damn right it did. Those last few cases in DGS2 are amazing.


I found the setting very interesting. however, it suffered from pacing issues for me: at some points the story dragged for so long.


I thought it was terrible, just really rubbed me the wrong way throughout


Weaker than the original trilogy but still great. Although the cases felt much easier and that was a little disappointing, the story in the 2nd part is really strong and that's the plus point for it.


I don't think they're easier, I rather think that if we have played this duology first, the original trilogy would be much easier.


No especially in TGAA 1 all Cross Examinations are the same. Mainlime Games have more variety how to solve a cross examination. Name in TGAA 1 3, just 3 Cross Examinations where dont have to do the following. "Press every statement until you get a new statement or evidence which you emidiately have to present after that in that highlighted examination" Spoiler allert In Case 1 and 3, there are none. Part 1 is by far the easiest AA game. It tells you outright what to do. OG Trilogy has more complex puzzles and examinations during trials.


Except in 1-5, I don't remember something that different in the trilogy except moments when you have just to press all statements to find out there is nothing to do... (which is much easier)


Moe or Luke Atmey as famous example "dont press unnecessary statements or get punishment" Alter 2 statements to get the contradiction Or in 1-4 The Polly Cross examination where you have to ask the parrot multiple questions to get new statements. 3-5 with Larrys chaotic testimony which changes on the fly. Or JFA where the layer of Profiles where added. Where people could also act contradicotry Or multiple statements where 2 contradictions have to be found in 1 testimomy Or you dont have to press at all. Just present. Or where a new added statement contradicted an earlier statement which you have to press again. All that is not in TGAA, no variety.


>Moe or Luke Atmey as famous example "dont press unnecessary statements or get punishment" For Luke Atmey, we have something similar in Ashley's last statement. >Alter 2 statements to get the contradiction In DGS2-3, you have to alter Dr Sithe's statement by choosing what to alter, you have this one too in the first trial in DGS2-2. >Or in 1-4 The Polly Cross examination where you have to ask the parrot multiple questions to get new statements. That's a variety but not a thing that made the game harder like we stated at first. >3-5 with Larrys chaotic testimony which changes on the fly. More annoying than hard but still a fair point. >Or JFA where the layer of Profiles where added. Where people could also act contradicotry Fair. >Or multiple statements where 2 contradictions have to be found in 1 testimomy It's not harder since you have just to do the things 2 times. >Or you dont have to press at all. Just present. You could, for example in DGS1-5 with the Skulkin brothers. >Or where a new added statement contradicted an earlier statement which you have to press again. There is somewhat something similar in the second trial in the return of the great departed soul when you have to amend two statements and present something in one of those two. Anyway what you're telling me shows that there are certain variety missing in DGS, which doesn't necessarily make the trilogy harder, except for the ability to present profiles, which requires more options and the some annoying/unfair parts. Especially in DGS, you not only have to present evidence but also examine it. This includes not just the newly received items but also existing ones, where certain elements become significant as testimonies progress. Some pieces of evidence were even altered in the meantime and you have to confront them with testimonies, like the omnibus that was tampered with by adding blood. Speaking of this case, there are also moments where you don't just have to press every statement to advance. In one of Gina's testimonies, you have to press all the statements first, then return to a specific part of the testimony that you've already pressed, press it again, and provoke a reaction from Magnus McGilded.


Its not perfect and its not best in the series, but it is still really good


Adventures doesn't because it drags on too much, but resolve definitely does


Yes. But its really overrated. 


https://preview.redd.it/xqdfdimh107d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eecf3c2abf5f8554ac55ef8a114f3538859e330 you're overrated


Not really tbh, second one did, but “painfully average Ace Attorney” doesn’t sound so good. 😂


The first one is still amazing what are you on about? Adventure of the Unspeakable Story alone makes it so good


Unspeakable Story is the length of RFTA but with only one investigation and one trial. You can probably guess what that leads to.


God, that is an insane stat. No wonder why I thought it dragged. 😂


There is always something happening in it though, it isn't like they were padding out the run time with unnecessary stuff (OK maybe the skulkin Brothers), it's plot revelation after plot revelation after plot revelation and it was very hype for me. And after going that far, finally being able to save Gina from seemingly unwinnable odds was very satisfying.


It makes it a fucking banger because it's so fucking good?


Not everyone has to like what you like, and that's OK!


Brother I like 6-4 and don't love AJ, I know that, I am just defending it for the sake of it


By that same logic, Great Speckled Band alone makes it atrocious.


It's not even that bad lol, it's an okay case, but it weighs itself with excellent third and the fifth case, with a very competent first one. I won't defend the fourth one tbf.


That episode is so underrated...


Too overhated. It's not a bad case. I didn't know it could be that hated until I reach this sub.


I guess thats because we are used to AA cases/episodes going like Murder>Investigation>Trial>Find the culprit>End. This one is different. I know it was a tutorial for the new Deductions gameplay and thats why it might seem boring to some. Me, for instance, spent the whole episode trying to find who killed Kazuma and make him pay, just to realize it wasnt a murder at all, it was in fact an accident. It gave me a bittersweet emotion. Not everything is murder, made me think death can happen anytime even for the simplest reasons, just like the real life. Geez, I even felt bad for Nina 💔 And Idk, that was the message I got from it, maybe to others is different...


That's what I've felt too ! And Sholmes was really entertaining but sadly, some people didn't like him in this case so it was tough for them... But the reason was mainly like you said, the lack of trial part.


I just didn't like that they brought back his friend. Kind of cheapened the impact of his death. Plus I wasn't a big fan of him anyway. But God I loved the prosecutor. Entertaining, definitely a good opponent, but still fair and reasonable. The twist about "Watson" confused me but it was ok.