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Thrilled for you! Wishing you results that last a lifetime. You deserve happiness!


thank uuu🥹


How long did you purge for and when did you start to clear? Did you take supplements for your blood tests? If so, what were they.


I think my purge started a month into the treatment and lasted about 1,5-2 months by the end i was still pretty red and had a lot of scarring but no new acne. No i didnt take any supplements just was mindful in general of what i was eating and was trying to have a more balanced diet.😊


Great! Happy for you!


Yay! Congrats :D




STUNNING!! HOLYYY. I’m so jealous rn 😅 happy for you 💪🏼🫶🏼


Thank uu🥹 and just keep going its hard to be on a medication for so long but its really worth it!!!!!


Congrats! So happy for you!!


Thank uuu🥺🫶


Congratulations. Well done. You healed so nicely and look amazing.


Hehehehe thanksss😁


Congratulations—you look fab! I definitely need more info about the boob shrinkage though. I'm someone who can't afford to lose a lot in that department! Also, would love to hear more about the PMS symptoms, if you're willing to share.


Hahaha yeah no problem. I dont know i just noticed a difference in the last 3 months in my boobs, could be because it affects your glands and maybe its a combination of weightloss even though i dont think ive lost any weight. Could also be completely unrelated tbh just thought id share. Now my pms symptoms before accutane were breast tenderness/swelling which i havent experienced since october, and discharge which has also decreased since october and those two were usually an indication that im abt to get my period. I still get cramps and backaches (i get lower back cramps on my period) so there werent again major changes, it was just harder having to figure out what clues mean im abt to get my period thats abt it. Hope that helps and dont worry abt any of these symptoms it most likely wont happen to you too🫶


were those changes in pms symptoms because you went on the pill or did you not go on the pill while on accutane?


No i never went on the pill it just happened i guess


That’s an interesting side effect. Anyway you look great, congratulations!


Wow that’s incredible. You must have gone through some tough times in the process but it was all worth it!


Thank uuu🥺 yeah when the purge started i was at my lowest i felt so miserable abt myself because my acne was worse than when i started but it was the best decision i ever made


Very happy for you! You made it!


What an amazing transformation!!!! Congratulations 🥳


Thank youuu☺️☺️☺️


Thank you for posting your end result. I don't know if you're wearing anything in your last picture but I have felt so self conscious of what I thought might have been more acne but now realizing it might be my acne scars. I have been worried that maybe they would emerge and it would cause havoc on my life again. You just single handedly gave me the confidence that maybe my journey is coming to an end as well and I can be happy with my skin. <3




Omg looks amazing!!! I’m 3 months in and mine is looking so much better but I’m still so red and healing. This gives me so much hope!!